• 180 Proof
    Better the rest of their adult lives than the entirety of their children's lives.
  • Agent Smith
    Better the rest of their adult live than the entirety of their children's lives.180 Proof

    We can do better!
  • 180 Proof
    Yeah, and one way to do better species-wide is to stop having unwanted offspring by all methods which are safe and healthy for sexually active or pregnant women to use.
  • Agent Smith
    Yeah, and one way to do better species-wide is to stop having unwanted offspring by all methods safe and healthy for sexually active or pregnant women to use. — 180 Proof

    I agree but I still feel we havta give women a better alternative than abortion which has a likeness to murder! I wouldn't feel good about myself if someone told me I don't have AIDS but I do have something that resembles AIDS.
  • 180 Proof
    likeness to murder!Agent Smith
    A picture of a hanging is not a hanging.
  • Agent Smith
    A picture of a hanging is not a hanging.180 Proof

    True, true! However, that's a poor analogy, oui? It doesn't quite capture the essence of abortion. I could be wrong of course.
  • 180 Proof
    "The true essence of abortion" (historically in the US +98% occur before foetal viability) is elective lumpectomy. Not "murder". Roasting an acorn is no more burning down a tree than jacking-off is mass murder or blowjobs are mass cannibalism. :smirk:
  • Merkwurdichliebe

    Loving the debate. Keep it up :pray:
  • Agent Smith
    "The true essence of abortion" (historically in the US +98% occur before foetal viability) is elective lumpectomy.180 Proof

    :snicker: We were all once lumps then.

    You have a point! The placental barrier without which the mother's immune system would attack the fetus like it would any infection! The mother suffers! :groan:
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    The placental barrierAgent Smith

    Gross :vomit:
  • Agent Smith
    Gross :vomit: — Merkwurdichliebe

    I don't understand why there's (usually) such a strong emotional bond between mother and child? The mother's immune system attacks (to kill) the fetus if you let it (hemolytic disease of the newborn).

    Physical rejection vs. Emotional attraction!
  • 180 Proof
    A shitstorm of im/potent rage begins today! :mask: :fire:
    Prediction: "Roe" goes down, Dems keep the Senate and House in the midterms this fall. I can't wait! Sets up a presidential election death match in 2024.180 Proof

    (2018 midterms redux on steroids!)
  • Hanover
    The shitstorm of fire & blood begins180 Proof

    I'd argue the shitstorm began when Roe was decided. It began a 50 year battle from the right to change it, resulting in a more conservative court than otherwise would ever have been created. The right, with all its floundering over the many years, stayed focused on making this a foundational issue.

    But, yes, I agree, now the Democrats have a rallying cry, although their fight will be on the legislative side. They've lost the judicial side at least for a good while.

    I wonder how much this will matter though. For those directly affected, it's a profound issue, but for most, it's ideological and not something they'll have to directly consider. The storm on the horizon is the economy. Fuel, food, and housing prices are spiraling out of control and the stock market is falling. That is going to drive elections in the near future more than these ideological debates.
  • Streetlight
    It's very cute that women's issues are 'ideological debates'. Men Standard Issue Humans worry about The Economy.
  • 180 Proof
    I'd argue the shitstorm began when Roe was decided.Hanover
    I agree.
  • Maw
    Abortion rights are ideological insofar as you consider woman and your relationship to them to be immaterial.

    Either way, even assuming this does provide a clarion call for democrats come this fall, it's all moot unless they have actionable policies including court packing to protect other civil rights that Clarence Thomas explicitly put in the chopping board. But since they've had two months since the leak with little messaging beyond "go vote" I'm not holding my breath.
  • Streetlight
    I dunno, I reckon women existing at all is the real real issue, and if they just like, didn't, everything would be A-OK. I mean gosh, then people wouldn't have to pass laws specifically for them (so partisan, so ideological) and the whole bother can be avoided. I mean barring that, yes, it is clearly the fact that Roe was passed and not a bunch of sub-human misogynist monsters who would like to do everything possible to control women's bodies that is the issue.
  • 180 Proof

    If the Dems do not kill the US Senate's jim/jane crow Filibuster Rule asap, then ... Welcome to Gilead. :brow:
  • Streetlight
    First they came for the women, and I did not speak up - because they only make up 50% of the population of which I am not one.

    Then, they came for the stock market, and line go down, after which I sprung into action.
  • Michael
    For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. — Thomas

    So how long before a State makes it illegal to wear a condom and have oral sex?

    The irony of the above is that Alito's opinion says:

    This is evident in the analogy that the dissent draws between the abortion right and the rights recognized in Griswold (contraception), Eisenstadt (same), Lawrence (sexual conduct with member of the same sex), and Obergefell (same-sex marriage). Perhaps this is designed to stoke unfounded fear that our decision will imperil those other rights... — Alito

    Is it really unfounded if a concurring opinion explicitly says that those prior decisions should be reconsidered?

    It's weird that people are celebrating this as State rights triumphing over federal law. They want the State to be able to take away individual rights? They don't want the constitution to guarantee them certain freedoms?
  • Benkei
    I sincerely hope American empire will implode in my life time if its politics and judiciary continues to be this regressive.
  • Tzeentch
    This is hardly the first domino to fall in the ongoing assault against individual freedom.

    Where were all the lamenters then?
  • Tate
    I wonder how much this will matter though.Hanover

    I don't hear anybody talking about it. They're more focused on gas prices.
  • Michael
    I sincerely hope American empire will implode in my life time of its politics and judiciary continues to be this regressive.Benkei

    I half agree, although I suspect it would have a knock-on effect on the price of my food which I wouldn't want.
  • Hanover
    I sincerely hope American empire will implode in my life time if its politics and judiciary continues to be this regressive.Benkei

    There's a pretty good chance that the Netherlands doesn't survive the implosion.
  • Ciceronianus
    A quick glance at the opinion indicates efforts were made to make Alito appear less obviously the angry, self-righteous crank he appeared to be based on the draft. But one wonders what lengths the Supremes will go to in applying right-wing notions to the three primary obsessions of our Great Quasi-Republic--sex, guns and religion.
  • Mr Bee
    Honestly I'm more concerned about the SCOTUS's upcoming ruling on the West Virginia v. EPA case which could seriously hinder the US's attempts to regulate greenhouse gases.

    And speaking of West Virginia, the senator from that state is still holding up climate legislation in the senate until he feels like passing it.
  • Mikie

    West Virginia v. EPA is going to kill a lot of the kids that Dobbs will force to be born.

    This isn’t meant to be witty— it’s just clearly true. Goes to show how important the 2014 and 2016 elections really were. We’ll be living with the consequences for the next 30 years.
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