• Banjo
    Wasn't it the conservatives who were preparing riots?

    The communist government urges the Antifas and BLMs to break everything, then blame the Trump supporters and expel them not only from political life, but from human society.

  • Banjo
    Trump logic: my mid-pandemic rallies were bigger, so we must have won the election. There were very few people at his farewell speech btw: mostly media, his family and the military he requested.Kenosha Kid

    Do you really think that if Biden really had as many voters as he said he did, all of them, even protected by thousands of soldiers, would refuse to go to the ceremony of inauguration of their idol? Today, more than ever, the political, media and Big Tech elite throws the most cynical question at our face: - After all, will you believe me or your own eyes?
  • unenlightened
    Playing with dirt, when you grow up, you realize just makes you dirty.tim wood

    Not at all. We grown-ups do it all the time; we call it 'cleaning', and it it is the foundation of civilisation. You know, like draining the swamp.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Do you really think that if Biden really had as many voters as he said he did, all of them, even protected by thousands of soldiers, would refuse to go to the ceremony of inauguration of their idol?Banjo

    Yes. The anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers and Covid conspiracy theorists are all on Trump's side. Idiocy attracts idiocy. Compare how jammed together the few people at Trump's farewell were despite ample space with how spaced apart the attendees at the inauguration were. That's called social distancing. That's what reasonable people have been doing for almost a year.
  • Michael
    Do you really think that if Biden really had as many voters as he said he did, all of them, even protected by thousands of soldiers, would refuse to go to the ceremony of inauguration of their idol? Today, more than ever, the political, media and Big Tech elite throws the most cynical question at our face: - After all, will you believe me or your own eyes?Banjo

    They didn't refuse to go; they just weren't invited.

    Joe Biden's inauguration will have fewer than 1,500 official guests instead of the 200,000 invited in 2016, organizers reveal

    And what exactly are you suggesting? That because only 1,500 people were there, only 1,500 people voted for Biden, and the other 81,267,257 votes were fraudulent? :brow:

    the ceremony of inauguration of their idol

    Not everyone is part of a cult that thinks of their chosen candidate as being an idol. Most people vote for a candidate simply because they believe they're better suited to the job.

    Another thing to consider is that there are more registered Democrats than Republicans and more Democrat-leaning Independents than Republican-leaning, and given that most people vote for their preferred party's candidate, whoever that is, it's not surprising that there were more votes for Biden than Trump, irrespective of which individual has the biggest fan club.
  • VagabondSpectre
    The communist government urges the Antifas and BLMs to break everything, then blame the Trump supporters and expel them not only from political life, but from human society.Banjo

    When did Biden come out as a communist, and when did he urge Antifa and BLM to break everything, blame it on Trump supporters, and then exile them?

    Do you realize that it sounds like you live in a stupid fantasy world of common internet low-IQ delusions?

    Do you also believe in the Illuminati or the Anunaki (lizard aliens?)
  • Kenosha Kid
    Do you realize that it sounds like you live in a stupid fantasy world of common low-IQ delusions?VagabondSpectre

    Tbf if he could he wouldn't be in a stupid fantasy world of common low-IQ delusions, or Qanon as I believe it is known.
  • Banjo
    Yes. The anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers and Covid conspiracy theorists are all on Trump's side. Idiocy attracts idiocy. Compare how jammed together the few people at Trump's farewell were despite ample space with how spaced apart the attendees at the inauguration were. That's called social distancing. That's what reasonable people have been doing for almost a year.Kenosha Kid

    "Everyone who doesn't agree with me is an conspirancy theory redneck". "Accuse them of what you do, curse them of what you are" does not fail. When communists accuse others of a coup, they are preparing one.
  • Kenosha Kid
    When communists accuse others of a coup, they are preparing oneBanjo


    For further consideration, recall how Trump told his supporters not to vote by post, then was stumped by most postal votes being for Biden because his supporters did exactly what he said in the middle of a pandemic, while Biden's were more likely to vote safely.

    There's too many masks in that crowd for it to be a pro-Trump crowd, although main point taken: everyone seems to push their luck during major celebrations... Thanksgiving, Christmas, the end of Trump's presidency (which might yet become a national holiday). BLM protests also. But cramming yourselves like sardines into a large space? That's just bizarre.
  • FreeEmotion
    Not everyone is part of a cult that thinks of their chosen candidate as being an idol. Most people vote for a candidate simply because they believe they're better suited to the job.Michael

    Better suited for the job is a good criteria.

    A pre-election article about voters highlighted the reasons people voted for their candidate. Some voters were voting for Biden because they thought Trump had mishandled the Coronavirus Pandemic, not given suitable relief to those who lost their jobs, enough to make the 5% difference in votes. Some mentioned 'hating Trump' but no one said they hated Biden. Hate is not a good reason to vote anyway.

    Voting for policy is what people do. Even hating people for policy - for example stricter immigration laws and border controls is also a possibility. Build a wall? I hate you for that!

