• BC
    Thank you for the lucid explanation.

    Thank heavens COCA (Council on Child Abuse) has finally recognized the harm bad grammar can cause.
  • NOS4A2

    Simply because there is no crime, no victim, no corrupt activity. He is the victim. They are the guilty party. The government perpetrated the greatest fraud against the US in modern history with the Russia hoax, thereby crippling the people’s elected representative, the will of the voters, and the proper function of the US presidency, arguably leading to the war-torn landscape we see today. With that hoax and their fraudulent efforts they directly pushed Trump to doubt the results of the election, and now they are framing him for non-crimes and for saying things they don’t like while remaining unaccountable to their malfeasance.
  • Benkei
    Stop spouting propaganda. There was no Russian hoax. Mueller's report showed several issues that could've been prosecuted.
  • NOS4A2

    John Durham’s report in combination with the IG report shows it was a hoax and an utter failure in bureaucratic competence.
  • flannel jesus

    Very interesting from pence here. I really hope that Donald trump comes to regret throwing him under the bus.
  • RogueAI
    The government perpetrated the greatest fraud against the US in modern history with the Russia hoaxNOS4A2

    That was Trump's government. Sessions recused himself over undisclosed conversations with the Russian ambassador. Republican Trump appointee Rod Rosenstein appointed Republican Bob Mueller as special counsel. Republican Trump appointee Chris Wray led the FBI that cooperated with Mueller. Why do you think so many of Trump's own people ended up investigating him?

    Also, did Biden get more votes than Trump in the 2020 election?
  • Relativist
    John Durham’s report in combination with the IG report shows it was a hoax and an utter failure in bureaucratic competence.NOS4A2
    Wrong. Some errors were made, but the investigation was warranted. It exposed crimes, exposed corrupt activities by the Trump campaign, and hit a brick wall because of Trump's obstruction of justice.

    Are you going to respond to the corrupt acts of Trump's that I referenced in my last comment to you?
  • NOS4A2

    That was Trump's government. Sessions recused himself over undisclosed conversations with the Russian ambassador. Republican Trump appointee Rod Rosenstein appointed Republican Bob Mueller as special counsel. Republican Trump appointee Chris Wray led the FBI that cooperated with Mueller. Why do you think so many of Trump's own people ended up investigating him?

    Also, did Biden get more votes than Trump in the 2020 election?

    My guess is because they are incompetent, deep-state bureaucrats. But maybe it was to clear their names from the blizzard of lies by then surrounding the hoax.

    Wrong. Some errors were made, but the investigation was warranted. It exposed crimes, exposed corrupt activities by the Trump campaign, and hit a brick wall because of Trump's obstruction of justice.

    Are you going to respond to the corrupt acts of Trump's that I referenced in my last comment to you?

    It wasn't warranted. Even those who started it said there was nothing to it.

    The information that the FBI learned in July 2016 was that a Trump campaign advisor had suggested to the Australian diplomats that the campaign "had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist" the campaign. The OIG Review found that the FBI met the requirements of the AGG-Dom because the "articulable factual basis" standard for opening the investigation is a "low" one and the information from Australia, at least when considered along with what was known about Russia's efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. elections, met that standard. We are not confident, however, that this is the case. Our investigation gathered evidence that showed that a number of those closest to the investigation believed that the standard arguably had not been met. For example, both
    Supervisory Special Agent-1 and UK ALA T-1 described the predication for the investigation as "thin." Even Strzok, who both drafted and approved the Opening EC, said that "there's nothing to this, but we have to run it to ground." Strzok' s view would seem to dictate the opening of the matter as an assessment or, at most, as a preliminary investigation. In any event, there are a number of other reasons to be concerned about the predication of Crossfire Hurricane...

