• Olivier5
    It's funny how no one anywhere but in the US would ever consider voting Republican. The US political system is a tragedy.Benkei

    Mr Putin did vote for Republicans, though.
  • Benkei
    Not because he thinks it's a good idea for the US but because it is an imminently bad idea. If even Putin recognises that, you'd think it was a hint but since US media is mostly intent at gazing at its own belly button, nobody is aware voting Republican weakens the US.
  • Mr Bee
    The Brazilians were an inch away from reelecting Bolsonaro just last week. The US may be insane, but it's not the only country we need to worry about.
  • Olivier5
    Not because he thinks it's a good idea for the US but because it is an imminently bad idea. If even Putin recognises that, you'd think it was a hint but since US media is mostly intent at gazing at its own belly button, nobody is aware voting Republican weakens the US.Benkei

    Indeed, republicans and anyone voting for them are destroying the US. Especially their crass, totally anti-american rhetoric of constant lies and hatred.
  • Benkei
    Not a superpower though. Watch me be a lot less worried about Bolsonara :yawn: as opposed to the spectre of Trump. :scream:
  • ssu
    It's funny how no one anywhere but in the US would ever consider voting Republican. The US political system is a tragedy.Benkei
    Put people into the shoes of Americans, and many would vote for Republicans. All those Bolzonaro's, Viktor Orban's etc. show that too much left liberal push might create a counterpush (and vice versa, of course).

    And it might be that Republicans aren't going to vote for Trump in the next Presidential elections, perhaps they'll vote for DeSantis.
  • Mr Bee
    All those Bolzonaro's, Viktor Orban's etc. show that too much left liberal push might create a counterpush (and vice versa, of course).ssu

    I don't disagree with that, but when it comes to figures like Trump, I think he came into power more because he was a populist (or at least pretended to be, he ultimately just governed like a standard Republican) when people were sick of the establishment.
  • Benkei
    Since when are left and liberal related and when did the Democrats deserve the moniker left? It's a right party on any European spectrum. There are no political choices in the US, Trump is simply unfit to rule on a personal level and therefore a danger to the world. Particularly in a volatile situation like Ukraine.
  • ssu
    And my country doesn't have a real right wing party. All countries have a specific history that has molded the political landscape to be what it is, hence there doesn't exist something like a perfect spread of political parties across the spectrum anywhere. The two parties simply have gained a stranglehold of US politics, which Americans accept as given.
  • Benkei
    And my country doesn't have a real right wing party.ssu

    And yet you're not pretending there are right wing communists. Seems like we're perfectly capable of distinguishing left and right based on a more theoretical baseline than what exists in a given country.

    At least Finland has more to choose from. And the Dutch system is getting almost hilarious with the number of parties.
  • ssu
    The primary problem in my view in the US is the two-party system. I think that Trump was symptom of this as is the "perpetual leftist candidacy" of Bernie Sanders. The real success of the two party system is that they have created "primaries" to act as if being part of the actual elections and the way for democracy to work (and the way to influence political change through these to fixed parties) is through them. Of course there are also other institutional obstacles made for third parties thank to the power of the duopoly, yet the biggest obstacle is in the hearts and minds of Americans.

    For example "primaries" in Finland are basically a convention of a party, that then usually is one news story of the day when a presidential candidate is selected or the new chairperson of the party is chosen, who then is the potential prime minister candidate. Nobody gives a damn how various contenders inside the party have regional support in the party organization.

    The stranglehold that the Democratic-Republican duopoly is shown in these elections too. Third parties only desperately seek attention by having Presidential candidates. There absence in the House and Senate is telling.
  • NOS4A2
    Looks like the GOP will be investigating various allegations against the Biden family. No doubt they’ve been taught that such is the way for an opposition party, but maybe this time such investigations will bear some fruit.

    Incoming Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer announces plans to begin an investigation into President Biden and his family's business dealings when they take over the majority in the 118th Congress. Representative Comer says "Republicans have uncovered evidence of federal crimes committed by and to the benefit of members of the president's family," including "conspiracy to defrauding the United States, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, violations of the Corrupt Practices Act, violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, tax evasion, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit money laundering."

  • Baden

    Seems a bit self-destructive. They will be doing the Dems a huge favor if they can get enough mud to stick for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race. And if they can't, they'll look like idiots
  • NOS4A2

    And if they can?
  • Baden

    They will be doing the Dems a huge favor if they can get enough mud to stick for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race.Baden
  • Baden
    De Santis will be a big favourite over Biden but may not beat a better Dem.
  • NOS4A2

    Gotcha. I misread it. Biden is such a dud that removing him would be a political mistake. Perhaps they believe letting a criminal run the country is a greater risk.
  • Baden
    Perhaps they believe letting a criminal run the country is a greater risk.NOS4A2


    Your faith in the moral sensitivities of politicians is touching. Excuse me if I pass.
  • 180 Proof
    Whst do you think? If McCarthy can't win the Speakership outright because of the MAGA Caucus, so by hook or by crook, Trump gets voted in as Speaker of the House in January (effectively neutralizing Fedetal prosecutions since he'd again be a constitutional officer, separation of powers, etc)? :chin: :yikes:
  • NOS4A2

    The entertainment value alone is enough for me to endorse your theory. I’m into it.
  • Baden
    Trump180 Proof

  • Cobra
    Yippee! I hope you become the next CeasarMerkwurdichliebe

    Haha, well I don't think it may happen now because the republicans are throwing up time-stalling lawsuits. I got an email from the Department of Education saying my application is "on hold" until further notice. I hope it goes through, though.
  • NOS4A2
    It looks like Biden stole some classified documents from the American people while Vice President. Hopefully there are no nuclear secrets in there. I wonder if he got raided by the FBI?

    Classified documents from Biden's time as VP discovered in private office
  • Wayfarer
    The White House should simply be completely transparent, admit to the error, and acknowledge that Biden will fully comply with any investigation and face any necessary sanctions (implicitly challenging Trump to do the same, which he never will.)
  • jgill
    . . . and acknowledge that Biden will fully comply with any investigation and face any necessary sanctions. . .Wayfarer

    What a bunch of nonsense. His behavior involving the southern border of the USA, on the other hand, precipitated by his, in essence, open arms message of "come on in!", is abominable.
  • Wayfarer
    Sure. The newly-embolded GOP House has many bunches of nonsense to pursue. The next on the list is 'investigating' the FBI and DoJ's handling of Trump's various legal cases. That'll be a complete s***show, I'm sure.

    BTW, what do you think can be done about preventing border crossings? Seems to me, if someone arrives in a country with basic human rights (like the US) from a country with appalling human rights (like many in Central America), then compelling them to return violates their human rights - rights which the US recognises, but the source country does not. This amounts to a kind of osmosis. Seems to me, anyway.
  • Mikie
    Couple scenarios.

    1) Person takes an entire set of silverware, with many valuable pieces, from a home after dinner. Owner finds out, asks for them back repeatedly, and eventually gets a warrant to get them back because the guest refuses.

    2) Person takes a fork from dinner, realizes they did so before owner even knows, and returns it.

    Quiz: Are these scenarios equivalent?

    I’m betting that Trump cultists will fail the quiz.
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