• counterpunch
    Anyone else watching the trial?
  • counterpunch
    Is it ethical to comment whilst in progress?

    Maybe not, eh?
  • counterpunch
    Before lunch today we saw the opening statements of the prosecution and defence, and prosecution examination of the telephone despatch operator, Jena Scurry. The key piece of evidence the prosecution revealed was that she, an experienced despatcher with access to live CCTV; acting in excess to her strict duties, phoned a police sergeant to express concern that something wasn't right at the scene. I should like to know the exact time of that call.
  • counterpunch
    20:20:11 ems code for injury
    20:21:35 ems code 3
    20:31:12 metcom ems location park/36

    20:34:10 ***full arrest***

    20:34:44 phone call to Sergeant Pleoger.

    In the afternoon, we saw defence cross examination of Jena Scurry, and prosecution testimony from a shop clerk - who took camera-phone footage, and a bystander. The bystander had knowledge of martial arts and said he expressed concern, and told Chauvin the restraint was a "blood hold" - that is, a hold designed to cut of circulation of blood at the neck. Court adjourned.
  • counterpunch
    4 more "bystander" type witnesses to testify to what is almost certainly stipulated in large part by the defence; such that their testimony will add nothing. I don't see the point of this. Seems like a complete waste of time.
  • counterpunch
    Is this some kind of exercise in public relations? Or is the prosecution seeking to enter "emotional testimony" into the proceedings? What pertinent facts can a 10 year old child testify to a year after the event? None at all! It's absurd!
  • counterpunch
    08:27:32 - arrival of paramedics. CCTV video camera timestamp.
  • counterpunch
    08:26:29 - arrival of off-duty fire fighter/EMT Hansen on scene.

    20:33(?) Fire fighter/EMT Hansen. time of call - electronic voice date stamp.

    Exhibit 11 (estimated.) 08:20:47 removal of Mr Floyd from police car. CCTV timestamp.

    20:19:05 bodycam footage. Exh. 39.

    08:28:46 Mr Chauvin stands up. CCTV timestamp.

    Judge annoyed by Hansen, directed her to answer succinctly. Court adjourned.
  • counterpunch
    Martin. Shop clerk - cup foods. Fake $20 bill.

    Court break.

    CCTV. Floyd buys cigarettes with fake $20 bill. Martin initially intends to put bill "on his tab." Martin is repeatedly encouraged by manager to pursue Floyd. Manager phoned police.

    The largely irrelevant testimony of Mr Belfrey. Driver of red minivan parked behind Floyd. Moved vehicle. Exh. 36 - camera phone footage from cup foods side of E38th St.

  • counterpunch
    McMillian. Old man, outside cup foods. Exh. 39. CCTV. "You can't win!" (intervention counter-productive!)

    Court break.

    Police digital information officer. Exh. 42 - police arrive at cup foods. time stamp obscured. walk across E38th. Walk back into shot w Floyd.

    Lane bodycam
    20:08:48 arrives at cup foods
    20:09:27 Arrives at Floyd's car.
    20:17:50 - attempt to put Floyd in police car.
    20:19:00 "Take him out!" (of the car)
    Arrival of off-duty fire fighter/EMT Hansen on scene. Lane bodycam timestamp 20:25:35.
    EMT present.
    Chauvin stands up - 20:27:30
    Kueng's bodycam timestamp different.
    Tau bodycam- arrival on scene 20:17:10.
    Immediately hear. "You can't win!" McMillian.
    20:17:50 struggle to put Floyd in car begins
    "Take him out!" (of the car.) 20:19:05.
    20:19:3? - 20:26:34 Tau dealing with crowd.

    Now 5 mins of Sergeant Someone out for a drive, earlier that day! Weird!
    Read exhibits into evidence.
    Chauvin lost camera.
    Jury excused.
    Defence question Lt Rugel - basically asking police digital data specialist how the CCTV video footage software package works.
    Procedural issues.
    Court adjourned.
  • counterpunch
    Waiting for trial to start - not watching Court TV as they feature a procession of people calling for a guilty verdict whilst the trial is in progress, before the defence case has been heard. Personally, I'm remaining impartial and open minded - refusing to be swayed by emotional theatrics or the political/media circus, that might be better employed informing the public about the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial and the general character of legal rationale - than granting air time to advocates of mob justice who don't want to hear the evidence before ...demanding a particular verdict of the court! There's something very wrong with that!
  • counterpunch
    Ross. Floyd's lover. Opiate addict. Floyd had proscription for back pain. Opiate medication.
    "Played sports everyday. Lifting weights, running, biking!"
    Defence exh. 1006 - photo of Maurice Hall.
    Ross and Floyd bought drugs from Hall.
    When not on proscription, bought other proscriptions, plus street drugs.
    Floyd hospitalised March - overdose. 5 days. Stomach pain.

    Court break.

    Bravinda. Paramedic. Despatched code 2 (not critical. no lights/sirens.) Mouth injury. PD on scene.
    One half minuets later - received note code 3. Upgraded lights/sirens.

    Moved ambulance because of angry crowd - to focus on "running code."
    Asystole - no heart beat.

  • counterpunch
    Smith. Paramedic. Arrived on scene.
    I checked for a pulse. I checked Mr Floyd's pupils. Large. Dilated.
    "In lay terms, I thought he was dead."
    Inside ambulance.
    Update fire/EMT to ***full arrest***

    Norton - Captain fire dept. 21 years.
    Responded to code 2 - updated en route.
    Arrived on scene - no ambulance. Entered store.
    Spoke with Hansen and police officer.
    Went to 36th/Park - ambulance.

