• ssu
    As the ECOWAS countries held a meeting today to contemplate sending a "standby force" to restore democracy to Niger after the military coup in Niamey, Africa has come close to a multi-country war as both Mali and Burkina Faso (both lead by military juntas too) assured they would come to the defense of Niger if military action was taken against the country. Hopefully this kind of clusterfuck won't happen, as unfortunately we know from the First and Second Congo War that African countries can make their own version of WW1 despite all the happy rhetoric of Pan-Africanism.

    Yet I think this region and the slow train wreck and tragedy it's experiencing is worth a thread of it's own in PF.

    The region clearly shows what devastation climate change has already brought and how this creates a political crisis and wars. And then there's the aspect of an European colonizer who never left the region and the possibility of a new version of the "Great Game" been played here.


    The Colonizer who never left

    When it comes to the countries of the Sahel region, it's noteworthy to point out just how brief and superficial the French colonization was, even if it is crucial in understanding the present. The region fell into French rule in the turn of the 20th Century and Niger became a French colony only in 1922. Large parts of Chad were basically not ruled by the French. Hence in the Sahel, a person who lived long could both have witnessed the arrival of the French and later in life the new independence. The British colonies of Nigeria and Sudan have similar problems, yet the British haven't been involved in a similar fashion as the French have.

    Prior to the European colonization the large and old empires of Mali or Kanem Bornu had long vanished and the history of the Sahel prior the colonial era was quite tumultuous. And as the geography is desert and savanna, the borders are really just maps in the line. Desert environment makes the region poor, even if there are natural resources in the region (oil, uranium, etc). This has lead to central governments being intrinsically weak and has made it possible for armed bands simply moving from one country to another. Military coups have been frequent and now you could talk about a Coup-bloc forming in the Sahel as the armed forces have been in the end the only working (and financed) part of the government.

    Not only has France meddled in the politics of the countries, but it also dominates the weak economies and has for example kept the Chinese out from having such a role as it has in other parts of Africa. French military presence in the countries with increasing violence, dismal economic growth and not much positive has naturally lead to anti-French sentiment taking over (again) the countries. Some of course might argue that the feeling never went away.


    The War that was forgotten everywhere else but the Sahel

    The Global War on Terror might seem now as part of history after the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, but it's been fought in the Sahel even today. If during the Cold War the sides were divided by the US / Soviet conflict (the best example in the region The Chadian-Libyan war), now the conflict that gets the interest and the Western financial aid is the fight against muslim extremists, the franchizing enterprise made by Al Qaeda and IS. Starting with Algerian civil war and then with the collapse of Libya, fighters then first moved to Mali, which then in turned lured the French to fight them (in 2013) when there was the possibility of Bamako falling. Afterwards the GWOT campaign has gone nearly as bad as it did in Afghanistan.

    And naturally this fixation on fighting Al Qaeda and IS couldn't at all handle problems like the violence that erupted between cattle herders and the Dogon people in Mali, which then the muslim extremists were quick to use. Yet this rarely reported conflict, which has happened because of climate change (desertification), shows that the problems are structural in the region and the US and France fighting a war of a now bygone era isn't the answer, it's actually the problem. Also Tuareg's wanting to create a country of there own, Azawad, isn't directly related to fighting Al Qaeda.

    Dogon militia on motorbikes. In there neighborhood the Malian government is nowhere to be seen:

    All the investment in the militaries of the Sahel countries have resulted in military coups and the French being kicked out. Mali was first to show the door to the French and now that withdrawal is difficult as Niger has had a military coup.

    The tragedy is that many people seem to pin their hopes on the Russian Wagner helping them to fight the jihadists, which in my view will just make the countries to be a playing field in the geopolitical games Great Powers play. (Mali has Wagner troops, but for instance the junta in Burkina Faso has rejected them).

    But what do you think?

    Will France finally retire from the countries or is this just one chapter that things look bad for the neocolonist?

    Will we see even worse development, more famines and war in the region?

    Is there something positive to see in this region?

