• dimosthenis9
    Boringly, we mods are not in the business of reforming anyone. Just enforcing the rules.Baden

    It would be good though if a forum like that could be in such use for some people.Even unintentionally. Not as that to be forum's goal of course . Just by not being that "technocratic".

    Rules as laws should be forced and read under their general spirit not by the book. But anyway it's only my approach.
  • apokrisis
    I was using Zwingli’s own persuasion technique in an effort to counter what he was promoting.praxis

    And I was joking - with the intent of demonstrating that cancel culture is indeed a slippery slope where no formula of words can escape criticism.
  • praxis
    Rules as laws should be forced and read under their general spirit not by the book.dimosthenis9

    The forum generally lacks the misogynist spirit, fortunately.
  • Baden
    Guidelines: Sexists get banned
    Sexist: I'm a sexist!
    Mod: [Bans sexist]

    Amusing that this becomes a topic for debate. But do go on, folks...
  • dimosthenis9

    You didn't get the point. As usual.
  • praxis

    You definitely demonstrated that slippery slopes can be funny.
  • praxis
    You didn't get the point.dimosthenis9

  • baker
    The forum generally lacks the misogynist spirit, fortunately.praxis

    There aren't enough women here for this matter to really become clear one way or another.
  • tim wood
    And never mind "espousal." But when you neglect that you become the thought policeman that I am pretty sure you do not want to be.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    But I think of espousing more as trying to force your views on others in a way that is unreasonable.apokrisis

    Espousal does not require unreasonableness. But if the view espoused is unreasonable, that's another matter.
  • Janus
    He seemed otherwise to be reasonable and inquiring. Why not just delete any and all posts which don't pass muster; then those who are constantly having their posts deleted may rethink their ideas and actually grow.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    So, think that one through guys, and realize mean spirited hateful statements have consequences beyond what you might think. This isn't the boys locker room. Everyone is welcome here. Excusing his conduct might seem kind hearted to him, but it wouldn't be to many othersHanover

    I have to say that most of our long time members are keenly aware that there are females among us.
    Having said that: I never really cared or wanted to know what a misygonistic person was and we'll, it didn't serve me well.
    Now that it has been pointed out to me by my divorce attorney, I am beginning to have a dislike of the personality.
    Rant over
  • Baden

    No, because fuck misogynists. Clear enough?
  • Janus
    Clear enough of course, but not justified, in my view; but you set the rules.
  • Baden

    So by that logic, it wouldn't be justified to ban for racism someone who said this either.

    I am an unrepentant racist. For me, the concept that blacks should be considered the equal of whites, if they are any kind of white, is simply fucking ludicrous

    I don't relate much to your idea of justice.
  • Changeling
    A brazen misogynist AND a supporter of that fat, murderous little shit: Rittenhouse. I'm a happy bunny today. :smile:
  • Baden
    So @tim wood, this would not be a bannable comment because it doesn't meet your personal definition of "espousal" of racism, right?

    I am an unrepentant racist. For me, the concept that blacks should be considered the equal of whites, if they are any kind of white, is simply fucking ludicrous
  • Janus
    It's not quite the same, since women are not, to the same degree, a marginalized minority. I have no truck with sexism or racism, but I would have thought deletion of offensive posts would be enough to get offending posters to change their tune at least, and perhaps even, with luck, their minds. Banning them might just make them double down, which won't be the forum's problem, because they are gone from here, but it may become a greater problem for their partners, family or society.
  • Baden
    I would have though deletion of offensive posts would be enough to get offensive posters to change their tune at least, and perhaps even, with luck, their minds. Banning them might just make them double down, which won't be the forum's problem, because they are gone from here, but it may become a greater problem for their partners, family or society.Janus

    So deleting their posts could make them change their minds but banning them will make them worse? Sounds like a hopelessly gerrymandered argument to me. Is it just a random thought you've had or based on something?
  • Baden
    It's not quite the sameJanus

    Distinction without a difference.
  • praxis
    Banning them might just make them double down, which won't be the forum's problem, because they are gone from here, but it may become a greater problem for their partners, family or society.Janus

    So you want the mods to vigilantly moderate self-professed sexists, or whatever-ists, in good service to society? Banning is much easier, and it sends a very clear message.
  • James Riley
    Banning them might just make them double down, which won't be the forum's problem, because they are gone from here, but it may become a greater problem for their partners, family or society.Janus

    I was almost persuaded by that line of thinking, but after some reflection, no. When he said: "if he is any kind of man" I was transported back to a day when any kind of man would have done exactly what Baden did.
  • Baden

    We're fairly limited in the good we can do society but I do think providing a moderated discussion space is some kind of good and an achievable one as opposed to the fantasy we can or should try to reform bigots by being nice to them.
  • Baden

    Sorry to hear that, TIff.
  • Janus
    So deleting their posts could make them change their minds but banning them will make them worse? Sounds like a hopelessly gerrymandered argument to me. Is it just a random thought you've had or based on something?Baden

    If they are not constantly posting offensive material, and when they do post it it is deleted it might lead them to rethink their position. Total rejection, in the form of banning, and for just one offense, would, it seems to me, be more likely to just make them angrier.

    Distinction without a difference.Baden

    Obviously not; in your view...

    or should try to reform bigots by being nice to them.Baden

    By being firm with them, but not rejecting them utterly.

    So you want the mods to vigilantly moderate self-professed sexists, or whatever-ists, in good service to society? Banning is much easier, and it sends a very clear message.praxis

    Admittedly banning is easier, but I think deletion of offensive posts would send an equally clear, and more compassionate, message.

    When he said: "if he is any kind of man" I was transported back to a day when any kind of man would have done exactly what Baden did.James Riley

    To me this amounts to " You think you're a man; I'll show you what a man is"; in other words playing the same game in reverse.

    Anyway, I'm not the moderator here, so what I think doesn't really count.
  • Kenosha Kid
    If they are not constantly posting offensive material, and when they do post it it is deleted it might lead them to rethink their position. Total rejection, in the form of banning, and for just one offense, would, it seems to me, be more likely to just make them angrier.Janus

    Boringly, we mods are not in the business of reforming anyone. Just enforcing the rules.Baden

    If they're angrier elsewhere, it's not the mods' problem.
  • DingoJones
    Jesus fucking christ! :roll:

    "espousing: 1. adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life)." (Online dictionary.)“

    It couldnt be more straightforward! He declared sexist belief, a belief he has adopted! Also is he not supportive of his own belief?!
    Its simple, plain english. So for the love of Oprah and for the sake of baby jesus would you fucking morons quiet you stupid fingers and shut up about it already?!
    I cant believe you idiots are STILL arguing about this.
    So so dumb.
  • Janus
    If they're angrier elsewhere, it's not the mods' problem.Kenosha Kid

    No, of course it's not if they don't care about it.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Whether they care about it or not. Moderators moderate the website, not the entirety of humanity.

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