• Huh
    Is the reason crime rates are decreasing because nobody is calling the police?
  • javi2541997

    Which country is where the crime rates are decreasing?

    I think not. I guess this happens due to Covid. Everybody is in home or go out the less possible. So... with less contact between citizens, less crime ratio then (Probably)
  • Jack Cummins

    From what I have read crime rates have gone up during the pandemic but I wouldn't be able to quote the numbers and it vary in different locations and for different crimes. The nature of crime may have changed. People are not likely to be arrested for incidents in closed venues, but there is probably a lot of hidden crime, especially domestic abuse. If people are not calling the police as often, which is disputable in itself, it would probably point to a whole dimension of hidden things, such as addiction problems. I would not see less calling for the police or even a reduction in crime rates as positive necessarily.Crime rates may not truly reflect the amount of crimes being committed.
  • javi2541997

    We can be agree here that probably has increased domestic abuse because the offender stays more time with their wife/husband or kids. Despite this is disgusting, I would not classify it as crimes because these are different violent issues. The worst thing inside domestic violence is someone ending dead. This is exactly when we can confirm it as crime. I guess we can only consider crimes when someone steals the life of another.
    As you said, there are hidden issues we do not probably know about. But I guess it has to be logical decreasing the gap of murders because we are living in a period of time with lack of relations (supposedly).
    Nevertheless, it could be the ratio went up for issues we don’t truly yet.
  • Jack Cummins

    I know that you say that domestic abuse is disgusting but only be crime if it results in death. Surely ithat would be the most extreme form that results in death, but all of it can be viewed as crime really There is a whole spectrum, and physical violence and emotional abuse can be regarded as harassment and intimidation.

    Apart from some evidence of addiction levels rising, I do believe that the hidden, but not completely 'hidden' aspect is the mental health difficulties which have arisen during the pandemic. It is not hidden entirely because mental health services and telephone helplines have been overwhelmed completely. It may be that the extent of this will show a whole multitude of problems to be tackled.
  • javi2541997
    aspect is the mental health difficulties which have arisen during the pandemic. It is not hidden entirely because mental health services and telephone helplines have been overwhelmed completely.Jack Cummins

    Agreed and this is something that public services should take care of
  • Huh
    shouldn't they be prepared for such things?
  • javi2541997

    Who? Citizens or public affairs ?
  • Huh
    Public affairs ,I assume public mental health should be more important than it is?
  • javi2541997

    Yes, it should be. I guess having particular psychologists as inner fact in a true social welfare state.
  • Huh
    what do you think it would take to make mental health be taken more seriously?
  • javi2541997

    Erasing the negative stigma about going to a psychologist or psychiatrist. I think we would make attend to these professionals as normal issues.
    Also, it is important here to point out that the States should spend more form the taxes revenues into mental health.
  • BC
    Is the reason crime rates are decreasing because nobody is calling the police?Huh

    There is nothing even an extremely competent police force can do about many petty crimes in a large city. With that understanding, many minor property crimes do not get reported--perhaps out of a concern that such a call would result in wasted police time.

    However, local crime waves are often the work of a small number of people; competent policing can, with community cooperation, apprehend the culprits. That means, among other things, reporting.

    More serious crime, though, does get reported. (I'm excepting domestic abuse and rape which are not always reported.).
  • fishfry
    Is the reason crime rates are decreasing because nobody is calling the police?Huh

    Most crime is now committed by the political classes and the elites who support them. Hence it's not labelled or punished as crime.

    Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
    Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

  • Book273
    in my local people are disinclined to contact the police for two main reasons: Firstly, many times the police are not interested in hearing about it and so attempt to dissuade the caller from filing a complaint, or, alternately, once the call has been made and the complaint made as well the police will stop by the complainant's house to get additional information; frequently the police are not professional or polite, so few people I know would actually bother to call for any crime less serious than attempted murder. Break and enters are handled "in house" in these parts.
  • New2K2
    Not the one asked but if it's included in the basic package like General health and dentist and you're required to go for regular checkups, well by the second generation the stigmas would be gone I feel.
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