• khaled
    I don't think this is physics specific. You can ask "Why" forever in any field and best you will get is circular logic.
  • Chris1952Engineer

    I agree with you 100%.
    I have owned the book: Feynman's Thesis and his new approach to Quantum Theory.
    edited by Laurie M. Brown ISBN 981-256-366-0 for many years now.

    Richard possessed an enviable insight.

    physics could never say why nature behaves as it does, only how.jgill
    Attributed Richard Feynman ???

    Cannot seem to find it. Looked @https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/richard-p-feynman-quotes

    However I do believe YOU are 100% right with that STATEMENT-"meme grouping" WHEREVER it came from: !!!

    You have provided me with some Very\-valuable.......................................Insight/+information.

    Can I offer a "meme group"- idea of my own in Exchange\payment?

    Physics can never "say" WHY because it's "language" is mathematics.
    A medium developed from individual RelationShip\s with a 4D larger Physical Reality that we all seek to change/- Control +\ connect with through g/G\'s force in order to benefit ourselves and our genes as individuals.

    Thank you. :up:
    AND to quote Hughie Green (look him up). I mean this most sincerely, folks. :starstruck:

    Flaw one. (source: R Feynman - + Chris1952Enginner)
    Physics is a purely descriptive medium employing the language of mathematics.
    The mirror on Reality it provides will always require:
    translation-/Interpretation\+evaluation through "Scientific Method" to Validate\-Experimentalt+\virtual Theories against individual-memes+realities.
  • jgill
    The quote is on page ten of QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, R. Feynman, Princeton University Press, 1985. It's in the introduction by Feynman. The book is a redacted version of a series of lectures Feynman gave at UCLA as part of the Alix C. Mautner Memorial Lecture series. :cool:
  • Chris1952Engineer

    Hi Banno

    Apologies for the delay in answering.
    Your post of a f/F\fact??? is giving me a problem. :confused:

    Try this:

    How do you know that physics is:

    There could be several reasons WHY physicists could have a full "data set"and yet be unable to provide a UNIFIED VIEW: A "why-/WHY\+why" derived from the WHAT and HOW of a larger 4Dimensional Physical Reality we all seek to change-/Control\+connect with through g/G force\s in order to benefit our genes and ourselves as individuals.

    Does that make sense to you ????
  • Chris1952Engineer

    Hi Great to hear from you again.
    Have corrected the attribution for "Flaw one".

    Have Question for YOU (if you're willing?).

    Do you believe mathematics is capable of truly modelling a 4Dimensional r/-R+\reality when it is fundamentally a 2 d-Dimensional Virtual Reality?
  • Banno
    Hm. Your style detracts from the legibility of your posts.

    Would you be surprised that an explanation of American voting regimes does not explain the structure of ant hills in South Australia?

    Would you look for a better explanation of ant hills by filling in the detail of the voting system in California?

    Why should physics ever be "complete"?
  • jgill
    Math is not inherently two dimensional, although that's how the student is initially introduced to the subject. For example, college calculus normally follows a pattern established by what used to be a prerequisite course in 2-D: Analytic Geometry. But I think there are universities that begin calculus in n-dimensions. Or, I know that's been attempted. However, high school students work generally in 2-D since it is easier to visualize and thus convey principles and doesn't require complicated spatial intricacies.

    Traditionally, pen and paper were the instruments of discovery and promulgation of mathematical knowledge. These days there is much math done in n-dimensions or infinite dimensions.
  • Chris1952Engineer
    in 2-D since it is easier to visualize and thus convey principlesjgill

    You are Right!!!!
    Got it the wrong way r/R\round !!!
    ................................... :sad:

    It is NOT math that is a Duality.
    Math is a MULTIVERSE : a Translation Matrix just like the mIrroR !!

    Thank You 1. Thank You 2. Thank You 3..d/D\d 4? 5? 6?............ISBN 978-0-521-54266-1 Paperback.
    .................................................................... :cool: ......c|C|change-g|G|g+s|S|stability = r-/|\R\|/+reality?
    The p/P\product...................................o-Form+function............RealDiference AND PotentialdifferenZes.

