• Merkwurdichliebe
    just being facetious. However, since you ask, I'm personally opposed to warfare because i believe it is the activity of an inferior subhuman anthropoid species.
  • 180 Proof
    :sweat: :up:

    Thanks for the link.
  • Banno
    The main page has the relevant letters, which need deciphering.
  • baker
    Insofar is the fear of a civil unrests a factor in the ineffectiveness of the actions so far taken against Trump?

    Do there exist any analyses on this?
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    I think in this age of social media, people are able to whine louder than ever, yet the complaints about Trump are mostly overblown. There is really no action to take, and no precedent for taking legal action against a former president. We could make similar complaints about any president that has served in our lifetimes. Actually, there are other presidents that have been far worse than Trump and recieved zero punishment (viz. LBJ and Bush).
  • Benkei
    Worse for whom? In any case, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because other former Presidents were terrible too, isn't an argument not to do something about this specific one.
  • 180 Proof

    True ...

    However, Individual-1 is a proven traitor and so it's incumbent on the +81 million of us who weren't brain-dead enough to have voted in 2020 to reelect this malfeasant venal man-baby to make an "unprecedented" example of him. :victory: :mask:

    FYI – I'm (we're) waiting on pending indictments to drop in (one at least before the midterm elections in November)
    • Federal DoJ investigation of "2020 fake electors conspiracy"
    • Federal DoJ investigation of "2020-2021 J6 insurrection conspiracy and obstruction of justice"
    • Fulton County, GA DA's investigation of "2020 suborning election fraud & fake electors conspiracy"
    • (pending) New York State AG investigation of "2002-2016 tax, insurance, bank, etc fraud ..." for which Individual-1 & co are currently being civilly sued by the NYS AG
    • Federal DoJ investigation of "2021-2022 espionage, obstruction of justice, etc ..."
    • (so far – stay tuned!)
    — 2022-23 Trumpster fire
    as well as release (leak) of Putin's Bitch's embarrassing & damning tax returns – also (I hope) before the midterm elections – along with the J6 Select Committee's Preliminary Report. :clap:

  • creativesoul
    ...no precedent for taking legal action against a former president.Merkwurdichliebe

    There will be.

    If having no precedent were ground for taking no action, there would never be any precedent for anything at all.
  • jorndoe

    *gah* A couple links over, polls suggest DeSantis is up-and-coming

    The rise of sentiments like those of ...

    Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nick Fuentes, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Wendy Rogers, Kandiss Taylor, Rod Dreher, Ted Cruz, Rick Scott, Ron DeSantis

    seem like a symptom of societal decline to me. "Clear the brain-fog, US voters."
  • javi2541997
    as well as release (leak) of Putin's Bitch's embarrassing & damning tax returns – also (I hope) before the midterm elections – along with the J6 Select Committee's Preliminary Report. :clap:

    180 Proof

    :rofl: :death: That was a clever rhythm!
  • Benkei
    Not sure if this is true but your tax comment reminded me of this clip a friend shared: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChfCepjP-sN/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  • 180 Proof
    There's no question that Individual-1 committed tax fraud, it's just a matter of time before he personally is criminally indicted. The Trump Organization's trial for 15 tax-related felonies starts on October 24 in Manhattan and Individual-1 & his offspring are the corporate principals. The NYS Attorney General's turn at criminally prosecuting him & co comes after she wins the civil suit for defrauding the state of New York out of millions USD in taxes, etc.

  • Relativist
    There's no question that Individual-1 committed tax fraud, it's just a matter of time before he personally is criminally indicted.180 Proof
    I agree there's a near certainty that tax fraud was committed, but it remains to be seen if a sufficiently strong case can be made against Trump, specifically. Trump avoids putting his orders/requests/expectations in writing, which gives him some degree of deniability. My money is on the civil suit succeeding, where his pleading the 5th can be used against him, and the burden of proof is lower.
  • creativesoul
    Trump is done.