    If there's good articles or comments about what is happening in these countries, I'd be happy if you would post them.
  • T Clark
    But what do you think?ssu

    Interesting. Thanks. This is an area I know just about nothing about, so I don't have much to contribute, but I will be paying attention.

    How does Boko Haram fit into this? Are they one of the Al Queda/IS franchises you mentioned?
  • ssu
    How does Boko Haram fit into this? Are they one of the Al Queda/IS franchises you mentioned?T Clark
    It has played a part, yes. Boko Haram was for a while working with the IS.

    The Franchises have actually older roots than 9/11 and Osama's successful terrorist strike. AQIM, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, was formerly know as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, had links to the Algerian Civil war and there the GIA.

    Under the command of Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram rebranded itself as Islamic State – West Africa Province. Yet then after internal disagreements the ISWAP and Boko Haram separated again and Khekau continued to lead the Boko Haram... until he seems to have died in a battle between Boko Haram and ISWAP in june 2021. It's estimated that ISWAP had something like 4 000 to 5 000 fighters last year and the operate basically in the northeast corner of Nigeria next to Chad and Cameroon. (Basically Northern Nigeria is Muslim and was only later years of the British Colony annexed, while the south is Christian / animist.)

    (the former Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, who gained international media attention after kidnapping hundreds of young girls)

    Here's a map of the IS franchise in Africa:


    The jihadists fighting each other isn't actually rare and there's really room for conspiracy theories.

    The best example is GIA in Algeria, which basically started killing Algerian civilians and the actual "moderate" Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) leaders (who basically had won the elections and then the Algerian military staged a coup and the civil war started), but not so much the Algerian army. There are many allegations that the Algerian government worked with GIA, didn't do much to stop the massacres done by GIA and allegations that governments forces operated as being GIA terrorists. When the FIS wanted France to be a peacebroker between the Algerian government, it was GIA who staged terrorist attacks in France. France then wouldn't start negotiations, but backed the Algerian government. And finally the FIS (now aligned with a new movement AIS) basically surrendered to the government forces after getting amnesty. After this the GIA quickly evaporated. But the remnants later found themselves across the border in Mali.

    To argue that GIA was fabricated by the Algerian government would be a crazy conspiracy (just like the idea that the US/Israel were behind the IS), but that a government would first go for the "moderate" insurgents (that actually had won democratic elections) before the fringe movement is quite a rational and logical choice.
  • BC
    ECOWAS countries held a meeting today to contemplate sending a "standby force" to restore democracy to Niger after the military coupssu

    It seems unlikely that ECOWAS will successfully restore democracy. I don't know how much power they can bring to bear (military and economic) on the Niger Junta. I can imagine one of the major powers attempting this and having the effort fall flat on its face. Or blowing up in their face. Some sort of face-losing experience.

    Will we see even worse development, more famines and war in the region?ssu

    Famine, certainly. What desertification doesn't do, bad politics probably will. There were efforts being undertaken to slow the advance of the desert southward; the last time I read about that was years ago.

    Africa is so big; the cultures so varied; the success and failure of various nations in doubt.

    Thanks for starting this thread. I don't know much about Africa either.

    This map demonstrates how big the continent is

  • frank

    If China can have a part 2, the US needs one. This aggression will not stand.
  • ssu
    It seems unlikely that ECOWAS will successfully restore democracy.BC
    I think the probability of military intervention into Niger is low, but still exists.

    The ECOWAS is divided about any intervention into one of their member states. And it should be remembered that both Mali and Burkina Faso are part of the organization. So it seems that ECOWAS is similar to the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), where the members have been close to outright war also.

    the ECOWAS Parliament is divided over the use of military might to force the junta, which overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, out of power and to reinstate the Nigerien President.

    The Nigerian military high command, it was gathered, had directed the service chiefs to compile and submit war requirements such as the number of personnel, equipment, logistics and financial costs to the Chief of Defence Staff. One of our correspondents gathered on Friday that this was the preliminary stage in the planning process of amassing human and material resources required for the planned military intervention in Niger.

