• igjugarjuk
    As 'rational' people, we ought to regard the warranted claims of others and justify our own. Sometimes commitment to one claim deontically necessitates a commitment to others, such as those which can be inferred from the former, even if one is not yet aware of those further commitments.

    This ideally happens in philosophy all the time. I make a point. Someone else shows me how my point implies something absurd or contrary to another of my commitments, so that I ought to give up my point. If I don't, I lose face, for witnesses as well as participants are keeping score. "All the world's a stage,' and rationality is perhaps essentially social. The self is a kind of source and locus of responsibility for claims and actions that only makes sense in the context of many selves, in a space not only of reasons but also of memory (to keep score is to remember and hold ourselves and others accountable to what has transpired so far.)

    This line of thought seems to simply make explicit what we more or less vaguely understand by rationality. There's an anti-skeptical thrust here, for a 'rational' (morally binding) skepticism seems to only make sense within a context like this which is already richly social. There's quite a tangle of themes here, and I'm hoping conversation will help me tame my developing understanding of what Brandom's getting at. I'll finish with a quote for context.

    Brandom adds that the normative relations between "representeds and representings" -- the things known and the knowing of them -- are "a special case of the authority of normative statuses over attitudes" (p. 753). Claiming to know something, therefore, is attributing a certain status to ourselves -- the status of being bound by what we know. Yet this status, like all others, is instituted by our normative attitudes. Knowing is thus not simply finding ourselves, but taking ourselves, to be bound by reality, and indeed taking reality to be a certain way. The empirical concepts we judge to be objective are formulated in response to "noninferential observation reports" (p. 616) -- to what we perceive -- but they are not simply read off the world. They are instituted by our attitudes and practices. This is Brandom's "pragmatism about semantics" and cognition (p. 753).

    How, though, can we be bound by the norms and normative statuses that we institute? This is made possible, Brandom contends, by "a social division of labor". It is "up to me" whether I claim the coin is made of copper; but if I do so, then what I commit myself to, "what is incompatible with it and what its consequences are, is administered by those I have granted that authority by recognizing them as metallurgical experts" (p. 704). Norms are thus instituted as binding norms in social processes -- processes involving claims by some and assessment of those claims by others, as well as reciprocal recognition between the individuals concerned. This is true whether those norms govern cognition or action.

    Yet this is not the end of Brandom's story, for what is also needed, if we are to establish genuinely binding norms, is a way to vindicate those we now endorse, to regard them as truly objective. We do this, Brandom claims, by retrospectively "reconstructing" the social experience that led to our current endorsement of a norm. Specifically, we have to reconstruct the past process of instituting new norms -- through the experience of error and its "repair" -- as one in which the norm we now endorse has become progressively more explicit and thereby been discovered (pp. 370-1). This in turn requires us to regard that norm as having implicitly governed our cognition "all along" and in that sense to be "objective" (p. 680). Note that such "recollective" reconstruction of experience does not give us direct access to the "truth". It is, rather, how we come to understand ourselves now to be knowing something objective: for we regard our currently accepted norm as objective by taking it to have been found through the process of making new norms. It is through such recollection, therefore, that we justify to ourselves our conceptual realism; and the thesis that the latter requires the former is what Brandom calls "conceptual idealism" (p. 369). Like objective idealism, conceptual idealism does not claim that the world exists only insofar as we do something. It claims only that we must do something -- recollectively reconstruct our experience as progressive -- if we are to take ourselves to know the world. Conceptual idealism is thus not what Hegel would call a "subjective" idealism, but rather a pragmatist thesis about cognition.

