• universeness
    You have a responsibility towards the universe. Sounds like worshiping a god.EugeneW

    It sounds nothing like worshipping a god to me. The Universe is not sentient. Is YOUR god sentient?
  • EugeneW
    There is no Universal identity based on an anthropomorphic she, there are only the lifeforms produced by naturalism.universeness

    What did you mean then by us creating a universe for the universe?
  • EugeneW
    It sounds nothing like worshipping a god to me. The Universe is not sentient. Is YOUR god sentient?universeness

    Yes. The gods are sentient. Of course. They rest on their backs, wings, centipods, and just watch their creation, projected on the heavenly heavens. They explain and are a mystery at the same time. Why did they eternally make love and hate before they got bored and created the universe? No one knows!
  • EugeneW
    It sounds nothing like worshipping a god to me. The Universe is not sentientuniverseness

    Is being sentient a pre for worshipping?
  • universeness
    But the arrogance that leads to presumptions like this above is unbelievableGregory A

    It's your naivety that is unbelievable!

    have been aware of evangelist types since the 70's (the documentary 'Marjoe', Jim Bakker in the 80'sGregory A

    If you watched a documentary about evanhellical nasties like Jim and Tammy Baker, then perhaps you fell asleep or were not paying attention or.........as you forgot to condemn them as the horrors that they are.
    An appeal to Christ means nothing to me as I don't think he ever existed.
    I recommend you read Creating Christ by James Valliant or Caesar's Messiah by Joe Atwill or alternatively the works of Dr Richard Carrier. These might help you progress a little.
  • universeness
    Yes. The gods are sentient. Of course. They rest on their backs, wings, centipods, and just watch their creation, projected on the heavenly heavens. They explain and are a mystery at the same time. Why did they eternally make love and hate before they got bored and created the universe? No one knows!EugeneW

    I prefer the Hulk or The Vision or Dr Strange for my personal entertainment.

    Is being sentient a pre for worshipping?EugeneW

    Well, I am sure some are happy just walking around and around a big rock in Mecca!
  • I like sushi
    Frankly that is utter garbage. An atheist doesn’t ‘reject’ god, they just never really considered it at all and when told about some said ‘god’ simply don’t know/understand what the hell people are talking about - hence comparison to Santa.

    You can see this is hunter gatherer tribes who were told of some ‘god’ and they asked where the god was. They believe what they see and have some vague belief in a possible afterlife (but they are non-committal).

    Everyone is born an atheist because everyone is born without any real conception of themselves let alone some hypothetical being.
  • EugeneW
    I prefer the Hulk or The Vision or Dr Strange for my personal entertainment.universeness

    I like them too but they are just fantasies...

    Well, I am sure some are happy just walking around and around a big rock in Mecca!universeness


    Or around a monster particle accelerator in the sacred church of CERN.
  • universeness
    What did you mean then by us creating a universe for the universe?EugeneW

    I did not type 'us creating the universe,' quote where I typed this?
    I typed about humans pursuing new knowledge, in my opinion, adds to the meaning and purpose of the Universe.
  • universeness
    I like them too but they are just fantasies...EugeneW

    and Thor?
  • universeness
    Or around a monster particle accelerator in the sacred church of CERN.EugeneW

    Introducing by popular demand! Philosophical DJ EugeneW :clap: :clap: :pray: :clap: :clap:
  • EugeneW
    Frankly that is utter garbage. An atheist doesn’t ‘reject’ god, they just never really considered it at allI like sushi

    Now that's real garbage. Then how come this thread is 26 pages and half of all threads last week involve gods? The meaning of it all, why are things as they are? Good and evil, Christianity, free will, are there more than one?, etcetera. Check for yourself. Never before there were so many threads involving gods in two weeks...
  • universeness
    Then how come this thread is 26 pagesEugeneW

    :rofl: I think it's mostly 'little old you and me' causing the main bulk! We hardly constitute a 'popular response from the masses.'
  • EugeneW
    and Thor?universeness

    I haven't yet received a message of him... But maybe he can speak in lightnings only. They try anything to contact us. The situation is getting out of hand. Had they only looked better at those hominid gods....
  • EugeneW
    think it's mostly 'little old you and me' causing the main bulkuniverseness

    :lol: :lol:

    You're my man Stephen!
  • universeness
    I haven't yet received a message of him... But maybe he can speak in lightnings only. They try anything to contact us. The situation is getting out of hand. Had they only looked better at those hominid gods...EugeneW

    and you mentioned the word fantasy.......
  • I like sushi
    Tell me what you mean by ‘god’ and see if I reject it.

    My point was ‘atheism’ is a term created by people of religious belief to define others that couldn’t care less. When it gets to a point where so-called believers are actively affecting those that don’t care they might not be passive and perhaps question what it is the others are saying they have ‘rejected’.

    Not believing in the teapot orbiting Jupiter is along the same lines. Why would I believe such a thing? Whatever this ‘god’ is define it and see what I think.

