• Hillary
    I am not a religious person, nor do I believe that science is absolutely trueVincent

    Science is absolutely true. It gives us an explanation why the universe is there. Love permeates the universe. The driving force. If we want to shed our instinctive behaviors of aggression and procreation we must turn our heads to technological progress, which can redeem us. We have made the first cautious steps, but what has been achieved in 100 years pales in comparison to natural evolution.
  • SpaceDweller

    love is about a world where everybody loves each other.
    Such world is impossible, it's impossible to achieve such love, not even for 1 minute.
    Is it possible that entire world loves each other just for 1 minute? No, it's impossible.

    If such thing would happen we would see God.
  • SpaceDweller
    Science is absolutely true. It gives us an explanation why the universe is there.Hillary
    what is an explanation of why universe is there?
  • Hillary
    what is an explanation of why universe is there?SpaceDweller

    The big bang.
  • SpaceDweller
    The big bang.Hillary

    huh, big bang is one of the theories in sequence, it doesn't answer why there is universe.
    Theory is not evidence and if there is no evidence then there is no explanation why.
  • Hillary

    Well, that's the theory I cling to. Before the big bang there could have been another, and another. An infinite succession of bangs maybe. From where comes that infinite whole? Who knows...
  • SpaceDweller
    Who knows...Hillary

    that's right, "who knows".
    therefore not an explanation of how universe come to be :smile:
  • Hillary
    that's right, "who knows".
    therefore not an explanation of how universe come to be

    Well, partly. We can investigate the stuff made. And describe how it evolved into life. Thats what's usually called an explanation for the origin of the Earth, the stars, or life. And we could describe the happenings before the current universe came into being. But where did the space and particles in it come from? God?
  • val p miranda
    I watched Carl Sagan before his demise.
  • jgill
    it doesn't answer why there is universe.SpaceDweller

    The various branches of physics seek answers to "how" rather than "why". You philosophers are charged with answering the latter. Good luck.
  • SpaceDweller
    But where did the space and particles in it come from? God?Hillary
    If space and particles are not eternal, that is, not infinite then God is logical explanation.

    Otherwise you have problem of infinity which cannot be solved, ie. what's was there before cannot be answered because the question repeats itself no matter how far you go.

    Therefore either there is God or infinity (that is, we don't know).
  • Hillary

    Why can't infinite space and time be created by God?
  • SpaceDweller
    Why can't infinite space and time be created by God?Hillary
    Because creation implies beginning.
    To create means to create rather than it was there since ever.
  • Hillary
    Because creation implies beginning.SpaceDweller

    Why can't infinity have a beginning infinitely far away?
  • SpaceDweller
    Why can't infinity have a beginning infinitely far away?Hillary

    What is the result of summing up 2 infinities?
    infinite + infinite = ?

    Or any other mathematical operation (not just sum)?
  • Hillary

    It stays infinite, but why can't infinity have a beginning?
  • SpaceDweller
    It stays infinite, but why can't infinity have a beginning?Hillary

    No, infinity cannot be use in mathematical operations.
    I suggest you watch this video, skip to @18:00 for direct answer (infinite hotel example)

  • Hillary



    Ad infty

    Which leaves us with the question, why can't it have a beginning?
  • Hillary

    Interesting video. But it doesn't answer the question. Why can't space be a finite structure on an infinite substrate? Finite universes periodically appearing at a divine origin? A universe appears, then expanding to the infinite angels at the edge, the at infinity back reacting to the origin, two new universes appearing, inflating towards infinity once again, back reacting again, etc. etc. We only need an infinite extra dimension. But what created that infinity of serial universes?
  • Hillary
    The continuum hypothesis: how the fuck can we break up the continuum?
  • SpaceDweller
    Which leaves us with the question, why can't it have a beginning?Hillary
    You example is an example of "ordinal infinity":

    Therefore is universe is of ordinal infinity magnitude, that is infinitely large and timeless with a beginning then the problem is solved which is God created infinitely large universe.

    Otherwise if God did not create universe, then we are not talking about ordinal infinity but rather about "Infinite Series", and we are back to infinity problem, that is there is no beginning as well as no end.
  • Hillary
    then the problem is solved which is God created infinitely large universe.SpaceDweller

    There you go!
  • universeness
    I watched Carl Sagan before his demiseval p miranda

    You have good taste. You made an excellent choice :smile:
  • universeness
    For some reason they created us.
    — Hillary

    What reason then? What about just love?

    Do you remember this from @Hillary?

    I'm a atheist. God is a fantasy. I'm just curious why you think I'm a theist? What in what I wrote makes you think that?Hillary
  • Vincent
    yes lol. I don't know what to say. Maybe I've convinced him that god does exists :razz:
  • Hillary

    Mr. Universe! That was before I revealed myself! Had I continued the play, you would be on my atheistic side now.
  • Hillary
    yes lol. I don't know what to say. Maybe I've convinced him that god does existsVincent

    Vincent, Mr. Universe is great to talk to. He's a strong man with love for the human species and freedom, but in the theistic domain he still needs to learn, or be learned, a lesson.
  • Vincent
    Yes that is true. But I thought you were also worth atheist. You said that right?

    God is our basis of our existence, but is not visible. Compare it to a tree. The basis are the roots, but they are also not visible. How can you understand the workings of a tree if you can't study the basics. That's the same with man. If you don't believe that humanity has invisible roots (god), then you don't grasp the basics and you can never understand humanity properly.
  • universeness
    yes lol. I don't know what to say. Maybe I've convinced him that god does existsVincent

    @Hillary is a thinker to, just like you but he is also 'tricksy' (to quote Gollum from Lord of the rings)
    He is not malevolent, just 'tricksy' and 'complicated.' Its the old 'switcheroo,' everything is not always as it seems.
  • universeness
    Mr. Universe! That was before I revealed myself! Had I continued the play, you would be on my atheistic side now.Hillary

    I saw through your 'play,' pretty quickly. But I am encouraged by your quick, honest transition to the reveal. You could have 'massaged my doubt a little longer but you use the same 'errors in English' all the time and those are a big clue! So I won't tell you what they are for the sake of futureproofing. There are also other signs. I also have played this game on other sites with other people. This is in no way original stuff, it is unfortunately quite common. There are far far more serious cases of nefarious intent. You are thankfully not such a person or representative from a dangerous organised group. Or at least you don't show any of the signs I know of.
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