    Court break.

    Sgt. Pleoger. Police officer.
    Force review report - (use of force report.)
    Minneapolis Police Department Procedure Manual - 5-306.
    Reporting req's for use of force:
    "As soon as reasonably practical, determine if anyone was injured and render medical aid consistent with training and request Emergency Medical Services (EMS) if necessary."

    5-316. Maximal restraint technique. Requires supervisor reporting.
    A supervisor shall be called to the scene where a subject has been restrained using the MRT to evaluate manner in which MRT was applied and to evaluate ...... of transport.

    MRT - safety.

    1. As soon as reasonably possible, any person restrained using MRT who is in prone position shall be placed in the following positions based on the type of restraint used.
    a. If the hobble device is used, person to be placed in recovery position.

    Prosecution: Do you believe the restraint should have ended earlier?
    Defence: Objection. Sidebar. Court break.
    Sgt. Pleoger did not, and was not req to do use of force report - because critical incident. Goes direct to Internal Affairs.
    Prosecution: "Based on your review of bodycam footage - do you have a view with regard to the restraint of Mr Floyd?"
    Sgt. Pleoger: "It should have ended when Mr Floyd was handcuffed and no longer resisting arrest."
    Defence: "Other relevant information - i.e. perceived threat of crowd, may modify application of procedures? Correct?"
    Sgt. Pleoger: Correct!

    Court adjourned.
  • counterpunch
    Friday. When court adjourns today it will resume Monday; the weekend a long break in the midst of such a trial. I imagine the judge, prosecution and defence could do with the time off. I'm exhausted just watching. But I wonder where we will be left hanging; not that it will have much effect on the 'noises off' - and nor that noises off should have any effect on the workings or the verdict of a trial, but still, as the resting point informs a billion column inches of ill informed and poorly reasoned opinion, I imagine prosecution and defence would both rather the ladder were left leaning against their shed!
  • counterpunch
    Edwards. Police Sergeant. dogwatch shift third precinct. 20:30 hrs rollcall. Called by Sgt Pleoger shortly after. "At hospital with male - may not live." Sent Edwards to 38th/Chicago. Secure scene/canvass area/appropriate notifications. Arrived 38th/Chicago 21:35.

    Kueng/Lane. Activate cameras. 21:50:17.
    Lt Zimmerman on scene 22:06:49
    Lane/Keung to city hall interview room. 22:14:00

    Lt Zimmerman. 1990 Crack team. 1995 Homicide. Senior Officer.
    21:56:16 - determined Lane/Keung were 'involved officers' - need to go to city hall.

    Arrested person is arresting officer's responsibility.

    Use of force continuum is policy; levels of force.
    1. presence
    2. verbal.
    3. soft technique - escort
    4. hard technique - handcuffed
    5. deadly force.

    "Handcuffed person in prone position should be put in recovery position ASAP."
    "Obligation to provide medical care to person under arrest."
    "Totally unnecessary"
    "Uncalled for"
    "I saw no reason officers thought they were in danger."

    Defence cross:
    Past 27 years in investigative role?
    Experience of use of force primarily through training.
    Tactics have changed over time. Agreed.
    Change of practice from striking, batons - to bodyweight takedowns, correct? Not agreed.
    Critical decision making model - constantly taking in information, changes way in which procedures are applied. Correct? Agreed.
    Equipment changes - tasers, bodycams etc.
    Information changes way officers apply use of force.

    Officers not medics.
    Responsible to keep scene safe.
    Take what medical steps are reasonable in the moment.
    Other factors taken in on ongoing basis. Agreed.

    Allowed to use whatever force is reasonable and necessary, correct? Correct.
    Use of force is dynamic process based on a lot of incoming information, correct? Correct.
    Body camera does not show exactly what officers sees, correct? Correct.
    Not within Lt Zimmerman's normal duties to do use of force analysis? Correct? Correct!

    Did you see any need for Chauvin to improvise by putting his knee on Mr Floyd for 9:29 seconds?
    No I did not!

    Lunch. Court adjourned until Monday.
  • counterpunch
    Prior to the start of the trial, I'm listening to Chanley Painter and guests making Floyd out to be the victim of a "struggle with drugs." I have seen no evidence of a struggle with drugs. I saw someone already smashed out of his nut, willing to force fake bills on his local store to get more drugs, then violently resist arrest when - doped up, he fell asleep at the scene of the crime until police arrived.
  • counterpunch
    Discussion of the legal relevance and viability of potential exhibits.

    Dr Langenfeld. Senior Resident. Hennepin County Medical Center. 1pm to 11 pm.
    Cardiac arrest. 20:55pm.
    "mentioned he was being detained at the time"
    ACLS algorithm is to determine why someone is in cardiac arrest so you know how to treat them.
    10-15% reduction in chances of survival, for every minuet CPR is not administered.
    PEA - pulseless electrical activity. Floyd was in PEA.

    H's+T's. Did you consider toxins? i.e. drugs.
    That was a possibility.
    Was the leading cause for Mr Floyd's death oxygen deficiency?
    I thought oxygen deficiency the most likely explanation.

    Court break.

    Defence cross Dr Langenfeld:

    Can fentanyl increase carbon dioxide in blood?
    Yes. Reduces oxygen causing sleepiness.
    Police did not report use of neloxone (anti-opiate medication)
    Elevated Co2 level? Yes. Exceptionally high? Yes.
    Paramedics did not provide neloxone or narcam? No!
    (on clarification: would not benefit someone in cardiac arrest.)
    Paramedics did not administer narcam? No!
    Co2 level weak evidence consistent with cardiac arrest.

