• Corvus
    However, is there ever an element of not wanting God to exists? I hope this makes sense.Georgios Bakalis

    If there had been ever, then they must had been for their own personal reasons, which must have been their own private and psychological state.
  • Apollodorus
    Must be some sort of issue with cognitive dysfunction as it relates to emotion...3017amen

    Emotion would certainly seem to be a factor. You can tell from the way they tend to become agitated and turn irate the moment you challenge their preconceived ideas. And it isn't just @180 Proof
  • tim wood
    Yes it is a belief system,3017amen

    Great! What do I believe in?
  • 3017amen
    Emotion would certainly seem to be a factor. You can tell from the way they tend to become agitated and turn irate the moment you challenge their preconceived ideasApollodorus

    Well said. A tell tale sign of cognitive behavioral dysfunction/therapy usually surrounds ad hominem. Meaning, when backed into a corner, you attack the person and not the issue. Kind of like what politicians did in the recent election. They lost the issue in court, so let's attack the people and the process itself.

    But you're right, their agitation persists for some unknown emotional reason :joke:
  • tim wood
    You two should stop jerking each other off. It's disgusting and unbecoming on a philosophy site. Better you should attempt to engage with the content of the threads instead of continually running away into infantile posturing.

    Near as I can tell, anyone who disagrees with or questions either of you is according to both of you mentally impaired with some sort of personality disorder. Which won't do, because the questions themselves are substantive - questions cannot have personality disorders.

    So, word to the wise, grow up and never mind personality; deal with substance.

    Yes it is a belief system, we'll have to agree to disagree.3017amen
    If it's a belief system, what does it believe?

    And agreement to disagree is the defense of the weak against the strong. If there is any substance in your disagreement, be yourself strong enough to present it where it may be tested for its strength. A philosophy site is implicitly a truth site. Treat this one as such.
  • tim wood
    go to me with your philosophical rubbishAnand-Haqq
    This is a philosophy site, not an ecstatic's site. If your epiphanies and revelations work for you, then good for you and go in peace. But go, if that's all you've got to offer here.
  • Apollodorus
    ↪Apollodorus ↪3017amen You two should stop jerking each other off. It's disgusting and unbecoming on a philosophy site.tim wood

    Well, that statement of yours definitely makes it sound like a proper philosophy forum.

    But as a matter of fact I said this:

    And anyway, @Seditious has already admitted that he is an atheist who hopes that God doesn't exist. So, that already answers the question. There is nothing more to be said unless you want to start a new thread.Apollodorus

    So, I don't think it's me that goes on and on about it.
  • 3017amen

    Don't be afraid of yourself!
  • tim wood
    I'd ask you again to make clear something you wrote earlier, but you have proved to me that asking you anything is a waste of time.
  • 3017amen
    I hit the Pass-go button; you seem too emotional right now :joke:
  • Fooloso4
    I am an atheist and I have no reason to hope there is no God, I simply find no compelling reason intellectually, conceptually, or spiritually to believe there is. We do not know if there is a God or not and so cannot say in what way things would be different if there was or was not a God. In addition if there is a God we do not know what God is and so cannot say what that might mean for the way things are.
  • tim wood
    I hit the Pass-go button; you seem too emotional right now3017amen
    Nah, but whatever my feelings one way or other you're still just a cheap little weasel, and apparently would rather be one than attempt to engage in grown-up discussion. Of course that's your choice, but for toxicity, I shall weigh the need to warn others you encounter.
  • god must be atheist
    idea for a new thread: Does atheistic philosophy foster fanaticism, paranoia, and mindless violence?Apollodorus

    Well, if you start like that, I wonder how many people who are singled out as a group like having these attributes blindly attached to them?

    It is very similar to "all theists are shit-sucking gentlemen who don't know their minds from a hole in the ground." You like this, don't you. You don't get angry at all. Never, you.
  • Apollodorus
    Well, if you start like that, I wonder how many people who are singled out as a group like having these attributes blindly attached to them?god must be atheist

    That was an exaggeration on my part. I had no intention to start a thread with that specific title and I never will. And no, I'm not "angry" at all. Least of all with that statement. But maybe you are?

    Anyway, why are we going on and on about this when @Seditious has already admitted that he/she does hope that God/"sky daddy" doesn't exist?

    Let's start another thread if you want. Why keep flogging a dead horse?
  • god must be atheist
    Anyway, why are we going on and on about this when Seditious has already admitted that he/she does hope that God/"sky daddy" doesn't exist?Apollodorus

    That's one person, and you apply it to all atheists? And you wonder why people are getting angry with you. Your thought processes and reasoning power equals that of a three-year-old, yet your erudite language makes your snide remarks stick.

    Please try it the other way around: think like a reasonable person, and save your jokes for those instances when your bias and prejudice is not an influence in creating them.
  • god must be atheist
    Anyway, why are we going on and on about this when Seditious has already admitted that he/she does hope that God/"sky daddy" doesn't exist?Apollodorus

    What do you mean? Why am I going on and on about this? Look at yourself in the mirror. You think your shit don't smell? You have been doing nothing on the forums but going on and on and on about it.

