• Hillary
    OK then, how can these "facts" be established as true?Relativist

    By using your mind
  • DingoJones

    More accurately, your imagination.
  • Hillary

    Exactly! Certain things are difficult to imagine though. Like the nature of physical charge. It lays st the foundation of consciousness. We can imagine though whats it like to be an electron.
  • jgill
    Consider a sequence of an infinite number of dominos representing an infinite number of past events that happened.
    The last domino is current event, the present or today.
    If you knock down earliest domino so that dominoes start to fall down then today cannot be reached because there is infinite amount of them to fall down until today (present) is reached.
    Which is an impossibility

    As mentioned, no "earliest" domino. But your argument is similar to a math idea I worked on in which earlier and earlier "dominos" do indeed produce a current event.

    Same for three dimensions. Ìf,in 6D, three circles are perpendicular to the other three dimension, . . .Hillary

    Define "perpendicular" - remember angles arise in Euclidean spaces.
  • Relativist
    OK then, how can these "facts" be established as true?
    — Relativist

    By using your mind
    LOL! Sure, but explain the reasoning that unequivocally establishes your claims as fact.
  • chiknsld
    Just a thought:


    (A) g/G "created" everything for a reason; therefore, Reason is divine and g/G is not worthy of worship ...


    (B) g/G "created" everything arbitraily, without reason, by chance; therefore, Chance (i.e. randomness à la vacuum fluctuation) is divine and g/G is not worthy of worship ...

    So what does this "prove"? Nothing but the obvious – (whether or not it exists) g/G is superfluous and does not itself explain or justify anything.
    180 Proof

    :snicker: Is that the best you got buddy?
  • 180 Proof
    You got better? Well then smoke 'em if you got 'em ...
  • chiknsld
    You got better? Well then smoke 'em if you 'em ...180 Proof

    Let's just start with that kindergarten logic you're using...

    (A) g/G "created" everything for a reason; therefore, Reason is divine and g/G is not worthy of worship ...180 Proof

    Literally just a begging of the question...and are you making "reason" objective? Like so many flaws with this I have no clue what to attack.

    g/G "created" everything arbitraily, without reason...180 Proof

    More begging the question...why do you keep applying "reason" to God and then making a 2-bit logical conclusion off of that very assumption? You'd be better off saying that God exists for a reason and such reason supersedes any of his goal-driven actions lol. Your concept of God is not even ready for reasonable discourse.

    ...by chance; therefore, Chance (i.e. randomness à la vacuum fluctuation) is divine and g/G is not worthy of worship ...180 Proof

    Okay this is a bit more reasonable because now at least you are talking about concepts...

    "Divine" :snicker: This is bad on so many levels, just gonna skip that part.

    So you don't wanna worship chance? Why not? :rofl:

    So reason and chance made the world, both are divine and God is not worthy of worship...so bad :rofl:

    Btw this is YOUR logic! I quoted it so you would never forget it, but since you wanted a better response...
  • Hillary

    Well, on a cylinder the cylindrical length and circumference coordinate lines are locally perpendicular. If you approach the SoL in the length direction, the circle òn the perpendicular dimension doesn't Lorenz contract.
  • 180 Proof
    Go waste someone else's time.
  • Hillary


    Don't blame him. He's born like that.... :lol:
  • Hillary
    Divine" :snicker: This is bad on so many levels, just gonna skip that part.

    So you don't wanna worship chance? Why not? :rofl:

    So reason and chance made the world, both are divine and God is not worthy of worship...so bad :rofl:

    Btw this is YOUR logic! I quoted it so you would never forget it, but since you wanted a better response

    :lol: :100:

  • Hillary
    This is getting near to doomed notion that something can come out of a true lack of anything or 'Nothing'. If something pops out out, then was there was still something behind it, which is the capability for it and so that would be the something that is eternal.PoeticUniverse

    The point is, we can't speak about an eternal timeless underlying substance, since time doesn't apply to it.
  • chiknsld
    ↪chiknsld Go waste someone else's time.180 Proof

    me(Me) wasted your (time) but time is divine, therefore I am not worthy of (worship) (DIVINE).
    (Divine, worship) time)).