    Police chief: Arradondo
    "Protect with courage - serve with compassion."
    Investigator with property crimes unit.
    Internal affairs unit.
    Does that include use of force cases? Yes.

    structure of police department in relation to everyday operations.
    precinct map.
    200,000 calls per year - plus police generated activity.

    Commander of training division - Stacey Hawn. Last year Darcy? Blackwell.
    Are you familiar with training provided? Yes.
    FTO - field training program - recruit teamed up with police officer mentor.
    Annual CPR training. Spend $8-10 million p.a. on training.
    Does training impart policies? Yes.
    Is training practical and useful? Yes.
    Policy and procedure manual - important, public document.
    Police officer required to be familiar with policies:
    "MPD employees shall be provided instructions on how to access the online policy and procedure manual. Employees sign a receipt, acknowledging responsibility for knowing the contents of the manual."
    Exh 274: receipt signed by Chauvin.

    Exh 215: code of ethics

    'As a Minnesota Law Enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent..."

    Are there policies with regard to people filming police officers?
    Yes. Individuals have absolute right to film - with exception, not to obstruct police officer.

    Police officer may find it irritating to be filmed?
    Is that obstruction?

    De-escalation? Methods to achieve safe and peaceful outcome.
    Part of using force - and also instead of using force.
    De-escalation became policy around 1990's, with regard to mental health.
    Key is communication - listening and verbal skills.
    Currently has de-escalation policy Exh 219 - 5-304:
    "Whenever reasonable MPD officers SHALL use de-escalation tactics."
    "Attempt to slow down the situation, so that more time, options and resources become available."

    Officers required to consider if a subjects lack of compliance is deliberate attempt to resist or an inability to comply based on factors including:
    *Influence of drug or alcohol use.
    *Mental health.
    *Behavioural crisis i.e. if someone loses job, loses family, bad medical diagnosis - can trigger behavioural crisis.

  • counterpunch
    Police Chief Arradondo - cont.

    EDP - emotionally disturbed person. (4500 EDP's.)

    Officers role as first responders regarding medical care.
    Most basic training first aid ABC's - airways, breathing, circulation.
    Duty to render aid - in policy procedure manual
    7-350 Emergency Medical Response.

    The purpose of this policy is to lay out the roles and responsibilities of MPD employees in MPD incidents involving a medical emergency.

    While awaiting EMS, MPD employees assisting an individual having an acute medical crisis shall provide any necessary first aid in accord with MPD training, as soon as practical.

    Policy regarding proper use of force.

    A. Sanctity of life and protection of the public shall be the cornerstone of MPD's use of force.

    Implemented 2016. Has been imparted through training? Yes!

    Policy defines force, among other things, as:

    "Any restraint of the physical movement of another that is applied in a manner or under circumstances likely to produce an injury."

    Objectively reasonable force.
    Graham v. Connor statute.
    Officers should consider:

    *Severity of crime.
    *Threat to public.
    *Risk of flight.

    Critical thinking model: Exh 276.

    Have you reviewed Milestone CCTV, bystander video, bodycam footage? Yes.
    Did Chauvin follow procedure regarding de-escalation? No!
    Restraint violates departmental policy? Yes!
    Force needs to be reasonable and proportional throughout. Is this proportional? No!
    "The defendant violated our policy regarding when to render aid."

    Defence cross:

    Police chief last arrested suspect - many years ago.
    Exh. 216: 5-301 - reasonableness of use of force - objectively reasonable in terms of the facts available to that officer at that time.
    Can minor incidents snowball? Yes!
    Is approaching a vehicle dangerous for police officer? Yes!

    Policy may change to prohibit certain types of use of force? Yes!
    10-15 years ago - training changed toward bodyweight takedowns. Policy or training? Training! Yes!
    Policy may not specifically outlaw moves no longer taught in training? Agreed? Agreed!

    "escalate to de-escalate" - i.e. drawing gun.
    Procedures contain phrases like "as soon as possible, whenever practical, when safe and feasible"
    Use of force can be de-escalation tactic? "I don't have experience."
    If, hypothetically - officers decide to use hobble - then change their minds, that's re-evaluation of use of force as required by critical thinking model? Yes!

    Witnessing use of force may cause third person a crisis. Yes.
    Crowd may be upset with police interaction? Yes.
    De-escalation could involve refusing to engage? Yes.

    Exh. 1008 - 20:25:33 - bodycam. In reflection from squad car arrival of EMT Hansen.
    "We've got an ambulance coming."

    Court break.

    Use of Neck Restraint policy.

    MPD Policy 5-311.

    Difference between neck restraint and choke hold.
    Conscious neck restraint - versus unconscious neck restraint.
    Both permitted by policy May 25th. Yes!
    Neck restraint was employed? Yes!
    This was a conscious neck restraint? Yes!

    Part of critical decision making is taking in surroundings, other officers, members of the public? Yes!

    Are you familiar with camera perspective bias? No!
    Do you agree that from the perspective of Ms Frazer's camera Officer Chauvins knee appears to be on George Floyd's neck? Yes. Do you see that in Keung's bodycam footage, Officer Chauvin's knee is on the shoulder of George Floyd? Agreed!

    Side recovery position "immediately." Positional asphyxia.
    If you have me in a dangerous hold, can you maintain that hold because of what someone else is doing? No!

