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    Thought we might be amused and possibly informed by a thread about anything related to cannabis, marijuana, CBD, THC, delta-8, hemp products and possibilities.

    Cannabis-related news, personal experiences, therapies, science, speculation, laws, markets, etc.

    (Putting this in the Lounge makes things mellower lol… no need to be incredibly intellectual / logical and overheat the brain. Actually, it may be that cannabis can act like engine coolant for the brain. Anyway, it’s all in the mind. :starstruck: )
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    Last year, I ordered some CBD hemp flowers online. I had previously tried CBD in capsule form and liked the effects: pain and inflammation relief, relaxation and lowering of anxiety, etc. The capsules are expensive though, and I’d have to take several of them at a time. Thus prompting me to consider the hemp flower buds.

    I have to say I’m very impressed. Buying the flowers gives you more bang-for-the-buck. Some processing is necessary though (as opposed to swallowing a pill). I’m not a fan of smoking (however, I’ve been experimenting with putting CBD oil into candles and breathing it in). So… aside from that, I’m mostly eating it. And trying to make it not taste like hot garbage lol. More experiments, such as soaking the buds in oil and apple cider vinegar which makes them taste vaguely like a salad. And of course, eating the traditional special brownies.

    From what I’ve read, cannabis active chemicals are fat-soluble. So i eat the hemp with lots of fats, oil, and lecithin, which helps the absorption. Bought a powerful seed / coffee grinder to make a fine powder of the buds. Soaking that in oil produces a mellower tasting product. Also good for external use. My friend had painful hand aches and cramps that prevented sleep. The CBD cream with coconut oil worked immediately.

    For me, taking CBD internally produces a remarkable reduction in pain and soreness after workouts and other physical exertion. Which is wonderful, and makes me workout even more. The total effect of CBD even makes yard work fun lol.
  • Jack Cummins

    I tried some CBD capsules and didn't notice any effects at all. However, mine came from a health shop. It is possible that some have practically no CBD at all. That is what makes it a potential hype.

    I have read that there is current research on microdosing on cannabis and other psychedelics for depression. I wouldn't mind taking part in a clinical trial but I would probably need to discuss this with my GP, who would probably say, 'No'.
  • 0 thru 9
    I tried some CBD capsules and didn't notice any effects at all. However, mine came from a health shop. It is possible that some have practically no CBD at all. That is what makes it a potential hype.Jack Cummins

    Thanks for your reply. Yea… sounds like very low-dose capsules! And unfortunately for consumers, there are many many products that say HEMP OIL in bold letters. But unless it says CBD or Full-Spectrum Hemp oil, then it has no CBD whatsoever. Hemp oil is nutritional, but it’s probably not what people are looking for. When I tried the capsules, it was on par with chamomile tea or lavender. Maybe a little stronger.

    But the whole hemp CBD buds (with 0% THC) are the real stuff. I’ve taken small doses and large doses… and very large doses. The very large doses were accidental, and just made me sleepy. It also made time come to a complete stop for a while lol. But as long as someone isn’t driving after a large dose, it’s generally no problem. I take a SMALL dose before driving, and it seems to calm me and help me focus. CBD really cuts the urge to “multitask”. It gives me a wonderful and deep focus. And a relaxed mind free of anxiety. To me… CBD buds are everything that I wished alcohol was… and no hangover.

    To be clear, I’m only referring to CBD here. I’ve tried delta-8 THC, but it is VERY different than CBD. CBD is predictable and calming. To me, delta-8 is wonderful but very strong and unpredictable in how it will affect me at any particular time. I only take D-8 at home, and take a small dose along with CBD to act as a buffer and counter-balance. It’s like THC is Yang, and CBD is Yin. The D-8 is the icing on the cake. CBD is the cake… and the whole meal. And it won’t make someone fail a drug test like THC will.

    Your mileage may vary. Good luck! :flower: :grin:
  • Benj96
    I think cannabis like all drugs should be legal, in the sense that the usage/consumption of all addictive substances is inevitable regardless of law and should not be considered a crime, but rather something that is highly regulated, anti-campaigned, taxed, and "if abused" to a point of impairing life functionality/ health, requires rehab, psychological support and re-education, for which the tax revenue can be invested.