    BECAUSE the only options open to ANY PHYSICAL ENTITY are:
    Move-back+forth in Space : Transition up /OR\ down in energy.

    Origin: Mundells roundabout WGC. 2002. Source UoH = MCY+CAY-g\|/G/|\+g-?x+jgill
    Does this ALL make sense to you?

    It does to me NOW . thAnks . thAnks . thAnks

    "Third time pays forALL" ???― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit........ISBN: MY-bookshelf+???

    IF you have the time I have a further Question, a Consider:ation and a st o rY of WHY that MAY explain the Working's of a s/S\single 3d|D|duality-electro/Mechanical\entity I inhabit+am-An EternalPart of................... ..................?
  • Chris1952Engineer
    Your style detracts from the legibility of your postsBanno
    I know it is Different. BUT . It Serves a p-/P\purpose for em-/ME+\me. It emphasises my P-philosophy:

    The only options open to ANY PHYSICAL ENTITY are:

    ------------Move-back+forth in Space : Transition up /OR\ down in energY

    Would you be surprised that an explanation of American voting regimes does not explain the structure of ant hills in South Australia?Banno
    Depends: how - long + HOW d/D\detailed Can the eXplanation be ???
    S.e.e-search "Butterfly Effect"

    Why should physics ever be "complete"?Banno
    Because the Universe is a Single electroMagneticentity.
    Physics is a Mathematical digital-/Dimensioning\+description of ThatSystem employing Formula, functions AND facts.
  • jgill
    Does this ALL make sense to you?Chris1952Engineer

    Too weird. Sorry :roll:
  • Chris1952Engineer
    I don't think this is physics specific. You can ask "Why" forever in any field and best you will get is circular logic.khaled

    Physics is not about asking anything. It is the study of Form "WHAT" + function "HOW". through the language of numbers. Where is the circular Logic in that? Can you give me an example .
  • Chris1952Engineer

    No problem .:cool:.

    We just see the SAME thing in a d/D\different WAY

    I am still TWo-Dimensional in my thinking.
    .I. need to separate + d/D\define - Form AND function in order to evaluate s/S\structure within an electroMechanical system OR .Duality.
    .YOU. took time to learn "imaginary" numbers and can think in 3D ?because? mathematics has it's own inherent Structure.

    HOW Explain????????
    Ah..... mmm.
    YES. To quote .MAX BYGRAVES."I wanna tell you a story"

    Once upon a time I was totally fascinated by the g/G\great mystery of Electrical and electronic products. So I w/W\waved g\G/goodbye to M-D+ left for college to study City&Guilds Electronic Technician level 1. There I learned about the factors and Properties that determined the behaviour of electronic ProductsV=I.R Xc =1/2.pi.f.C Xl = 2.pi.f.L and the rightHandrule.

    Everything was going great Guns: Until
  • Chris1952Engineer
    I don't get the analogy of a mirrorTheMadFool

    The mirror is a simile reflecting the "FACT" that whatever we all do we are all separated from both Reality and individual reality by a "Translation Matrix". Would you agree / disagree Yes\No
  • Chris1952Engineer
    science does not explain why reality is what it is.EnPassant

    No, it does not.
    It does use math to describe the HOW+WHAT of a 3D Reality we are all part of.
    Would agree /disagree Yes\No
  • EnPassant
    It does use math to describe the HOW+WHAT of a 3D Reality we are all part of.
    Would agree /disagree Yes\No

    Up to a point. Science can only show basic primitive relations. It cannot address higher or more sophisticated questions like meaning and consciousness etc.
  • Gnomon
    3) Physics can never show "WHY" Reality behaves as it does until we understand its inherent flaws.Chris1952Engineer
    Physics asks "how" Nature works, and does not attempt to answer "why" questions. That is the purview of Metaphysics and Philosophy. So, the study of physics is not so much "flawed", as it is self-limited. :smile:

    Science Categories : Aristotle divided the theoretical sciences into three groups:physics, mathematics, and theology. { Note -- theology is now known as meta-physics }
  • Chris1952Engineer

    Up to a point.EnPassant

    Precisely. Yes. You make a very important point. ONE that I would totally agree with.

