• Fooloso4
    Wrong.Harry Hindu

    And yet you go on to give support for my point. She was not about to let the hearings turn into a dispute about transgender people.

    The biology of gender is not a simple matter of male vs female.
    — Fooloso4
    It's actually very simple
    Harry Hindu

    It's not that simple. A bit of online research based on the scientific literature rather than religious or political claims will bear out that sex and gender are not binary.
  • Harry Hindu
    And yet you go on to give support for my point. She was not about to let the hearings turn into a dispute about transgender people.Fooloso4
    Actually, you're proving mine. She wasn't asked about transgender people. She was asked to define a woman.

    According to USA Today we can't determine the difference between a man and a woman, so how do we know that Biden nominated a woman to the supreme court, hence the threat of mis- and under- representing women. All USA Today did is pull the rug out from under the left's own push to nominate a black woman. This is what I mean by creating more lies and contradictions to cover for the mass delusion that has been created.

    We all could see how Jackson wanted to answer the question with her reference to biologists. But her free speech was being limited by less than 1% of the population.

    It's not that simple. A bit of online research based on the scientific literature rather than religious or political claims will bear out that sex and gender are not binary.Fooloso4
    Actually it is people like you who have become religious in accepting the claims by certain people without questioning those claims. Politics is like a religion in that it makes people out to be victims so that you can turn to Big Brother save you from being a victim. It is like a religion in that everyone on one side believes that they are the righteous and the other side are not. Politics = religion because they are both forms of group think. The left has essentially swapped one Big Brother for another.
  • Fooloso4
    She wasn't asked about transgender people. She was asked to define a woman.Harry Hindu

    Hence the trap. Why did Blackburn ask her to define the word woman? She brought up Lia Thomas, a transgender athelete.

    All USA Today did is pull the rug out from under the left's own push to nominate a black woman.Harry Hindu

    All USA Today did is make a clumsy rhetorical argument that either misrepresents or misunderstands what is at issue. There is no ambiguity as to whether Jackson is a black woman.

    Actually it is people like you who have become religious in accepting the claims by certain people without questioning those claims.Harry Hindu

    Actually it people like me who studied biology long before this became a hot button issue. People like me who do question those claims and are aware that things are not always binary. People like me who think that what we should do in such cases is something that does not yield clear answers. People like me who know politicians will use this to their advantage.

    It is like a religion in that everyone on one side believes that they are the righteous and the other side are not.Harry Hindu

    This cuts both ways. It is not everyone and its both sides not one side. Has it escaped your notice that you are the one who with righteous indignation talking about "people like you"?
  • 180 Proof
    Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

    For the first time in 232 years white males will not make up the majority of Justices at SCOTUS. :up:
  • Benkei
    hooray. Congrats.
  • I like sushi
    Other than male and female can you name another sex that is prominent enough to get near 1% of the global population. Show me the scientific literature too please if you hunk you can do this.

    The term gender has often been used synonymously with sex in colloquial speech, but technically ‘gender’ is more or less used something like how we now use ‘race’.
  • I like sushi
    Actually it people like me who studied biology long before this became a hot button issue. People like me who do question those claims and are aware that things are not always binaryFooloso4

    Not always … be honest and give hard data. It is a minuscule number. It is like saying humans don’t always have five fingers, but we all know that people don’t tend to have more than five fingers on each hand. In all my life I have never met anyone with more than ten fingers.
  • I like sushi
    I am sure there are plenty of other people who can do her job and I bet there are plenty of black people among them too.

    I understand why it is a little weird though. It was probably a case of ‘this woman is really good’ and then they find out she is black and the politicians start thinking the usual nonsense. I think the Canadian Prime Minister did a far worse thing by appointing equal ratio of women to men when statistically it makes little sense as there are far more men than women in politics.

    To be fair, I understand the argument that having more women represented at the top level will inspire other women to follow and believe they can do it. But that does seem both a little patronising and I think a small increase and active encouragement to het more women into politics would have been a better way to go. I could be wrong though, but no one has convinced me otherwise yet.
  • Fooloso4
    Not always … be honest and give hard data. It is a minuscule number.I like sushi

    First of all, biology is not limited to human biology. There are animals that are hermaphrodites and that change sex. Non-binary Second, there is no agreed upon definition of interesex Here and Here. Third, the issue that was raised during the hearings was not about how many sexes there are but about gender identity.
  • I like sushi
    So why not admit you’re being dishonest? Did you think the sex of fish were under scrutiny here just because there was talk about a trans swimmer.