    Here's a taste of 'reasonable' (analytic?) pomo too:

    In premodern societies, Brandom maintains, norms and normative statuses are held to be found in the world or in the nature of human beings. Such statuses thus have priority over subjective normative attitudes. By contrast, in modernity norms and normative statuses are taken to be instituted by normative attitudes, so the latter have priority over the former. Modernity, however, fails, to a greater or lesser degree, to explain how we can be bound by the norms we institute, so it slips into various forms of "alienation", for which attitudes are not bound by norms at all but are governed, for example, by natural desires or the self-justifying convictions of "conscientious" agents (pp. 543, 552). In the postmodern age -- which is yet to come -- normative attitudes and statuses will be understood explicitly to be in balance, since such attitudes will be understood to be genuinely bound by the statuses (and norms) they institute.
  • Agent Smith
    Most interesting! — Ms. Marple

    Excellent idea! I love it! An argumentum ad consequentiam is a fallacy they say...naaah!
  • igjugarjuk
    An argumentum ad consequentiam is a fallacy they say...naaah!Agent Smith

    That's a nice issue to bring up. The fallacious version seems to point at practical consequences, so that an inconvenient truth is no less true for all that. But inferential consequences are something else. If 0 has a multiplicative inverse, then it's easy to prove that 0 = 1. I must abandon my belief that 0 has such an inverse or, far less likely, modify a vast system of related beliefs.
  • Agent Smith
    That's a nice issue to bring up. The fallacious version seems to point at practical consequences, so that an inconvenient truth is no less true for all that. But inferential consequences are something else. If 0 has a multiplicative inverse, then it's easy to prove that 0 = 1. I must abandon my belief that 0 has such an inverse or, far less likely, modify a vast system of related beliefs.igjugarjuk

    Something like that. While we figure things out, let's assume the least worst theory. In fact, on occasion, let's not...figure things out. The truth, who cares about the truth! I want to be happy!
  • igjugarjuk
    The truth, who cares about the truth! I want to be happy!Agent Smith

    Another good theme. The norm/ideal of rationality is not our only concern. It may be a detour the, invention of some darker need (such as to replicate without reason or excuse.) This is of course Nietzscheland, where the critical mind turns on itself.
  • igjugarjuk
    Another theme provided by Brandom (attributed to Kant) is the primacy of the propositional. The semantic atom is the judgment. Why? Because this is the minimum one can be responsible for. I am not responsible for the concept 'red.' I am responsible for claiming that Janine's hair is red. Or that a wolf is threatening the sheep.

    The tale concerns a shepherd boy who repeatedly fools villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his town's flock. When an actual wolf appears and the boy calls for help, the villagers believe that it is another false alarm, and the sheep are eaten by the wolf.

    It's conceivable that other animals have simpler versions of 'scorekeeping.' I can imagine a particular chimp being treated as an exaggerator or an understater.
  • Agent Smith
    Another good theme. The norm of rationality is not our only concern. It may be a detour, a invention of some darker need (such as to replicate without reason or excuse.)igjugarjuk

    The possibility of us not having sussed out the truth notwithstanding, we might as well treat ourselves to some irrationality every now and then.

    The heart has its reasons which reason does not know. — Blaise Pascal
  • unenlightened
    Excellent opening post. I hope this will develop.

    I'm not all that familiar with Hegel or Brandom, but I cannot resist chipping in a little, and I will try to follow along and educate myself.

    "bimodal hylomorphic conceptual realism" (p. 108). On the objective side, therefore, incompatible contents -- such as "being a mammal" and "being a reptile" -- cannot be conjoined in one object, whereas consequential relations between contents -- such as "being a mammal" and "being a vertebrate" -- must hold. Brandom calls these relations between objective conceptual contents "alethic modal relations of incompatibility and consequence" (p. 60). On the subjective side, one can take an animal to be both a mammal and a reptile -- because we can get things wrong, and because we are (at least to some extent) free beings -- but we ought not to do so. By contrast, we ought to take a mammal to be a vertebrate, whether we do so or not: "one is committed or obliged to do so"

    Reminded me of Umberto Eco : https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=WPyz8ikWrsEC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q&f=false

    Lays eggs and has a beak = bird: suckles its young and has fur = mammal.