    For me:
    There is a Considerable difference between a fundamental Physical Reality that is subject to mass
    AND a complex multifaceted reality created through Individual experience and the action of:

    One is: "The Board upon which we all write/Play".
    The other is "The Scenery within\Which we act AND encounter Consequences".

    Source: Newton "To every action there is an equal AND opposite reaction"

    Physics asks "how" Nature works, and does not attempt to answer "why" questions.Gnomon

    Precisely. Yes.Yes. You make THE important point. ONE would totally agree with THAT.

    re: Physics
    I prefer the following definition: Physics. the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. Source: Oxford Languages.

    It is "tuned" to my perspective:
    I can interpret "concerned with the nature" as HOW
    I can interpret "properties of matter and energy" as WHAT.
    I can then Understand WHY, "Drive the Train"and Benefit in the Real World.

    On this basis we are all e/E\engineers seeking to answer the ONLY three q/Q\questions that really matter in order to benefit our Genes and validate our memes.

    The Scientist simply has a wider viewpoint and works on behalf of Humanity.

    Maybe: It's time to listen to him-/Her\IT+ stop playing trains/Monopoly and tidy up our room?

    After all it's NOT Real Money these days it's just numbers in a computer-www WE all built.
  • god must be atheist
    I would argue that faith does not exclude knowledge.Chris1952Engineer

    How would that argument sound like?

    My argument that faith excludes knowledge is based on faith being unreliable, at best with a completely random rate of success of getting predictions right, and getting its wishes fulfilled. Knowledge has a much better batting average than faith.

    Take two examples. I have faith that god exists (batting average: 0.500) or else that god does not exist (batting average: 0.500). I have knowledge that I am me, and that I am not somebody else. Batting average: 1.000.

    This is a huge divider between knowledge and faith. Faith is no form of knowledge. it is a form of a guessing game, with betting on an outcome without knowledge what the outcome will be.
  • Chris1952Engineer
    How would that argument sound like?god must be atheist

    In my view faith is NOT just about god the son/God the Father\g's holy spirit.
    There are other kinds of f/Faith\faith:

    Faith in one's SELF.
    faith in ones OWN experienceS
    faith in Learned memes proven to be of benefit through Natural Selection.

    A Question in return.

    HOW do youPersonally interpret: g\G/g'S ????
  • god must be atheist
    Faith in one[/b]'SELFelf,
    faith in ones OWN experienceS

    How can you have faith in the existence of these?

    Are we talking about the same thing when we say "faith"?

    To me faith is belief, particularly at times religious/dogmatic/superstitious belief.

    Do you believe (that is, not know, but believe) that you exist?

    HOW do youPersonally interpret: g\G/g'S ????Chris1952Engineer

    Interesting question. I believe that god may exist, and equally likely that god does not exist.

    I also believe that any claim on the nature of god is a hoax, as god (in case god exists) never gave any evidence of its own qualities.

    This should answer your question, and the direct answer is, of course, that I don't believe a god exist, although it may; and I don't interpret something that does not exist, and I don't interpret existing things that I have no evidence of whatsoever.
  • Chris1952Engineer
    How can you have faith in the existence of these?god must be atheist

    By making myself clearer.
    Apologies for sloppy thinking.
    Edited previous post.
    Now reads:

    In my view faith is NOT just about god the son/God the Father\g's holy spirit.
    There are other kinds of f/Faith\faith:(AND g-/G\+g's)

    Faith in one's SELF.
    faith in ones OWN experiences
    faith in Learned memes proven to be of benefit through Natural Selection.

    Moving on:
    Faith in one's SELF. The fundamental BIOS of humanity: eXamine/CrY\eat.

    faith in Form.
    Descartes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cogito,_ergo_sum

    Does that work 4U????
  • god must be atheist
    I am afraid you and I are getting further and further away from understanding the other.

