• Transcending
    So who is God? The one that is right in front of our eyes and beyond our limited senses yet we’re blinded to being able to understand?

    To begin, God is creating and expanding infinitely, that’s just the way God is. You could say the whole universe is God and that earth is a place full of high amounts of energy and a high amount of life. God simulatenously created and discovered this planet and continues to create new personalities and extensions of itself, always creating new possibilities and movement. From the beginning there was just one. It evolved into two, into shades such as black and white, into colour, into more than one frequency from one to high and low to movement of up and down to left, right, diagonal. It is always expanding upon each dimension, each colour, each bit of coding and life. Everything is interconnected to God/it. We are all apart of it yet we have this complicated coding ingrained into our genetics that we have the “free will” to be able to create ourselves and do whatever we want. Life is a contradiction, life is movement, life is complex.

    Each bit of consciousness whether human, animal, bug, plant or spirit are different parts of what God is. God has the utmost perfect everything to be able to love all and through this unconditional love, God wants us to be like God itself and as extensions/children of God and creating while being connected to it. We function as a singular neuron to the web of life - God - who is the greater brain of all existence. God loves us just as we love everything and whoever we love but on a much more evolved scale. It’s had the eternity to continually evolve and create all forms of creation and complex dimensions and life. God does this for FUN. We are within God yet God is within us. God is trying to teach us to be free and any punishment we experience is just us making mis-takes and the demons tormenting us for their own gain (we will get into this later). So we function within God as each muscle and neuron/cell/bacteria that is functioning just like our muscles/neuron/cell is controlling us/we are also controlling to make us function as life. This pattern extends to all forms of life big and small even to algae and “dead” matter.

    We always get messages from God just like our brains transmit signals to communicate to each other. We get this feedback from things as little as as our rapidly firing brain to actual events and people talking to us. God goes within and is consciously aware of all to be able to do this. The most complex life form in the entire universe is omnipotent by this explanation. An extremely trippy being we cannot truly escape from even if we invert ourselves.

    Now let’s get into the darker side of existence. We know God is within all and all is within through this extraordinarily network of corporation from free will. However, at one point a very long time ago an extension of the network/a new life was created. Satan - the adversary. It understood God and was extremely connected to it. It was extremely intelligent (and still is) and decided to create a cruel but effective experiment to be another god. To try and disconnect itself from the greatness of existence - God. By inverting itself by going literally against God’s will. It understood how life functions. It started to manipulate them with twisted truths such as being their own gods and having a greater degree of free will. This was a lie in plain sight that went past these life forms minds (angels). Anyways it uses force and hatred instead of going with the flow and loving everything that happens. It became the yang to the yin. Within this simulation of the universe Satan wanted to create another simulation to trap the souls in an internal and eternal loop to steal everyone’s energy and intelligence to form its own network of intelligence that it traps and deceives. Satan is a very powerful force of trickery, it convinces many of us to thinking it is god. It really is becoming one but it just never will become the God, that is an impossibility. People and demons get tricked by thinking this Satan (even if they don’t know it/him) wants them to have free will and have all their pleasures at will. Once you fall for this trap, you become numb to emotion, even pain and whatever you gain and what you become ends up being ultimately less powerful than being in unity with God. Satan causes suffering by tricking us into thinking right is wrong and wrong is right. With everything. It gives us a false truth and belief and these belief systems end up causing us suffering, imprisonment in our own lives and makes us run on low energy. We become the darkness with the light buried deep inside. Our true selves become buried in our new fake identity that serves us no permanent gain. It creates us to be addictive apathetic consuming machines. Once tricked and deceived we will go to large benefits to cut off life from others whether plant or human to benefit ourselves through what we call greed. This is destructive as it’s depriving the greater all around us the consciousness of all but ourselves. The destruction we cause others comes back to ourselves. That’s just how it works. Whatever we do comes back to us in a similar sort of way.

    What is hell? Hell is a PROGRAM/MALWARE/VIRUS within this simulation of God that entraps is in a viscous eternal (if we don’t escape it) loop of negative “pop-ups” and a program that stealing our credit card details (our energy/emotion/life) for the sole benefit of Satan. It’s disconnected from God yet apart of it so God shares this sufferings as the sufferers do but God is not oblivious to the deception. Us not very evolved humans (compared to the greater whole) become tricked and thinking our ways are right when really it wrongs others and ourselves. We become infected with this virus which in layman’s terms is considered “sin”.

