• Relativist
    The word "something" has a non-specific referrent in the world: evert existent is a something. What does nothing refer to in the real world?
  • Alkis Piskas

    Does nothingness exist?Jackson

    Nothingness: "The absence or cessation of life or existence." (Offord LEXICO)

    "'Nothingness' is a philosophical term for the general state of nonexistence" (Wikipedia)

    Do you still need to ask this question? :smile:
  • Jackson
    Do you still need to ask this question?Alkis Piskas

    Sorry, wiki is for losers. tired of people using wiki and dictionaries to discuss philosophy
  • Alkis Piskas
    wiki is for losers. tired of people using wiki and dictionaries to discuss philosophyJackson
    That's a new one: Dictionaries and encyclopedias are for losers!
    So, you say that I am a loser, since I value a lot dictionaries and encyclopaedias. And you think you are not?

    I would rather not have to read such "pearls", esp. in this place, but they are still part of the fun. :smile:
  • 180 Proof
    Nothingness denotes the absence, or negation, of all properties. (Re: metaphysical)

    Nothing denotes a something without any of the properties constituting the domain within which that something is imbedded. (Re: physical)
    Addendum :point:
  • Agent Smith
    wiki is for losers — Jackson

    Can you suggest something better? Danke!
  • believenothing

    I'm not as tech savvy as i would like to be but this link should show you a snipet of a conversation I'm having with an a.i. about nothing in particular.
  • Zebeden
    I would rather ask what is nothingness?

    It seems to me (both from reading this tread and generally thinking about the given topic) that there is a few possible outcomes.

    1) Nothingness as a separate object among so called "somethings". For example: number 0 among other numbers or an empty world among possible worlds. In that case nothingness does exist. Although I would argue if that is really "pure nothing" as it possess the same "objectness" as something else. Number 0 has the same "numberness" as 1, 2, 123 etc.
    2) Nothingness as a void in material world. In this case I think it depends whether we understand existence as a material condition. If X exists only if it has some material form, status, stance, whatever, then nothingness does not exist. Although the void still seems to be quite "full" when you think about the third case. As it can be understood as a prerequisite for "something", i.e. as an empty space in which we put material multidimensional objects.
    3) Nothingness par excellence. Imagine that you have a bowl - this is your "time & space". You can fill it up with a soup or some snacks. Empty the bowl. What is nothingess? Is it the air now filling the bowl? Or maybe it is the empty bowl itself?

    No. You throw away the bowl. Now there is nothingness.

    And I don't think that the question is still relevant in the third case.
  • I like sushi
    There is no problem. Nothing refers to absence. Kant did a pretty good job of highlighting this in terms of noumenon.

    Nothing exists ionly in a ‘negative’ sense not a positive one. So when you frame the term as what think is in a ‘positive’ sense you are just fooling yourself and others as well it seems. You may as well ask about thr existence of ‘colourlessness’ or ‘emptiness’.
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