• Gregory A
    he most pernicious con tricks in human history such as Christianity and Islam
    — universeness

    To be replaced by the con of science?

    Scientists are obliged to stay out of what are philosophical positions, and they mostly do. But if they choose to participate they then immediately become philosophers, and consequently can find themselves out of their element. Einstein was not an atheist, which doesn't make him a believer, but showed he was smart enough (let's face it) to see what atheism is really about.
  • universeness
    The consensus would be that atheism is simply a non-belief in god/s but the reality is that atheists are actively opposed to theism.Gregory A

    Yes or (no shit Sherlock!) atheism OPPOSES theism but most atheists will pick their targets wisely. I would prefer to debate a priest or imam or guru in comparison with a 'so-called,' theist, who simply has a personal theism! A person who merely gets comfort from belief in an all-powerful supernatural superhero that's going to protect them from their primal fears and award them existence for eternity after they die. One who imagines an eternity in a happy-clappy place where they want for nothing and everyone is equal and no minorities are treated as inferior etc. Good luck with that! I will inform them that I think they are dellusional and dbate the details with them if they want in the way I am doing with @EugeneW on this thread but I can tell the difference between a dangerous theist and a harmless one. My target is the dangerous ones. Most atheists are against organised religion but some atheists are rich powerful autocrats who run a country! There are many flavours of bas****, some absolute scumbags do label themselves atheist as part of their 'cunning plan.'
  • EugeneW
    Einstein was not an atheist, which doesn't make him a believerGregory A

    He believed in god. Said even he dont play dice. Thats an inspiration for his science. He believed, and I think rightly, QM isnt the final answer.
  • EugeneW
    person who merely gets comfort from belief in an all-powerful supernatural superhero that's going to protect them from their primal fears and award them existence for eternity after they die.universeness

    That's a charicature, a panto cheat! Why you think primal fear is involved? I could say the same of theism...
  • universeness
    and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and againEugeneW

    This reminds me of a quote from Carl Sagan's movie 'Contact.'
    If we are the only intelligent lifeforms in the whole Universe, it seems like an awful waste of space!
    You seem to be wastin space EugeneW.
  • EugeneW
    I can tell the difference between a dangerous theist and a harmless oneuniverseness

    The most dangerous species is still the scientist.
  • universeness
    And the row continues to the ends of the Earth! A bit more than a chip memory..EugeneW

    This approach is so tedious, computer memory does not consist of a single chip so what are you talking about?
  • EugeneW
    This reminds me of a quote from Carl Sagan's movie 'Contact.'
    If we are the only intelligent lifeforms in the whole Universe, it seems like an awful waste of space!
    You seem to be wastin space EugeneW.

    I could tell your hero the whole universe is filled with life. Life in heaven is much broader than even in the visible universe exists. There is much more life beyond the horizon.
  • EugeneW
    This approach is so tedious, computer memory does not consist of a single chip so what are you talking about?universeness

    About the maximum memory of a computer. The number of 1s and 0s to be stored.
  • universeness
    Do you really care how old we can get? Why?EugeneW

    I am learning more about your approach all the time EugeneW, you ask questions that you already know the answer to. I assume you just do so to annoy your opponent. The danger is that they might just decide you are not worth their time and they will excuse themselves with such as 'I need to go now!'
  • EugeneW
    I am learning more about your approach all the time EugeneW, you ask questions that you already know the answer to.universeness

    No! I truly don't! I dont give a fuck how old I get and are absolutely not interested in prolonging my life scientifically.
  • universeness
    To be replaced by the con of science?EugeneW

    If you think science is a con then stop your own personal relationship with it, you insult your own house!
  • Gregory A
    ↪Gregory A

    I just dont get what he's got against theism. Isn't it obvious the universe is created? He's got the right to be an atheist, of course, but his vision is a cold one.

    Dawkins has his motives but none of these are scientific. If we set about to do constructive things, then becoming famous that way is very difficult. But if on the other hand we be destructive, fame can easily be had. My generation knew who Lee Oswald was, subsequent generations know who Richard Dawkins is. One destroyed a president, the other is destroying religion.
  • universeness
    I can give you a similar list of complaints of the horrible doctrine of the sciences...EugeneW

    I am going to use an old politician's response to your employment of repetition EugeneW.
    "I refer you to previous on record comments I have made, on this issue."
  • EugeneW
    But if on the other hand we be destructive, fame can easily be had. My generation knew who Lee Oswald was, subsequent generations know who Richard Dawkins is. One destroyed a president, the other is destroying religion.Gregory A

    Damned! I think Im gonna call you a comrade!
  • Gregory A
    Einstein was not an atheist, which doesn't make him a believer
    — Gregory A

    He believed in god. Said even he dont play dice. Thats an inspiration for his science. He believed, and I think rightly, QM isnt the final answer.