    Sorry that probably makes more sense to you right? (right) RIGHT?) :rofl:
  • chiknsld
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :snicker:
  • chiknsld
    Let's try to give 180 the credit he deserves...

    Reason created the world? Nope, does not make sense.

    Chance created the world? Nope, does not make sense.

    God is not divine? Non-sequitur.

    God is divine or not divine based on the former? Yea that makes total sense.

    God must have made the world for a reason and therefore Reason (now objective, hence the capital "R") really created the world, because God did not do it anymore, Reason did it.

    Reason created the world. Yea that makes total sense.

    God must have made the world but not for any particular reason, therefore Chance created the world.

    Since Chance created the world then there is no reason to worship God, you see, because at first God created the world, but then we figured out that Chance actually created the world.

    Good job 180 :up:
  • Hillary

    You're truly have the better hand here, chiknsld (chickensalad? chiknslud?)! Keep it coming! :joke:
  • Hillary

    Again: that's true and great philosophy! And it's funny also! Keel it comiiiing! :lol: :up: :victory: :ok: , more fingers I aint got!
  • chiknsld
    You're truly have the better hand here, chiknsld (chickensalad? chiknslud?)! Keep it coming! :joke:Hillary

    :rofl: :rofl:

    Again: that's true and great philosophy! And it's funny also! Keel it comiiiing! :lol: :up: :victory: :ok: , more fingers I aint got!Hillary

    Can you tell how inspired I am? I am reverberating deep, and profound insight!
  • Hillary
    Can you tell how inspired I am? I am reverberating deep, and profound insight!chiknsld

    Yeah! Perfectly reverberated! (Had to translate, so new word learned! )

  • Hillary
    Reason created the world. Yea that makes total sense.

    God must have made the world but not for any particular reason, therefore Chance created the world.

    Since Chance created the world then there is no reason to worship God, you see, because at first God created the world, but then we figured out that Chance actually created the world.

    Brilliant! :starstruck:
  • chiknsld
    Reason created the world. Yea that makes total sense.

    God must have made the world but not for any particular reason, therefore Chance created the world.

    Since Chance created the world then there is no reason to worship God, you see, because at first God created the world, but then we figured out that Chance actually created the world.
    — chiknsld

    Brilliant! :starstruck:

    Thanks Hillary, but you know it's all due to the glory of Chance. Thank Chance that I was able to come up with that incredible logic. Were it not for the little chance molecules in my brain, I would have definitely made an error. :snicker:
  • Hillary
    Thanks Hillary, but you know it's all due to the glory of Chance. Thank Chance that I was able to come up with that incredible logic. Were it not for the little chance molecules in my brain, I would have definitely made an errorchiknsld


    The gods had it all arranged for damned well.... Every new pair of universes inevitably inflating to our lifes. Next life it will be me being told I'm brilliant!
  • chiknsld
    You are brilliant! Did they say something that I missed? I saw the video of Hawking saying that the universe is eternal and nothing is surrounding it? Goodness, they try so hard don't they? :snicker:
  • chiknsld
    ...however saying that there is no beginning is logically impossible.SpaceDweller

    Correct. :up:
  • Hillary
    You are brilliant! Did they something that I missed? I saw the video of Hawking saying that the universe is eternal and nothing is surrounding it? Goodness they try so hard don't theychiknsld

    It feels like voices of ancestors are cheering!

    They try much to hard... keeping the epiphanic glorious image from beeing seen! Damned I'm good! :joke:
  • Jackson
    ...however saying that there is no beginning is logically impossible.
    — SpaceDweller

    Correct. :up:

    What is the logical contradiction in the universe having no beginning?
  • chiknsld
    "Can there be a proof of God?"

    This is an interesting question, but even if we can find a proof that God exists, can we also find a proof of how God was created? What if another God created God? Can we find proofs for all the Gods? What if there is an infinite number of Gods?

    I think if we find a proof, we wouldn't call it God anymore. And another thing we call God would appear, because the fact that it cannot be proven is part of the God concept...

    Another thing is that maybe God does not want to be proven. :)
  • Jackson
    Another thing is that maybe God does not want to be proven.chiknsld

    Why would that be?
  • Hillary
    What is the logical contradiction in the universe having no beginning?Jackson

    It must have a beginning, for if not, we would see chaos only.
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