• Pantagruel
    Given that all forms of energy are equivalent (Helmholtz). And that matter is constructed of energy.
    And that translation between various states of matter and energy is possible according to laws (conservation, equivalence).

    Is there any reason not to suppose that consciousness is just a manifestation of energy occurring under specific conditions?
  • Jack Cummins

    I think that your idea of energy giving rise to consciousness is interesting but it might be hard to show. I think that it might involve vibrational frequencies. You would probably need to show that the way in which the translation of energy from matter takes place. It would probably involve quantum physics and if you were able to put all this together it would be a bit new theory.
  • Pantagruel
    Hmmm. I'm thinking it is evident from the general principles I outlined. I mean, it's either matter, or energy, or...something else. It's that "something else" that has been causing grief for centuries now. I'm not sure why it should. As complex systems evolve, the nature of the energy that they manifest changes, but, fundamentally, it is still energy. I don't see any reason in principle to doubt that, whatever may be the actual nature of psycho-social mechanisms, whatever dynamisms they involve must ultimately be energy of some kind.
  • Jack Cummins

    It is a bit like the missing link of physics. The point at which the spark of consciousness appears is what glares out from all the discussions I have seen.
  • Pantagruel
    Yes, except that it isn't really "missing," is it? It's right here. That's why I stand by many of Descartes' fundamental insights.
  • Jack Cummins

    But don't forget that Descartes thought that the pineal gland was important. Of course, this is recognised as the third eye chakra within some Eastern views of thought.
  • Pantagruel
    Yeah, not that part. ;) Let's not forget the state of medical science, science in general, at that time.

    But utilizing radical metaphysical doubt to eliminate everything that is not cogito. I just read some Max Scheler and he also had a kind of eliminative project, very much like Husserl's phenomenological reduction but of a more transcendental bent.
  • Jack Cummins

    Perhaps it might be worth you writing a fuller discussion of this and creating a thread on it in the main discussion area, as it is a central aspect of philosophy debate. Connecting phenomenology and the transcendent has a lot of scope.
  • Pantagruel
    I like the energy in the Lounge.
  • Pop
    Is there any reason not to suppose that consciousness is just a manifestation of energy occurring under specific conditions?Pantagruel

    I think you are missing information from your fundamentals. Information gives energy and matter form. Once something has form, it becomes integrated information :nerd: so consciousness. Human consciousness, in the moment, is a very complicated instance of integrated information. It has enormous complexity, but it is still an instance of integrated information, enabled by energy, and embedded in matter.
  • Pantagruel
    I think you are missing information from your fundamentals. Information gives energy and matter form. Once something has form, it becomes integrated information :nerd: so consciousness. Human consciousness, in the moment, is a very complicated instance of integrated information. It has enormous complexity, but it is still an instance of integrated information, enabled by energy, and embedded in matter.Pop

  • Pantagruel
    I think you are missing information from your fundamentals. Information gives energy and matter form. Once something has form, it becomes integrated information :nerd: so consciousness. Human consciousness, in the moment, is a very complicated instance of integrated information. It has enormous complexity, but it is still an instance of integrated information, enabled by energy, and embedded in matter.Pop

    I'd take this even further. In Ideology and Utopia, Mannheim repeats ad nauseum how scientific and theoretical knowledge is, by its very nature, abstracted and insulated from the world of practical human concerns; conversely, political knowledge is explicitly a creature of this world, the Weltanschauung

    But it is clear that scientific and theoretical knowledge do play a part in the commerce of thought. So, if you expand the concept of the Weltanschauung beyond that of mere pragmatics, you can think of the entire world, the entire universe, as essentially a medium and a mechanism for the propagation of consciousness. Which reaches its most precise formulation in the concept of information theory, the transmission of a message. But includes and encompasses all modalities of knowledge (transmissible thought).
  • Pop
    you can think of the entire world, the entire universe, as essentially a medium and a mechanism for the propagation of consciousness. Which reaches its most precise formulation in the concept of information theory, the transmission of a message. But includes and encompasses all modalities of knowledge (transmissible thought).Pantagruel

    :up: Yes, information theory provides an insight into information being the fundamental element, and the universe thus being an information processing system.
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