• Tiberiusmoon
    Just thought of a neat little game that can help practice philosophy of small subjects rather than huge posts that everyone here can play. :)

    So the aim is to play with the meaning of words with a philosophical approach in order to expand its meaning or understanding, refreshing your understanding/views on words to help give greater context to a topic you may read.
    Since the subject matter is small you can use the comments to show your findings.
    You can mix variations of the word within the field of study, say approach, approaching, approached.
    Since not everyone knows the dictionary meaning of every word in such detail you as a reader to someones comment can check with google to gain context to someone's approach of a word.

    ill post mine as an example:
    This word can be used by a user to describe a person who has no context to the person's perspective of thought, the reason of such perspective difference can range from a mental illness, to a person detailing a topic where the user has lost context to the point they deny its validity.

    From the Person's perspective you can account for things like "common sense" or "socially acceptable" to the user as their bias on their views of a person to be insane.
    The type of insanity depends on how the user of the word is able to make sense of the person with research or dismiss them entirely if the user is not willing to make sense of that person at all.

    In terms of mental illness it can change one perspective by some biological difference but it is still a difference in mental perspective fundamentally.

    So with this, the meaning of the word insanity is to describe difference of perspective in mental thought,
    rather than what a user may assume to be: "extremely foolish; irrational"
  • Jack Cummins

    Chosen word: Gothic (Flash philosophy refection)

    We all have a dark side, and sometimes we project it onto others. But, some people realise that it cannot be eliminated entirely. Even within the Christian striving for perfection and the idea of the imitation of Christ, the dark diabolical side was evident, as evident in church gargoyles.

    Jung spoke of the need to integrate the shadow and we have done so through dark fantasy fiction and dark metal music, emo music bands like My Chemical Romance and, the goth subculture. All this may help us live with, rather than be consumed in the infernal underworld of inner darkness and demons, as we try to ascend to the inner light, and the colours in between the binaries of black and white oppositions.
  • Tiberiusmoon

    Striving to find balance is always a better than struggling to be something your not. :)
  • counterpunch
    Do you mean like:

    In days of yore, your father's father - was farther from the dear deer. D'ya?
  • Jack Cummins

    I am in favour of balance but, sometimes we need to get to the low and high points in our journey of becoming who we are. The contrasts can be part of the path, a bit like a game of snakes and ladders, and, finding exits within labyrinths.
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