    Imprisoning users does nothing to help their dependence. That's basic empathy.
  • javi2541997
    Cannabis-related news, personal experiences, therapies, science, speculation, laws, markets, etc.0 thru 9

    I'd legalize marijuana and its distribution. Two important benefits of the legalisation:

    1. The reduction of criminality. The supply of this soft drug is controlled by crime organisations, and this is why the prices tend to be high and the places where the people sell it are hidden. I personally think that everything would be easier if Cannabis would under the control of legal markets/authorities.

    2. Collection of taxes. I think the state acts as a hypocrite here. It is legal to purchase alcohol and tobacco, when these are "drugs" that kill people oftentimes. Yet, it seems that for the State or Bureaus do not care about those deaths because they win a lot of money with the supply of both alcohol and cigarettes. Why don't they manage Cannabis in the same way? I think this issue also applies to prostitution. I just do not understand why this job is forbidden...

    I tried some CBD capsules and didn't notice any effects at all. However, mine came from a health shop. It is possible that some have practically no CBD at all. That is what makes it a potential hype.

    I have read that there is current research on microdosing on cannabis and other psychedelics for depression.
    Jack Cummins

    A good point on how to manage Cannabis: struggling against depression. I also took one of those pills and I haven't perceived anything either. I guess this happens because of the low gram proportion of Cannabis.
  • 0 thru 9
    Thank you for your post. :smile:

    Yes, as you undoubtedly know quite well the laws concerning cannabis in the USA are a mish-mash, to put it politely. Some states are fully legal, some states completely illegal, some ok only for medical marijuana.

    There’s also a glut of product in some states, made worse by lack of inter-state trade. But at least the national hemp legalization of 2018 (Farm Bill) opened a big and important door. Not just legalizing the proven medical health product (and non-psychoactive) CBD, but once again allowing the numerous products made from hemp.

    The whole pot issue has made the concept of “decriminalization” well-known. This being the (very necessary) middle-ground between things that are legal, and those that are illegal. I’d now agree that general society would benefit from drugs being decriminalized. Not to spread the use of “hard drugs”, but to help those addicted and improve society by not imprisoning a large percentage of the population. This of course has racial implications in the USA, no surprise. (Of course, some crusaders equate the mere thought of decriminalization with selling crack cocaine to kids. The notion would be laughable, if it weren’t so unrelenting and pernicious).

    I’ve read and watched much info about this topic, but there’s so much there to take in. It’s fascinating when considering the history, medical therapies, science, and cultural implications. One hopes that common sense is apparent to most people, and that it consequently becomes manifest. Sometimes it actually happens.
  • 0 thru 9
    Thanks very much for the reply! :smile:

    I'd legalize marijuana and its distribution. Two important benefits of the legalisation:

    1. The reduction of criminality. The supply of this soft drug is controlled by crime organisations, and this is why the prices tend to be high and the places where the people sell it are hidden. I personally think that everything would be easier if Cannabis would under the control of legal markets/authorities.

    2. Collection of taxes. I think the state acts as a hypocrite here. It is legal to purchase alcohol and tobacco, when these are "drugs" that kill people oftentimes. Yet, it seems that for the State or Bureaus do not care about those deaths because they win a lot of money with the supply of both alcohol and cigarettes. Why don't they manage Cannabis in the same way? I think this issue also applies to prostitution. I just do not understand why this job is forbidden...

    Yes, definitely. I totally agree. Sometimes I wonder who’s making the laws… the elected representatives of the people? Or the lobbyists for corporations? Logic, common sense, pragmatism, feasibility, compassion, health, etc seem very often (or always lol) to take a backseat to money, money, MONEY!

    It no longer surprises me… but it is still difficult to understand and accept. Actually, some things like this become MORE confusing and toxic the more you deal with it. It’s almost like a food allergy. We are becoming allergic and physically / psychologically sick from “bullshit” (lies, hypocrisy, propaganda…).
    And then find ourselves in the crossfire of opposing sides.

    As you’ve probably read, there have been some unexpected bumps in the road developing, even in states that are fully legal regarding cannabis. The illicit trade is growing despite legality.

    Again, not surprisingly, it comes down to a question of money and profits. But here I’m personally a little more understanding or lenient. When the average consumer can get a legal $100 bag of weed at a dispensary, or pay $20 to buy the same amount “out the back door”… it’s no surprise what the result will be. Especially with inflation and such. Most people have to save where they can. But ideally, people would buy it legally to support the businesses that are bringing the product to them, and paying taxes.