    Save your superiority complex to your family. Here you CAN NOT TELL ANYONE what to do and what not to do... especially when you are hypocritical about it to the maximum.
  • Apollodorus
    What do you mean? Why am I going on and on about this? Look at yourself in the mirror.god must be atheist

    It wasn't me who started this thread. You're getting angry with yourself IMO.
  • god must be atheist
    So... you did not start this thread. But you are still going on and on and on about it.

    And save your psychoanalysis to your family members. You seem to recognize (falsely, most of the time) one emotion, and no more. You're a one-emotion guy.

    So please explain to me, because you can't: why is the statement "It wasn't me who started this thread" there? What does it prove or show? It only shows your infantile attitude... "teach, it was was not me who started the fight." It absolutely does not matter who started the thread when it comes to voicing your opinion. And you are too narrow-sighted to realize that.
  • Apollodorus

    That's what I'm saying. Save your psychoanalysis to your family members. You seem to recognize (falsely, most of the time) one emotion, and no more. You're a one-emotion guy.
  • god must be atheist
    That's what I'm saying. Save your psychoanalysis to your family members. You seem to recognize (falsely, most of the time) one emotion, and no more. You're a one-emotion guy.Apollodorus

    And in addition, you are incapable of original thought. You even repeat after me what I said to you.
  • 3017amen
    Let's start another thread if you want.Apollodorus

    Indeed. I've challenged many atheists on this site to start threads and they were all afraid to do so. I'm not sure why these discussions are so emotionally charged for them.

    I've used Kantian pure reason with them and it just gets them agitated. Once again, the atheist still cannot explain their own conscious existence because it's logically impossible. So how can they explain no EOG :cool:
  • TheMadFool
    You two should stop jerking each other off. It's disgusting and unbecoming on a philosophy site.tim wood

    :lol: Jerk me off! Jerk me off! :rofl:
  • 3017amen

    Yep. I keep telling Mr. Wood to not be so afraid of himself :rofl:

    I don't know why he doesn't celebrate. Maybe he's repressed :joke:
  • TheMadFool
    Come to think of it, this question - do atheists hope there is no God? - gets right to the crux of the issue of theism-atheism.

    For theists, it's a prompt, gentle/rude, for some deep soul-searching. The bottom line is that theism, from beginning to present and probably for the foreseeable future, may be more about hope than truth - fed up with the this world's hostility and indifference towards our condition, we envision the better, a world without, in the most basic sense, suffering and death and since we ourselves seem utterly powerless to create such a world, we entertain the possibility of a being, God, who can, someone who'll save the day come hell or high water. Among logicians this is known as the fallacy of wishful thinking which implies that all attempts by believers to prove the existence of God are nothing more than textbook cases of rationalization - ascribing a belief/action to a better (here more logical) reason than the true rather pathetic one.

    For atheists, the question does about the same thing. Do they too secretly hope that a God exists? After all theism "...makes an offer we can't refuse..." and I mean that in both senses of that which simply can't be refused - either irresistably good (heaven) or horrifyingly bad (hell). That a Mafia Don (The Godfather) no less, too said, even if only in a fictional universe, "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse" sends chills down my spine, I don't know about you though. Hope suddenly turns into despair! For certain, given what I said vide supra, atheists hope but do they hope God is or do they hope God is not? That, my friend, is the million dollar question.
  • DingoJones
    I don’t know why this question has gotten 13 pages of mileage.
    Asking if atheists hope there is no god is like asking if atheists like vanilla ice cream. They may or may not, as like their taste in ice cream whether or not they hope god doesn’t exist will vary with each individual.
    Hoping whether god exists or not isn’t definitive of atheism, what’s definitive of atheism is whether or not you believe there is a god and that’s it.
    Some atheists might like the idea of god bit just are not convinced there actually is one. Other atheists are anti-theists and reject that there being a god is a good thing.

    Just asking this question displays an ignorance of what atheism is.
  • Seditious
    That's a fairly long thread, and I have neither the time nor inclination to read through it completely. Somebody mentioned something about trying to "find an explanation for atheism". I chuckled at that. People are, by default, atheists. You'd have an easier time looking for an explanation for theism.
  • Zenny
    Many atheists are afraid of there being anything after death,like some judgement. Denial is a positive psychological force. Fear of the unknown makes many run to comforting ideologies. Of which materialism is one.
  • Fooloso4

    Some of us try to live in such a way that if there is something after death we will be judged well and will avoid punishment.
  • Zenny
    @Fooloso4 that's all good.
    But what is the reason you are unsure about eternity?
  • Fooloso4
    But what is the reason you are unsure about eternity?Zenny

    It hasn't happened in my lifetime. Seriously, I have nothing by which I can determine whether there is such thing and its consequences for me.
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