    Aristotle starts with a classification system based on similarity and difference; a matter of aesthetics and a vague notion of what characteristics are more fundamental or superficial, and 2000 years later, Darwin proposes that this system is accounted for by literal common ancestry. And now we can measure that relatedness systematically such that our classification system has become the story of evolution.

    It's conceivable that other animals have simpler versions of 'scorekeeping.' I can imagine a particular chimp being treated as an exaggerator or an understater.igjugarjuk

    They can lie!

    This is surely the beginning of language and the beginning of morality? Communicative social representation gives rise to the possibility of deliberate misrepresentation in order to manipulate, but that possibility cannot become the norm, because the presentational meaning would be lost. When everyone lies, language simply doesn't work any more and becomes mere noise. Thus one can choose to deceive, but one cannot chose deception to be the norm, it has to be honesty.
  • Agent Smith
    Epistemic responsibility & ethics of belief!

    Our task has always been, is, always will be to make the true (verum/satyam) synonymous with the good (bonum/shivam) and the good synonymous with the beautiful (pulchrum/sundaram). Presently, it ain't so - the 3 transcendentalia seem to be quite independent of each other and hence dukkha (dissatisfaction).
  • igjugarjuk
    Excellent opening post. I hope this will develop. I adored the video of capuchins.unenlightened

    Thanks! Me too. And you are helping.
    Reminded me of Umberto Ecounenlightened

    I need to read some Eco.

    Communicative social representation gives rise to the possibility of deliberate misrepresentation in order to manipulate, but that possibility cannot become the norm, because the presentational meaning would be lost.unenlightened

    Indeed. Dawkins might add that it's not a stable strategy.

    “Nice guys finish last” is a common saying. But Dawkins thinks there’s also a sense in which nice guys finish first. He thinks about birds who are “grudgers” (those that pick parasites off other birds, but remember the ones that don’t return the favor and ignore them the next time around). That strategy actually beats out the “cheat” strategy (accepting help with parasites but not reciprocating). Dawkins thinks the “grudger” is the kind of “nice guy” who “finishes first.” This is the individual who engages in “reciprocal altruism.” Dawkins agrees with Robert Axelrod and Hamilton that many wild animals are “engaged in ceaseless games of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, played out in evolutionary time,” which explains why nice guys finish first.

    Thus one can choose to deceive, but one cannot chose deception to be the norm, it has to be honesty.unenlightened

    Well put! Our great strength as a species seems to be language, which implicitly means our honesty (and, to be fair, our ability to deceive enemies of the tribe.)
  • igjugarjuk
    we might as well treat ourselves to some irrationality every now and then.Agent Smith

    Oh I think we do.
  • igjugarjuk
    Epistemic responsibility & ethics of belief!

    Our task has always been, is, always will be to make the true (verum/satyam) synonymous with the good (bonum/shivam) and the good synonymous with the beautiful (pulchrum/sundaram). Presently, it ain't so - the 3 transcendentalia seem to be quite independent of each other and hence dukkha (dissatisfaction).
    3 hours ago
    Agent Smith

    Brandom likes to talk about taking true and making true, belief and action.
  • igjugarjuk
    Another theme from Brandom, tho I'm more freewheeling than paraphrasing : We humans were rational before we were good at talking about that rationality. We inferred well enough before the principles of logic were codified. We sifted claims for reliability perhaps before anyone had a name for this activity. We took responsibility and enjoyed entitlements before we had the vocabulary to say so.

