• Streetlight
    Judaka is the biggest snowflake on the whole board. He exists to tone police and gatekeep. That's it, that's the substance of his contributions. If he makes it three posts without saying 'virtue singalling' he will literally keel over and die.
  • fishfry
    why not add a few misiles and kill civilians.Manuel

    What else are civilians for then? Surely a glance at 20th and 21st century war should disabuse one of the notion that civilians are to be protected. When US sanctions killed half a million Iraqi children, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright famously said, "We think the price was worth it."

    Nonetheless, we've got posters in this thread who have little interest in doing anything except feigning moral indignation, virtue signalling and just trying to drag others through the mud.Judaka

    Thought I'd go the opposite way. Civilians. They're what's for dinner.
  • Maw
    Do you actually believe your actions here make even a tiny difference?Judaka

    It's actually fucked up, I admit, because myself, @180 Proof and @StreetlightX and several others are legitimately the only people in the world capable of ending conflict in the Middle East, and yet instead of doing so we just routinely ridicule others on the Internet.
  • Andrew4Handel
    The only reason not to support Israel is Anti-Semitism.

    And by the way this is one of the least lethal conflicts in History. Casualties are dwarfed by the war in Syria, in the Congo etc.
  • Streetlight
    I like this guy ^ . He's a parody and is great entertainment value. 5/5 would laugh at then ignore again.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Even The Quran acknowledges the existence of Israel and the Jews. They are not colonialists. They are the most victimised people in history forced to live in a diaspora until now and now facing hate from left right and centre.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Any death caused by Israel is murder but firing 1,500 rockets arbitrarily into another country is self defence. Way to redefine reality.
  • Andrew4Handel
    You are not entertainment you are frightening reality. Your "support" for the Palestinians is highly prejudice, completely unbeneficial to them and prolonging the conflict by your hysterical clearly ideological caricature of the conflict.
  • Baden

    A thread based on the premise of "Israel killing civilians" will and should elicit moral stances. You're not going to be allowed to use it to jump on your hobby horse of morally condemning anyone who morally condemns anything. You do that regularly as a way to attack other posters, particularly mods, and it sidetracks and disrupts threads. So, stop now (and no need to answer this post because it's not up for debate).
  • Streetlight
    Keep posting, please. Your posts here are a better argument for the insanity of support for Israel than anything I could ever offer, ever. Big props.
  • Andrew4Handel
    So no arguments from you? As expected.
  • Baden

    I suspect he's a Hamas propagandist parodying the enemy. It's brilliant.
  • Andrew4Handel
    No arguments as expected.
  • Baden

    Your argument is that not supporting Israel while they are doing this is anti-semitic.


    You are either trolling or very ill.
  • Baden
    Just want to point out what an insult it is to Jews, including very many Israeli Jews, to presume they must, by definition, support these terrorist attacks on Palestinian civilians.
  • Andrew4Handel
    They are defending themselves and targeting Hamas. You are conflating civilian casualties caused by Israel's self defence with civilian casualties caused by Hamas indiscriminately firing 1,5000 rockets into Israel which by the way has nearly two million Palestinian occupants one of which was a 7 year old Arabic child killed by Hamas.
  • Baden

    99% of the killing is done by Israel. 99% of the children murdered are murdered by Israel. The idea that's just defending themselves from the vastly inferior power they are violently occupying is where the parody comes in.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Just want to point out what an insult it is to Jews, including very many Israeli Jews, to presume they must, by definition, support these terrorist attacks on Palestinian civilians.Baden

    I am a not Jewish. Stop spreading the deeply Anti-Semitic myth no one supports Israel other than Jews. Let me requote this from very Islamic UAE:

    "If Hamas does not commit to complete calm, it is dooming the residents of the Strip to a life of suffering. Its leaders must understand that their policies are first and foremost hurting the people of Gaza.”
  • Andrew4Handel
    Lies and Hysteria. Hamas forced Israel to fire rockets into Israel knowing its civilians would die. the same as Germany and japan caused their civilians to die by their instigation of aggression.
  • Baden

    You're really losing it now. Israel's biggest supporters are American Christians. Anyway, done with you. Anyone who supports terrorist attacks on children is not someone I want to spend time talking to.
  • Andrew4Handel
    I don't want to engage with you I just want to stop your lies and Hysteria.

    Where is your thread supporting the thousands of children starved to death in Yemen. Or the thousands of children killed in Syria? The persecution of Christians around the world. The kidnap and rape of Pakistani Hindu and Christian girsl?



    People you hypocritical liars don't care about.
  • Andrew4Handel
    The UAE is not America HTH
  • Baden

    Ah, I see, you're an Islamophobe. Some of us have no difficulty condemning these types of things based on the idea that they're wrong not on who's doing them. It's totally irrelevant to me whether the guilty party is Muslim, Christian, or Jewish. All of the above are capable of the same.
  • Andrew4Handel
    Here's a particularly delusional piece from Harriet Sherwood:

    "The cave and an adjacent tent are home to 18 people: Nawal's father, his two wives and 15 children. The family's 200 sheep are penned outside. "


    It is not Israel's fault that someone has 15 children
  • Andrew4Handel
    Ah, I see, you're an IslamophobeBaden

    Incredible! Opposing the abduction, rape and forced conversion of girls and the murder of gay people makes me an Islamophobe. Now your true colours are showing.
  • Andrew4Handel
    As someone else said elsewhere "Firing 1,500 rockets into Israel is not ethnic cleansing"

    Read the Hamas charter people.
  • Baden

    You brought in information absolutely irrelevant to the thread. The only reason to do so apparently to attack Muslims. Don't do that again.

    On a wider note, it's symptomatic of these threads. There are always attempts to make it about who we like more, Muslims vs Jews. It's not. The ethical argument concerns what is a justified use of force by party A against party B. The relevant contexts are things like power asymmetries and the killing of civilians in terms of method and extent by both sides.
  • Baden
    Here's a simple ethical point supporters of Israeli actions should address. In "defending" themselves against the Palestinians, what are the limits in terms of civilian casualities Israel can justifiably inflict relative to the civilian casualties they themselves have endured? Should there not be a limit? Israel is currently running over 99 to 1, would they be justified in making it 1000 to 1 (if they haven't got there already), 10,000 to 1, more? Is there any point at all where you would concede that their response is disproportionate. You tell me. If it makes it easier to answer, take out the terms Palestinian and Israel and replace them with Power A and Population B.
  • Andrew4Handel
    You brought in information absolutely irrelevant to the thread. The only reason to do so apparently to attack Muslims. Don't do that again.Baden

    It is not irrelevant to the thread because you are using inflammatory language against the Israeli's which you have not applied elsewhere. So I am putting your inflammatory language into perspective.

    Why is this issue more important and more deserving of hysterical coverage? Apparently this the only conflict that warrants a thread on philosophy forum and surprisingly (not) it involves the Jews.

    How can you devote a thread to vilifying Israel whilst ignoring much greater casualties, prejudice, misogyny and real genocide/gendercide elsewhere. I can only think of one reason for that and it begins with A.

    Also opposing a religion is not a phobia I was a victim of religious child abuse my entire childhood. religion is spread by childhood indoctrination. Supporting Islam or any other religion is a self lobotomy and defence of child abuse.
  • Baden

    I'm genuinely sorry about your situation. I don't support Islam or any other religion and am very anti-fundamentalist. To me, that's not the issue here though. So, please stay on topic.
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