  • Benkei
    Based on what? I still see Republicans defending him or arguing that prosecuting him could lead to violence, which in bait-speak is saying people should riot if Trump is prosecuted.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Based on what? I still see Republicans defending him or arguing that prosecuting him could lead to violence, which in bait-speak is saying people should riot if Trump is prosecutedBenkei

    If legal action against ex-presidents becomes a "thing", we are entering a new age of tyranny. Yet, this has been brought on by the negligence of Presidents abusing the power of the office for decades.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    However, Individual-1 is a proven traitor and so it's incumbent on the +81 million of us who weren't brain-dead enough to have voted in 2020 to reelect this malfeasant venal man-baby to make an "unprecedented" example of him. :victory: :mask:

    FYI – I'm (we're) waiting on pending indictments to drop in (one at least before the midterm elections in November)
    • Federal DoJ investigation of "2020 fake electors conspiracy"
    • Federal DoJ investigation of "2020-2021 J6 insurrection conspiracy and obstruction of justice"
    • Fulton County, GA DA's investigation of "2020 suborning election fraud & fake electors conspiracy"
    • (pending) New York State AG investigation of "2002-2016 tax, insurance, bank, etc fraud ..." for which Individual-1 & co are currently being civilly sued by the NYS AG
    • Federal DoJ investigation of "2021-2022 espionage, obstruction of justice, etc ..."
    • (so far – stay tuned!)
    — 2022-23 Trumpster fire
    as well as release (leak) of Putin's Bitch's embarrassing & damning tax returns – also (I hope) before the midterm elections – along with the J6 Select Committee's Preliminary Report.
    180 Proof

    True. Absolutely..., but give me an honest description of the alternative and tell me it is any less appalling. As a nation, US is stuck in a rutt, and the stakes are tightening. Fascism and commusism are on the rise, and we will probably end up with one or the other when the dust settles, whenever that may be.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Our best hope is a re-emergence of a respectable emnical international power. Nothing would be healthier for the world than a qualified foreign nation to attack the US. It is the only thing outside of the prospect of a civil war that will unite the country. Its fucked up times
  • Pierre-Normand
    As a nation, US is stuck in a rutt, and the stakes are tightening. Fascism and commusism are on the rise ...Merkwurdichliebe

    Communism is on the rise in the U.S.? That's news to me.
  • Michael
    If legal action against ex-presidents becomes a "thing", we are entering a new age of tyranny.Merkwurdichliebe

    Prosecuting people for their crimes is tyranny?
  • Agent Smith
    If Donald Trump is your typical business magnate, I now know big companies (re large family-run ventures are called empires) are dictatorships!
  • javi2541997
    US is stuck in a rutt, and the stakes are tightening. Fascism and commusism are on the riseMerkwurdichliebe

    You never lived Fascism and communism as we did here in Europe.
  • baker
    I still see Republicans defending him or arguing that prosecuting him could lead to violence, which in bait-speak is saying people should riot if Trump is prosecuted.Benkei

    Is it only Republicans who think that way?
    It seems that one of the likeliest explanations for why the Democrats (and the US general public) are so ineffective against Trump is precisely because they fear what being a tad more effective could bring about.

    From the perspective of the Democrats, the really offensive thing about events like Jan. 6 is not that it was orchestrated by Republicans, but that a bunch of plebeians stormed an establishment in which they, the plebeians, are anything but welcome.

    Nobody, not the Republicans and not the Democrats, wants the disenfranchized, the poor, the plebeians.
  • baker
    Communism is on the rise in the U.S.? That's news to me.Pierre-Normand

    Americans have ... a peculiar understanding of communism.
  • Deleted User
    This user has been deleted and all their posts removed.
  • creativesoul
    Based on what?Benkei

    Four suits. Jan. 6. Georgia. New York suit. Now Mar-A-Lago. Still early in the last but, the new pic is worth a thousand words.

    Conspiracy to defraud the United States. Seditious conspiracy. Obstruction of justice. Tax fraud. Treason.

    He's not the only one who will be charged with some of those. Many are aiding and abetting and/or complicit co-conspirators. As soon as charges are brought, much if not most of the aiding and abetting will cease.
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