    I imagine the slow swelling of a metacognitive vocabulary. The philosopher, among other things, makes the philosophical situation explicit. It's the aspiration to be rational that drives the explication of rationality. A relatively indeterminate goal can drive the further articulation of that same goal. Eventually a philosopher might make this making it explicit explicit.
  • Joshs
    It's the aspiration to be rational that drives the explication of rationality. Aigjugarjuk

    What drives the aspirations to be rational? How and why do motivational-affective-valuative processes direct us toward rationality? Are you familiar with Brandon’s colleague at Pittsburgh, Joseph Rouse? He is attempting to ground meta-cognitive processes in biological niche construction.
  • Agent Smith
    Brandom likes to talk about taking true and making true, belief and action.igjugarjuk

  • Agent Smith
    Oh I think we do.igjugarjuk

    :lol: :up:
  • igjugarjuk
    What drives the aspirations to be rational? How and why do motivational-affective-valuative processes direct us toward rationality? Are you familiar with Brandon’s colleague at Pittsburgh, Joseph Rouse? He is attempting to ground meta-cognitive processes in biological niche construction.Joshs

    Good questions. My knee-jerk answer would be to mumble 'evolution,' since I tend to see us as continuous with the other animals, despite the great leap (perhaps we killed off the missing links out of shame.) Not familiar w/ Rouse, and couldn't find much info. Perhaps you could summarize/paraphrase a choice nugget?
  • Joshs
    Not familiar w/ Rouse, and couldn't find much info. Perhaps you could summarize/paraphrase a choice nugget?igjugarjuk

    Rouse takes up Sellars’ distinction between the manifest
    image and the scientific image , and shows
    them to be inextricably dependent on each other. I’m this effort , he has some problems
    with the views of Brandom, Davidson and Sellars.
  • igjugarjuk
    Rouse takes up Sellars’ distinction between the manifest image and the scientific image , and shows them to be inextricably dependent on each other.Joshs

    Thanks! That sounds good. I'm not terribly happy with the 'two images' view myself. In general, I don't philosophers have done (and maybe they can't do) a very good job in this domain.

    I don't know how Rouse objects to Brandom, and I'm still exploring Brandom, but I feel like Brandom is mostly on dry ground. Folks can babble endlessly about mind and matter and mostly nobody minds, because it doesn't matter. There's very little semantic constraint. The words aren't put to use.

    On the other hand, the norms governing such babble are more tractable, since they are primarily also employed in more worldly and arguably more worthwhile conversations. Indeed, these norms are involved in the making of these same norms explicit.
  • Joshs

    Here’s more on Rouse’s disagreement with Brandom, McDowell and Haugeland:

    “Haugeland, McDowell, and Brandom have further developed the “manifest” conception of ourselves as agents who perceive, under­stand, and act within the world as responsive to conceptually articulated
    norms. Their work thereby complicates as well as enriches the task of achieving a naturalistic fusion of the scientific and manifest images.
    Each of them takes his account of conceptual capacities to block any stringent or (in McDowell’s 1994 phrase) “bald” naturalism. They en­dorse a minimalist naturalism, arguing that nothing in their views is inconsistent with what we learn from the natural sciences. Conceptual
    normativity nevertheless remains autonomous in their view, without need or expectation of further scientific explication. This opposition to a more thoroughgoing philosophical naturalism presumes familiar conceptions of scientific understanding, however, and also does not consider some new theoretical and empirical resources for a scientific account of our conceptual capacities. The other two developments guid­ing this book suggest that these presumptions are misguided.”

    “ In contrast to traditional efforts to establish the epistemic objectivity of articulated judgments, Davidson, Brandom, McDowell, Haugeland, and others rightly give priority to the objectivity of conceptual content and reasoning. They nevertheless mis­takenly attempt to understand conceptual objectivity as accountability to objects understood as external to discursive practice. A more expan­sive conception of discursive practice, as organismic interaction within our discursively articulated environment, shows how conceptual nor­mativity involves a temporally extended accountability to what is at issue and at stake in that ongoing interaction.”
  • igjugarjuk
    Conceptual normativity nevertheless remains autonomous in their view, without need or expectation of further scientific explication. This opposition to a more thoroughgoing philosophical naturalism presumes familiar conceptions of scientific understanding, however, and also does not consider some new theoretical and empirical resources for a scientific account of our conceptual capacities.Joshs

    It's hard to see a way around the priority of conceptual normativity. Any "new theoretical and empirical resources" will have to be justified in terms of such norms if they are to be scientific.

