• Protagoras

    Yes historically religions have started wars.

    So your solution is to start a war?

    How you plan on implementing your idea is a big issue.
    Not,whatever dude.

    Open to non violence!

    This is real life not some hippy utopia!
  • bert1
    No agriculture
  • Trey
    The question was what’s your idea utopia, not how will you reach it
  • Protagoras
    Well your answers reveal a lot about you.
  • TheMadFool
    Freedom. Being an individualist and somewhat of a recluse this is one of my most important attributes. This can be a complicated subject to fully define as it applies to beings but the basic idea is: You can do any thing you want as long as you do not interfere with someone else's freedom.
    No taxes (money)
    Free quality health care for everyone (money)
    100% employment opportunities (money)

    I've bolded some important words/concepts and what I feel is the essence of all your recommendations. These words/concepts are FREE & MONEY. You want to give people money (employment) but you want to give away one of the reasons they need money (health) for free. It seems a bit confused at first but I guess you want people to be able spend their money for other stuff like buying luxury items, recreational activities, etc. Not a bad idea at all.

    Nonetheless, it seems possible to do away with one of the two recommendations completely i.e. we can make everything free or give people all the money they need. I'm not an economist and my knowledge of economics is almost nil; so I don't know how feasible my suggestions are but you did say to ignore the practical aspects of the problem.

    I suppose a case can be made that making some things free and also put in place a functional wage system is having the best of both worlds but it definitely feels more complicated than the aforementioned options I presented. I guess my proposal would be met with, "sigh! I wish it were that simple."

    Regarding freedom, I'm all for it. The money and "free" stuff you believe are attributes of a (good) human civilization would be pointless without freedom of some kind. I second the motion without the slightest doubt.

    I'll leave you with a short clip from the animation movie Kungfu Panda.

    and a song

  • BC
    So I thought I would ask here and see if anyone has any thoughts on what rules or attributes you would like to see in the civilization you participate in.RoadWarrior9

    We form increasingly complex communities (eventually aggregating into "society" and then "civilization") in order to meet our basic requirements for life and to fulfill our extended wants, like a system of meaning, new stories to hear, read, or watch; more complex forms of self-expression; safety; security, enterprise (business), and so on.

    There are various ways of putting together a complex civilization. Whatever works.

    To start off here are a few of mine:

    Freedom. Being an individualist and somewhat of a recluse this is one of my most important attributes. This can be a complicated subject to fully define as it applies to beings but the basic idea is: You can do any thing you want as long as you do not interfere with someone else's freedom.
    No taxes
    Free quality health care for everyone
    100% employment opportunities

    What does a reclusive individualist need freedom for? You are holed up in your apartment. Freedom is more important for the socially engaged person who put's himself/herself into the daily give and take of normal life.

    No taxes. Well, this goes well with being a reclusive individual. Presumably you won't ever be asking for any assistance from civilization, so civilization has no need for income to provide you with any services. How do you support yourself in your secluded room?

    It was noted above, but free health care without taxation is extremely problematic. Providing health care costs money. How is the health care system supposed to pay for the services you wish to be provided for free?

    100% employment opportunities? I suppose you mean that everyone can have a job of some sort, whether they like it or not. Who is going to oversee employment? No taxes means no government.

    No taxes, no government, no services... Suppose your apartment building catches on fire. Are you and the other recluses living there going to put it out? Or are you going to call the fire department? No taxes, no fire department.

    Suppose a local gang beats you up every time you venture outside. Who will protect you? No taxes means no police.

    You might want to go for a ride in a car. No taxes means no roads.

    No taxes and freedom are, basically, incompatible. This will sound very counter-intuitive to you.
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