• Benj96
    That than which nothing greater can be conceived.

    But also, the falacious argument that existing is better than not existing, there fore God exists.

    Interesting but how is it fallacious ? non existence cannot decide whether it’s greater to exist or not by virtue of not existing. One must exist first to decide whether to continue existing of bring about its own demise. Non existence as a concept can only be appreciated by that which is not in a state of non existence.

    So in this sense existence trumps non existence due to the ability to reason, to choose, to ponder, to have a certain sense of free will be it an illusion or actual true free will. 0-1 points to existence over not existing
  • Benj96
    Theological arguments assume existence must have a cause.Jackson

    Can something ever be self-causing? Is a cycle not a circuit whereby outcome is the same as the original input?
  • Jackson
    Can something ever be self-causing?Benj96

    The universe can exist without being caused.
  • Benj96
    The universe can exist without being causedJackson

    Can you elaborate on how?
  • Jackson
    Can you elaborate on how?Benj96

    Why does it need to be caused?
  • Benj96
    Why does it need to be caused?Jackson
    Similarly, why does it not need to be caused? Is there not equal reason to argue either viewpoint logically?

    Is it that the set of all causes cannot include itself ? - just as a Venn diagram of all Venn diagrams doesn’t contain itself and therefore cannot be a set of all Venn diagrams.
  • Relativist
    Why is nothingness expected?Jackson
    There's no objective reason to believe nothingesss expected, but theists believe the material world is contingent - exists only because God chose to create it.
  • Jackson
    Similarly, why does it not need to be caused? Is there not equal reason to argue either viewpoint logically?Benj96

    Perhaps, but I do not think so. The universe exists, we know that. Whether it has a cause is not as certain.
  • Jackson
    There's no objective reason to believe nothingesss expected, but theists believe the material world is contingent - exists only because God chose to create it.Relativist

    Yes, that could be a belief of theists.
  • SpaceDweller
    Ah, why is there something rather than nothing?
    Because of God.
    Awesome reason indeed! :up:

    Your "proof" depends on the assumption that, in the absence of a god, nothingness should be expected. Can either of you defend that assumption?

    Yes, because, nothing comes out of nothing.

    The universe can exist without being caused.Jackson

    Only if universe is eternal, that is exists since ever, there is no beginning and no end.
    This is infinite regress which is not a solution to any problems.
  • Jackson
    Yes, because, nothing comes out of nothing.SpaceDweller

    Old argument which cannot be proven.
    For another perspective look at Leibniz's argument that God could have left the universe is a state of nothingness but thought existence was superior. I am not supporting this argument but he does give a reason why God rejected nothingness.
  • SpaceDweller

    Nice, it implies that existence of universe without a supreme being is inexplicable and holds no ground

    But I don't see how his argument is against "nothing comes from nothing"
  • Jackson
    But I don't see how his argument is against "nothing comes from nothing"SpaceDweller

    My argument is that is has never been proven. It is just a tenet.
  • SpaceDweller
    My argument is that is has never been proven. It is just a tenet.Jackson
    The fact that never anything come from nothing is proof of itself. don't you think?
  • Jackson
    The fact that never nothing come from nothing is proof of itself. don't you think?SpaceDweller

    I do not think that.

    One way to think about nothingness is to associate it with randomness. Things occur without without being caused by prior events.
  • SpaceDweller
    One way to think about nothingness is to associate it with randomness. Things occur without without being caused by prior events.Jackson

    randomness requires things to manifest random behavior, nothing does not require anything since nothing is not-a-thing.

    nothing doesn't even require a creator, because it's not a thing.
    nothing just exists as nothing.
  • Jackson
    nothing doesn't even require a creator, because it's not a thing.SpaceDweller

    I clearly am rejecting the concept that the world was created.
  • Relativist

    Your "proof" depends on the assumption that, in the absence of a god, nothingness should be expected. Can either of you defend that assumption? — Relativist

    Yes, because, nothing comes out of nothing.
    Reality didn't come into existence.

    If material reality is the totality of reality, then it exists uncaused, and at all times. The notion that it had to "come into existence" is incoherent, because "coming into existence" entails a time at which it didn't exist, followed by a time at which it exists.
  • Jackson
    Reality didn't come into existence. If material reality is the totality of reality, then it exists uncaused, and at all times. The notion that it had to "come into existence" is incoherent, because "coming into existence" entails a time at which it didn't exist, followed by a time at which it exists.Relativist

    Good, well said. Agree with that.
  • SpaceDweller
    Reality didn't come into existence.

    If material reality is the totality of reality, then it exists uncaused, and at all times.

    Right, "IF", but what is your argument for eternal universe.
  • Hillary
    Reality didn't come into existence.Relativist

    That's exactly the question. If material reality, thermodynamic time with a 3D space, inflates into existence automatically and periodically on a TD timeless 5D quantum vacuum spacetime structure with the right shape and virtual particles, then the question is, why does this timeless structure exist in the first place? What's the reason? Why it exists? Where did it come from, assuming it to be the only structure?
  • Jackson
    but what is your argument for eternal universe.SpaceDweller

    Why does the universe have to be caused? Not rhetorical. We know there is a universe, so why does it have to have a cause.
  • Relativist
    Right, "IF", but what is your argument for eternal universe.SpaceDweller
    To be clear, I'd define "eternal" as existing at all times - which does not require an infinite past.

    Why think the "universe" exists at all times? Because nothing comes from nothing.
  • Relativist
    Reality didn't come into existence. — Relativist

    That's exactly the question. If material reality, thermodynamic time with a 3D space, inflates into existence automatically and periodically on a TD timeless 5D quantum vacuum spacetime structure with the right shape and virtual particles...
    You are making a number of questionable assumptions and then demanding an explanation of "why". I'm a naturalist - but I don't pretend to know the fundamental nature of reality nor even the conditions that gave rise to the big bang. To ask "why are things as they are" implies that you believe there was an intelligent designer (or designers) who chose to create the world that exists, and therefore must have had a reason. Naturalism implies the world is not an intended consequence, so there's no reason for it.
  • Jackson
    Naturalism implies the world is not an intended consequence, so there's no reason for it.Relativist

    And saying the universe is a consequence only displaces the same question--Why is there God.
  • Hillary
    Naturalism implies the world is not an intended consequence, so there's no reason for it.Relativist

    The view of the TD timeless 5D quantum substrate vacuum is mine and offers a natural underground to let two 4D mirror universe emerge, inflate, into real existence. The statement that "it just exists" robs existence of intrinsic, objective meaning or reason. Being a rationalist, I can't live with such emptiness. It takes all kinds! :smile:
  • Hillary
    And saying the universe is a consequence only displaces the same question--Why is there God.Jackson

    That's often heard but eternal intelligence doesn't need explanation. Eternal stupidity does.
  • Jackson
    eternal intelligence doesn't need explanationHillary

  • Hillary

    Because a dumb material can't exist because of no reason. Eternal intelligence is the reason.
  • SpaceDweller
    To be clear, I'd define "eternal" as existing at all times - which does not require an infinite past.Relativist

    existing at all times = eternal = infinite
    if not what do you mean?
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