    Katey Blackwell - Inspector 5th precinct. Former Commander of Training Division plus, plus, plus...
    Expert Witness. Known Chauvin 20 years.
    Exh. 203 - defendant's training records.
    Chauvin selected as Field Training Officer.
    Twice trained in proper use of force in 2018.
    Side recovery position "as soon as possible." Positional asphyxia.
    Exh. 17 photo DC knee neck GF.
    Is this a technique you train?
    It is not!

    Defence cross:

    multiple classes/ trainers during 8 hours. Correct!
    30,000 pages of training manuals, correct?

    Court adjourned.
  • counterpunch
    Court convened!

    Maurice Hall via video link from prison. Invokes fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination in view of potential 3rd degree murder charge relating to supply of drugs that, defence argues killed George Floyd.

    Ker Yang. Police officer 24 years. Crisis Intervention Co-ordinator. Psychology doctorate.

    Teaches crisis de-escalation.
    Have you arrested resisting suspects? Yes!
    2016 Chauvin attended 40 hour crisis intervention program.
    Scenario based training - professional actors.
    Officers identify signs of crisis and respond appropriately.
    Yang introduced critical decision making model to MPD.
    Is it useful in the field? Yes! Practical? Yes!

    Defence cross:

    As a part of your role, do you train cadets and recruits - as well as experienced officers.
    What differences are there between the two?
    As part of critical thinking and de-escalation teach officers to:
    take in entire scene
    be aware of surroundings
    bystanders, etc.
    all premised upon whether safe and feasoble to do so, correct? Yessir!

    Next witness:
    John Mercil. MPD since 1996. Patrol Officer 3rd precinct. 2 years.
    Community Response Team - 3 years. Mounted Patrol. Gang Team.
    Use of force trainer from 2010.
    Aware of departmental policy? Yes.
    Exh. 126 - pamphlet on use of force.
    Exh. 119 - power point presentation. (in service training for experienced officers) Fall 2018 -
    *sanctity of life and protection of the public
    *Clear and consistent force policies
    *4th amendment reasonableness standard.

    Taken training - seen slides? Yes!
    Exh. 124 - sign in sheet.

    Restraint is a use of force? Yes!
    Must be reasonable? Yes!
    Proportionality - if it's reasonable to believe that it's possible to contain a situation at a lower level of force...
    Should de-escalate when possible.
    Exh. 17 - is this a use of force? Yes!

    Exh 119 p.49 - striking zones - probability of injury.
    Areas of danger include neck? Yes!

    Use of Neck restraints (56-311.) Definitions
    Neck restraint -
    Non deadly force - pressure on sides of neck; slowing blood flow to/from brain
    Conscious - light to moderate pressure controlling technique
    Unconscious - maximum pressure; need to control through unconsciousness.

    Conscious neck restraint is OK on Actively Resistant Subjects

    Unconscious neck restraint only applied under following circumstances:

    On subjects who are exhibiting active aggression, or:
    For life saving purposes; or
    On subjects who are actively resisting in order to gain control.
    Cannot be used against subjects passively resisting.

    After care guidelines:
    - keep under close observation until transfer of custody
    - inform those receiving custody of use of neck restraint.

    How soon would you release a person from maximum restraint?
    "It depends on the circumstances of the situation you're facing; the surroundings..."
    Recovery position as soon as is possible.

    Court break.

    Defence cross:

    Mercil designed Ground Defence Program - using moves other than strikes to control suspects.
    body-weight, joint manipulation.
    10 seconds to render someone unconscious
    Hold someone in neck restraint after unconscious
    - circumstances effect decision making.
    Can you envisage circumstances in which would not put suspect in recovery position? Yes?
    Use knee on back/neck to handcuff suspect? Yes!
    Would use prone position to keep control of suspect? Yes!

    Exh. 56 - would you be able to take pulse if knee was on carotid artery? No sir!
    Exh. 1045 - shin is on back? Yes - ish!
    Exh. 1046 - similar! 20:26:40 Lane bodycam.
    Exh. 1047 - 20:27:49 - would you agree knee is between shoulder blades? Yes!
    Exh.1048 - 20:28:29 - knee between shoulders? Yes?
    Is this neck restraint? No!

    Consider totality of circumstances?
    Have you ever been trained to say if a person can talk they can breathe?
    (garbled) Yes!
    If, hypothetically - officers decide to use hobble - then change their minds, that's re-evaluation of use of force as required by critical thinking model? Yes!
    Restraint can be de-escalation in itself? Yes!
    Difference of size a consideration? Yes.
    CDMM - situational awareness extends beyond subject to numerous factors? Yes.

    Use of force reasonable in the eyes of the officer? Yes!
    Always subject to review? Yes!
    Must always be reasonable? Yes!
    People filming would not justify use of force on suspect, would it? No!

    Exh 184: is the man in blue holding back the man in black (Williams)? Yes!

  • counterpunch
    Waiting for the trial to re-start, and I'm wondering where the racism is? I haven't seen any evidence of racism. People keep saying this is about race, but nothing I've heard so far has suggested racism played any part in the events!
  • counterpunch
    Nicole MacKenzie:

    MPD Police Officer (6 years) - Medical Support Coordinator.
    Knows Derek Chauvin - attended training, worked with him.

    First aid education, training for academy recruit and cadets, admin of narcam program.
    EMR certifications - annual. (above and beyond POST certification)
    Exh. 277-278 - CPR cards issued to Chauvin.
    Dept. policy re rendering emergency first aid:
    Exh. 111 - tactical combat casualty care, narcan update, CPR training.
    AVPU - Alertness, Verbal stimulus, Painful stimulus, Unresponsive.
    Unresponsive - ABC's - airways, breathing, circulation.
    No pulse - immediately start CPR.

