• Streetlight
    So no one would care if there wasn’t an upcoming election? The presidential election is three years from now and Americans have a very short attention span, in case you hadn’t noticed.praxis

    Considering the democrats have failed at delivering literally anything save a modest bit of funding to prop up the US's crumbling infrastructure to keep it running at below-baseline, I'd say that yeah, their current single pitch to the electorate has been to 'get the Jan 6 perpetrators'. Never mind that Covid is now probably worse under Biden than it was under Trump, or that they have exactly zero positive vision other than to keep their corporate donors happy. I'd say yeah, this is literally the only play they have for political relevance, which is why they are leaning so heavily into it. And liberal American morons are eating it right up.
  • frank

    Praxis was explaining that nobody will remember any of this in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election. They're trying to block Trump from running again.
  • Streetlight
    I'm going to quote you back at you, and let's see if you pick up how dumb this sounds:

    Praxis was explaining that nobody will remember any of this in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election.frank

    They're trying to block Trump from running again.frank
  • frank

    There's a difference between campaigning and blocking someone's path to running for president. It's a pretty big difference.
  • Streetlight
    Yeah that ain't it chief.
  • frank

    :sad: Having a rational conversation with you is iffy even on a good day. If it weren't for your awesome book recommendations, you'd be a total loss.
  • Streetlight
    Yeah but I don't take you seriously.
  • frank

    I don't take myself seriously. :razz:
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Never forget:NOS4A2

    See the difference?

    Of course you don't. Faith is blind.

    "At around 3:30 p.m., 293 people were arrested in the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building and charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding under the D.C. code., according to USCP."


    "Prosecutors have charged more than 187 people — roughly a quarter of all defendants — with committing violence, such as assaults on law enforcement officers or members of the media present that day."


    You're so retarded.frank

    Retarded certainly. Possibly even reretarded.
  • NOS4A2

    Yeah, one wasn’t a pity party for celebrities and had a little more balls to it.
  • ssu
    The irresponsible fear of President Trump using the military to "steal the election" was regnant in the press leading up to Jan. 6thNOS4A2

    Yeah, just an ex-National Security Advisor (and former US general) of Trump insisting that Trump should use the military to confiscate the voting machines.

    Trump "could immediately, on his order, seize every single one of these voting machines," Flynn told Newsmax host Greg Kelly Thursday night. "He could order the, within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities, and he could place those in states and basically rerun an election in each of those states."

    Using the U.S. military to force states to redo an election is "not unprecedented," Flynn added.

    Yeah. Didn't happen.

    But really, an irresponsible fear?

    One might argue that it was an exaggerated fear as Trump fucks up everything he touches. Trump was just watching events happen staring the television with his children urging to stop the mess, so the plan wasn't something like we've seen in many other places. Even Janajev's putch to save the Soviet Union was more astute in 1991 than this clueless and leaderless attempt (as Trump doesn't have leadership skills, but is a very fine talent in demagoguery and showmanship). Still, nobody cannot deny what he tried to do (as we already knew this from what Trump was saying in the last elections, which to his amazement he won).

    Had it been the other way around, the other party in charge and someone urging similar actions, you would have a totally different view of it. And that's why your argument is rather meaningless.

    But hey, I look forward after a decade or two the movie that is made of this flawed President and Jan 6th. The style that would be most pertinent depicting the historical reality would be political satire, a black comedy, a farce. Like the style of the Death of Stalin:

    (which is banned in Russia, I guess)
  • Deletedmemberzc
    ... one...had a little more balls to it.NOS4A2

    Here you express admiration for purveyors of violence.
  • NOS4A2

    Yea, an irresponsible fear.

    No, Michael Flynn insisted Trump should appoint a special counsel to investigate the voting machines and exactly what happened in swing states. The rest was purely theoretical.

    “These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something we’ve never done,'' Flynn told Kelly. ''Martial law has been instituted 64 times. I’m not calling for that. We have a constitutional process. … That has to be followed.”


    But you might had known that if propaganda didn’t sway your thinking, like it did with everything else.
  • praxis
    There's a difference between campaigning and blocking someone's path to running for president. It's a pretty big difference.frank

    Trump is an untouchable so any effort to put him down will ultimately be fruitless and only for show. But there are situations in politics where we have to do things simply because it's the right thing to do, even if we know it's only for appearances because to do otherwise is to abandon hope and allow the spirit of democracy in the good hearts of Americans to fall. We cannot let that happen! Appearances matter!
  • Deletedmemberzc
    But you might had known that if propaganda didn’t sway your thinking,NOS4A2

    That's warm. Newsmax as source-cited site by side a Cassandraing about propaganda.
  • Wayfarer
    They're trying to block Trump from running again.frank

    Beats me how anyone who doesn't recognise the rules of the game can be allowed to play. Could such a person be allowed into a chess tournament? A tennis tournament? Apart from his obvious malfeasance and mendacity, that fact alone ought to disbar him - a pre-condition of being considered for the candidacy must be that he acknowledges that he lost in 2020. Which he will never do.
  • frank
    Appearances matter!praxis

    I get the feeling you're being sarcastic.
  • frank
    a pre-condition of being considered for the candidacy must be that he acknowledges that he lost in 2020Wayfarer

    I don't think that's in the constitution. Does Australia have a constitution? My mind was blown to smithereens when I found out the UK doesn't have one.
  • praxis
    I get the feeling you're being sarcastic.frank

    I was shooting for profound.
  • frank

    Profoundly sarcastic?
  • praxis

    I can settle for that, being the reasonable person that I'm known to be.
  • Wayfarer
    I don't think that's in the constitution.frank

    Immaterial. If you want to play any game, you have to agree to the rules. If Trump wants to smash the system, then by definition he's outside it, he's not a player as such.

    I'm just hoping on bended knee the Republicans tank in the mid-terms. If they prevail, then America really is going down. As Biden just said, it is really a battle for democracy and the constitution, it's not 'Democrat vs Republican'.
  • NOS4A2

    I was linking to the interview.
  • Tom Storm
    If they prevail, then America really is going down.Wayfarer

    I think this may be inevitable. People despise the system (for good and bad reasons) and Trump the Wrecker is a case of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', this and people don't seem to know how to determine what is significant anymore. I know I struggle. :death:
  • Wayfarer
    I am still optimistic. Trump went down in 2020, and he'll continue to go down - it is yet to be seen what the full consequences of the Commission will be but it may well culminate in criminal charges. Same with the tax investigations into Trump at SDNY.

    The reason the GOP are engaging in voter suppression is because they know their constituency is a shrinking minority. Desparate times call for desparate tactics, but I think in the end they'll still be a minority.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    I was linking to the interview.NOS4A2

    You linked to a propaganda network airing a scripted interview with a political quack and below it you said beware of propaganda. That's what's warm.
  • Tom Storm
    Well, you did always maintain you were an idealist... :joke:
  • Wayfarer
    You linked to a propaganda networkZzzoneiroCosm

    that poster behaves like either an agent for Trump, or an agent for a foreign power that seeks to undermine political discourse in America. Not saying they are that, just how that's they've always come across the last four years. Best not to engage.

    Cynicism plays into their hands, it's the meat they feed on.
  • Deletedmemberzc

    I know what he's up to and I don't think he's an agent for Trump or a foreign state just a lonely alt-righter. I'm at a bit of arm-chair Nazi-punching is all.
  • NOS4A2

    That’s rich. I neither brought up the interview nor shared it. I only used it to show what was said, and only because I couldn’t find it anywhere else. You might have to use other fallacies to refute it.
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