    Any reductions of conceptual norms to something deeper and "more real" will depend on those same norms for their authority.

    One criticism might be that the priority of conceptual norms is tautological and uninteresting. One retort is that maybe its only obvious useful for pointing out the absurdity in various extreme metaphysical theses that forget their dependence on an interpersonal framework of giving and asking for reasons.
  • Joshs

    Any reductions of conceptual norms to something deeper and "more real" will depend on those same norms for their authority.

    One criticism might be that the priority of conceptual norms is tautological and uninteresting. One retort is that maybe it's only obvious use to pointing out the absurdity in various extreme metaphysical theses that forget their dependence on an interpersonal framework of giving and asking for reasons.

    I could be wrong , but it seems you’re not comfortable in making the leap from neo-Kantianism to a phenomenologically-informed enactivism. You want to hold onto the idea of a self-subsisting (even if only temporarily) content internal not just to conceptual norms but to empirical materiality. These irreducibly inhering contents constrain and influence experience normatively , both in terms of the (temporary) intransigence of materiality and of the manifest image, the space of reasons.

    What Rouse and the enactivists are saying is that the world speaks back to , interrogates and modifies our space of reasons in every interaction with others and the world. This is what Wittgenstein means by the sense of words being person-specific and context-specific, that the meaning of a word is only in its actual use right NOW, in THIS context of interaction. There are no norms, no manifest image, no space of reasons that just sit there (even temporarily) protected from active, living, changing temporal context.
  • igjugarjuk
    I could be wrong , but it seems you’re not comfortable in making the leap from neo-Kantianism to a phenomenologically-informed enactivism.Joshs

    It's not that, though I can see why you'd suspect such a thing.

    My real concern is simply avoiding the stereotypical vices and absurdities of that demon postmodernism. I was strongly influenced by Rorty and James and Nietzsche, and I was happy on the epistemological left-wing. I'm not the person who was afraid to go all the way but the person who did and had to admit that I had gone a little too far, that my beliefs were not as consistent as they could be with a move toward the center.

    The basic, familiar distinction is between poetic expressions of preference or mere suggestions on the one hand and claims which are understood to bind others in the name of a universal reason on the other. What charms me about Brandom is that he's whittled it down the essence.

    Whether or not a substrate makes sense is obviously secondary to the norms that govern its discussion. In other words, that substrate cannot ground those norms. I have no right to believe in it unless I can justify it. The space of reasons is the only 'Given' (to blend some keywords from Sellars.) Those norms are themselves the groundless grounds of Wittgenstein and Heidegger and Dreydegger. Of course norms drift. And we can talk about Heidegger and Gadamer here, the inherited 'interpretedness' that forces us to deal with a past that leaps ahead. 'Universal' rationality is binding without being perfectly or truly universal. Its universality is 'to come,' a point at infinity. (One might think of Peirce here and the consensus to come.)
  • igjugarjuk
    There are no norms, no manifest image, no space of reasons that just sit there (even temporarily) protected from active, living, changing temporal context.Joshs

    But who would ever dream there was ? Anymore than they'd dream a river was the same water every morning ? As soon as human norms are seen to govern (and not frozen timeless gods), we have a mutating source of authority, our own evolving best idea so far.