    Do you train that if someone can speak, they can breathe?
    "No! It's incomplete - may not be breathing adequately."

    When to stop CPR?
    They wake up
    Medics take over.
    It's not safe.

    Defence cross:

    CPR is lower level than EMT.
    Teach about excited delirium? Yes. Narcan? Yes.
    40 hour class plus refreshers every two years.

    As soon as reasonably practical, after use of force, render medical aid.
    Teach about when it's "reasonably practical and safe to do so."
    Bystanders, traffic, circumstances - scene safety. Yes!
    EMT do not attend until scene Code 4? Correct!

    MPD Policy 7-350 - 'as soon as practical"
    May be circumstances when not possible to call in EMS? Yes.

    Agonal breathing is irregular gasps of air - close to death. Often occurs in overdoses.
    Could officer mistake agonal breathing for effective breathing? Yes!

    Use of narcan:
    Exh. 1041 - naloxone/narcan training. Counters opioids including fentanyl.
    Speedball - combination of upper and downer.
    Rising use of fentanyl - 3mg deadly.
    Excited delirium - bizarre behaviour from factors such as psycho-motor agitation, psychosis, drug use, hypothermia.
    "Bystanders do occasionally attack EMT crews" - so "load and go."
    Distraction may harm care of patient? Correct!

    Are officers trained to render medical aid in less than ideal circumstances? Yes!
    Do bystanders excuse officer from rendering medical aid? If they were violent, maybe! But no!
    Excited delirium medical issue - needing treatment? Yes!
    Excited delirium may make a person vulnerable? "Yes?" Not just violent? "No!"

    Court break.

    Sgt Jody Stiger from LA.

    Retained as expert witness by state - in sum of $10,000 plus $2950 for trial.

    Marine Corps, Police Dept, Undercover drugs. Gang unit. FBI task force. Training division from 2000. 6 years in-service tactics unit instructor. 4 day course - de-escalation, firearms manipulation. Promoted to Sgt - LAPD.

    Court adjourned suddenly!
  • counterpunch
    Waiting for the trial to start, watching Chanely Painter from yesterday - pretty as a peach orchard in Autumn - wondering what she'll be wearing today. After yesterday's splendour, something basic; maybe black or block colour is my guess. I know what the judge will be wearing! And Mr Chauvin. Something vaguely reminiscent of his uniform again I expect. I wonder if that's deliberate, or if it is just that all his shirts are blue? It occurs to me that George Floyd wasn't wearing a mask in his local store; even though he knew he had Covid! Maybe he feared wearing a mask might betray his criminal intent!
  • counterpunch
    Sgt Jody Stiger from LA - cont.

    I'm not recording the bought and paid for testimony of a black political police officer - who has elsewhere repeatedly expressed his support for Black Lives Matter. As impressive as his resume undoubtedly is - he is not testifying to anything new; and potentially, is acting politically.
  • counterpunch
    James Reyerson.

    Currently - Use of Force Investigations Group. Officer for 13 years. Bsc Criminology. NYPD 2007. 4.5 years. Impact Officer - quality of life issues. DEA 2011. 2013 Corporate Investigations. Msc - Business. Dept of Commerce - white collar investigations. 201? BCA/DPS. Forensic Pathology Exam. 3 year doctoral student. Lead investigator of Floyd case - metro homicide, May 25 - now Use of Force Investigations Group.

    Reyerson, Phil, Mueller - room 100 city hall. Arrival time: 22:10?
    Critical incident - BCA jurisdiction.
    Learned who involved officers were.
    Critical Incident Protocols.
    Exh 279: Chauvin.
    140 lbs.
    Belt/vest - 30-40lbs.

    Bodycam and other videos:
    CAD report - radio traffic.
    Milestone video.
    Audio 911 call.
    Facebook video - saw portion.
    Darnella Frazier.

    Reyerson met Phil, Anderson at scene 3:00 am.
    Crime scene team - 2 to 3 members, plus photographer.
    Vehicles - blue MercBenz, squad car.
    Parked South 38th.
    Contents - 2x$20 bills in envelope in trunk.
    Exh. 198 -

  • counterpunch
    Agent James Reyerson - cont.

    Manilla envelope containing 2x$20 bills, pipe, cigarettes, card.
    Exh. 198 - 2x$20 bills - one torn.
    Glass multi coloured pipe. BCA for analysis.
    Had vehicles towed to BCA HQ St Paul. MN. Crime scene garage.

    May 27th - facilitated vehicle search with crime scene team.
    Videos - cup foods, dragon wok. Established timer disparities.
    Watched video, Exh 52: arrival of Floyd car at E38th timer 19:56:22
    Morries out.

    Floyd out - clearly intoxicated. Cross road with some care.
    Enter cup foods.
    Peterson acquired blood sample from Floyd, provided to lab.
    Autopsy report - toxicology report.
    Dec 2020 - request Merc SUV re-search for pill.

    Chain of custody tape - intact. Yes!
    Re-search squad 320 at BCA HQ
    Seals not intact - searched.
    Medical records Mr Floyd. HCMC.
    Squad 320 hybrid.

