• Benkei
    This is a philosophy forum, not the watercooler. There should be more to one's moral arguments than "gut feeling".baker

    So you don't know what ius ad bellum is. You do realise this reply just makes you sound like an idiot, right?
  • Possibility
    it also incorrectly identifies "being hit" as "being in a fight". It's only a fight once the person being hit, starts hitting back.Benkei

  • I like sushi
    ‘Fighting’ doesn’t always mean physical violence though.

    If a woman hit me repeatedly and wouldn’t stop I would hit her back - but not full force.

    In any relationship between a man and woman if one hits the other end the relationship instantly.

    In a relationship between members of the same sex the dynamics are different so violence might help relieve the situation and so I wouldn’t say it is an instant ‘end the relationship’ scenario in every case.

    Note: Not quite sure what this has to do with reasons for men hating women (who hits who)?

    The reasons men may hate a particular woman is pretty much the same as for why they might hate a particular man. Hating one woman does not make anyone a ‘woman hater’ … I find the idea rather ridiculous and if such a degree of hatred towards a woman existed it would likely stem from a poor relationship with their mother rather than some association with sexual intercourse.

    Of course some extreme ‘feminist’ types would then accuse me of ‘blaming women’ for men’s said ‘hatred’ of women. That is nonsense. A person causes someone to hate not an entire category of people. If someone has poor relations with some/any category of people then it is fairly easy to understand why they may overextend such feelings.
  • Benkei
    under which circumstances can't you walk away?

    My wife hit me once, I told her if she did it again I'd get a divorce. Never happened again. Our dustbin has a dent though.
  • I like sushi
    Don’t be silly. You can figure that out for yourself. Minimal force is fine, be this grabbing arms or pushing away - both of which can result in some injury being incurred.

    If there are weapons involved then a light kick or punch is fine.

    If you’re trying to make out I would happily pound someone in the face repeatedly then absolutely not. Lethal force is possible for both sexes but more likely for men as they generally possess greater strength. If we were talking about some muscle-bound woman who was adept at cage fighting then I would likely reply in kind to a punch to the face. It is a matter of judging what is appropriate in the circumstances whether who you face is male or female, but I would repeat that same sex has a different dynamic for sure because men are generally brought up to protect women not assault them, and women often seek protection and security from men rather than the other way around.
  • Possibility
    ‘Fighting’ doesn’t always mean physical violence though.I like sushi

    And this ambiguity of language was why I didn’t bring it up initially. When does a disagreement or argument turn into a ‘fight’? Who makes that call, and is it okay to assume another’s intentions based solely on your own perspective? Another reason to use your words.

    If a woman hit me repeatedly and wouldn’t stop I would hit her back - but not full force.I like sushi

    If someone was hitting someone who was clearly stronger, I would expect the stronger person to find a way to restrain their attacker rather than retaliate. Even if it’s not full force, trading blows doesn’t stop the violence, it only escalates it. It’s a matter of intelligence and self-awareness, not dominance.

    In any relationship between a man and woman if one hits the other end the relationship instantly.I like sushi

    Not going to argue with that - violence is a deal-breaker for me, and I wouldn’t expect my partner to tolerate any from me, either.

    Note: Not quite sure what this has to do with reasons for men hating women (who hits who)?I like sushi

    Nothing. Baker’s response to me saying I’ve definitely been hit by more men than women was to imply that women were statistically more violent than men, because apparently it’s the women who start more domestic violence incidents - by hitting the man first. Couldn’t let that ridiculous comment slide.
  • I like sushi
    Women are generally less aggressive than men. There have been multiple studies to discern this. I believe the chance of a woman being more aggressive than a man is something like 40-60. The real divider is the physical strength obviously.

    Aa for ‘fight’ it is not a technical term. It can mean ‘verbal exchange,’ ‘physical exchange’ or even ‘personal struggle’ in an abstract sense. An argument can be a fight. I would guess any possible distinction would come about due to the level of passion and hostility involved.

