• Srap Tasmaner
    the Disney forumsPro Hominem

    Yeah, compared to us that's a Mickey Mouse operation.
  • Pro Hominem
    Yeah, compared to us that's a Mickey Mouse operation.Srap Tasmaner

  • 3017amen
    You're absolutely right to say it gives atheists (like myself) a terrible name.Xtrix

    Yep. Jersey has insatiable appetite for grinding axes. You're at least the second person who pointed that out ..

    As such, according to the OP survey, it seems as though it fits within the category of "wanting attention."
  • Pro Hominem
    You're absolutely right to say it gives atheists (like myself) a terrible name.Xtrix

    Curious if you have any thoughts on the term "atheist" itself, as someone who self-describes this way.

    I posited a different terminology in another thread. Would be interested if you have any thoughts:

  • Gus Lamarch
    The discussion was about "why you post on this forum" and eventually it became a deluge of people making public what I stated in some past post:

    "Your argumentative fallacies don't work here Flight"

    @3017amen @Pro Hominem @Philosophim @Xtrix

    Congratulations! I applaud you!
  • Pro Hominem
    The discussion was about "why you post on this forum" and eventually it became a deluge of people making public what I stated in some past post:

    "Your argumentative fallacies don't work here Flight"
    Gus Lamarch

    I made a joke about Disney and then invited someone to comment in a completely different thread. Because I post on this forum to entertain myself, which is the most rational reason to be here.

    Please leave my name off the role sheet for witch hunts. Thanks! :blush:
  • Gus Lamarch

    When I first came here, it seemed to me a continent still unknown, a I had a fear that I would find a society that was going to be civilized and more cultured than me ... and then I see a flood of bad posts drowning the rare good ones. I would love to see debate between philosophers through discussions - ex: Case against * insertusernamehere * - as the great philosophers of the 19th century did, and I am still hopeful to see that happen. For now, I comment when I think it's worth it, I ignore - and I am ignored - when necessary, I start discussions when something is bothering me a lot and so the forum goes on ...
  • Mikie

    I really don't like the term either, so I'm glad you called me out on it. In fact I think it's fairly useless -- what exactly am I NOT believing in? Besides, it's so ethnocentric -- we don't go around claiming we're non-believers of Shiva or Ba'al, etc.

    Regardless, apropos of this discussion I figured it was only honest to label myself by the common term.
  • Pro Hominem
    I really don't like the term either, so I'm glad you called me out on it. In fact I think it's fairly useless -- what exactly am I NOT believing in? Besides, it's so ethnocentric -- we don't go around claiming we're non-believers of Shiva or Ba'al, etc.

    Regardless, apropos of this discussion I figured it was only honest to label myself by the common term.

    Wasn't intending to call you out. In other words, I wasn't suggesting that your use of it was inappropriate in any way. Really I was just looking for your opinion on "post-theist", which is a term I'm trying to use in my discussions and perhaps trying to nudge others into using as well. :blush:
  • 180 Proof
    Expand on "post-theist" especially how you differentiate its concept from "atheist" or (my preferred designation) "antitheist". Thanks.
  • Benkei
    I post here to meet bigger cunts than I actually meet in real life so I can put things in perspective.
  • Pam Seeback
    I post to clean myself of clinging to ideas as if they are true or real. It is my experience that the practice of philosophy serves this goal.
  • Banno

    Not every thread need be about god.
  • Banno
    - Wanting attentiondimension72

    That one.

    But also, I like putting my thoughts in order, and writing them down helps.

    And, very occasionally, I learn something.
  • Ciceronianus
    Dulce est desipere in loco.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I post here because there are a lot of people I love and feel blessed to call family who think here :heart:
    I know that no matter what I ask, the truth is always presented. You are the check to my balance.
  • Hippyhead
    To hear the glorious trumpeting sound of my own voice reverberating around the empty cathedral of my tiny little mind. To enjoy the sound of the keys on my keyboard going clickety clack, clickety clack in rhyme with my childlike emotions.

    All else is illusion.
  • praxis
    In a word, to gotcha! :razz:
  • Hippyhead
    In a word, to gotcha!praxis

    Made me laugh! Owning it, a beautiful thing in any writer. I tried to do the same above, but now I'm kinda embarrassed after seeing the elegant conciseness of your admission.

    In a word. Why couldn't I learn that??? Dang....
  • Caesar Saladin
    I'm just here for the free coffee and donuts.

    Actually, having absolutely no formal schooling in philosophy, I'm hoping to glean some edumacation from others here, and in doing so help sort out my own thoughts on a few issues.
  • Jack Cummins
    I come to the site because I want philosophical discussion and most of the people I know seem to think that is wierd. But 2020 is the year of isolation anyway.

    I was so pleased to find this site. But I get disappointed when I start to feel that people on the site haven't read much about the ideas they are writing about. People seem to quote each other and rarely the philosophers they are referring to.

    But I do find it a creative outlet. Sometimes, if I can't sleep I find I log into it and the other night I was awake for half the night sending thoughts to others on Nietzsche's and Kant. Nietzsche's said,
    'The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a bad night',and I will say that this site is the better option for the dark nights of lone thinking.
  • Miguel Hernández
    Have you ever seen an electron? A black hole?

    I think you know my in-laws. You have defined them perfectly.

  • Whickwithy
    Wanting to exchange ideas
  • Rxspence
    I love to read personalities
    by your name and one paragraph I know if I want to read more
    quite often I see comments that inspire me
    more often I move on
  • Nils Loc
    As a totally depressed ignoramus I don't really post in the main forum.

    I've resigned myself to the Lounge. No questions are worth asking, except those that are (but what are they?).
  • Caldwell
    Why do you post to this forum?

    I'm not clear on this -- do you mean the lounge? Cause sometimes I want to connect with posters through their posts on just about anything. I don't always post in the lounge, but I read sometimes.

    But if you mean to the philosophy forum, it's cause I'm into philosophy, and this is one way you get to talk about philosophical ideas. I can't go to a market square and stand on concrete and broadcast my philosophical ideas. I'd become a nuisance.
  • praxis

    It’s called mockery, Hiphead. I mock the way you simplify the world and make it small enough to feel as though you can grasp it. You cannot grasp it. It’s beyond reach. If you can accept that then your grasping will end and only you will remain. Naked and afraid perhaps, but alive, and alive as though for the first time.

    Second paragraph... still with me?
  • Rxspence
    I engaged in mockery when the internet began.
    short lived
    when I realized how easy it was to anger and malign others I felt guilt.
    Those who connect with me do not need to acknowledge,
    it becomes obvious
  • thewonder

    It's the best forum on the internet, which has me thinking about starting some sort of intentional techno-critical community.
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