    What a shame.
  • Chris1952Engineer
    Was getting back to your point.(delayed by “housekeeping”)
    Agree with you. But also have a different perspective.
    My ratio not 50/50 but 49.9999\50.00001 in favour.
    After all:
    Something has to hold the Universe together
    Somebody has to have created it in the first place because God only switched on the lights in my book.
    Science has three different descriptions and seems to be arguing with it’s self inn a multiverse of it’s own creation.

    Does that put me back on track???
  • god must be atheist
    Yes, you're back on track in my books. Differences don't take a man off the track. Not recognizing differences or similarities does. You are okay.

    I was really taken aback by your random use of capitals and bold face. That was disturbing to see. You tried, I believe, to shortcut description; unfortunately your shortcuts that replaced longhand explanations are only meaningful to you. They have no interpersonal, only intrapersonal communicative value.
  • god must be atheist
    You are Right!!!!
    Got it the wrong way r/R\round !!!
    ................................... :sad:

    It is NOT math that is a Duality.
    Math is a MULTIVERSE : a Translation Matrix just like the mIrroR !!

    Thank You 1. Thank You 2. Thank You 3..d/D\d 4? 5? 6?............ISBN 978-0-521-54266-1 Paperback.
    .................................................................... :cool: ......c|C|change-g|G|g+s|S|stability = r-/|\R\|/+reality?
    The p/P\product...................................o-Form+function............RealDiference AND PotentialdifferenZes.

    BECAUSE the only options open to ANY PHYSICAL ENTITY are:
    Move-back+forth in Space : Transition up /OR\ down in energy.

    Origin: Mundells roundabout WGC. 2002. Source UoH = MCY+CAY-g\|/G/|\+g-?x+jgill
    Does this ALL make sense to you?

    It does to me NOW . thAnks . thAnks . thAnks

    "Third time pays forALL" ???― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit........ISBN: MY-bookshelf+???

    IF you have the time I have a further Question, a Consider:ation and a st o rY of WHY that MAY explain the Working's of a s/S\single 3d|D|duality-electro/Mechanical\entity I inhabit+am-An EternalPart of................... ..................?

    For your information only, Engineer1952, this is complete nonsense to your readers. You need to force yourself to learn to communicate more meaningfully to humanity other than yourself.
  • Chris1952Engineer

    Yes, you're back on track in my books. Differences don't take a man off the track. Not recognizing differences or similarities does. You are okay.god must be atheist

    Thank you for your company, feedback and tolerance.
    Got there in the end!

    unfortunately your shortcuts that replaced longhand explanations are only meaningful to you. They have no interpersonal, only intrapersonal communicative value.god must be atheist

    Exactly. Talking to my self. Bad habit.
  • Chris1952Engineer
    Too weird. Sorry :roll:jgill
    My fault entirely.
    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
    There is a big difference between knowing something, understanding something and Explaining IT to someone else.:smile: .
    eSPeCiaLLY when someone uN-eXpectedly gives you the last Piece of a puzzle that has fascinated you since 1968.

    Can I calmly go back to the beginning and start again?:cool: ... ?
    Could you perform 3D Mathematical modelling of TWO dimensional Geometric shapes in f r/-R+\r ee SpaceTime?
    Do I need to explain further ?-/?\+?---------------?-/?\+?

    With sincere Regards+Thank-S
    ...I am most g/G\gratefully Yours ----
    Christopher Anthony Young (former(miet(retIRed 2017 d/D\dueS-s CurrentL)lY unPaid))

    p.s. I can rephrase all this IF requested BUT it Will take some time To Complete.
  • jgill
    Could you perform 3D Mathematical modelling of TWO dimensional Geometric shapes in f r/-R+\r ee SpaceTime?Chris1952Engineer

    The space part of space time is 3-D, and since 2-D is a subset of 3-D a flat square would be just that, much as you looking at one on a piece of paper. I must be missing your point. If so, please explain in normal language without all the extra symbols. I take it you were born in 1952 and are a retired engineer.
  • Chris1952Engineer

    Yes. An electronics engineer.
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