• Moliere
    Perhaps it's a bit niche, and it's certainly not unexpected, but it still makes me sad.


    Time to head to the liquor store. At least it's Friday. Oi. How disgusting.
  • discoii
    I'm not surprised, their leadership has always been a bunch of reactionaries. When I worked at an AFSCME shop, it was literally no different than nonunion shops, except they took money out of my check every week.
  • Moliere
    I suppose a part of me had hoped that all the hustle and bustle of leftism might influence working class institutions. It's certainly had an effect on this election cycle. I mean, at least wait until the primaries are over if you plan on doing it. . . but, no, they hope to get something out of an early endorsement. [but, these days, what that "get something" amounts to is crumbs -- some barely better appointees in the NLRB and 8 year waits until the dem is a lame duck to "start conversations on labor" -- which is surely better than nothing, but certainly no legislative pushes]

    Though I suppose, in the end, this has more to do with membership activity than not. A militant movement makes for militant leadership.

    Still... made me disappointed, at least.
  • BC
    I would have been very very surprised if AFSCME had endorsed Bernie Sanders. Perhaps some locals have been a dash of red sauce, but most of them are rancid deep-fat-fried.
  • Moliere
    Was it too much to hope that they'd at least wait until the primaries were over, though?

    I mean -- the left-ish talk of Clinton only came about because of radical leftists making a scene, ya'know?
  • Moliere
    9 beers and 3 shots of JD later. . .

    Goddamnit, I am so disappointed in American politics -- and especially American labor politics. . .

    So much effort, so little effect.... even a return to FDR-style politics would have satiated me. But what we get is so sad.

    Where should I move to?
  • discoii
    FDR-style politics, as in there's a militant communist movement about to overthrow the government, and also Bush's grandfather leading a fascist charge at an attempt at a coup? Looking around, the fascists are rising, but not the commies...

    So, the answer is you should move to another galaxy.
  • Moliere

    I know that's where it came from. But, no, that's not what I mean. I just mean that perspective -- a push for, for instance, the WAGE act would have been great. Changing the "middle class" lingo to "working class" lingo ,and an end to the neoliberal assumptions which Carter began.
  • Moliere
    Something that's not more of the same. But I hear you. It's true that the right-wing is well organized and is increasing across the globe. Another galaxy might be nice. ;)
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