• javi2541997
    He is describing consciousness.hope

    Ok. I respect it. This is the way you interpret it. For me, for example, it is speaking about omnipresence.
  • hope
    This is the way you interpret it. For me, for example, it is speaking about omnipresence.javi2541997

    Consciousness is omnipresent.

    Problem is you just don't realize the true nature of consciousness. So then you don't realize he is talking about it.

    Consciousness is not in the brain, the brain is in consciousness.

    Look and see for yourself. Stop believing and start looking.
  • javi2541997
    Stop believing and start looking.hope

    Taoism is about believing... how you defend the virtue of awareness is another power about belief.
    You are presenting me a lot of arguments which, according to you, Tao is about awareness. Then you believe on what are you thinking.
    I do not understand why you want separate the act of think from the act of “praxis”
  • hope
    Taoism is about believingjavi2541997

    It's the opposite of that.

    He is pointing to something beyond the mind, and instead of looking and seeing you are getting lost in thought about the pointers.

    "The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon."
  • javi2541997
    It's the opposite of that.hope

    How can Tao wrote something as:
    Show plainness, hold simplicity
    Reduce selfishness, decrease desires
    (verse XIX) and not “believe” in it... this could be even contradictory.
    The opposite of belief is skepticism, and I guess Tao is far away from this philosophical view...
  • hope
    The opposite of belief is skepticismjavi2541997

    The opposite of belief is experience. and a description of something is not a belief about it.
  • javi2541997
    The opposite of belief is experience.hope

    No. Both concepts are not necessarily being opposites. They can be even explained together or as David Hume, explained, “it is more connected with custom”

    and a description of something is not a belief about it.hope

    Lao Tse does not describe anything in Tao. He just expresses how he sees nature, humans, communities, peace, etc... in a metaphorical technique through the verses.
  • hope
    Lao Tse does not describe anything in Taojavi2541997

    Describing is the main thing he does in the Tao. He describes the Tao, which is consciousness.
  • javi2541997
    He describes the Tao, which is consciousness.hope

    Good interpretation of how you see the Tao.
    But check out how many variations could be:
  • hope
    But check out how many variations could be:javi2541997

    Maybe the Tao Te Ching is a recipe for meat pie. lol
  • javi2541997
    Maybe the Tao Te Ching is a recipe for meat pie. lolhope

    Or a good glass of sake :lol:
  • hope
    Or a good glass of sakejavi2541997

    Or maybe its nothing but a pointer to the true nature of consciousness.
  • Valentinus

    Or maybe its nothing but a pointer to the true nature of consciousness.hope

    It seems to me that you want to have your cake of the inexplicable and eat it too.
    If the true Tao cannot be expressed, your ostensive gesture toward it is another example.
    As the great scholar Clint Eastwood once put it, a man needs to know his limitations.
  • hope
    If the true Tao cannot be expressedValentinus

    Consciousness cannot be expressed.
  • Apollodorus
    As the great scholar Clint Eastwood once put it, a man needs to know his limitations.Valentinus

    But what if consciousness has no limitations?
  • Valentinus

    On the contrary, it is expressed everywhere, as you suggested earlier.
  • Valentinus
    But what if consciousness has no limitations?Apollodorus

    Then it becomes something anybody can say anything about. The Tao Te Ching doesn't talk that way.
  • hope
    On the contrary, it is expressed everywhere, as you suggested earlier.Valentinus

    It's expressed incorrectly most of the time.
  • Valentinus
    It's expressed incorrectly most of the time.hope

    Probably so. Then you will have to demonstrate the difference if you want to bring in something new. And if that is not your intention, why bother?
  • T Clark
    It's expressed incorrectly most of the time.hope

    I named this thread "My favorite verses in the Tao Te Ching." It's purpose is to discuss the meaning of specific verses in relation to the whole document. I still have some thoughts of starting it up again. It's pointless for you to spout off your superficial opinion of what Lao Tzu was saying without any reference to the text itself or to the context of the whole document. It's self-indulgent.
  • hope
    It's self-indulgent.T Clark

    Maybe that's because I taught Lao Tzu everything he knows and everything he based his book on.
  • T Clark
    Maybe that's because I taught Lao Tzu everything he knows and everything he based his book on.hope

    So, what's LT really like? He seems pretty cool.
  • hope
    what's LT really like?T Clark

    You wouldn't like him. You're mind would find him too boring and silly.

    You would laugh at him.

    and without that laugh, it would not be the Tao.
  • Valentinus

    You wish to speak with a certain authority but bring nothing new to the table. Informing other people how stupid they are is a rhetorical trick developed long ago.
    My interest level is dropping.
  • hope
    Informing other people how stupid they areValentinus

    There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance.

    and a difference between knowledge and wisdom

    and a difference between wisdom and enlightenment
  • Valentinus

    Then talk about that.
    Your conclusions are less interesting than your process.
  • hope
    Your conclusions are less interesting than your process.Valentinus

    Because my conclusions are too far ahead.
  • Valentinus

    So, you want something you personally worked out for yourself to persuade other people on the premise that you have a special relationship to the truth?

    This has been tried before. Perhaps you should look into that.
  • hope

    haters gonna hate
  • Apollodorus

    Come on, Hope, you told us you write books. What are they called, and where can we can get them?
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