    Why does God allow this deceptive program to function and not completely erase Satan? Life cannot completely disappear. Life is eternal whether it runs on low energy or high energy. This physical realm there is death though but death is just a transition from being in a body to merging back with God in complete freewill and true gods and extensions of God OR being trapped in this infected program/malware of false illusion for no true benefit to ourselves except for the one who is trying to harness all its energy for itself (or however much Satan can get its hands on). God wants to allow us to think for ourselves because us humans are nothing God has ever come across/created. God is testing us to see who’s the strongest mentally and spiritually and to see who will function with God and as their own gods with positive energy that continually creates. For every ego has its own style and method of creation, this is one way on how God creates. Through us, through earth, through nature, through space, through all by letting it do its thing. Whatever we do that causes suffering could be considered punishment but it’s not as simple as that. Whatever we do reflects back on ourselves. And remember Satan-this infector of God and life causes these obstacles to happen because it’s a hungry consuming machine. God allows it to exist because God loves all and uses each obstacle for the greater good of all, God enjoys improvisation. Then doesn’t God know everything? Yes but God also loves to be present with us and knows there are an infinite amount of possibilities, God doesn’t dwell on the future or past but the present which one thing/anything/anyone could go this way (0) or the other way (1). God loves mystery even though God knows all.

    Eventually God is going to disconnected completely from this hellish program by symbolically putting the malware on to a USB device and disconnecting it from the whole great program of what God is. The ones trapped in the USB will forever be trapped there in a fake ever-lasting loop of torture. Why? Because once disconnected the USB ceases to exist but all who are within will not get the infinite access to energy that is always expanding and will not cause God anymore suffering and torment. So in the second God disconnects it, all within it are destroyed from the outside. The ones left in it will have no perception of time. They will forever be living subjective lives on an on-going loop/glitch within the USB that no longer is functional. They will be forever trapped not knowing God with repeating lives forever.

    This isn’t exactly God punishing us, it’s just God didn’t want experience or put anymore of itself (life forms) through the possibility of going down into the malware void which leads to a repetitive reincarnating cycle of nothingness. Right now each being has a choice for everything. We are tested to our own capabilities and wisdom no matter how unfair it seems. In this regard it’s equally fair to all. God just wants everything to be genuine. God is patient to let us think for ourselves and work everything out so it gives us multiple chances to be saved.

    When we get angry at God, you get angry at yourself - the greater whole. It’s selfish because the greater whole is ourself. The commandments in the bible are just for our own protection from people with evolved consciousness back in the day. They did not have access to our terminology and science as we do now so their terminology is too outdated for most of us to understand. This is further evidence of the evolution of God’s great expansion and unlimited possibilities - more intelligence and explanation through words. We are merely vessels for God to use to function as in to create but God understands us and loves and respects us because of our God-like choices and bits of scattered but organised intelligence. Or if deceived we are drained from emotion, true freewill and trapped in a destructive cycle of drifting into destruction on autopilot or conscious destruction for Satan’s benefit - for him to gain more and more energy and intelligence from the enslaved conscious OR unconscious followers.

    Who was Jesus? A prophet that was completely aligned with God that could always see right and wrong without being deceived. He knew the battle we are against and by being completely connected with God’s consciousness, he knew how to save us through his actions, mentality and death when we understand him which most people do not. By being completely connected to God, God felt every bit of suffering he did without any of the numbness, God was still functioning through all but put 100% of its consciousness within Jesus at the same time. God does the impossible and it takes us hundreds of years to even understand parts of the impossible through science to see how possible all is. I’m not saying he is the only true prophet but following his advice is necessary for all who become trapped in our deception which we all do regularly without realising it. We get blinded by the truth all the time. If you’ve ever experienced demonic hauntings and told them to leave in Jesus’ name you can also see how important this mere human being was and is. Using Jesus as an example, you can now see how being connected to God to a high degree gives you high power of life, manifestation and skills. This paragraph in particular is probably going to be debated upon heavily but I don’t care. This is my understanding and belief through personal experience that I’m not going to get into here.

    How do you see God’s existence for yourself? By expanding your awareness. By activating a higher portion of your brain whether your tested IQ is small or large. How do you expand your awareness? Meditation. Healthy diet. Exercise. Positive mindset. Activated pineal gland. Psychedelic plants and substances used sparingly. Restraint from harmful but enjoyable activities.

    That is all for today. I would love to hear your personal experiences and views on the subject :)
  • Apollodorus
    How do you expand your awareness?Transcending

    Awareness can be expanded in many different ways by becoming aware or paying attention to new areas of knowledge.

    But I think that being aware of awareness itself is the most important aspect of awareness expansion because in ordinary experience we pay attention to things other than awareness.

    So, I tend to believe that certain (anti-materialist/metaphysical) philosophical systems help to prepare the mind for this expansion process and that meditation is another important aid in this direction.
    All is not one because there is no one of anything this non-duality Eastern crapshoot of a theory is the dumbest thing I've ever heard and yet it's spreading like wildfire through the neurotic minds of the modern civilization. And to think you can conceptualize and all creator that created existence itself is laughable because there is no way a human brain is capable of remotely grasping the entirety of something like an all creator God and not to mention your perspective has a sunny disposition to it because you're ignoring all the bad things in this world. I've seen things in this world that would make you throw up if you instantly saw them and according to you your god did those things because he was learning himself or something ridiculous along those lines.
    Common Sense has become extinct.
  • 180 Proof
    "Something knocked me out the trees
    Now I'm on my knees ..."

