• Brett

    What? I said it wasn't a coup.Baden

    I was’t meaning you there. It was in reference to the word “murder”. What’s the point in using that word when you agree that it’s a trial that decides that?
  • Baden

    I don't know. Some of us have personalities which we Iike to express sometimes. It's acceptable to do that on this thread. It's OK if we don't like each other all the time, especially re politics. Let's not fret about it.
  • tim wood
    More to the point, calling the other side traitors is not the way. They are entitled to their point of view.FreeEmotion
    Entitled? Do you really think so? What do you say would be any limit on "entitlement"? Is Trump "entitled" to think he won an election "by a landslide" that he lost? You're sounding like a fool, here. Maybe you can clarify?
  • Brett

    It's OK if we don't like each other all the time, especially re politics.Baden

    Well if we can’t do it rationally on a philosophy forum then why judge those on the street?
  • Brett

    Maybe you can clarify?tim wood

    There’s nothing to clarify. Anyone is entitled to their point of view, otherwise why free speech.
  • tim wood
    He deserves the respect of that office,FreeEmotion
    People gagged and gave it to him. And what were the first things out of his mouth? That his inaugural was bigger than Obama's, that his electoral college margin was the biggest ever - and his other words for two career Russian gangsters in the oval office n one else was invite to hear. Not to speak of his pre-election contacts with, and relationships with Russians. So he got the respect that goes with the office and pissed it away as quickly and completely as anyone could who was in fact bent on destruction. Lie after lie after lie after lie after lie.

    So it's your apologetics now that are out-of-line and distasteful.
  • Baden

    I'm getting tired of your selective sensitivity. It wasn't there when it was black people doing much less worse stuff than killing police officers. Don't pretend to be rational when you're stinking of bias.
  • tim wood
    There’s nothing to clarify. Anyone is entitled to their point of view, otherwise why free speech.Brett
    Maybe you should learn a little about "free speech." There is no freedom to do harm through speech.
  • Streetlight
    One of the nice entitlements of 'free speech' is the freedom to viciously attack - with speech - those who say stupid and harmful things.
  • Brett

    Maybe you should learn a little about "free speech."tim wood

    Well you’re entitled to your point of view.
  • Brett

    I'm getting tired of your selective sensitivityBaden

    Here we go again. Sensitivity about using words accurately?
  • Brett

    Well it seems like the reported death of a police officer has been declared inaccurate. Now do you get the point.
  • Mr Bee
    Well that's one way to drain the swamp.

    Then again, I can't imagine how much richer swamp monsters like DeVos got under these past 4 years. No matter what they do now, history will not remember them fondly.
  • Wheatley
    Edit: is there something I’m missing in the video?Brett
    The cop was posing.
  • Mikie
    It took a real and concerted effort to turn the election around. It was done with cunning, with fraud, and with brute-force cheating.god must be atheist

    There was no fraud and no cheating. Lord and savior Trump saying so repeatedly doesn’t make it true. Your delusions are your own.
  • Mikie
    Don't pretend to be rational when you're stinking of bias.Baden

  • Brett

    The cop was posing.Wheatley


    This was on StreetlghtX’s post “ Cops are taking selfies with the terrorists.”

    Big difference.
  • Brett

    You come after me every time. Is there a reason for this?
  • Wheatley
    Big difference.Brett
    That's what they meant.
  • Mikie
    You come after me every time. Is there a reason for this?Brett

    Just nice to know you’re not fooling anyone with this act, probably not even your self. Your hypocrisy and pro-Trump bias is obvious. But please carry on. Let’s make sure we get every word right while our Capitol building was just mobbed and desecrated. That’s what really matters right now.
  • Brett

    That's what they meant.Wheatley

    Well that’s what they should have said.
  • Brett

    Oh, I see. You disagree with me.
  • Mikie
    Oh, I see. You disagree with me.Brett

    Good observation.
  • Brett

    So you feel a need to keep informing me of that?
  • Brett

    Let’s make sure we get every word right while our Capitol building was just mobbed and desecrated. That’s what really matters right now.Xtrix

    Right, like calling an injury a murder without evidence.
  • ssu
    Trump has completely f***ed himself now. He will forever be outcaste on account of what he did yesterday. The remainder is only denouement.Wayfarer

    Not yet, actually.

    In the next act he will f***k his most loyal supporters I guess.

    You notice the Trump recovery effort is already beginning. Media from the White House is now beginning to appear, 'condeming' the 'dreadful violence' and 'appealing for peace'. Trump has purportedly acknowledged for the first time he won't be serving a second term, which is the nearest he will ever get to a concession. DON'T BE FOOLED - this is desparate damage control from the bridge of a sinking ship. After yesterday's disgrace, Trump must be held to account, those vandals who stormed the Capitol Building - many of whom can easily be located via social media - tracked down and penalised, and his political enablers expelled from the Republican Party. And Trump should be removed from power immediately.Wayfarer

    I guess now, with only a few days to go, the Democrats will finally change their rhetoric and actions more to the way the GOP has operated at least since Clinton. Which...actually tells a lot about the democrats.

    And likely if (a big if) they get Trump on this, the likely outcome will be that Trump will throw under the bus his most staunchest supporters.

    Oh, but they were antifa posing as Trump supporters....right.
  • Wayfarer
    It’s either the beginning of the end for Trump, or for democratic government in America. They’re the choices. Trump and trumpism cannot co-exist with a democratic political system.
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