• fdrake
    I think I just have a higher tolerance for strange people with strange views.Noble Dust

    Speaking as a person who has spent an inordinate amount of time earnestly studying Time Cube (intro vid), I don't think this is a question of bizarre idea tolerance. Would you want to go on a philosophy site if it looked like a "my weird poorly written pet theory" site? I mean there's place for both of them - but I think we try to be the former and not the latter.

    I think if we don't enforce a minimal bar on that stuff, it goes the way of reactive weirdness, and the discussion that keeps the community going and attractive turns into a freakshow; nice to look at from a distance.
  • T Clark
    I think I just have a higher tolerance for strange people with strange views. I get the clutter thing, but he did attempt to explain himself when you challenged him on his weirdness.Noble Dust

    Generally, you get banned if you push a particular moderator's buttons. I could see how he would.
  • tim wood
    you that @hope most probably wasn'tThe Opposite

    When someone is banned I take some time to read their comments. @hope's, whether an is or an isn't, seemed to be able to make points in relatively few words, and the points of some interest. I vote @hope's banning be reconsidered, and if on reconsideration acceptable, invited to rejoin.
  • T Clark
    I vote hope's banning be reconsidered, and if on reconsideration acceptable, invited to rejoin.tim wood

    When you become a moderator, you take an oath never to admit you're wrong. I know that's true because @Hanover told me.
  • Hanover
    Generally, you get banned if you push a particular moderator's buttons. I could see how he would.T Clark

    Oh come now, like we're all so drunk with power that we just can't wait to get the final revenge on insolent posters by clicking the ban button and sending them off spinning into cyberspace (this might be a good plot for the next short story). In truth, we're all just dedicated volunteers trying to maintain standards, which I think we most certainly did here with this banning.

    Brother James did not particularly push anyone's buttons. He just posted well below standard with cluttered, rapid fire, vague, self-aggrandizing statements that he was likely cutting and pasting from some larger work he's put together over the years. He was selling some theory he arrived at and he was more interested in showing it off than debating it.

    And I also don't think this thread is a ridicule thread. It's a discussion and explanation thread. I wish Brother James well and am sure he can maintain a following without us.
  • Baden
    Seemed like an ok guy but not a good fit for here to be sure.
  • Shawn
    @Baden , would you ban a freemason?
  • Baden

    No, you can stay.
  • Baden
    I think I just have a higher tolerance for strange people with strange views. I get the clutter thing, but he did attempt to explain himself when you challenged him on his weirdness.Noble Dust

    There's all sorts of weird, interesting weird, boring weird, stimulating weird, exhausting weird. You don't get banned just for being weird.
  • Shawn

    Thank you brother.

    I've been trying to get @unenlightened to join a Masonic lodge. He says it's too 'psychological'.
  • unenlightened
    I already have esoteric experience of the unthinkable dimensions of reality that are eternal, so anyone who disagrees with me is deluded. But I don't get banned because at least I speak the same language as you peasants while I make stuff up..
  • Shawn

    I must be lacking in very important and fundamental neurotransmitter levels, or should I say, experiences. Too bad we don't have relationships with reality that allow or even guarantee such rich and esoteric states. The medications find their appropriate use when I need a re-lease from reality if the former holds true. Though, the philistines look for new memes to enrichen the plebians' life that the moderators laugh at their struggles with glee.

    @Baden knows about this all too well, as he's in the Chocolate factory nowadays instead of drinking in the belly of the day. :party:
  • 180 Proof
    :rofl: :sparkle: :yikes:
  • praxis
    Really really want to dunk on BJ but I'm better than that. :halo:
  • frank
    Really really want to dunk on BJ but I'm better than that.praxis

    No you're not.
  • praxis

    I forgive you for doubting my virtue. :halo:
  • T Clark
    Brother James did not particularly push anyone's buttons. He just posted well below standard with cluttered, rapid fire, vague, self-aggrandizing statements that he was likely cutting and pasting from some larger work he's put together over the years. He was selling some theory he arrived at and he was more interested in showing it off than debating it.Hanover

    As I noted in my post, 1B James was not here to philosophize, but to preach. He was spreading the word with a fire hose. That's a good reason to ban him. As I also noted, his ideas are no more unsupportable or unsupported than many other posters here.

    And I also don't think this thread is a ridicule thread.Hanover

    @The Opposite's post was unnecessarily disrespectful to @Hope. The only reason I responded was because he made his point in a response to one of my posts. I didn't like that. More generally, people often do use this thread as a way to give a final slap in the face to someone they don't like as they are escorted from the establishment.
  • frank
    forgive you for doubting my virtue. :halo:praxis

    Do you have little holes in your palms? Or any 6's on your scalp?
  • praxis

    Nope. :halo:
  • Hanover
    @Prishon banned for low quality posts.
  • Banno
    A shame, I think, but not unexpected.
  • T Clark
    banned for low quality posts.Hanover

    @Prishon could have been a really good part of this community. I've said it before. I'll say it again. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I include you in that @Banno and @Gregory

    I'll send a PM to @Bitter Crank and tell him what I really think of you all.
  • khaled
    He was making 100+ posts per day about 4 of which were new topics. No way most aren’t shit. He also had a severe case of Bartricks syndrome.

    I don’t think his posts were much worse than some people I can think of, but he made them too often.

    Anyways the guy seemed to think that bans are rare collectibles and badges of honor, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.
  • Banno
    Hey, I liked him. He just could not control himself.
  • T Clark
    Hey, I liked him. He just could not control himself.Banno

    As I said, I'll keep my thoughts between @Bitter Crank and myself.
  • Banno
    But pointedly, you didn't.
  • T Clark
    But pointedly, you didn't.Banno

    As I said, I'll keep any additional thoughts between Bitter Crank and myself.
  • jgill
    Prishon banned for low quality posts.Hanover

    Well, maybe too many posts. He certainly liked to raise questions, some of which had merit. Too bad.

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