    Maybe if marijuana were completely legalized nationwide in the USA (and dropping the draconian tax laws like forbidding deduction of business expenses), then the illicit trade would subside. Or at least, stop growing exponentially. Personally, I’m somewhat doubtful. In any case, the states are receiving millions of dollars in tax revenue. And the people will have access to cannabis, if they so desire. :flower:

    What is the situation in the country you are in? (You are from Spain, living in Japan?)
  • javi2541997
    I am from Spain and I live in Madrid. I never lived in Japan haha. It is just that I love Japanese literature and stuff, but I have never been there... :sweat:

    The situation of my country is this: You can hold basic grams of Cannabis in your home. I think less than 10 Gr per bag is permitted and you can harvesting it by yourself if it is just for personal purposes. You only go to jail if it is explicit used for sale.

    Well, in overall terms, Cannabis is not allowed in Spain and police officers tend to be restrictive with all of them who possess marijuana. Again, this is when I see my state as a complete fool and hypocrite. Our public administration collect a lot of taxes thanks to alcohol and tobacco. These "products" kill a lot of people because of cancer and cirrhosis per year. Yet, the state collects a large amount of money through the taxes applied on the prices on them. If I were responsible for the management of the system, I'd legalize Cannabis by applying the same criteria to cigarettes, but for some reasons, Cannabis is still illegal in this century... Maybe the state doesn't see such plant as profitable as it should be!
  • Jack Cummins

    If you only took one tablet of CBD it would be unlikely to do very much because most antidepressants take about 2 weeks to work. I took a fairly low strength and it may have taken a much higher dose to be effective, but CBD capsules are very expensive. Also, I have read that they are possibly bad for the liver. At this stage, there may be not enough evidence based research.

    Before I was on a regular antidepressants I used to try a lot of over the counter medications and it was hit and miss. I did try St John's Wort and found they did make me feel less depressed but they gave me insomnia. They can give sunlight sensitivity and are dangerous to mix with some other medications, especially antidepressants.

    Despite being on antidepressants I still have difficulty sleeping and it was for that reason that I tried CBD. I do often use over the counter sleeping tablets and I have found the herb passiflora which I have found worked quite well.

    There was a brief time in Camden where you could get some cannabis products which were quite powerful in some cafes. I once had some cannabis cake and was tripping for several hours. But, shortly afterwards the cafe was shut down. I did take some legal highs from headshots before they were made illegal. I didn't have any problems with what I took but I think there were some really dodgy ones around because I knew a couple of people who got really sick, including someone who ended up in an intensive care unit after smoking some smokeable incense. I have heard of a recent craze of inhaling gas from gas balloons which sounds potentially dangerous.

    It may be simpler if cannabis was legalized, especially as there may be more quality control rather than people having to go to dealers. One of the reasons why it may not happen is because there is all the concern about drug induced psychosis and dual diagnosis. Different people get such different effects. When I used to smoke it I did not get psychotic but I did see a lot of visual imagery on the borderline of sleep, especially if I was listening to music. I liked this though because the imagery was a source of inspiration for art work.
  • javi2541997
    I understand that CBD or medicaments prescribed to combat MDD, takes time. I remember starting with "natural" pills made of plants. At the first time, they were effective, but later on my brain demanded more mg or just more hard pills. This is why I attended to the psychiatrist and she prescribed me "chemical" stuff, such as Bromazepam. It is effective, and I honestly think that I am, somehow, dependent on it. I have been taking those pills for the last two years and I am aware that I cannot live without them. I guess they are addictive.

    There are others that can be OK, such as "ashwagandha" or winter cherry. They help me, yes. But, it is just an accessory for Bromazepam. The latter is the one that really helps me to control my anxiety.

    I never smoked because I have a lung disease. So, this is why (furthermore, more other fundamental facts) I demand pills of Cannabis. If I already take chemical stuff, why is it a problem to take Cannabis tabs?
  • 0 thru 9
    Well, in overall terms, Cannabis is not allowed in Spain and police officers tend to be restrictive with all of them who possess marijuana. Again, this is when I see my state as a complete fool and hypocrite. Our public administration collect a lot of taxes thanks to alcohol and tobacco. These "products" kill a lot of people because of cancer and cirrhosis per year. Yet, the state collects a large amount of money through the taxes applied on the prices on them. If I were responsible for the management of the system, I'd legalize Cannabis by applying the same criteria to cigarettes, but for some reasons, Cannabis is still illegal in this century... Maybe the state doesn't see such plant as profitable as it should be!javi2541997
    Wow. Ok thanks for the lowdown. I imagined Spain would be a little more open. At least no shakedowns and jail for a joint (unfortunately has happened in USA). What’s the legality of whole hemp CBD buds with no THC? And the new analogs of THC like Delta-8? I’m in the USA in a state that doesn’t allow “recreational marijuana”. But somehow hemp and Delta-8 are legal… for now lol. Probably there’s a group out there that won’t rest until cannabis is totally outlawed. But whiskey and cigarettes? Sure thing! Like you mentioned, the disconnect and hypocrisy are apparent to all.