    I can disagree with my partner but that doesn’t mean we fight about it. I can fight with my partner too but we have never exchanged physical blows or had any kind of hostile physical interaction. I would never raise a hand to her and she would never raise a hand to me either. I know this.

    Anyway, why do women hate men? Is it alos because of ‘sex’?
  • Benkei
    Don’t be silly. You can figure that out for yourself. Minimal force is fine, be this grabbing arms or pushing away - both of which can result in some injury being incurred.I like sushi

    The point is that in almost all circumstances of someone hitting you, you can walk away. If there are weapons involved you run away. Only an idiot overestimating his martial abilities will try to fight. Thanks to 10 years of Aikido (and some other martial arts) I know 12 ways of disarming someone with a knife, depending on whether they are in front or behind me, but I will fucking run if I have a chance.

    Sadly social media is filled with the fantasy fighting an armed person bare handed is realistic or even smart.
  • I like sushi
    I’ve found hitting yourself and screaming works best :D

    People avoid crazy people. Derren Brown had a good way of dealing with such by talking nonsense so someone.
  • Benkei
    LOL. Never tried that.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    it also incorrectly identifies "being hit" as "being in a fight". It's only a fight once the person being hit, starts hitting back.Benkei

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    let's rethink the situation (as properly as we can).

    Men don't rule the roost and women aren't lowest on the totem pole as it were.

    The reality is women aren't weak and men strong, women are only less powerful than men. In other words, females are simply lower in the pecking order, they are henpecking nevertheless.

    Women, keep looking up!
    Agent Smith

    Let me ask you something: do you really believe that women are only less powerful than men?
    Do you really believe that females are lower in the pecking order?

    Maybe it is just a word to you but there is something quite different between a female and a woman, yet you seem to use them interchangeably. What makes you use on or the other?

    I think it is rather audacious to suggest for "Women, keep looking up?"
    What do you think we are going to be looking at if we did?
  • Agent Smith
    Let me ask you something: do you really believe that womenare only less powerful than men?ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Don't get me wrong and please don't judge me. Given the current parameters of my CPU and the data at my disposal, which I analyzed as best as I could, the output is as you've read in my previous post: women are only less powerful than women, not weak.

    Would you like to update my system? I'd be more than happy to run your app, if one's on offer and if you like?

    Be gentle now...
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Don't get me wrong and please don't judge me. Given the current parameters of my CPU and the data at my disposal, which I analyzed as best as I could, the output is as you've read in my previous post: women are only less powerful than women, not weak.

    Would you like to update my system? I'd be more than happy to run your app, if one's on offer and if you like?

    Be gentle now...
    Agent Smith

    Let me start with your last comment first. Why would you need me to be gentle? Are you vulnerable right now?
    Because you are not asking for or requesting for gentility, you are instructing me to approach your thoughts as though they are delicate in nature. Why is that?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    the output is as you've read in my previous post: women are only less powerful than men, not weak.Agent Smith

    Thank you for repeating yourself, I appreciate the reminder.
    Agent Smith, you are a human which means you were born into this world, right?
    Has anyone ever tried to come at you while your Mom was around?
    Have you ever tried to get between a Mother Bear and one of her cubs?
    Either literally or metaphorically?
    I have. Both ends of it. I have encountered a Mother Bear and her cubs, right here in Arizona. I was never so thankful to be in an automobile but it would have been a shit ton safer if it wasn't a convertible.
    I have also released Mother Bear in protection of my own cubs.
    Please, understand this respectively, there is no hu(man) more powerful than a Momma Bear whose cubs are being threatened. The explosive release of that power is born into every female and can be brought out when demanded. If it is a Momma Bear? We know where that power is and we are not about wasting it because it can take you (us) to our death.
    Speaking of death: do you know who Momma Bear will go to battle for and die for?

