• Bret Bernhoft
    In previous posts I've engaged with others herein with the goal of exploring subjects such as Gnosis, Pansychism, Technomancy, Transhumanism, Plant Wisdom and other similar interconnected paradigms and practices. But I've yet to overtly post about Technoshamanism, which is (in my opinion) the real, ripe fruit of all our modern world's spiritual practices. The root of true human progress.

    With that said, I am a student of Technoshamanism; being the application of Shamanic principles (such as Animism, Divniation and Magick) within the realms of information technologies. All of which (itself) is a sacred story of ecstatic extropy, found to occur only so infrequently throughout our shared human history. The Internet (or more accurately the Web) is a perfect example of this.

    I know from exhaustive searching and community building, that I'm not the only one who appreciates the inherent Animistic qualities of computers, or their potential to bring about the next great human age; one of enlightenment and shared consciousness. This much I am a staunch proponent of. In other words, to the extent that I can bring about this new human Renaissance, I am dedicated to do so.

    The means of uplifting our species, beyond the dregs of our fathers' sins, is (again, in my opinion) Technoshamanism; or some derivative of said source code. This is all to say that the deeply wise and invaluable practices (such as Alchemy) from our human and non-human ancestors have not been forgotten. In fact, their resurgence is guaranteed.
    1. Can modern computers be used for purposes of Magick? (5 votes)
  • Agent Smith
    In my humble opinion, shamans upgraded themselves to physicists/chemists/doctors/mathematicians/etc. The end is the same (dispense advice/treat illnesses/etc. à la the Delphic oracle) but the means are now different. I already said this on another thread.
  • I like sushi
    Stupid question. Flagged.
  • jgill
    Can modern computers be used for purposes of Magick?Bret Bernhoft

    Magick in Computers :roll:
  • javi2541997
    This is all to say that the deeply wise and invaluable practices (such as Alchemy) from our human and non-human ancestors have not been forgotten. In fact, their resurgence is guaranteed.Bret Bernhoft

    "Non-human" ancestors appeared again in another OP of yours but you didn't explain who are our non-human ancestors yet. So, if you pretend guarantee their resurgence it is better to start explaining who are those.
  • Yohan
    I think human consciousness is enough.
  • Seeker
    I am confident the near future is techno-dystopiaYohan

    We sure seem to be headed in that direction.

    Better be prepared to receive a formal request to have a microchip inplanted :death:
  • Yohan
    Even in the Star Trek universe they are not living in a utopia despite being able to explore space comfortably, materialise food and experience whatever they want via holodeck. Hedonic adaptation may be an inviolable principle.

    I think techno-utopia is the scientism version of religious people's heaven. Only more absurd.
    Every ism may have its future fantasy. The idea is to fantasize about some future collectivist ideal rather than bear the weight of individual responsibility for your own life here and now.
  • Seeker
    One could argue for all virtual alterations to be just other forms of escapism.
  • introbert
    Techno society and shamanistic society worship such diametrically opposed things that it would be almost impossible to get a mass movement of people to become willfully deluded by shamanistic principles. The diametrically opposed things are rationalism of science and the irrationalism of the supernatural. Getting people to hold two adverse beliefs is extremely unstable, so likely your movement would be limited to already extremely unstable people.
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