    I am from Spain and I live in Madrid. I never lived in Japan haha. It is just that I love Japanese literature and stuff, but I have never been there... :sweat:javi2541997
    A soul that is half West and half East. Wonderful! :flower:
  • 0 thru 9
    Basically, I’ve come to the conclusion that if the CBD hemp product one is taking doesn’t look somewhat like this… then it’s probably overpriced and likely watered-down. This is not a single serving though lol.
  • 0 thru 9
    Despite being on antidepressants I still have difficulty sleeping and it was for that reason that I tried CBD. I do often use over the counter sleeping tablets and I have found the herb passiflora which I have found worked quite well.Jack Cummins

    Glad that passiflora is working for you. I assume that’s also called passionflower? I like that one too.

    I’ve taken melatonin for a long time. Love it. It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that it may have saved my life. Especially when I was working nights and absolutely positively had to get at least 5 hours of sleep in the middle of the afternoon. Melatonin is known to produce vivid dreams. When combined with CBD, the dreams can be wild. But usually for me they are not scary nightmares, thank goodness.

    But how cannabis and melatonin would interact with medications could be difficult to say, even for a medical professional. Caution is usually a good and wise approach of course.

    When I used to smoke it I did not get psychotic but I did see a lot of visual imagery on the borderline of sleep, especially if I was listening to music. I liked this though because the imagery was a source of inspiration for art work.Jack Cummins
    Nice! Good to hear. Inspiration is a rare and beautiful bird that visits us when we need her. :sparkle:
  • javi2541997
    There are important groups here who want to legalize - or at least make more flexible rules - related to Cannabis. But Spain is in a big dilemma, for the good and for the worst: the European Market. When Spain joined the EU, we accepted a lot of regulations and laws, but one of the main characteristics is the common market. We are not that "free" to regularize the market or products. It is a shame, but I am not eurosceptical. I mean, thanks to the EU, Spain entered to modernity and progress. Maybe, one day, the EU members will agree on the regulation of Cannabis. Who knows...

    A similar issue happens regarding Melatonin. I take them every night to sleep. I see it as a simple medication or dietary supplement. Yet, the European Commission only allows 1.9 milligrams for each tab/gummies. I think it is stupid and a shame...
    I am aware that in the U.S. the milligrams of Melatonin can be high on the tabs, and I know some people who buy them in the American market. It is expensive because of the shipment and all... but at least they have more milligrams in their pills/gummies!

    I think this would be another problem that will be discussed: how many milligrams are allowed for each Cannabis pill or tab? :chin:
  • 0 thru 9
    Thanks for your input. :smile:

    Ah yes, the EU… didn’t factor that into my thoughts. Thanks for clearing that up. You’re right… it seems to lead to some eccentric results like with the melatonin tabs. Here in the USA, I’ve seen melatonin in 10mg pill sizes. A 3mg tab knocks me out for the night, with no grogginess the next morning (if I take it before 11 pm). Not sure what more than 3X that would do.

    Your mention of the word “gummy” made me think of the cannabis candy gummies for sale. I totally understand the need for cannabis edibles. That’s how I take it. And I get the desire to mask the strong taste of the weed. Plus, these are big sellers for the small cannabis companies trying to stay afloat. But many news stories have documented the risk to children, who either mistake it for regular candy, or are curious about Mommy’s secret stash and why it makes her happy.

