• Tom Storm
    Fortunately, in fact, Western "culture and philosophy" has been predominantly anti-foundationalist since the late 1500s CE (re: nominalism Copernicus/Galilleo, secularism, empiricism, Wallace/Darwin, pragmatism ...)
    — 180 Proof

    I don't know what that means.
    T Clark

    I think @180 Proof is referring to the ongoing Enlightenment project of human knowledge which has incrementally dismantled the notion of god/s and the usefulness of religious models as a foundation for all human thought - also the unravelling of Greek models of absolute reality such as Platonism.
  • Wayfarer
    There’s something missing from it, though.
  • Tom Storm
    There’s something missing from it, though.Wayfarer

    The Inquisition?
  • praxis
    Being freed from the Great Terrible Chain of Being modern folks are lost in a chaotic sea of nihilism and moral depravity. :scream:
  • Agent Smith
    A tad defeatist. Immanuel Kant, who once said that science isn't your run-of-the-mill question & answer session, but actually an interrogation of nature conducted by humans, would've probably disapproved.

    But hey, who the hell is Immanuel Kant that we should kowtow to him, oui?

    What's the alternative though? Become an obnoxious, persnickety, control freak? 'Twixt the Devil and deep blue sea, 'twixt the Devil and the deep blue sea!

    Calm down, take a deep breath Agent Smith, there's always aurea mediocritas, we can have the best of both worlds. Eclecticism at its apogee.

    See ya around, mate!
  • Wayfarer
    Immanuel Kant, who once said that science isn't your run-of-the-mill question & answer session, but actually an interrogation of nature conducted by humansAgent Smith

    Got a reference for that?

    The Inquisition?Tom Storm

    No, not what I had in mind. Some way in which human existence is part of a cosmic story, and not simply a fluke occurence, the by-product of chance and necessity.
  • Agent Smith
    Got a reference for that?Wayfarer

    No, I overheard someone saying it. Does that damage my credibility? :sad:
  • Agent Smith
    cosmic storyWayfarer

  • Wayfarer
    It doesn’t sound like Kant. What it sounds like is garbled version of the Heisenberg quote, ‘what we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning’ - although arguably that’s a rather Kantian sentiment.
  • Agent Smith
    :ok: Truth be told, it was a certain philosopher's personal take on Kant. I don't have a name, so apologies.
  • Wayfarer
    Hey don’t sweat it. It’s an interesting take on the kinds of things he said, but didn’t ring quite true. Never mind this is not a test.
  • Agent Smith
    Hey don’t sweat it. It’s an interesting take on the kinds of things he said, but didn’t ring quite true. Never mind this is not a test.Wayfarer

    :ok: :up:
  • T Clark
    Emptiness is the only spiritual concept that I think, or feel, gives me clearer understanding of the universe. True that it’s a religious concept, even though I’m anti-religious. It makes rational sense while at the same time relieves existential anxiety. I can’t imagine it not being true and yet I don’t know if it is true. Perhaps somehow things can have an essential and independent existence.praxis

    I think there are many ways to describe the experience of God or spirituality I'm talking about. As usual, my approach comes from an intellectual direction. Someday I'll start a thread "T Clark Finally Puts an End to All This Philosophy Bullshit" and explain it.
  • T Clark
    I think 180 Proof is referring to the ongoing Enlightenment project of human knowledge which has incrementally dismantled the notion of god/s and the usefulness of religious models as a foundation for all human thought - also the unravelling of Greek models of absolute reality such as Platonism.Tom Storm

    Thanks. I still don't see what that has to do with my point. No, no... Please don't explain.
  • Agent Smith
    T Clark Finally Puts an End to All This Philosophy BullshitT Clark

    Is it going to pit language against philosophy, à la Wittgenstein?
  • Agent Smith
    1. Can't see (Fear)
    2. Can see (No Fear, but No Tranquility)
    3. Don't see (Tranquility)
  • T Clark
    Is it going to pit language against philosophy, à la Wittgenstein?Agent Smith

    You'll just have to wait to see.
  • EugeneW
    Someday I'll start a thread "T Clark Finally Puts an End to All This Philosophy Bullshit"T Clark

    I hope you don't post it before I post the thread that makes all of modern philosophy redundant or superfluous... The final truth will be told once and for all.
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