    Exh 127 Bodycam 20:19:17 Floyd prone.
    Left knee on back of GF neck.
    Right knee on GF back.
    Does Floyd stop talking?
    20:20:55 - Darnella Frazier video composite.
    Exh. 1045, 46, 47, 48.
    20:23:32 - 4 mins.
    20:25:08 - Floyd stops moving? Yes!
    Does it appear Mr Chauvin is using weight to hold GF down? Yes!
    20:26:40 - 3 mins
    20:27:18 - 20:27:40
    Is there moment in Exh 127 better see knee placement? Yes.
    20:28:43 - Chauvin stands up.

    BCA extensive investigation.
    Many officers conducted many interviews with many people - some relevant, some not? Yes!
    Tried to speak to everyone in area at time.
    Role of Agent Reyerson is to quarterback investigation 440 reports on the case.
    Exhibits created - not as part of investigation.
    Then all rolled into central investigation.
    BCA follows up leads. Sometimes leads not relevant.
    Investigation ongoing since 25 May 2020? Yes!

    Second search Squad 320 - secure storage since May 2020.
    Defence had no access without supervision.
    Normal for defence to view evidence? Yes!
    You do not suggest do you, that defence planted drugs? No, I do not.

    Videos incl. Speedway. Cellphones, Videos and lots of stuff. Yes!
    Initially limited information - despatch, normal critical incident process.
    Secure scene secure evidence, interview witnesses.
    This is unusual case - information known June may not have been available until December? Yes!

    Exh. 127 - 20:28:32 Chauvins knee Floyd's arm/tricep.
    In your review of footage did you hear Mr Floyd say I ate too many drugs? No!
    Footage - did you hear Mr Floyd say I ate too many drugs? Yes!
    Fluid from under vehicle - could have been urine from certain perspective? Yes!
    Actually, condensation from running squad car. Yes? Yes!
    Nothing further.


    With hybrid - can aircon run on battery?
    Asked about knee on back; did Floyd's shirt move? Yes.
    Unusual case - does lead officer stick with case to trial? Yes!
    Done some work for defence attorneys?
    Not saying defence planted pill? No!

    Are you car mechanic? No
    Own a hybrid? No!
    Know if car was running on battery or gas? No!

    back in 10 mins!

    Keung's bodycam - Lane's bodycam - discussion about drugs with Floyd.
    Floyd: "I ain't done no drugs"
    Video dragon wok
    Exh 53, 54, 55 - offered, not published to correct mistake over Exh numbers.

    Exh. 20:38:48 (inconsistent timestamp)
    Morries out car - throws something.
    Is that consistent with someone disposing of something they don't want police to find? Could be, yes!

    Next witness:

    MacKenzie Anderson - BCA - forensic science.
    Bsc and Masters - forensic science. Oct 2009.
    Forensic molecular biology (DNA)
    DNA testing and identification of bodily fluids.
    Crime scene team leader 2016. 2 teams.
    On call 24/7. Accredited lab.
    May 25th 2020 - received call from Agent Phil.
    Self, tech, photographer - crime scene truck.
    Arrived 01:15 26th - 03:15 ish.
    Briefing from agent on scene - "employee of cup foods called police, responded, arrested Floyd, struggle, on ground, unresponsive, ambulance HCMC."
    2 vehicles - Merc/Sqaud by Dragon Wok.
    Walkthrough - didn't see much to process.

    Made aware of Facebook video - saw portion.
    Located scene. Squad moved to E38th.
    Photos - Exh 129-135.
    Dry under both vehicles.

    Did not see any blood.
    Noted it rained.
    No evidence collected from scene.

    Vehicles to BCA - Left scene 03:30.
    Agreed with Agent Reyerson to process vehicles May 27th.
    09:00 start - self, team member and agent/photos.

    Do you always know what will become item of evidence? No!
    Knew vehicles would be kept by BCA.
    Exh 137-149 - photos taken in search.
    Merc SUV
    Potentially some blood on either vehicle. Counterfeit money.
    Possibly bleeding from nose/mouth.
    Did you know if on drugs? No! Did not have that information at that time.

    Faraday bag used for electronic devices, to prevent remote access.
    Pill on central console.
    Bills - stuffed between seat and console.
    Exh 136. doors taped and sealed.
    into secure storage.

    2nd search. Dec 09 2020.
    Reyerson told her of request from Attorney General's Office to collect additional items from vehicle.
    told to look for bills, drugs, gum, luggage.
    Exh. 143 Seals intact
    Exh. 144 - item of evidence marked number 46
    Exh 145 - close up of naloxone packet.
    Item recovered.
    Exh, 146 - number 47 - suboxone (unopened)
    Exh 148 - two pills center console.
    Did you take those two pills! (lol) Yes!
    Sealed and sent to lab.

    May 27th squad 320
    Exh. 150 - photo squad 320
    Exh 152-169.
    152 photo of driver side door open.
    153 photo driver side door pocket.
    154 driver side floor well.
    155 front passenger door pocket
    156 front passegner seat.
    157 rear driver side door open.
    158 back seat driver side.
    159 back seat passanger side.
    160 - black strap, shoe.
    161 right shoe.
    Exh 162 - trunk 320.
    No specific information still document this. Yes.

    see any blood stains on vehicle? Yes!
    168 - shoe removed, any blood on it? No!
    169 - pill on floor, squad 320 right passenger side.

    Main focus on blood.

    Exh. 170-176.

    Not sealed - back squad 320 driver side.
    BCA 51 - rounded, rough, no visible markings, not whole any longer.