    Also, I could state I believe all kinds of things that you may never have thought about or care for. I would not then need to create a term to marginalise your personal views on such matters though would I?
  • universeness
    You're my man Stephen!EugeneW

    :smile: see, at least we are still pals!
  • EugeneW
    Introducing by popular demand! Philosophical DJ EugeneWuniverseness

    Tonight on radio TPF. DJ Steef and Eugene, bringing you the voice of the gods. Directly from the heavens!!!
  • EugeneW
    Not believing in the teapot orbiting Jupiter is along the same lines. Why would I believe such a thing? Whatever this ‘god’ is define it and see what I think.I like sushi

    The gods are the eternal beings in an infinite eternal heaven. They made a carbon copy of it, so all gods are represented but as mortals. They have the power of creation.
  • universeness
    Tonight on radio TPF. DJ Steef and Eugene, bringing you the voice of the gods. Directly from the heavenEugeneW

    crrrrrrrrrrrrr, crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, crrrrrrrrrrrr aw just cant tune-in to any show broadcast from heaven.
    maybe them gods is too dumb bums to make a transceiver thingy or may bees theres jist nae body there!
  • universeness
    Tell me what you mean by ‘god’ and see if I reject itI like sushi

    I predict you will reject @EugeneW's answer as I would too, but remember, he is a self-confessed leg puller!
  • I like sushi
    Okay. But can you comprehend ‘eternal’ or ‘infinite’. I argue you cannot so your definition is imprecise and mostly meaningless because of this.

    I have no issue with you believing that some beings created other beings. I cannot except that you have knowledge of ‘infinity’/‘eternal’ matters though.

    What do you mean by ‘heaven’?

    Note: thank you for replying. Most people think I am poking fun sadly :(
  • I like sushi
    I have a strong interest in this area. I have no intention of ‘rejecting’ answers only questioning their meaning. (See Above)
  • EugeneW

    Bro Steef .wait....is that just static...crrrrcrcrecccrcreagggg...cgg...crrrrrhu...hum...humaccccccrrrr....hu.....crrrrrrrff.....humanscrrrrr......yo.....crrrf....you.......crrrrfff....yourfu.....crrftttddddjjjhgggfff......

    BroEuge... wtf?

    Then its silent

    "Dj Steef and Eugene! Thanks for tuning to us! We triedages reaching you. Godkind want mankind to know to take better care of creation. We wanna watch a while longer. Many gods watch a world where they no longer live in an...crrrf....ggggffggfhh.....pppiiiiiiiiijtssds....

    Damned Steef! It actually worked!
  • EugeneW
    I have no issue with you believing that some beings created other beings. I cannot except that you have knowledge of ‘infinity’/‘eternal’ matters though.I like sushi

    Can't you imagine a heaven? Its just like our universe, that has no beginning in space as well as time. Well, the current universe is actually bound with a bginning in time, with the possibility that infinite big bangs occur, inflating away from a central singularity (in a 4d space, which on small scale is actually 7d but that are physical technicalities). So heavenly life is just as life in the universe. The gods had good reasons to create this infinite series of big bangs on a 4d infinite substrate space.
  • universeness
    Godkind want mankind to know to take better care of creation.EugeneW

    Then appear to us in the town squares and say so you cowardly, nonexistent gods!
  • I like sushi
    I’ve experienced ‘bliss’/‘heaven’ and I exist within the universe. If you are talk about something beyond my comprehension then it is beyond my comprehension.

    I don’t understand how you can say some beings have ‘good reason’ without knowing what he reason is? If you do know the reason then you must have the mind capable of fully understanding infinity and the eternal (which I cannot except for obvious reasons I hope).

    I find it hard to justify the existence of some such being/s in anything other than a wholly abstract sense. In that category I have no issue with framing some fundamental unknowns/unknowable aspects of nature as x or y to serve as place holders though.

    My view is more or less the reverse of yours. I see humanity as creating god/s and this doesn’t make them ‘lesser’ as they are cumulative aspects of all humanity expressed in multiple ways - and it is telling that there are common features across all cultures too.

    I view a lot of religious belief as a kind of ‘narrative’ that straddles the Profane and Sacred aspects of human life.
  • EugeneW
    Then shoe us in the town squares and say so you cowardly, nonexistant gods!universeness

    The problem is, they have created the universe but are not omnipotent. All heavenly creatures, from the tiniest viruses in the heavenly granules and squads, to the biggest blue whales were involved. An existential void had befallen heaven. They only wanted to lay back and watch. They succeeded but didn't take homonid gods into good account in the eager and enthusiasm to create love and hate particles (which we observe as elementary particles).

    My view is more or less the reverse of yours. I see humanity as creating god/s and this doesn’t make them ‘lesser’ as they are cumulative aspects of all humanity expressed in multiple ways - and it is telling that there are common features across all cultures too.I like sushi

    But if only imaginary, what meaning they give?
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