    But in any case, many kids have ended up in the emergency room or hospital. I don’t know what the answer is to this situation. Maybe at least changing the packaging, making it look like medicine in a safety bottle. And ditch the day-glo colors, which symbolize candy. I’d welcome some more regulation on this segment of the industry because it’d help everyone.
  • javi2541997
    Here in the USA, I’ve seen melatonin in 10mg pill sizes. A 3mg tab knocks me out for the night, with no grogginess the next morning (if I take it before 11 pm). Not sure what more than 3X that would do.0 thru 9

    A pill of 10mg, or 3mg tabs. These are impossible to see here in Europe, and this is stupid because sooner or later the tabs with just 1 mg are insufficient. So, consumers of Melatonin like me, take two or even three to experience the effect on sleeping. I mean, I can consume the same amount as an American citizen but in reduced proportions. This is more expensive and without sense because I think it would be worthy to just sell more milligrams in the pharmacy instead of buying a lot of little tabs. :lol:

    Your mention of the word “gummy” made me think of the cannabis candy gummies for sale. I totally understand the need for cannabis edibles.0 thru 9

    I am also aware of their existence, but here they are sold as a dietary supplement, so I am skeptical about buying them. I think that the proportion of THC will be low and have zero effects. It could be a good remedy for non-smokers like me, but I see it as very difficult to accomplish. Maybe, the only way to inherit THC is when you are smoking pure Cannabis... who knows!

    But in any case, many kids have ended up in the emergency room or hospital. I don’t know what the answer is to this situation.0 thru 9

    Simple: the responsible are the parents for not caring their children! :eyes:
  • javi2541997

    Look! what a joke, just 1mg and the cost is around 20 or 25 € per pack. There are 50 gummies in.

  • 0 thru 9
    Oh my… that is very over-priced! :yikes: Hope not every supplement is that expensive. Not good for people who are trying to stay healthy… before getting wheeled into a hospital and being a Guinea pig.
  • 0 thru 9
    After trying many forms of CBD, I’m really liking the whole hemp flower (with zero THC) ground up and dissolved into warm coconut oil. It cools into a nice green-tinted cream that is solid (until the room temperature gets hot, then it liquifies. One could substitute cocoa butter for a more solid product). Making this homemade green cream is relatively inexpensive, providing you can source the buds at a wholesale / bulk price. (I see prices coming down lately). It is very powerful, with lots of CBD and CBDA (the initial form of CBD). The cream contains all the terpenes present in the flowers, which are thought to make the CBD even more effective. Eating the CBD with coconut oil or cocoa butter helps absorption.

    This homemade cream is wonderful and in the right formulation to use in at least three distinct ways: orally taking a spoonful for calming effects, rubbing it on skin for inflammation, and using it as a candle by inserting a wick. The candle heat would turn the CBDA to CBD, dispersing in the air. (This would mellow out everyone in the room lol. :blush: Some people have successfully used CBD for pets too).

    Cannabis and anxiety…

    Many people (like me) are interested in cannabis for reducing anxiety. It does that very capably. But there are some potential difficulties that I’ve found in investigating and experimenting. The CBD sold in capsules is very weak, as people have noted above. And the capsules probably don’t have the whole herb, and discard the terpenes, using CBD isolate.

    For someone taking THC or smoking marijuana, there may be a risk of it actually INCREASING anxiety, especially if there is much more THC than CBD in the product one is taking. Also, I’ve found that as far as edibles are concerned, the CBD takes effect much sooner than the THC. After about 15 minutes, I feel the CBD working. THC consumed orally seems to fully hit me about 3 or 4 hours later. I could see the temptation to eat more THC product accidentally because it is so slow to take effect. Then it could cause unpleasant effects. In that case, drinking lots of water helps, as does taking pure CBD for counter-balance.

    So caution is needed, but also hope and persistence. I believe that cannabis can greatly help people with anxiety, as it helps me very much on a daily basis to feel calm and focused. For anxiety treatment concerning cannabis, CBD in natural flower form seems to be the key. (Adding THC in small amounts if desired). And with careful experimenting, one can find the amount that is right for their situation to reduce anxiety. :flower:
  • javi2541997
    Cannabis and anxiety…0 thru 9

    Interesting facts and I agree with your post.

    I remembered you and this post in the morning when I was in the pharmacy. I saw a little box with tabs of Cannabis sativa. Like herbaceous resinous extract to be consumed by oral ingestion. It is cheap because the price of that box is 7.95 €, but I cannot remember the numbers of tabs which are included in it. Maybe there are around 25 or 30. It looked like worthy to purchase, but I hadn't read the proportion of THC and CBD. I think they are tabs for dietary supplements rather than sedative, analgesic, or anti-inflammatory.
    Who knows? I think I can give it a try... And see what the effects are. Just 7.95 € is a good price, but at the same time, this is why I doubt for. Maybe because of being that cheap, it doesn't contain what a real tab of Cannabis should hold.