    172 - close up of pill - taken for testing
    Exh 174 - item 52 - flake of pill.
    175 - item 53 portion of pill and 54 remnants of pills.
    176 - item 53 to lab.
    Did own DNA testing - 8 blood stains, bills, DNA.
    Item 51 - DNA
    52-54 - no DNA test, too small and fragile.
    item 51 tested for amylase in spit. Positive. Tested for DNA.
    Item 51 - DNA profile match Floyd.
    Had known DNA profile for Floyd.

    May 27th found blood rear passenger.
    Exh. 177-82.
    Exh 177 - items 12, 13, 14 potential blood stains. PH positive.
    4 different blood stains - plus additional 4.
    Exh 178 - item 10, blood, item 11 - blood on door frame.
    Exh 179 rear pass seat bottom, item 14, 15 blood PH positive.
    item 16 blood.
    item 10 - positive blood - item 18, test not done too small.
    8 samples tested proven GF blood.

    BCA forensic scientist - Brieahna Giles.
    Qualifications, training and associations.
    Drug chemist.

    glass pipe - visual, presumptive test - colour test, what substance could be.
    scrape residue - charred residue, THC, but no marijuana.

    item 48 - white round tablet with apparent pharma markings.
    Markings - RP 10/325.
    Agent Reyerson - test both pills.
    weigh - look up markings, confirm substance.

    RP 10/325. Oxycodon.
    Do you know if fake pills are given legit markings? Yes!
    Tablets were meth and fentanyl.

    additional testing items 51, 52, 53.
    51 meth - could not conclusively identify other substances.
    52 - weigh, 0.019 meth, could not conclusively identify other substances.
    53 - weigh, 0.01g meth, could not conclusively identify other substances.
    54 - no test.

    defence cross.

    1st test marijuana pipe? Yes.
    item 48 - 0.397g from center console of Merc Benz.
    Back seat squad 320 - 51, 52, 53.

    Susan Leith.

    BMS labs, forensic chemist. 27 years. 15 as forensic chemist. GOP testing as manager. Quantitative analysis for biological samples. 7 years in Pharma. TFSC - drug analysis certification.

    Quantitative analysis to determine how much of what drug is present.
    Identification and confirmation; mass spectrometry!
    3 pills for BCA - 2 pills plus bits.
    Q analysis - 48 two pills. Console Merc.
    Pills appeared consistent with eachother.
    Photographed before grinding.
    Exh 628 - report.
    Item 48 - less than 1% fentanyl - meth 1.9%.
    BCA 51 - rear passenger squad car, partial tablet - red staining.
    Fentanyl less than 1% meth 2.9%
    (Fent 1% typical)(meth - 90-100% content typical)

    Court adjourned.
  • counterpunch
    Waiting for the trial to start - discovered to my surprise that an old TV series, I always thought was real life, was actually fiction.


    All my life up until this present moment, I've known for sure that the UK televised court proceedings, but they didn't. Vinnie Politan is right. I am loathe to admit it - but the facts are the facts.
  • counterpunch
    Dr Martin Tobin.
    critical and pulmonary care medicine.
    Chicago, Il.
    45 years a doctor.
    Pulmonary - lungs.

    Aware of pre-existing conditions? Yes, seen medical records, interviews, watched videos.
    Have you formed an opinion with reasonable medical certainty? Yes.

    Died of low level of oxygen.
    Have you formed an opinion with reasonable medical certainty as cause of low level of oxygen?
    Yes, shallow breathing - insufficient to provide oxygen, remove carbon dioxide.

    Number of forces reducing size of breath.
    1. prone
    2. handcuffs.
    3. knee - neck
    4. knee - back, arm, side.

    Exh. 949 - Illustration of officers positions.

    Officers positions changed, position of Mr Floyd changed.

    Handcuffs plus street.
    Handcuffs - pushed in and up, and street - sandwiched Floyd.
    Could not get air to left side of the lungs.

    Two big muscles in breathing.
    diaphragm - 70%
    rib cage - 30%.
    Expand chest to inhale.
    diaphragm - bucket handle movement.
    ribs - pump handle movement.

    Exh. 944 - using knuckles to get air into right side of body
    Exh. 938 - raising shoulder off street to get air into lungs.

    Knee occlude air into passageway.

    Exh. 935 and 937 - hypopharynx

    (The hypopharynx is the longest of the 3 segments of the pharynx. It is wide superiorly and progressively narrows toward the level of the cricopharyngeal muscle. It is bounded anteriorly by the posterior face of the cricoid cartilage. The parts of the hypopharynx that lie partly to each side of the larynx form the pyriform sinuses or fossae.)

    Vulnerable to occlusion from knee on neck. Relation between expansion of lungs and size of hypopharynx.

    Exh. 941 - Floyd face down, and turned to side.
    Face down to get air.

    Can calculate force based on weight - and size of opening left for breathing.
    Exh. 939 - 940.
    940 - physiology experiment - 85% occlusion, 7 times more effort required to breathe.
    939 - math of experiment.

    Did knee cause narrowing of hypopharynx? Yes.

    Exh. 947 - foot off floor, all weight on neck.
    Exh. 943 - 91.5 lbs.

    Oxygen level during first five minuets - enough to keep brain alive. Speaking - 4:51 secs.

    Court break.

    After 5:03 seconds - extending leg 24:21 - brain injury.
    Myoclonic seizure.
    First five minuets knee on neck virtually all time.

    Prone position - lung volume.
    Exh. 929 - lung function and tidal volume.
    All adults - 400 cc tidal volume.

    Exh. 930 - Floyd lung volume - age, sex, height.
    EELV upright - 3840
    residual 2300.
    Arterial blood gas 89mm (typical 46 yo male)
    Exh. 927 - Prone - lung volume reduced 24%.
    proportional reduction in size of hypopharynx.

