• Jackson
    Identity politics is a type of group solipsism. You can only understand yourself as a member of a social group.
  • NOS4A2

    The irony is that to identify with group identities is to misidentify, to find affinity with some ideal or stereotypical identity in order to disguise one’s real identity, which can be described in greater detail with any state I.D. card.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    group solipsismJackson

    "Group solipsism" is a contradiction in terms.

    Solipsism is the philosophical position that only one mind exists.
  • DingoJones
    Is it possible you misinterpreted my words and drew an erroneous conclusion?ZzzoneiroCosm

    Yes of course its possible.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    What is white male experience?Jackson

    I have the experience of being a biped...Jackson

    What is bipedal experience?
  • BC
    I have the experience of being a biped, too.Jackson

    Of course you do, and it's a significant part of 'who you are'. There are many significant parts of who you are.

    I generally dislike identity politics (whether the identity is black, hispanic, native, male, female, gay, straight--whatever) because it tends to be possessive, defensive, and adversarial. And it can be very lame.

    "Identity" is first and foremost a personal attribute, arrived at or achieved over time. The noun, "identity", applied to millions of people who are supposedly alike is the wrong word. A better term for what very large groups of people share (numbering in the millions) is "culture".

    So, individuals who have a unique "identity" belong to one, maybe several cultures.
  • javi2541997
    Does being a white male mean you have white male experience? I have no idea what that means.Jackson

    What the article is referring for is the spread of culture depending your ethnic. Have I to be a Japanese to write haiku? Clearly not...
    Inside culture, there should not be any kind of limitations. For this reason I reject all of those books which are only about "identities" and then, you can only understand it if you are one of them. Sorry, but that's flawed... something such important as literature should be universal.
    I am a completely obsessed man with Japanse literature but I am from slum in Madrid... not from Tokio.
    That article only reflects what some people are always seeking for: "minorities culture and avoid the so called cultural appropriation"
  • javi2541997
    misidentify, to find affinity with some ideal or stereotypical identity in order to disguise one’s real identity, which can be described in greater detail with any state I.D. card.NOS4A2

    :100: :fire:

    It is a completely paradox since it starts. They seek for attention in their own identity while they mistreat the others ones
  • Jackson
    It is a completely paradox since it starts. They seek for attention in their own identity while they mistreat the others onesjavi2541997

    Am I supposed to identify with every White Male? Is Donald Trump my identity group?! I have contempt for him. There is a deeper problem here with the very concept of identity.
  • I like sushi
    Based purely on that snippet it is nonsense. I will read later …
  • Jackson
    Based purely on that snippet it is nonsense. I will read laterI like sushi

    What snippet?
  • Jackson
    In the OPI like sushi

    It is not nonsense. But if you don't have time then respond when you do.
  • I like sushi
    It is nonsense to say only x can talk aboud x is what I meant. Busy atm … will read later …
  • Jackson
    It is nonsense to say only x can talk aboud x is what I meant. Busy atm … will read laterI like sushi

    Okay, until then.
  • unenlightened
    Only self-portraits and autobiography are permissible. Don't even speak to me, never mind of or for me. :wink:

    There is a kernel of justified complaint when the white industrial complex ignores black musicians but exploits black music as with Elvis for example. Or when companies try and patent traditional medicines like neem. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4333627.stm

    I don't know where the cultural lines should be drawn, but somewhere around exploitation and oppression.
  • I like sushi
    Cannot read it because not willing to give details.

    It is obvious to me that people have plenty to offer on subjects they are not experienced in. It is daft to suggest that men cannot talk about women’s rights or that non-jews cannot comment about the holocaust.

    If the article addresses why these idea have grown more of late (if they have) then what does it say?
  • NOS4A2

    James Baldwin’s “Giovanni's Room” was replete with white people, his protagonist a blonde-haired, white man. “Who cares,” in my opinion—we ought to be able to relate to and empathize with people who do not look like us—but as I recall it caused a bit of controversy among identity politicians, which is by now to be expected, and in my encouraged. The culture lines should be erased, not drawn.
  • unenlightened
    The culture lines should be erased, not drawn.NOS4A2

    According to which culture?
  • unenlightened
    Ha ha. Yes indeed, we are all Chinese now.
  • NOS4A2

    Well, we’re all of a certain species, is basically what I’m saying.
  • unenlightened
    Well, we’re all of a certain species, is basically what I’m saying.NOS4A2

    It's your bullet dude; bite it or spit out. This is what the Chinese say, that Tibetans, Uighurs, Kazakhs, and others need re-educating. Your turn will no doubt come. We're all of a certain species, but we sure ain't all of a certain culture.
  • NOS4A2

    That’s the necessary result in that kind of thinking, and yours. One can say with more confidence that that is not what the Chinese say, but what communists say.
  • unenlightened
    That’s the necessary result in that kind of thinking, and yours.NOS4A2

    Alas it is the result of your thinking, not mine. I do not think cultural differences should be erased - you do.

    and The Chinese communist Party agrees with you. :rofl:
  • NOS4A2

    But you said it is something the Chinese say, when one can go out and ask Chinese people if this is true and find various opinions. At any rate, Methodological collectivism is no more than the application of hasty generalizations.
  • Jackson
    There is a kernel of justified complaint when the white industrial complex ignores black musicians but exploits black music as with Elvis for example. Or when companies try and patent traditional medicines like neem. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4333627.stm

    I don't know where the cultural lines should be drawn, but somewhere around exploitation and oppression.

    Some complained that a white, female artist has no right to depict a Black male, Emmett Till. This is not good logic.
  • Jackson
    According to which culture?unenlightened

    Maybe that is the problem, absolute boundary of a culture.
  • unenlightened
    Some complained that a white, female artist has no right to depict a Black male, Emmett Till. This is not good logic.Jackson

    I agree. But that there are silly claims, does not entail that there are no sensible ones.

    absolute boundary of a culture.Jackson

    Of course there are no absolutes, but on the contrary, cultures interpenetrate. There are mixed race people and mixed culture people and life is complicated. But sometimes there is justice in claims of cultural exploitation and expropriation too.
  • praxis
    The culture lines should be erasedNOS4A2

    Are you saying what I think you’re saying?! :grimace:
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