    We have to keep moving forward to help people to reduce anxiety. Oh! Why aren't pharmacies allowed to sell Cannabis sativa or indica?

  • 0 thru 9
    Thanks very much! :smile: Thanks for adding to this thread.

    The product you described seems like it might be worth considering. Especially if it looks like the best option available. I guess all this complexity regarding cannabis is probably inevitable because it’s a complex and wonderful plant. Add that to all the products available and it can make my head spin thinking about it all. But I think it’s worth the effort to wade through all the info.

    Luckily, the CBD cures the anxiety from thinking too much lol. :razz:
  • javi2541997
    Thanks to you as well for starting this thread. :up: I am so interested.

    I made a research in internet. There is an interesting link: Does cannabis cause or treat anxiety?

    Some studies show that cannabis use can trigger symptoms of anxiety. However, other research shows cannabis, when used correctly, can be beneficial in treating anxiety symptoms.

    There are limited human clinical trials that look at cannabis to treat anxiety. However, growing evidence, from animal studies to cannabis user surveys, suggests the drug could be effective. This is particularly the case when cannabis is in CBD oil form.
    A 2015 review analyzed previous research into CBD oil, stating the vast majority of the research used animal models. However, based on these studies, CBD oil could potentially reduce several anxiety disorders.
    A 2018 survey looked at cannabis use in easing the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It reveals that medical cannabis users reporteda 58% reduction in anxiety and stress.

    This is the path we have to follow up! :flower:
  • 0 thru 9
    Thanks for the link! :nerd:

    Here’s another link, one about our body’s endocannabinoid system.

    From Wikipedia:
      The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, which are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors (CBRs), and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the vertebrate central nervous system (including the brain) and peripheral nervous system.[1][2] The endocannabinoid system remains under preliminary research, but may be involved in regulating physiological and cognitive processes, including fertility,[3] pregnancy,[4] pre- and postnatal development,[5][6][7] various activity of immune system,[8] appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory, and in mediating the pharmacological effects of cannabis.[9][10] The ECS plays an important role in multiple aspects of neural functions, including the control of movement and motor coordination, learning and memory, emotion and motivation, addictive-like behavior and pain modulation, among others.[11]

    Which to me seems to indicate that cannabis (and its compounds) may be providing the body with what substances should ideally be there, but through circumstances might be low or nonexistent.

    (I am interpreting the basic idea, I could be oversimplifying. As the article suggests, it is very complex. Of course, anything involving neurotransmitters and such is bound to be complex).
  • 0 thru 9
    Completely anecdotal evidence for the calming effect of CBD…

    The other day a driver next to me was honking like a loon and appeared to be close to having a meltdown. Goodness knows why… Luckily, I had taken a small dose of CBD before leaving the house. Thank heavens, because normally I’d be tempted to give “the finger” to such bad behavior. Which of course doesn’t help anything, and would probably make the situation worse.

    But I remained calm, even though slightly puzzled and irritated. I totally give the credit to CBD because I’m just not that mature. :yum:
  • 0 thru 9
    driver next to me was honking like a loon0 thru 9

    Maybe it was my “Honk If You Love Philosophy!” and “Philosophers Go Deeper” bumper stickers? :chin:
  • javi2541997

    Hello friend,

    I decided to buy the tabs of Cannabis today. We talked about this some days ago or maybe weeks! Anyway, it is a worthy acquisition. For just 7.95 €, there are rational amount of tabs/gummies.
    On the other hand, these gummies are made of "Cannabis Sativa oil" and Passiflora. It is a pure natural composition. It hasn't even sugar on it. You can take 2 - 4 gummies per day. It says that it also works as a dietary supplement.

    I just took one gummy. I feel calm and relaxed. It is okay to start with a low quantity at the beginning. Well, I think it was a good purchase and I am happy now. Just another component to all the pills I take in my daytime.

  • 0 thru 9
    :cheer: Thanks for the update! Good to hear that you found something effective AND affordable. It’s awesome when life turns out that way. It happens occasionally lol. :yum:
  • javi2541997

    The effects of the gummy faded away quicker than I expected. I needed to take another one, and I feel relaxed and calm again. I think the reasonable portion is around 2 or 3 gummies per day, because one seems to be insufficient! :chin:
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