    Having said that:
    I really would appreciate your addressing my questions as previously posted
    I think it is rather audacious to suggest for "Women, keep looking up?"
    What do you think we are going to be looking at if we did?
    Maybe it is just a word to you but there is something quite different between a female and a woman, yet you seem to use them interchangeably. What makes you use on or the other?
  • Agent Smith
    :rofl: Dear ma'am, I have no wish to waste your precious time. Your app is incompatible with my OS. Nice try though! I'll check back when I can.
  • Possibility
    Anyway, why do women hate men? Is it alos because of ‘sex’?I like sushi

    I don’t really think men hate women because of ‘sex’ - I think some will say that - and even convince themselves that it’s true - because it’s one aspect where it’s considered ‘socially acceptable’ to have no control. Women and sex are too often the dumping ground for a man’s fears and desires. He more likely hates not being able to explain or rationalise his own feelings. I think women can feel this way, too - it’s just less prevalent because most (not all) learn to talk about their feelings without needing to rationalise or ’fix’ them. It’s also possible for men to hate this social expectation that they should somehow not feel.

    I think women can often hate men because of a social expectation to be responsible for keeping his fears and desires in check as well as her own. But I also think a woman can be labelled ‘man-hating’ if she refuses to consider his unclaimed fears or desires in choosing her own actions, often to the point where she starts to believe it herself, or at least finds it more authentic to just accept the label, rather than try to prove otherwise.

    I think that men need to learn to recognise when they’re afraid, or when they’re attracted - and own these feelings as such, instead of projecting them as forces out of their control. And women need to learn to give men space to talk safely about their feelings of fear or attraction without assuming they intend to act on them.
  • I like sushi
    I just think everyone should make some kind of effort to engage with people they clash with and try and understand the other’s perspective rather than resorting to insults and/or violence.

    Basically, a modicum of respect for a fellow human being. If lines are crossed insults and violence can be a necessary deterrent whether or not we view it as an ideal place to arrive at.

    In todays internet/social media age there is a rather noisy minority ready to do away with context which does nothing other than conflate the problems in society by creating imaginary narratives that are used to fuel hatred.

    Note: Understanding something does not mean we need to agree with it. It just serves us better to understand I feel.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Look at thisAgent Smith

    Your point?

    It seems to me to be deflection which is nothing more than a distraction.

    What are you trying to say in posting that video?

    Why all of a sudden is it "Ma'am"?
  • Agent Smith
    Why all of a sudden is it "Ma'am"?ArguingWAristotleTiff

    I have no idea, must be some kinda Freudian defense mechanism.

    Anyway, if nonvegetarianism is immoral, then women are immoral (too), oui? Video evidence for reference. The poor chicken is lower on the hackliste, and everyone above it in the food chain is, well, killin' and eatin' it. How could anyone, the fairer sex included, justify a demand for equality under these circumstances? We're always lookin' up, look down for a change if only to not come off as a hypocrite (sorry Neil deGrasse Tyson).

    I want women to lead humanity, they're our best bet. First thing that needs to be done is for them to get their act together.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I want women to lead humanity, they're our best bet. First thing that needs to be done is for them to get their act together.Agent Smith
    Get our act together?
    Good day.
  • Agent Smith
    Get our act together?
    Good day.

    Yes! Better not actually. Let's just leave things as they are.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Yes! Better not actually. Let's just leave things as they are.Agent Smith

    And that is what you wanted the whole time once I called you out.
    Be careful out there, I am but one woman.
  • Agent Smith
    I am but one woman.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Draw your own conclusions.

    Helen was one woman. Trojan war!

    Sita was one woman. Indo-Lankan war!

  • Sapien1
    i don't know what to make of this video
  • Agent Smith
    i don't know what to make of this videoSapien1

    If we have to fight for equality, I mean literally, tooth and nail, all's good!
  • Sapien1
    tbqf i found the video to be mildly funny.
  • Agent Smith
    tbqf i found the video to be mildly funny.Sapien1

    I don't think it was supposed to be funny. If it was a rib-tickler for you, well and good.
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