• TheMadFool
    Fair enough. It needs expansion. But I don't have the inclination to write an essay now.Banno

    No problemo.

    A certain aspect of reality (quantity) is discovered all over the world
    — TheMadFool

    I think that's not what happens. Rather, a certain way of talking about the world is found in many places. There are, after all, languages without much by way of number. Would you say that the folk who speak them have failed to notice an aspect of reality, or would you say that they have no use for a particular process, a certain way of speaking?

    Well, it wouldn't be wrong to say that, necessity is the mother of invention, if a people had no use for math, they wouldn't have ever adapted language to make it math-apt.

    Your point then is...I draw a blank at this point.
  • Janus
    Good, then you agree that the limit of the sequence is rigorously defined.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I agree to take your word for it, because I imagine that if I were more mathematically literate I would agree with you. In any case that was never something I was arguing against.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    what we understand intuitively can be understood in ways inconsistent with that in mathematicsJanus

    Informally inconsistent, yes.

    Anyway, when we move beyond child-level thinking that there must be involved a "reaching" and instead we study rigorous mathematics, then we understand that .999... = 1.
  • Janus
    That sounds fair enough...
  • Shawn

    Actually, this is implied after an infinite amount of operations on a series. Like a Riemann sum.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    after an infinite amount of operationsShawn

    There is an infinite sequence and there is the limit of that infinite sequence. There is no supertask - no performing an infinite number of operations - used.
  • Shawn

    But, that's how it's usually phrased by others when thinking that you have to add an infinite amount of terms in a series, yes?
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    I've not seen it phrased that way, especially in a rigorous exposition in classical mathematics. Not even in freshman calculus. I don't know what writings in classical mathematics you have in mind.

    There is an infinite sequence, with a finite description. And then there is a finite proof that the limit of that sequence is 1. No supertask.
  • Shawn

    It's just a Riemann sum, Tones, lol!
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    What exactly do you disagree with in what I just posted?
  • Shawn

    With that you were disregarding with instantiating infinity in a series sum that apparently converges to 1 for 0.9...(9)
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    What do you mean by 'instantiating infinity'. We instantiate the set of natural numbers in set theory, of course. And we instantiate the set of rational numbers in set theory, of course. The sequence is indexed by the set of natural numbers. And the range of the sequence is a subset of the set of rational numbers.
  • Shawn
    While I'm at it, you also don't have to "reach" 1 for 0.9...(9) for non-standard analysis and can instantiate a infinitesimal.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    Of course non-standard has infinitesimals. (And non-standard analysis takes place itself in a larger environment of classical mathematics.) Though, I don't remember which, if any, infinitesimals are instantiated, since non-standard analysis, as I understand, non-constructivity is endemic to the proof of that infinitesimals exist. he proof of the existence . In any case, there is no notion of undefined notion of "reaching" needed for the classical method of a limit of a sequence such as discussed in this case.
  • Shawn

    What I mean is the typical notation for a Riemann sum of as n goes to infinity. So the implicit assumption is that you do reach a number, but as per calculus that amount of steps is reached once you instantiate an infinitesimal...
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    Specifically, we don't do that even in simple freshman calculus. I have never read an author say there is an "implicit reaching" (whatever that would actually mean, as you have not given a mathematical definition of 'series reaches').

    And basic calculus does not use infinitesimals. It is in the context of ordinary classical mathematics that

    SUM[n = 1 to inf] 9/10^n

    is defined as

    the limit of the sequence {<1 9/10> <2 99/100> <3 999/1000>...}.

    And then with a finite proof we show that

    the limit of the sequence {<1 9/10> <2 99/100> <3 999/1000>...} = 1.

    No infinitesimals adduced and no undefined "reaching".

    [Edit: I fixed the notation of the sequence.]
  • Shawn

    Well think about whether 1/x converges for the set of all irrationals, as x goes to infinity. It doesn't. So, you have to consider whether some value is reached or is the limit, no?
  • Shawn
    In addition I see it of more use to talk about how fast or slow a convergence occurs.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    By the way, when I say that non-standard analysis is subsumed within classical mathematics, I mean non-standard analysis developed in ZFC. I'm not referring to IST axiomatically from scratch.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    Of course, if the sequence does not converge then it's another ballgame. But we easily prove that the sequence we've been talking about does converge.

    You seem to be offering up diversions - infinitesimals, nonstandard analysis, sequences that don't converge - when the point is actually as simple as I've shown.
  • Shawn

    I seem to think that the point being is to demonstrate the issue pictorially with a converging series. So, something is "reached", no?
  • Shawn
    People tend to think that 0.999 is a never ending sequence when in fact it's a converging series to 1.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    You keep replying past the simple straightforward points I made. Especially again as you go past my point that you haven't mathematically defined "reached". The proof that .999... = 1 does not require using an undefined notion of "reached", so it's not my problem that you keep wanting to bring it back into discussion.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    What? .999... is not a sequence. It's a number. That number is 1.

    The sequence is {<1 9/10> <2 99/100> <3 999/1000>...}

    and its limit is 1.

    Once more:

    SUM[n = 1 to inf] 9/10^n = lim of {<1 9/10> <2 99/100> <3 999/1000>...} = 1.

    EDIT: Corrected formulation of the sequence.
  • Shawn
    What? .999... is not a sequence. It's a number. That number is 1.TonesInDeepFreeze

    How about:
    [(10^n)-1]/(10^n) As n approaches infinity from 1?
  • Shawn
    You can see the infinitesimal hiding there.
  • Banno
    Are you trolling me?TonesInDeepFreeze

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:0.999.../Arguments and the eleven archives attached.

    It's not an argument worth entering in to; a troll's haven.
  • Shawn
    Are you trolling me?TonesInDeepFreeze

    Not at all. If people struggle with understanding that 0.999... is 1 then, 0.999... exists inside the sequence of [(10^n)-1]/(10^n) when starting from 1 to n approaching infinity.
  • Banno
    If every thread on the principles of mathematics is allowed to degenerate into a thread about 0.999...<>1 it would become impossible to do any philosophy of maths.

    So I will ask for Moderator support to discontinue this discussion on this thread.

    By all means, folks, set up a thread of your own, or go back to the innumerable previous threads on the topic. Just go away.
  • Caldwell

    What's happening?
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