• Bartricks
    I have only read Genesis. But anyway, you've nothing to add here - all you're going to do is repeatedly tell me what Christians typically believe and then provide question beggingly interpreted quotes from the bible.
  • Gregory

    Every heresy has their interpretation of the Bible. Everyone reads it and decides on their own which interpretation makes the most sense. One man's stretch is another man's sublety. Anyway I doubt any Christians would be impressed with your particular understanding of the text.
  • Bartricks
    Anyway I doubt any Christians would be impressed with your particular understanding of the text.Gregory

  • Gregory

    What about Genesis 1:26, since Genesis is all you read.
  • Gregory

    Man created in the same universe described earlier in the chapter.
  • Gregory

    And that was that
  • Bartricks
    Look up 'question begging' and then read the OP and then try and say something relevant to it.
  • Gregory

    Where did Adam's world come from? Genesis says God created it. OP refuted
  • Bartricks
    Read the OP. I did not deny that Genesis says God created a place. I deny that there is any compelling reason to think it is here. Christ almighty, you seem congenitally incapable of understanding anything you read! New levels of low. Do you wear a bib when you eat?

    This isn't hard. Genesis says God created a place. That place doesn't seem to be here.

    Do you remember earlier when I pointed out that the place described in Genesis was made in 6 days and that this place - the world - came about in 4.54 billion years?

    Do you still not see a difference there? 6 days. 4.54 billion years.

    If place A was created in 6 days, and place B was created in 4.54 billion years, is A the same place as B??
  • Gregory

    It's right there in the text. Aren't we descendants of Adam? "Place" is rather ambiguous for Jews though. The world is layered with heavens and sometimes things happened there instead of here. You read the Bible though way to esoterically than a Christian would, so they I'm guessing aren't the target for this thread
  • Gregory

    And why would the Bible talk about God creating other earth's but ours?
  • Bartricks
    Aren't we descendants of Adam?Gregory

    No. Not if that's not this place. See? Any bulbs in there at all?

    Now, once more: do you think 6 days and 4.54 billion years are the same?
  • Gregory

    Everyone already knows there are many interpretations of the Bible. You didn't add any knowledge to the pile with the thread. Anyway, "ALL THINGS were created by him and for him" says saint Paul. That's enough for most Christians.
  • Vera Mont
    Did you read the OP??Bartricks

    Every non-consequential word, for my sins!

    This world appears to have been created incredibly slowly.Bartricks
    It didn't appear that way to the Sumerian storyteller who originated some version of this particular creation myth.

    The place described in Genesis is created in 6 days.Bartricks

    It doesn't say how long those days were.

    The place described in Genesis contains people whose average lifespan is 900 years or thereabouts.Bartricks

    Just the first few generations after A&E are tossed out of Eden. After that, lives get shorter and shorter, until we get to the louse-infested Middle Ages, after which they start growing longer again. Who knows, in another 1800 years, we might get up to the 900's again.

    Vera: oh, but it contains animals.Bartricks

    Both the gods' garden and our present world contain animals, as have all the worlds in between. I don't think their presence is decisive. According to one rumour, in Paradise, they don't eat one another, while in the here here, they do. As far as Genesis knows, in the Garden, food was there for taking, herbs, fruits (except one - oops!) ; no clothes, no dangers, no discomforts, no shame. (Some walled gardens like that exist now, too.) Outside were nettles, thorns, lions and tigers and bears, oh my, and it took hard work to make a living - no unlike our world.

    Therefore it is here. Jesus.Bartricks
    Here is where we happen to be. Not my fault - honest! Not Jesus's, either: he just got plopped down in a restless subject nation of the Roman Empire in a volatile phase of its cycle. Some hopeful malcontents took him to be their rebel leader. He wasn't; he was just another peacenik prophet. He got executed anyway. Paul and Peter posthumously repurposed him as The Messiah. Not my fault. Not Jesus's, either. Political expediency. Luck of the draw.
  • Gregory

    I already gave you that verse! You're challenged. Have a nice day
  • Bartricks
    Yes, thought so. So you were just repeating something you'd already said and that I had already addressed. Anyway, I recommend moisturizing your knuckles.
  • Bartricks
    Well, that's 1 minute (a.k.a. 100 million years) I am not getting back . Thanks.
  • Gregory

    How do you interpret the last phrase of Colossians 1:16. Why don't you quote it for us
  • Bartricks
    I refer you to my earlier answer.
  • Gregory

    Which is inadequate
  • Bartricks
    How? Becuase you say so? The word of Gregory. Gregory, a man who thinks Descartes wrote 5 meditations, says so.

    What does it say, Gregory?

    Quote it. King James. Quote it. All of 1:16. Come along.
  • Janus
    Now, once more: do you think 6 days and 4.54 billion years are the same?Bartricks

    What makes you think God's days are the same as ours?
  • Bartricks
    What makes you think buns are treacle numbers, Hugh?
  • Gregory

    "For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or pierrs or rulers or authorities, ALL things were created by him and for him"

    The second part refers back to the first
  • Bartricks
    That's not the king James version.

    Now quote my earlier answer
  • Janus
    That's a dishonest way of avoiding having to admit you have no cogent retort, Abortricks. According to you the heavens and earth described in the bible is not our heaven and earth, so why should the 6 days described in the bible as being the time it took to create the heavens and earth be the same as our days? According to your own definitions, God is understood to be infinitely greater than us, so why should his "days" also not be infinitely greater?
  • Bartricks
    What am I arguing, Hugh?
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