    The 'not even temporarily' point is hard to make sense of. If you are only saying that it's all just fiction or mirage, I guess that's fine, but so is fiction and mirage. I don't think one can plausibly deny though that we are animals in the world together using sounds and marks to arrange our affairs.
  • Joshs
    The 'not even temporarily' point is hard to make sense of. If you are only saying that it's all just fiction or mirage, I guess that's fine, but so is fiction and mirage. I don't think one can plausibly deny though that we are animals in the world together using sounds and marks to arrange our affairs.igjugarjuk

    What I mean by ‘not even temporarily’ is that only the actual interchange , in that moment, establishes the actual norm as what it is. The norm is a pragmatic action ,not a concept. This is no mirage, it is the only contact with the real. Every new moment is a new action and interaction and contests a previous instantiation of a norm. Dont let a norm be a thing that exists first and then changes, like a moving object. Let the act BE the norm.
  • igjugarjuk
    Dont let a norm be a thing that exists first and then changes, like a moving object. Let the act BE the norm.Joshs

    I'm open to the limitation of any form/content framing, but I think you are pushing it too far. Unless all you are saying is that every move in the game has its little effect on the rules of the game.

    If I say that I saw a cat on the sidewalk last night, then I'm committed to the claim that I saw an animal on the sidewalk last night. That's a fairly stable rule. If I say that the car was painted solid red, I can't go on to say that it was painted solid blue. (I can't in the sense that I ought not do so, unless in an exceptional situation where I'm talking philosophy perhaps or making a joke, etc.)
  • 180 Proof
    Brandom likes to talk about taking true and making true, belief and action.igjugarjuk
    Another theme from Brandom, tho I'm more freewheeling than paraphrasing : We humans were rational before we were good at talking about that rationality. We inferred well enough before the principles of logic were codified. We sifted claims for reliability perhaps before anyone had a name for this activity. We took responsibility and enjoyed entitlements before we had the vocabulary to say so.

    I imagine the slow swelling of a metacognitive vocabulary. The philosopher, among other things, makes the philosophical situation explicit. It's the aspiration to be rational that drives the explication of rationality. A relatively indeterminate goal can drive the further articulation of that same goal. Eventually a philosopher might make this making it explicit explicit.
    :clap: :cool:

    ... what Wittgenstein means by the sense of words being person-specific and context-specific, that the meaning of a word is only in its actual use right NOW, in THIS context of interaction. There are no norms, no manifest image, no space of reasons that just sit there (even temporarily) protected from active, living, changing temporal context.Joshs

    'Universal' rationality is binding without being perfectly or truly universal. Its universality is 'to come,' a point at infinity. (One might think of Peirce here and the consensus to come.)igjugarjuk
    Good stuff. :up:
  • Joshs
    If I say that I saw a cat on the sidewalk last night, then I'm committed to the claim that I saw an animal on the sidewalk last night. That's a fairly stable ruleigjugarjuk

    But what of the ‘sense’ of this rule? There is never just what is the case, a propositional truth structure. There is a way in which it is the case , a way in which it is relevant to me right now at this very moment, a commitment to a certain comportment toward the utterance. Where is the ‘how’ of this ‘what’? Are they being kept artificially separate from each other? Why did I say I saw the cat, what made it important to me to communicate this and what response am I looking for? These questions are not separate from the fact of the matter, they define the sense of this fact. I can repeat the statement that I saw a cat on the sidewalk last night, and each repetition may offer a whole new sense, a new emphasis , a new intention, a new kind of commitment, all bound up within the ‘same’ claim.
  • Janus
    As 'rational' people, we ought to regard the warranted claims of others and justify our own.igjugarjuk

    But this only works in contexts, the empirical or the logical, where it is decidable just what being warranted or justified consists in, For me, philosophy is a matter of ideas and insights, not warranted or justifiable claims and propositions.

    Excellent idea! I love it! An argumentum ad consequentiam is a fallacy they say...naaah!Agent Smith

    One man's fallacy is another man's phallus.
  • Joshs
    As 'rational' people, we ought to regard the warranted claims of others and justify our own.
    — igjugarjuk

    But this only works in contexts, the empirical or the logical, where it is decidable just what being warranted or justified consists in, For me, philosophy is a matter of ideas and insights, not warranted or justifiable claims and propositions.
  • Agent Smith
    One man's fallacy is another man's phallus.Janus

    :lol: This is a type of thinko I call evolution fallacy - reducing anything and everything to sex (Darwinian success story).
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