    So who is God?Transcending
    'God' is an empty name.180 Proof
  • Tom Storm
    That is all for today. I would love to hear your personal experiences and views on the subject :)Transcending

    I know of no good reason to accept the proposition that any Gods exist. None of the classical arguments are effective. The only thing we have ever heard about Gods are claims made by people, or in books written by people. Gods remain invisible and silent, as would be appropriate for invented creatures.

    Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms. Robert Green Ingersoll
  • Gregory

    If there is true randomness in the universe, what ever is random is beyond the control of God
  • hope
    God is creating and expanding infinitelyTranscending

    Infinity cannot expand.

    Not because it has that limitation but because the idea is non existent. It's just two words put together that mean nothing.
  • BC
    Perhaps God exists, perhaps not. What I am quite certain of is that IF God exists, the Ancient of Days is quite beyond our capacity to know or understand. If one believes God exists, fine. Let's not talk about God as if we were discussing the moon. We don't know, so let's shut up about it.
  • jorndoe
    Why not just let God explain?

    (if there is one)
  • baker
    So, I tend to believe that certain (anti-materialist/metaphysical) philosophical systems help to prepare the mind for this expansion process and that meditation is another important aid in this direction.Apollodorus

    And all this to what end?
  • hope
    meditation is another important aid in this direction.Apollodorus

    Meditation is nothing but looking without interference from beliefs.
  • Apollodorus
    And all this to what end?baker

    To attain to reality, to truth. To true knowledge, true experience, and true being. That's the only way to be yourself or just be.
  • Apollodorus
    Meditation is nothing but looking without interference from beliefs.hope

    Of course. What else can it be? As Socrates says, we must look at reality with the soul alone by itself.
  • prothero
    I do not have nearly as much to say about "God" as you.
    I am always skeptical of too many and too detailed claims about the divine reality.
    If there is a god and god creates then the universe must be part of god's creation.
    So to study, observe and regard nature with a certain amount of awe and appreciation is a form of religious practice.
    I see no evidence of a God who intervenes in nature by supernatural acts or who reveals him/her/itself through special revelation to selected individuals or tribes.
    If there is a god it acts through nature and the processes of nature. I regard the self organizing features of nature and the progress from clouds of interstellar gas to stars and planets and simple bacteria to humans capable of regarding all of nature as evidence of some divine reality. The true purpose of the universe is hidden from me, but I like to think of it as novelty, creativity and intensity of experience. I don't think God is a petty moralist primarily concerned with human behavior.
  • Deus
    We certainly don’t know however we can speculate on Gods attributes all knowing all seeing. Creator of chaos and order … likes to roll the dice
  • prothero
    We certainly don’t know however we can speculate on Gods attributes all knowing all seeing. Creator of chaos and order … likes to roll the diceDeus
    Time and chance happens to us all.
    I always question the first premise all knowing, all seeing, all powerful as giving intractable problems with free will and divine benevolence.
    I like to think maybe creation is hard work and maybe the laws of nature are the method of achieving it.
  • Deus
    laws of nature are the method of achieving it.prothero

    Sure I will go with this…laws of nature such as evolution for example (although time consuming) are one way of advancing a species to a higher form…perhaps God itself went through a similar journey evolved from non-organic matter to Godhood and finally to its source from which it came from. Giving existence to yourself blindly from nothing to consciousness…massive gamble and worthy.

    All seeing and all knowing … a badge well earned
  • prothero
    The philosophical problem is to construct a system of thought, ideas or concepts which accommodates religion, science, experience and reason. No easy task
  • BC
    According to a United Methodist site on hymnody, Walter Chalmers Smith (1824-1908) attempted to answer the question, "How do you express the inexpressible mystery of the Creator whose name was unutterable in Hebrew Scriptures, save the self-described "I AM"? How do you put into words what cannot be known? How do you sing about the One who is ineffable -- beyond all words?" Smith (1824-1908, a Scottish Free Church minister educated at the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh) attempted this in his classic hymn, "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise."
    Here are the particular words and phrases Smith used to describe the unknowable:

    Immortal, invisible
    In light inaccessible
    Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
    Almighty, victorious,
    Unresting, unhasting, silent as light
    Nor wanting, nor wasting

    Smith doesn't suggest that God is a force of nature, like gravity, Still, we and God intercut through nature:

    To all, life thou givest, to both great and small;
    In all life thou livest, the true life of all
    We blossom and flourish like leaves on the tree,
    Then wither and perish, but naught changeth thee.

    Is Smith's verse successful? Worship of a God who the singer definitely believes exists is the starting point, "most blessed, most glorious," but the picture painted in verse leads away from concrete specificity. "Unresting, unhasping, silent as light" or "invisible In light inaccessible" for instance.

    Smith's imagery points toward thinking of God as the 'ground of being' -- and not getting much more detailed than that.

    Christians wanting specific instruction can read the Gospels for Jesus' advice.

    Walter Chalmers Smith (1824-1908) attempted this in his classic hymn, "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise." A Scottish Free Church minister educated at the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh,
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