    A leaked memo indicated that about two battalions would be required to prosecute the war against the junta in Niger Republic.
    Niger: DHQ directs service chiefs to compile war items, ECOWAS lawmakers divided

    Famine, certainly. What desertification doesn't do, bad politics probably will. There were efforts being undertaken to slow the advance of the desert southward; the last time I read about that was years ago.BC
    There has been this large effort of the Great Green Wall initiative, which does have seen millions of trees planted.


    Unfortunately the Sahel countries don't have the resources of China, which has tackled it's own desertification problem with a similar project. So it's a bit of a problem when the people use wood for heating and cooking.
  • magritte

    I can't help thinking that Russia and China are somehow responsible for stirring up this mess.

    When economic conditions worsen then people all of the sudden become aware that they have a country that is governed by politicians. Politicians are the simplest target for having caused all worsening conditions. Why didn't 'they' foresee and prevent the hot sun the drought the locusts the famine. Surely whoever calls themselves the opposition party can do better.

    Given the historical role of greedy Western powers, the right opposition party must then be either the equally foreign supported Islamists or the Eastern powers. In either case, if the population sees the West as the villain then there isn't much that the West can do to change that. Whether the French stay or leave they will still be the 'oppressors' in the reductionist dichotomous politics of Africa.
  • T Clark
    This has lead to central governments being intrinsically weak and has made it possible for armed bands simply moving from one country to another. Military coups have been frequent and now you could talk about a Coup-bloc forming in the Sahel as the armed forces have been in the end the only working (and financed) part of the government.ssu

    Does this in any way mean that the military might be able to provide more stable government than the civil sector?

    When I think of governments in central Africa, I think of instability, corruption, revolution, violence, coups, terrorism, war lords, and extreme poverty. There have been crises there my entire life. How much of that vision is my western parochialism? Are there any areas of peace and stability.

    I read parts of Mungo Park's "Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa." If I remember correctly, he travelled up the Gambia River and down the Niger in the period between 1795 and 1805. He painted a picture of a region made up of small, relatively peaceful and prosperous kingdoms. It's a really good book. He wrote well, but died very young. I should go back and finish it.
  • ssu
    Does this in any way mean that the military might be able to provide more stable government than the civil sector?T Clark
    Stable government is far more than the security sector, and that's a problem. You cannot use only a hammer, if you would need a saw or an axe. And military junta's are prone to corruption and building a "military-industrial complex" where the armed forces have a large role in the country's businesses.

    Are there any areas of peace and stability.T Clark
    I guess Senegal has been rather peaceful and stable, even if there are internal problems even there. But there hasn't been a military coup in the country or a civil war, although that from 1960 the country has had only four presidents. Yet economic growth has happened more in East Africa than in West Africa, where the Sahel region hasn't seen much if any improvement.

    I read parts of Mungo Park's "Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa." If I remember correctly, he travelled up the Gambia River and down the Niger in the period between 1795 and 1805. He painted a picture of a region made up of small, relatively peaceful and prosperous kingdoms.T Clark
    That's basically hundred years before Europeans colonized the Sahel region. Learning pre-colonial history of Africa is very informative as usually people just gaze at the continent from the (negativs) effects that colonalization had on the countries. In a way just looking at Africa (and the Sahel) as the playground for European Great Powers downplays the African actors and African issues.
  • Jack Rogozhin
    Such as the absolute political power and money of the American and French governments and the puppet governments serving them
  • magritte
    Such as the absolute political power and money of the American and French governments and the puppet governments serving themJack Rogozhin

    Two evils don't cancel each other to make things right. There must be a third better way. Popular elections are an attempt to find that third way.
  • Jack Rogozhin
    Sorry, but the Niger coup against America, France, and their puppet government has the backing of the Niger people and is not evil

    If you think so, you must think the Maidan coup in Ukraine was evil to, no?
  • ssu
    I can't help thinking that Russia and China are somehow responsible for stirring up this mess.magritte
    China's interest in the Sahel (and in Africa in general) with it's Belt and Road Initiative is simply to get more customers for it's industry and enlarge it's infrastructure building beyond China. China's only military base in Africa is in Djibouti, where it shares the place with a myriad of other countries from Saudi-Arabia alongside France, Germany, Japan and the US.

