• James Riley
    You can't answer a question with a question.Bartricks

    But I just did. So you must be wrong again.
  • James Riley
    Did you?Bartricks

    Yes. I just did something that you said could not be done.

    Anyway, enough of the bar tricks. I'm teaching you a lesson here. You start with your turnup hermit on an island. But in order to do that, you must distinguish her from the environment she exploits. Somehow she gets a pass and we don't delve into how she came into possession of what she has. That's okay, but you must understand that that is us, humanity, collectively, agreeing that the the slate is cleaned and starts with her; conveniently forgetting that which came before, and which she took into her possession. With might. That process is, at it's very core, *might*. And by that process I'm not merely talking about what she did. I'm talking about our collective agreement to wipe the slate and start with her. It's might's open conspiracy.

    Why do we start where you say we start? How convenient. That's how society works. Criminals steal shit until such time as they can "go legit." After that, they are good-to-go. They have so much they can buy politicians and exempt themselves from taxation. They can even circulate myths about themselves so that saps will join in their chorus of anti-taxation and dream about islands where they can just be left alone. Until Epstein and his ilk decide they want the island. So they "buy" it with their ill-gotten gains. And they demand the state defend them against other states that would take the island from them. But they don't pay for that defense.
  • Bartricks
    Yes, I can see that I have a lot to learn from you. Teach me more!!! Tell me, Peu, can you steal something off no one?
  • James Riley
    Tell me, Peu, can you steal something off no one?Bartricks

    Well, my little Padawan, who is no one? I have to know who no one is before can tell you whether or not I can steal from it/hem.
  • tim wood
    Why should I have to pay for your education or healthcare or, you know, any of your costs whatsoever?Bartricks

    French revolution: enlightened self-interest. Or maybe a free ride on a guillotine, courtesy of Jacques?
  • Bartricks
    oo thank you, Pue, for those wisdomous words. I am learning good.
  • James Riley
    I am learning good.Bartricks

    Not so good. You didn't answer the question; not even with another question.
  • Bartricks
    Address the issue. If you want a bike and don't have one but I do, are you entitled to take mine?
  • James Riley
    If you want a bike and don't have one but I do, are you entitled to take mine?Bartricks

    It depends. If you are an anti-taxer, then yes. If you contribute to society and pay your fair share of taxes, no.
  • Bartricks
    You are correct. Again, you excrete knowledge on me.
  • Bartricks
    oo, yes, I see now. Truly i am blessed to be receiving such treasures from your insight bowels, and for free too.
    Yes, I remember now when you established that tax was fair and did so without any assistance from reason whatever. Truly you are a fine philosopher
  • James Riley
    You are correct.Bartricks

    It's a habit of mine.

    Again, you excrete knowledge on me.Bartricks

    oo, yes, I see now. Truly i am blessed to be receiving such treasures from your insight bowels, and for free.Bartricks

    You are welcome, my son.
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