    I think we all have faith regardless of what we say. But that doesn't mean everything in life will turn out okay. We need to ward off the forces of 'evil' for one thing. Atheism is one of those.
  • universeness

    Still no response to:

    Sci-fi shows play with this concept all the time but from the point of sentient lifeforms who existed in our galaxy millions of years before humans. In Babylon 5 they are called the first ones. The Vorlons, The Shadows etc. To us, they would seem like gods, but they are not. Why are these god-like descriptions less likely than the descriptions you have been posting here to describe your version of god(s). Could I replace every mention you have made of god(s) on this thread with 'The Vorlons,' would it change your claims much? Apart from your 'but mine are real and yours are fantasy,' claim. The same claim that the Christians have about the Muslim god or hindu god(s) and vice versa.

    Why not?
  • EugeneW
    I am going to use an old politician's response to your employment of repetition EugeneW.universeness

    If it's justified to return the accusation I do. And it's more than justified. Science has done no good.
  • EugeneW

    There are no doubt other species in the universe. But they are no gods.
  • EugeneW
    I think we all have faith regardless of what we say. But that doesn't mean everything in life will turn out okay. We need to ward off the forces of 'evil' for one thing. Atheism is one of those.Gregory A

    Well, if people don't believe in god, who am I to tell them they should? I don't understand it but its up to them. And to be fair, no one really knows. Im convinced gods exist, for atheists also. But that's my objective reality.
  • universeness
    About the maximum memory of a computer. The number of 1s and 0s to be stored.EugeneW

    A computer is built with an amount of memory which makes it commercially viable to the current home market. Computers not built for the home market are built for functionality purposes and are given the memory capacity they need based on their intended functionality but the point I have labored to you ad nauseam is that there is no upper limit to the amount of memory capacity that could be electronically assigned to a computer network as I demonstrated with my example of the memory capacity of the internet. Despite this, instead of accepting that this actually rather minor point that computer systems can surpass the processing speed AND MEMORY CAPACITY of the human brain is true. You insist on trying to blow air on the dying heat of your attempts at rebuttal. In my opinion, this does not reflect well on your debating skills.
  • EugeneW
    I am going to use an old politician's response to your employment of repetition EugeneWuniverseness

    The point is, it's childish to come up with complaints about whatever religion. Every way of life, way of thinking and being, has its pros and cons.
  • EugeneW

    The number of particles in the universe, 10exp90, is by way not enough to even approximate brain memory capacity. Can you use more particles than in the universe for a computer memory?
  • universeness
    Einstein was not an atheist, which doesn't make him a believer
    — Gregory A

    He believed in god. Said even he dont play dice. Thats an inspiration for his science. He believed, and I think rightly, QM isnt the final answer

    I think @Gregory A is probably closest on this one but it remains controversial.
    The quote from Wikipedia is:

    Albert Einstein's religious views have been widely studied and often misunderstood. Albert Einstein stated that he believed in the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza. He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings, a view which he described as naïve. He clarified however that, "I am not an atheist", preferring to call himself an agnostic, or a "religious nonbeliever." Einstein also stated he did not believe in life after death, adding "one life is enough for me."He was closely involved in his lifetime with several humanist groups.
  • universeness
    Every way of life, way of thinking and being, has its pros and cons.EugeneW

    Agree! and each also has its associated measure of fact against fiction.
  • EugeneW
    there is no upper limit to the amount of memory capacityuniverseness

    There is.
  • EugeneW
    Agree! and each also has its associated measure of fact against fiction.universeness

    Agree! That's why you dont believe in gods. Your measure is one amongst many though.
  • universeness
    The number of particles in the universe, 10exp80, is by way not enough to even approximate brain memory capacityEugeneW

    Wrong! Which scientific document are you getting your number for human brain capacity from?
    How can a human brain hold more information than the number of particles in the universe that the brain you are talking about IS PART OF! The information quanta you refer to is part of this Universe!
  • universeness
    Agree! That's why you dont believe in gods. Your measure is one amongst many thoughEugeneW

    As is yours (welcome back to the pantomime! act III, I think.)
  • EugeneW
    As is yoursuniverseness

    That's my hat!
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