    (The below map is old as Mali doesn't have the international operations going in it anymore and hence no western bases. French troops left the country last year)


    Russia has been more active in the "Great Game" by giving an alternative to the West in security services, and it's mercenaries from Wagner have been active in Central African Republic (CAR) and Mali. Mali, which had seen a lot of Western assistance in the form Operation Serval and Berkhane, went on to have Wagner troops after the French withdrew. Mali's junta has openly advertized that the Wagner forces have been effective, hence it's likely that people in Niger see Russia as a preferable option, because there is a genuine security problem. Yet it goes a bit too far to say that Russia is behind this mess: Russia gives an alternative choice which some factions can think is an answer to their problems. Hence the Russian flags and pro-Russian sentiment in the demonstrations. But this isn't clear cut. For example the military junta in Burkina Faso has said it doesn't want Wagner / Russians to come to help them.
  • ssu
    Sorry, but the Niger coup against America, France, and their puppet government has the backing of the Niger people and is not evilJack Rogozhin
    What's the obsession with puppets? I think Nigerien political actors themselves have a role in this and Nigerien domestic politics can be a bigger reason, like Bazoum forcing generals to retire. Yes, there is disenchantment about the democracy of Bazoum's administration.

    Yet Bazoum representing Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism won the elections in 2021 from a former president of Niger Mahamane Ousmane. Btw Ousmane had been also thrown out of power by a military coup and there had been one failed coup against Bazoum already in 2021. So were they both puppets or what?

    And coup against America? France, definately yes, US perhaps not:

    (REUTERS 10th Aug 2023) After ousting President Mohamed Bazoum from office on July 26 and placing him under house arrest, the junta revoked military cooperation agreements with France, which has between 1,000 and 1,500 troops in the country.

    So far the United States has not received any request to remove its troops and does not have any indication that it will be forced to do so, said two U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

    And I think five officers of the junta have been trained in the US... and Victoria N has been already there to talk with them.
  • Jack Rogozhin
    Sorry, but the Niger coup against America, France, and their puppet government has the backing of the Niger people and is not evil
    — Jack Rogozhin
    What's the obsession with puppets?

    What's the obsession with misrepresenting a statement of fact as "obsession with puppets"? What's with your obsession with denying the fact "first world countries" have always, and still have, puppet leaders in third (and even second and first) world countries. It's like you've never heard of colonialism, imperialism, or soft power

    Yet Bazoum representing Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism won the elections in 2021 from a former president of Niger Mahamane Ousmanessu
    Winning elections doesn't keep a ruler from being a puppet for another government. Remember, those defending the Maidan coup have accused Yakunovich of being a Russian puppet, as they have Orban. Do you think they are entirely wrong?

    Btw Ousmane had been also thrown out of power by a military coup and there had been one failed coup against Bazoum already in 2021. So were they both puppets or what?ssu

    You have to unpack and explain this one better because it doesn't make sense as is

    And coup against America? France, definately yes, US perhaps not:ssu

    Are you kidding? America has a base and thousands of troops in there and the new regime clearly wants Western imperialism/colonialism out and management of tis own Uranium. The fact America sent Gloria Nuland (of the Maidan coup) to threaten the new regime unless they stepped down, and demanded to meet with their deposed ally (likely to abet that) helps prove that. The fact the new regime rebuffed her and sent her packing certainly does
  • T Clark
    If you think so, you must think the Maidan coup in Ukraine was evil to, no?Jack Rogozhin

    I've thought about that a lot, especially the US's role. Generally speaking, I consider the overthrow of a democratically elected government a bad thing. One thing is pretty certain, we wouldn't be having a war in the Ukraine if it hadn't happened and we wouldn't be as close to nuclear war as we are now.
  • Jack Rogozhin
    Yes, I definitely agree. The Maidan coup has been a disaster, particularly for the Ukrainians

    My point was that one can't condemn one coup on the principle coups are bad and then support a coup they like
  • T Clark
    Yes, I definitely agree.Jack Rogozhin

  • T Clark
    China's interest in the Sahel (and in Africa in general) with it's Belt and Road Initiative is simply to get more customers for it's industry and enlarge it's infrastructure building beyond China.ssu

    So, is this iteration of the Great Game primarily an economic one, countries grabbing for markets? Is there still a military purpose, i.e. a struggle for political hegemony?

