• Apollodorus

    You're doing quite a bit of projecting there aren't you? Since when are the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Clintons, Obama and Biden "Jews"???

    And it isn't a "defense" at all. I'm just answering the points you're making or trying to make.
  • Apollodorus
    This is not calling you an anti-Semite. It is clarifying your positionTom Storm

    Why do you feel the need of "clarifying my position" then? My position is that financial and industrial interests have too much influence on government and the people too little. You seem to agree with me but at the same time disagree, so which is it?
  • Apollodorus

    Here's the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) definition for you:

    cabal a. A secret or private intrigue of a sinister character formed by a small body of persons; ‘something less than conspiracy’ (Johnson).
    1663 J. Heath Flagellum He was no sooner rid of the danger of this but he was puzzled with Lambert's cabal.
    1702 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion I. v. 439 The King..asked him, whether he were engaged in any Cabal concerning the Army?
    1707 J. Freind Acct. Earl of Peterborow's Conduct in Spain 171 The contrivances and cabals of others have too often prevail'd.
    1824 W. Irving Tales of Traveller II. 30 There were cabals breaking out in the company.
    1874 G. Bancroft Hist. U.S. X. xvii. 349 The cabal against Washington found supporters exclusively in the north ....

    So, it's not even a conspiracy! But according to you it is one all the same ...

    And the Wikipedia Article - Cabal

    It goes back hundreds of years with no connotation of "anti-semitism" whatsoever. So, maybe it's you who is "defensive" for no reason, not me?
  • Apollodorus
    So basically, I can't speak because I'm "anti-Semitic" and I can't answer accusations of "anti-Semitism" either, because I'm "defensive"! Sounds a bit self-contradictory to me, to be honest. In other words, I shouldn't be on this forum ...
  • 180 Proof

    Smokin' one out, huh?
  • Apollodorus

    More like smoking yourself out from what I see ....
  • Apollodorus
    Nation of Islam or Boko Haram, huh?

    Or, maybe Taliban?
  • Apollodorus
    Here's how the word "cabal" is used in normal everyday English language:

    “Cabal of climate sceptics to descend on UK parliament” - Guardian

    “In us we trust: the powerful cabal pulling political strings over NSW stadiums” – Guardian

    ”Cabal buys rest of Del Monte” – Independent

    “Londoner's Diary: Corbyn’s cabal has no need for libraries” – Evening Standard

    “The cabal of the commandos” - Jerusalem Post

    I do realize that uneducated Taliban Fascists and Boko Haram Nazis (and Stalinists) think differently from normal people but that isn't my fault.

    The big question is, where has the "American Democracy and Freedom Of Speech" gone? Could it be that it's just a myth?
  • 180 Proof
    @Tom Storm re: In the words of the immortal sage Bugs Bunny: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks", doesn't she, Doc?
  • Apollodorus

    Yeah, talking about yourself, I presume.
  • Apollodorus
    I was just having a peaceful and polite conversation with @Athena.

    What exactly did I say to offend you for you to start attacking me???
  • 180 Proof
    If you ASSume so, Doc. :smirk:

    What attack? I was just having a peaceful and polite concurrence with @Tom Storm.
  • Apollodorus

    I said "presume". But I forgot the Taliban don't speak English.
  • Jack Cummins

    Whatever have you been discussing? The mystery deepens. When I was awake in the night, looking at my phone, I kept seeing this thread flashing up and thought that the keys to the universe had been found...But, at least the thread has not lost consciousness just yet.
  • 180 Proof
    Now that's an attack, Doc! Just remember: you may have all the fake Rolexes but we've got the time. :sweat:
  • Apollodorus
    But, at least the thread has not lost consciousness just yet.Jack Cummins

    That remains to be seen. It looks like some may have lost it after all.
  • Jack Cummins

    Sometimes when I look at this site it seems like an organic being with a consciousness, threads fizzling and fading, and others being born.
  • Apollodorus
    you may have all the fake Rolexes but we've got the time180 Proof

    Look who's talking! Fake Democracy, Fake Freedom of Speech, Fake Forum.

    No wonder you're being taken over by Mexico and China. lol
  • Apollodorus
    Sometimes when I look at this site it seems like an organic being with a consciousness, threads fizzling and fading, and others being born.Jack Cummins

    Yeah, but don't forget the moles, the termites and the tapeworms. And the Stalinist Taliban.
  • Apollodorus

    And seeing that it's your thread, what did I say that was "offensive" to anyone?
  • Jack Cummins

    I am not sure because people can get really sensitive, especially around politics. I have been struggling with getting into bits of discussion on various threads in the night when I couldn't sleep. When I did sleep I dreamt that someone was creating endless threads, almost taking over the site, and the moderators were trying to delete them and the whole site crashed. But, I didn't sleep much, so I am not good today...
  • Jack Cummins

    Your idea that you may end up in heaven meeting important thinkers is interesting and one which I never thought about even in my most religious moments. But, yes, it would seem embarrassing to say to Plato that you never got round to meeting them. The writer I would probably like to meet with is William Blake. But, the other question is if we were in a life after death would all the philosophical questions be revealed.

    I think that I would rather come back in another human body, but if people really believe in reincarnation they ought to think about working to ensure that humanity survives, or else they won't be able to come back at all, at least in this cycle of existence.
  • Apollodorus
    When I did sleep I dreamt that someone was creating endless threads, almost taking over the site, and the moderators were trying to delete them and the whole site crashed.Jack Cummins

    lol Sounds like a right nightmare then. Maybe there is some truth in dreams after all. Let's hope your dream or nightmare doesn't turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy ...
  • Jack Cummins

    Well most of my dreams don't come true so hopefully that dream won't come true. However, I do think that in some cases the more we dwell on possibilities we are in danger of creating self fulfilling prophecies. However, even when my worst fears do come true it is usually in a slightly different way from what I have imagined might happen. Generally, I feel that life can be hard to predict in an exact way.
  • Apollodorus
    Generally, I feel that life can be hard to predict in an exact way.Jack Cummins

    The interesting thing is that some people seem to have an uncanny ability to more or less predict the course of their own lives from a fairly early age. Maybe they're more in tune with a wider reality and the role they can and/or are "destined" to play in it?

    In contrast, others seem to bear what might be termed - for lack of a better phrase - the burden of a "heavy karma".
  • Apollodorus
    I am thinking that the Platonic mystics are of extreme importance.Jack Cummins

    When properly understood, most certainly. But, as I said before, people are often attracted to more "exotic" traditions and tend to overlook the treasures buried in their own back yard, so to speak.
  • Jack Cummins

    I am afraid that I am in the category of not being able to predict my life. I find that life seems to come in waves, but I think that this is my life of heavy duty karma. I feel that I have a lot to learn, but, certainly, I am convinced that there are no coincidences.
  • Athena
    I would not at say we might as well be China. We have a very different culture and we need to get back to educating for that different culture. However, I agree with the rest of what you said and the New World Order is the whole world. What Jack says means this is not just a US thing.
  • Apollodorus
    I would not at say we might as well be China. We have a very different culture and we need to get back to educating for that different culture. However, I agree with the rest of what you said and the New World Order is the whole world. What Jack says means this is not just a US thing.Athena

    But there is a possibility that America is heading that way. If it happened in China where people went from worshiping the emperor to worshiping Mao Zedong overnight then it can happen anywhere. Pulling down statues and cancelling history can perfectly well end in cancelling culture and cancelling freedom. It looks to me that a lot of people are going along with that and I don't see what will stop it unless as you say, we go back to educating people in the established culture. But that won't happen if the education system is controlled by people whose main goal in life is to cancel Western culture as soon as possible.
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