• javi2541997
    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.T Clark

    We don't have a chance to escape then.
  • CallMeDirac

    I see your point, however if we do it slowly, and don't force people into anything it wouldn't.
  • T Clark
    We don't have a chance to escape then.javi2541997

    I don't see religion as something we need to escape from. If we do need to escape from something, @CallMeDirac's way is not the right way. It won't work and it will lead to something worse. Just like communism, Nazism, fascism.
  • CallMeDirac

    And what is my way exactly?
  • T Clark
    I see your point, however if we do it slowly, and don't force people into anything it wouldn't.CallMeDirac

    Your original post was clear that violence would be an acceptable method if more peaceful ones didn't work. I think it is very unlikely that a more peaceful attempt to change things will get you what you want. If you've given up on violence, what will you do then?
  • T Clark
    And what is my way exactly?CallMeDirac

    Here's what you wrote in the OP.

    We must not stay in the minority for any longer and must RISE UP AND TAKE POWER.CallMeDirac
  • CallMeDirac

    I wasn't clear enough, apologies. Violence only when met with violence. If the issue with religious violence grows then the pushback will be violence
  • CallMeDirac

    'twas a joke my friend.
  • Dharmi
    Religion isn't the problem, corruption of religion is the problem. All of the Abrahamic cults are corruptions of goatherders from the bronze age who have very little sophistication about the way the world works.
  • javi2541997
    I don't see religion as something we need to escape from. If we do need to escape from something, CallMeDirac's way is not the right way.T Clark

    Yes you are right. I was saying that we don't have any escape from any kind of boss. Some can give us just stability (so called the leviathan "democracy") or others can give us destruction.
    Also I guess @CallMeDirac was defending a secular education/system avoiding all kind of subterfuges.
  • counterpunch
    if youd read the post youd not be stating this. I explained exactly that. I support having a govt.CallMeDirac

    Oh. Okay. I must have misunderstood when you said:

    Personally, as i've said, i am sympathetic to the anarchist movementCallMeDirac

    I just wanted to explain a little about anarchism; and why I think institutions are necessary, and necessary in what way to a prosperous and sustainable future. I am always writing about a prosperous and sustainable future. It's my thing! I apologise. I'm hijacking your thread. What's it about? Robbing little old ladies of their beliefs by force? Do you think that's necessary? Who cares what people believe? They're going to believe it anyway. I would argue that it is the scientific rationality of governments and industry in the application of technology that matters; and suggest this would serve as a measure of a legitimate governmental institution.
  • CallMeDirac

    you raise a good point, but fixing that is more complicated than just getting rid of religion.
  • CallMeDirac

    I half agree; The little old ladies aren't commiting hate crimes because of a book. I don't care what someone believes it's what the groups of people do with that belief

    Also yes, some institutions are neccessary, but the violence they create is not
  • counterpunch

    I half agree;CallMeDirac

    Then half my congratulations for partly recognising sense when you see it!
  • CallMeDirac

    Half my thanks for the half compliment
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