    The below mapssu

    Do the flags represent military presence or just any sort of political or military involvement? What is the US's role in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

    mercenaries from Wagnerssu

    Wagner seems to be everywhere. Are they considered an organ of the Russian military and foreign policy? If so, they are an unruly one.
  • T Clark
    And coup against America? France, definately yes, US perhaps not:

    (REUTERS 10th Aug 2023) After ousting President Mohamed Bazoum from office on July 26 and placing him under house arrest, the junta revoked military cooperation agreements with France, which has between 1,000 and 1,500 troops in the country.

    So far the United States has not received any request to remove its troops and does not have any indication that it will be forced to do so, said two U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

    What is the role of US military in Niger?
  • ssu
    What's the obsession with misrepresenting a statement of fact as "obsession with puppets"? What's with your obsession with denying the fact "first world countries" have always, and still have, puppet leaders in third (and even second and first) world countries. It's like you've never heard of colonialism, imperialism, or soft powerJack Rogozhin
    What statement of facts?

    Seems like if previously you couldn't say anything about the reasons of Putins actions, somehow now Nigerien politics is quite clear to you as are the facts.

    Perhaps you don't seem to notice just how condescending it is to view everything evolving around the US and the Great Powers and everybody else being puppets, pawns and sycophants. Yes, these counties TRY to influence states, yet the actions are limited. They can influence only so much what events happen and in the end foreign countries are just one group of actors in a country. Yet if we are fixated only the colonialists, domestic poltics and internal problems don't matter. Perhaps it's too difficult for Americans to understand it as everything has to be about them, it seems.

    In the case of Niger coup, we still don't know the reasons.

    Yet if President Bazoum had forced generals into retirement and it's alleged that he was trying to retire the 62-year old general Tchiani, wouldn't that be a reason for the general to do a military coup and then get support for by playing the populist / anti-colonialism card?

    It was known that his (Tchiani's) relations with Mr Bazoum, a longstanding ally of Mr Issoufou (previous president), were more distant and in recent weeks there were rumours that the president was preparing to force him into retirement.

    Or these US trained officers just suddenly felt this anti-colonial vibe and went for it?

    And isn't Bazoum then trying to influence the US when he is asking them for help and portraying that Wagner is behind it?

    Besides, the real danger is if ECOWAS really would go with it's ultimatum and the nations would go to war, which is totally catastrophic.
  • ssu
    So, is this iteration of the Great Game primarily an economic one, countries grabbing for markets? Is there still a military purpose, i.e. a struggle for political hegemony?T Clark
    France and it's relation especial to the Sahel region and Sub-Saharan Africa is still that kind of traditional.

    China is different. You have to sell somewhere the concrete you produce, when you produce in two years as much concrete that the US has produced in the 20th Century. China isn't fighting a war on Terror in Africa. It literally doesn't have the bases. Last time, apart from attacking Indian border guards with sticks, China used it's military was against the Vietnamese and that border war didn't go so well for China. One could say that China can be a bully only with it's close neighbors.

    Especially the US is scared about China in Africa, but then again, the Development Aid by the West has been quite similar... and not so effective.

    Let's remember that "Development Aid", especially to African countries, is nearly allways a way to substitute your OWN industry and corporations that do the projects. If China goes to Africa and builds a railroad, the workers, engineers and project leaders as the machines will be Chinese. Perhaps the engineer driving the train will be African, but he has had to learn Chinese. And many countries do the same. Development aid isn't similar to an direct investment, somebody believing in the economy of the country (or in the cheap workforce) and investing their money in an business enterprise.
  • Jack Rogozhin

    Sorry, but the Niger coup against America, France, and their puppet government has the backing of the Niger people and is not evilJack Rogozhin

    What's the obsession with misrepresenting a statement of fact as "obsession with puppets"? What's with your obsession with denying the fact "first world countries" have always, and still have, puppet leaders in third (and even second and first) world countries. It's like you've never heard of colonialism, imperialism, or soft power
    — Jack Rogozhin
    What statement of facts. Seems like if previously you couldn't say anything about the reasons of Putins actions, somehow now Nigerien politics is quite clear to you and are facts.