    Exh. 932 - 43% reduction in EELV, oxygen reserves and size of hypopharynx.
    Work of breathing increases.
    19% knee - 24% prone.
    3 fold increase in work of breathing.

    Exh 922 - 926.
    Shows difference between sat on sidewalk versus prone on breathing.
    Shows reduction in hypopharynx.
    Loss of consciousness - 20:20:53
    Oxygen level at loss of consciousness - 36mm
    Exh. 928 - all factors impacting on breathing of Mr Floyd.
    20:25:16 - stops breathing.

    Exh. 931 - level of oxygen to zero based on average consumption.
    remained on neck for 3:22 seconds.

    Dr Chan et al, San Diego - studies show weight on back not dangerous.
    Highly misleading -
    Exh. 948 - bound, prone man - 100 lbs on back, large surface area compared to knee.

    Are you aware that Mr Floyd had pre-existing health conditions.
    A healthy person would have died.

    If you can speak you can breathe - is that true?
    Yes, but misleading.
    Must have had air in - cannot speak without brain function.
    Timing of speech important to analysis - could not have been total occlusion of neck, continue to speak for 4:21 seconds.

    Brain needs a lot of oxygen.
    Without oxygen 8 seconds - out cold.
    Leg rising indicates anoxic seizure, lot of different terms.
    Fatally low level of oxygen to brain.

    Exh. 934, 936, 933.
    MRI - vocal chords.
    Can speak at 15% size trachea.

    Rate of breathing - 22, video, normal. (after prolonged struggle???)
    In terms of fentanyl - 40% reduction, expecting rate of 10.
    Fentanyl - not effecting breathing.
    Carbon dioxide (high) 89mm blood gas. Normal 35/45.
    Airway inserted in ambulance 9 mins after last breath at 20:25:16.

    Facial expressions - 20:24:53 - alive/dead.
    Floyd struggling - police restraining struggle.
    knee remains on neck for 3:27 secs after last breath -
    2:44 secs after officers found no pulse.

    Defence cross:

    sidebar, lunch.
  • counterpunch
    Defence cross:

    Not a pathologist.
    Police medical knowledge - no way near your expertise.
    Physics is dynamic, agreed? Yes!
    Biology similar - dynamic systems working in concert. Yes!
    No-one measuring units of force at the scene.
    All boiled down to averages. Yes!

    More time spent watching videos than events took to happen.
    Dies of low level of oxygen - caused both brain damage and heart.
    Nuchal ligament - hard surface back of neck.
    At times knee was on nuchal ligament? Yes
    Hypopharynx - no damage autopsy.

    If you can speak you can breathe - dangerous proposition.
    Medically trained physicians have trouble with concept.
    Mn Police LT - "if you can speak you can breathe"

    Based on assumptions.
    "Not theoretical - based on direct measurement."
    Measurements assume equal weight distribution left to right knee.
    But weight is frequently redistributed? Yes!
    EELV - premised upon healthy individual.

    Person who is fat in prone position stomach compresses lungs more.
    Floyd - 75-90% occlusion of ventricular artery. No!
    History of hypertension - high blood pressure.
    Had Covid - lot is unknown. Yes? No!
    Every person is different.

    Respiratory rate 22 - normal.
    Toxicology - controlled substances in system
    Smoker - changes lung function? In some people!
    Fentanyl - respiratory depressant.
    Meth-amphetamine - increase heart rate? Yes!
    Rarely proscribed.

    Adrenaline will increase heart rate.
    Many causes of increased adrenaline.
    Fight, fear, paraganglioma.

    Wooden chest syndrome - increase in chest wall thickness due to fentanyl, impede lung function.
    Report says 'peak effect within five mins of ingestion' of fentanyl.
    Continuing afterwards.

    Anoxic seizure 20:24:21 - kick of legs,
    Lane holds leg down.
    Last breath 20:25:16? Correct!
    20:35:06 - ventilated 8 mins after ambulance arrival.
    That time was crucial? Yes!

    back in 5 mins.

    Daniel Isenscmidt
    MNS Labs 2011 - forensic toxicologist.
    Masters biology 1982. Masters - pathology with specialism in forensic toxicology.

    Samples for testing from HC.
    Hospital blood - autopsy urine.
    Standard procedures.
    Notable findings - presence of fentanyl 11ng per ml.
    Meth amphetamine - stimulant, 19 ng per ml - single proscribed dose. Low level.
    Fentanyl - opioid analgesic more potent than morphine.

    Individual tolerance to opiates - need more to get desired effect.
    Nor fentanyl, broken down, 5.6ng.
    Nicotine, caffeine, cannabinoids.
    Morphine 86ng per ml, in urine - indicative of prior use.
    Metabolites - below report limits.

    Post mortem redistribution of drugs may increase concentrations in hospital blood.
    Exh. 920 - graphs of fentanyl concentrations - show Floyds level was not necessarily fatal.

    ... oh no, I fell asleep. How much did I miss?


    I'll keep watching, but I'm done taking notes.
  • counterpunch
    Present, but incorrect.
  • counterpunch
    Dr Lindsay Carrol Thomas. Forensic Pathologist.
    Death Investigations - holistic approach.

    Enlarged photo of George Floyd's dead face, sealed in white envelope and handed out to all concerned. Making the jury look death right in the face. Good tactic. But is it justice? Clearly he couldn't breathe - and he died. Haven't we established that already?
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