• Jack Cummins
    Is it a plant? I thought that your avatar was a mixture of a hairy nipple gone wrong and a landscape. So much for miniature art in avatars, the postmodern, and what is aesthetically pleasing...?
  • Paine

    Here is some information about it.
    My photo is one of them in their natural environment. They are very aesthetically pleasing. Almost hallucinogenic.
  • T Clark
    I sometimes upload picture files into my posts. Then, I often reuse those pictures by linking to their location in my Uploads section. That generally works fine on my computer, e.g:


    I've noticed that when I look at the same post on my mobile phone, the picture isn't there, just the unlinked filename.

    What's up with that? Any solutions?

    Also, a question - does the picture show up on other people's mobile version of my posts?
  • Hanover
    Also, a question - does the picture show up on other people's mobile version of my posts?T Clark

    It'll probably be easier for you to buy a second phone and see how your uploads work than to get a straight answer out of me.
  • Noble Dust

    In other words, you have a flip phone.
  • javi2541997
    Also, a question - does the picture show up on other people's mobile version of my posts?T Clark

    Yes , your pictures show up in my mobile version!

  • T Clark
    Yes , your pictures show up in my mobile version!javi2541997

    Thank you.
  • Hanover
    In other words, you have a flip phone.Noble Dust

    I heard the flip phone is making a come back. There's nothing cooler than slouching back in your chair, flipping the phone so that it opens up, putting it to your ear, and saying "sup." Nothing. Height of coolness.
  • T Clark
    It'll probably be easier for you to buy a second phone and see how your uploads work than to get a straight answer out of me.Hanover

    I heard the flip phone is making a come back. There's nothing cooler than slouching back in your chair, flipping the phone so that it opens up, putting it to your ear, and saying "sup." Nothing. Height of coolness.Hanover

    I do enjoy your amusing, ironic fantasies about your own past or present coolness, but, as moderator, do you have anything more substantive to offer? Perhaps some of your brethren do.
  • Jamal
    What's up with that? Any solutions?T Clark

    That image shows ok on mobile for me and I don’t recall having trouble viewing images. I don’t know why your mobile browser wouldn’t show it. So … I can’t think how you could solve it.

    A few questions to think about or confirm if you haven’t already:

    1. Are you sure it happens to different images and not just your notorious thumb pic?
    2. Are you sure it’s only when you link to one of your uploads?
    3. Does the problem ever resolve itself or does the problem image forever remain broken on mobile?
  • Jamal
    I suppose I could try doing the same and see what happens. How do you do it again? :lol:
  • T Clark
    So … I can’t think how you could solve it.Jamal

    Thanks for the response. It's not a big deal, but I thought if there was a simple fix I could do it. Apparently the picture shows up for at least some people on their mobile phones.

    I wasn't aware my thumbs up was notorious. I thought it was charming and idiosyncratic. But no, it happens for other images as well. At the same time, many images do show up on my mobile.

    Anyway, we can leave it at that. Thanks again.
  • Hanover
    I do enjoy your amusing, ironic fantasies about your own past or present coolness, but, as moderator, do you have anything more substantive to offer? Perhaps some of your brethren do.T Clark

    Since you've chastised me, I'll respond:

    The pictures you post post on my phone and on my computer, which points to the fact that the problem apparently is with your particular phone.

    In order to really know what's going on, you'll need to do a little testing and see if there are other pictures from other users that post on your computer, but not on your phone.

    If you are able to use a friend's phone and see that it has all sorts of photos on it that aren't on yours, then my first suggestion would be to go into your phone's browser settings and see if there is some sort of "load images" feature that you've got turned off or that is set to block, or maybe you have a hyperactive ad block software that's misreading things, but it seems like you've got a software issue.

    What I'd suggest, as you seem pretty old, is to actually go to your local cell phone provider outlet and tell them your woes and let them look on their phone to see what your phone is doing wrong. My guess is that they'll end up selling you a new phone, which will likely solve this problem and you'll get all sorts of new features, like texting and maybe a calculator.
  • T Clark

    Thank you. I appreciate the help.
  • T Clark
    If I'm doing a search and I want to look for a complete phrase rather than a single word, I normally "put quotes around the phrase" before I do the search. When I do that, it seems to highlight any post that has all the words, even if their not in order.

    Is there a way of looking for the whole phrase?
  • Jamal
    Not using the built-in search unfortunately.

    But there is a way. The Google crawler likes TPF and has indexed most of our content. So you can search Google like this:

    site:thephilosophyforum.com "the being of beings"

    Just put that in the Google search box.

    EDIT: I just made a correction because I originally got it wrong. It should be site:, not in:
  • T Clark
    Not using the built-in search unfortunately. But there is a way.Jamal

    Tried. Works. Yay! Thanks.
  • T Clark
    The Google crawler likes TPF and has indexed most of our content. So you can search Google like this:

    site:thephilosophyforum.com "the being of beings"

    I used this on another web site and it worked well there too. I'm so excited. Which, yes, is pretty pitiful.
  • Jamal

    Yeah I love those Google tricks. There are other ones here:

    20 Google Search Tips to Use Google More Efficiently
  • T Clark
    Yeah I love those Google tricks. There are other ones here:

    20 Google Search Tips to Use Google More Efficiently

    This is great! I'm even more excited. Which, yes, is even more pitiful.
  • Jamal
    That’s not so pitiful. I got excited by a small piece of pork on Saturday.

  • T Clark

    Thanks again.
  • unenlightened
    I got excited by a small piece of pork on Saturday.Jamal

    That's got to be worth a paragraph in @Hanover's Encyclopaedia of Fetishes.
  • Alkis Piskas
    In my Preferences I have set to receive notifications about private messages (INBOX) too. I don't. I only receive notifications about Mentions. Can this be fixed and how?
  • Jamal
    Just sent you a private message. Look out for an email.
  • Alkis Piskas

    :up: OK, got it. Thanks.
  • Jamal
    Cool. Problems that fix themselves are my favourite kind.
  • Alkis Piskas

    Well, at least thins thing has not been fixed. Your message was the only one about which I was notified. E.g. I just found a message from @javi2541997 dated 3 days ago. As with other messages in the past, I have never received a notification about it.
    I believe you must certainly implement this facility. It is as important as the regular notifications.

    BTW, I found out today from a TPF member that it is you who has set up this place. Congratulations! :up:
  • Jamal
    Well I don’t know why you’ve had problems receiving email notifications. If someone else confirms they’re having the same problem I’ll look into it and try to fix it, otherwise I’m thinking it’s something wrong on your side.

    BTW, I found out today from a TPF member that it is you who has set up this place. Congratulations!Alkis Piskas

    Thanks AP :smile:
  • Alkis Piskas
    Well I don’t know why you’ve had problems receiving email notifications. If someone else confirms they’re having the same problem I’ll look into it and try to fix it, otherwise I’m thinking it’s something wrong on your side.Jamal
    Thank you for your reply.
    I didn't say I have problems with notifications in general. I referred only to private messages.

    I have asked @javi2541997 about the same thing today and he told me, I quote, "TPF didn't notify me about your reply either."
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