    Durham Report

    None of the supposed corrupts acts you stated, even if true, rise to the level of corruption, or fraud, or any other criminal or corrupt activity. The best you've shown is that he didn't believe the people he was talking to, that he didn't repeat their claims, and the effect such behavior could have. There is no crime. There is no victim of any crime.
  • Relativist
    We are not confident, however, that this is the case. Our investigation gathered evidence that showed that a number of those closest to the investigation believed that the standard arguably had not been met. For example, both
    Supervisory Special Agent-1 and UK ALA T-1 described the predication for the investigation as "thin." Even Strzok, who both drafted and approved the Opening EC, said that "there's nothing to this, but we have to run it to ground." Strzok' s view would seem to dictate the opening of the matter as an assessment or, at most, as a preliminary investigation.
    Durham fails to mention that at least a preliminary investigation had to be opened to pursue the Papadopoulous lead. He does allude to it being a judgement call as to whether or not it would be preliminary or full. Durham judged a preliminary was more appropriate (he made this judgement before his investigation); but FBI leadership made a different judgement - and it was within their right to do so. He also fails to note that it would have to be raised to full when the Steele material became available- so it's really a non- point. He also fails to note that Crossfire led to the fruitful Mueller investigation, after Trump fired Comey - for the stated purpose of ending the Russia investigation. During Mueller, Trump behaved suspiciously and obstructed justice by dangling pardons to keep people quiet (like Manafort and Stone). The investigation confirmed illegal Russian interference, the Trump campaign's receptiveness to getting the assistance, and the collusion with Julian Assange on release of the stolen DNC emails. These violated no statutes, but it was sleazy - and closer fits the definition of "cheating" than anything done in 2020. Why did Trump want Stone and Manafort to keep quiet? It's suggestive of wanting to hide something, but we'll never get an answer to that because Barr killed it.

    You have not responded to the 3 points I gave you about the Georgia call. What's the problem?
  • Paine

    You are doing a good job representing the problems with statements made with such certainty, But your interlocutor will only pick out another detail to put forward in an equally absolute fashion rather than defend previous arguments.

    The only way to detect black holes is noticing when they steal material from adjacent stars and planets.
  • RogueAI
    That was Trump's government. Sessions recused himself over undisclosed conversations with the Russian ambassador. Republican Trump appointee Rod Rosenstein appointed Republican Bob Mueller as special counsel. Republican Trump appointee Chris Wray led the FBI that cooperated with Mueller. Why do you think so many of Trump's own people ended up investigating him?

    Also, did Biden get more votes than Trump in the 2020 election?

    My guess is because they are incompetent, deep-state bureaucrats. But maybe it was to clear their names from the blizzard of lies by then surrounding the hoax.

    Are Mike Pence, Bill Barr, John Kelly, and James Mattis also "incompetent, deep-state bureaucrats"?

    Also: who got more votes in 2020?
  • Paine
    Here is a purely political question:

    Who will Trump select for his VP? Even if one were a completely committed MAGA personality, the burning cars on either side of the road must give pause.
  • Paine

    Dammit, that makes sense.
  • Wayfarer
    Actually it was tongue-in-cheek, I read somewhere recently that Team Trump can't stand her (probably because she's too much like him). He'd want someone who was going to more of a hand-puppet.
  • Paine

    Well, that has always been a factor for Trump since he was marching across NYC real estate deals. Cool with people he hates as long as he gets the better bank rating.

    And then matters went another way.

    I am shaped by my construction work life put in here in the city. It is astonishing to us that such a dishonorable person was given so much credit by other people.
  • RogueAI
    Is there only one Trump supporter on this whole forum?
  • Mikie

    Yeah man, I was just satirizing.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Is there only one Trump supporter on this whole forum?RogueAI

    I think that says something about the quality of the forum.
  • Relativist
    I wanted to give him a chance to be reasonable, but so far he hasn't made the effort.
  • Paine
    As negatively I have portrayed his opinions, I think of the 'reasonable' as requiring more of all of us. It should be a register that belittles our efforts.
  • Paine

    Are you agreeing with some kind of judgement unavailable to the rest?
  • RogueAI
    Are you agreeing with some kind of judgement unavailable to the rest?Paine

    I took Metaphysician Undercover to mean the lack of Trump supporters here is a mark of quality.
  • Paine

    I figure this measure fits into the question of what figures for itself.

    And this question naturally leads into the purposes of rhetoric. When is an argument only for the purposes of convincing people that a particular condition exists or an attempt to think about conditions themselves?
  • RogueAI
    I don't know what you're trying to say.
  • Paine

    I will try to do better tomorrow.
  • Changeling
    I was actually referring to the Spanish slang for cocaine
  • Benkei
    Mr. Sock then. Obviously.
  • Wayfarer
    the lack of Trump supporters here is a mark of quality.RogueAI


    Still reckon Trump will never get the Republcan nomination, polling data notwithstanding.
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