    Humans have two sexes and ten fingers.
  • Agent Smith
    She was asked to define a woman.Harry Hindu

    Reminds me of Terminators (living tissue over metal endoskeleton). What if Jackson is really a white man in a black woman's body? :chin:

    Have you seen the horror flick Get Out (2017)?
  • 180 Proof
    She was asked to define a woman.Harry Hindu
    And this line of questioning, like most others, by the white-faced ministrel show – Gang Of Putin senators – had absolutely nothing to do with questioning and evaluating KBJ's judicial qualifications or substantive record as a Federal judge.
  • Harry Hindu
    And this line of questioning, like most others, by the white-faced ministrel show – Gang Of Putin senators – had absolutely nothing to do with questioning and evaluating KBJ's judicial qualifications or substantive record as a Federal judge.180 Proof
    Biden was the one that made a point to nominate a black woman. How does anyone know that is what he did if "woman" cannot be defined?
  • Harry Hindu
    How can we celebrate the first black woman on the Supreme Court if mo one knows what a "woman" is?
  • Harry Hindu
    That was my response to KBJs answer to that question.
  • Harry Hindu
    Reminds me of Terminators (living tissue over metal endoskeleton). What if Jackson is really a white man in a black woman's body? :chin:Agent Smith
    What if I, a biological male, identified as a transgender male (a female that identifies as being a man?)
  • Fooloso4
    So why not admit you’re being dishonest? Did you think the sex of fish were under scrutiny here just because there was talk about a trans swimmer.I like sushi

    See my earlier response:

    She is well aware of the trap that was laid. It has to do with the Republicans obsession with transgender people.

    The biology of gender is not a simple matter of male vs female.

    And read my last response to you,note this part:

    Third, the issue that was raised during the hearings was not about how many sexes there are but about gender identity.Fooloso4
  • Agent Smith
    What if I, a biological male, identified as a transgender male (a female that identifies as being a man?)Harry Hindu

    Yes, exactly! It's all messed up, you see?
  • frank
    How can we celebrate the first black woman on the Supreme Court if mo one knows what a "woman" is?Harry Hindu

    It's time for the birds and the bees, Harry.

    First black woman on the SCOTUS! Yay!
  • I like sushi
    I only care about the ridiculous claim that there is a reasonable claim of being more than two sexes when there aren’t.

    In terms of sex (for humans) it is simply a matter of male and female.
  • Fooloso4
    I only care about the ridiculous claim that there is a reasonable claim of being more than two sexes when there aren’t.I like sushi

    You have acknowledged the difference between sex and gender. The issue at hand has to do with Blackburn's challenge to define the word 'woman'. Any such definition must take into account not just sex but gender.

    While Ambiguous Genitalia is rare it is not non-existent. Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Children's Minnesota, and others in the US treat these conditions.

    It is a not a matter of there being more than two sexes but of ambiguity as to whether the child is male or female. In any case, and despite the only thing you care about, Blackburn's question had nothing to do with how many sexes there are.
  • RogueAI
    Any such definition must take into account not just sex but gender.Fooloso4

    If Jackson started identifying as a male, wouldn't we have to refer to her as "Mr. Jackson"? You would then have the bizarre sentence: Mr. Jackson was the first black woman Supreme Court Justice.
  • Fooloso4
    If Brown started identifying as a male, wouldn't we have to refer to her as "Mr. Brown"?RogueAI

    Justice Jackson or Your Honor.
  • I like sushi
    I don’t care about Blackburn’s question (and have no idea what it was). I saw you say there are more than two sexes - that is wrong. End of story.
  • Benkei
    That depends on your definition of sex. Chromosomal there's about six although they usually express visually as either female or male. But if you take visual cues as defining sex then you have to account for pseudohermaphrodism, so then there are three sexes.

    Take your pick, 3 or 6. But certainly never 2.
  • 180 Proof

    "XX" & "XY" in most mammals (i.e. human default), no?

    How can we celebrate the first black woman on the Supreme Court if no one knows what a "woman" is?Harry Hindu
    Ain't no fucking "royal we" here, alt-right snowflake. Just don't "celebrate" if you were soooo confused by the preceedings. :victory:
  • Agent Smith

    Masculinity (also called manhood or manliness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with men and boys. Masculinity can be understood as socially constructed, and there is also evidence that some behaviors considered masculine are influenced by both cultural factors and biological factors. To what extent masculinity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate. It is distinct from the definition of the biological male sex, as anyone can exhibit masculine traits.

    Although often ignored in discussions of masculinity, women can also express masculine traits and behaviors.  In Western culture, female masculinity has been codified into identities such as "tomboy" and "butch".
    — Wikipedia

    That casts doubt on the womanliness of Justice Jackson. Black woman in SCOTUS.

    Then there's the matter of Justice Jackson's race. Is race limited to the color of the skin or does it also include certain characteristic worldviews of a race/ethnicity/people? Is there anything black in the way Justice Jackson is going to tackle issues presented to her? Black woman in SCOTUS.
  • Benkei
    Yes, and then there's xxy, xyy and if I remember correctly xxx and yyy. Also a chimera syndrome possible and even x-reversed men syndrome, so female based on chromosomes but physically expressing as men. So that makes 8. I'm sure there are other naturally occurring chromosomal abnormalities I've not heard of.
  • 180 Proof
    I'm sure there are other naturally occurring chromosomal abnormalities I've not heard of.Benkei
    Exceptions, nonetheless, which prove the rule (re: extant sexually reproduced mammalian species).
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