    What I find unacceptable is that some use the same type of language they accuse Trump of, insulting, calling people stupid for voting for policies that they do not agree with. Can this sort of thing be defended under your constitution? If it is , then the defense applies both ways. In any case, you are welcome to resemble Trump as close as you want.

    To be fair, the insults fly both ways. Many things have been said about Biden as well as the Democrats, and even the Clintons. I am neither a block Republican Supporter not a Democrat supporter - I broadly supported - though I am not a US resident - the policies of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and I was very happy to see Barak Obama elected to office, although in later years I was unsure if he was a good president after all. I believed also that Bernie Sanders would have been a great choice.
    So partisanship is out for me, which might explain the lack of interest in calling the other side demons.
    The alternative is secession, which I understand has been tried in the past.
  • Ciceronianus
    When communists accuse others of a coup, they are preparing one.Banjo

    They're also planning to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids. We've heard this before, Jack old boy.
  • baker
    What I find unacceptable is that some use the same type of language they accuse Trump of, insulting, calling people stupid for voting for policies that they do not agree with.FreeEmotion
    I used to have a problem with this too, but I have since changed my mind.

    When one is dealing with someone who understands only one thing, one has to be willing to either resort to their language and fight with their kind of weapons, or concede defeat and leave the battlefield. One cannot choose one's opponents.

    But you will have noticed that Biden has a wide range of ways of expressing himself, while Trump has a rather limited one.

    I like to remember Peter Jackson's Hobbit films -- the way those beautiful elves nevertheless go and fight the ugly orcs.
  • jorndoe
    , dang, I'll have to watch the movie again, s'been a while. :)

  • Ciceronianus

    Makes you long for a drink of pure grain alcohol and rainwater, doesn't it?
  • Echarmion

    You literally have no idea why there were no crowds at the inauguration, do you?
  • Pfhorrest
    NOS is TrumpMetaphysician Undercover

    He's too articulate to be Trump, and doesn't use enough all-caps words. Also, I don't think Trump could figure out how to register an account here.
  • Pfhorrest
    When communists accuse others of a coup, they are preparing one.Banjo

    Everything the right ever accuses the left of is projection, including, now, projection itself.
  • Banno
    But the dang chemtrails get in the rainwater...
  • Ciceronianus

    Maybe not when the General sent off the B-52s. Now I suppose it would be distilled water, but for all I know that's got flouride in it too.
  • Banno
    Best to go straight grain alcohol.
  • Mikie


    I wonder who this could be? Another person recently banned, no doubt. My advice: don’t bother engaging. Let them talk to themselves.
  • Banjo
    Anti-fascist protesters vandalize Oregon Democrats' committee on Biden's inauguration day.
    If antifascists are opposed to democrats, would that make democrats... fascists? Right?

  • praxis
    Yet another disappointed Trump supporter...

    f antifascists are opposed to democrats, would that make democrats... fascists? Right?Banjo

    Antifa are anarchists and they hate left and right equally.
  • frank

    C'mon banjo. You spray painted that on your dad's basement wall, didn't you? What are you going to do when he finds out?
  • Baden

    That's a hammer and sickle.

    The Antifa logo is

    The presence of a hammer and sickle is zero evidence, in itself, of Antifa. But, of course, Antifa activists are the current right-wing version of the Nazi's "Jews": a placeholder for every scary thing they don't like and/or want to scapegoat.
  • Pfhorrest
    Antifa are anarchists and they hate left and right equally.praxis

    Anarchists are definitionally left, but so much further left than Democrats that Democrats are scarcely better than Republicans in their eyes.

    Some of us are also pragmatists and realize that less bad is still better than more bad. Others, sadly, prefer vitriolic graffiti over trying to actually reduce harm. They are at least “useful idiots” to us, much as Trump is to Republicans.
  • praxis
    Anarchists are definitionally left, but so much further left than Democrats that Democrats are scarcely better than Republicans in their eyes.Pfhorrest

    Historically the feeling was apparently mutual. From wiki:

    The SPD [center left] had itself adopted the position that both the Nazis and the KPD [antifa] posed an equal danger to liberal democracy and SPD leader Kurt Schumacher famously described the KPD as "red-painted Nazis" in 1930. The SPD-dominated Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold described itself as a "protection organization of the Republic and democracy in the fight against the swastika and the Soviet star" and both the Reichsbanner and the Iron Front opposed both the Nazis and the "anti-fascist" KPD.

    They are at least “useful idiots” to us, much as Trump is to Republicans.Pfhorrest

    How have they been useful?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Anarchists are definitionally left, but so much further left than Democrats that Democrats are scarcely better than Republicans in their eyes.Pfhorrest

    I think you should look into the ideology of libertarianism. There's a lot of deluded right anarchists out there today.
  • Pfhorrest
    There are people on the right who call themselves anarchists, within at all understanding the history of the anarchist movement and how against their capitalist ideology it is.
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