    I made clear my statement of facts. Read more carefully. And judging a person's internal motivations is a much different thing than judging external events. It's erroneous and weird for you to say otherwise

    Perhaps don't seem to notice just how condescending it is to view everything evolving around the US and the Great Powers and everybody else being puppets, pawns and sycophants.ssu

    Thsi is a lazy strawman. I haven't viewed everything evolving around the US and Great powers and everybody else being puppets. i have correctly shown where this has occurred. Your rosy-colored view of the US and Europes "Great Powers," however have kept you from doing so...and glaringly

    Yes, these counties TRY to influence states, yet the actions are limited. They can influence only so much what events happen. Yet when fixated on the colonialists, domestic poltics and internal problems don't matter.ssu

    This is an outright lie. Go ahead and tell the people of Vietnam, Chile, Australia, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Cuba, Congo, and others that these countries only TRY to influence states...the numerous coups, wars, and bombings they have sufferec from these "great powers"--and the millions of deaths they caused--greatly say otherwise

    In the case of Niger coup, we still don't know the reasons. Yet if President Bazoum had forced generals into retirement and it's alleged that he was trying to retire the 62-year old general Tchiani, wouldn't that be a reason for the general to do a military coup and then get support for by playing the populist / anti-colonialism card?ssu

    We have great idea what the reasons are. And no, the reason you propose is purely selfish. You really think the people of Niger want France and US there to take their uranium and their soldiers there to threaten and kill them...odd considering how offended you are by Russia's presence in Ukraine (The Russian Ukrainians of the Donbass certainly want them there), and how much you support the Maidan coup (you clearly aren't opposed to coups).

    Or these US trained officers just suddenly felt this anti-colonial vibe and went for it?

    And isn't Bazoum then trying to influence the US when he is asking them for help and portraying that Wagner is behind it?

    Besides, the real danger is if ECOWAS really would go with it's ultimatum and the nations would go to war, which is totally catastrophic.

    Question 1: I never said that...you really do like to strawman people...not a good habit for a Philosophical debater

    Question 2: No

    Ecowas statement: No
  • Jack Rogozhin

    ↪Jack Rogozhin
    ↪T Clark

    More than 20 were killed and hundreds were wounded when government forces attempted to retake the Maidan
    Don't you see a difference between a genuine popular uprising and a military coup?

    Yes, and Niger has been a genuine popular uprising and the Maidan coup was a para-military/Right Wing militia, US backed military coup

    However, you said you were opposed to coups, period. So, you're either a hypocrite, or your criticism of the Niger coup has no validity
  • ssu
    What is the role of US military in Niger?T Clark
    I guess to fight GWOT. Or whatever under the Biden administration it is called.

    As it's centrally located in the Sahel and up until now has been rather stable, it (the US) has a drone base in Agadez (Air Base 201) in the country and has about 1000 soldiers in the country. (The French basically have had their troops in the Niamey airport.) Being next to Mali, Libya, Algeria, Chad and Nigeria makes it a good place for drones that still have a limited range.


    The war against the islamists came up in 2017 when a group of US special forces were ambushed in Niger close to the Malian border.

    Just why the GWOT or fight against the islamist has been a train wreck is great issue to talk about.
  • ssu
    i have correctly shown where this has occurred.Jack Rogozhin
    Just what have you correctly shown? What you have said is "Sorry, but the Niger coup against America, France, and their puppet government has the backing of the Niger people and is not evil". And then you have referred to Ukraine and Hungary.

    That's not much and not very informative.
  • Jack Rogozhin
    What is the role of US military in Niger?
    — T Clark
    I guess to fight GWOT. Or whatever under the Biden administration it is called.

    As it's centrally located in the Sahel and up until now has been rather stable, it has a drone base in Agadez (Air Base 201) in the country and has about 1000 soldiers in the country. (The French basically have had their troops in the Niamey airport.) Being next to Mali, Libya, Algeria, Chad and Nigeria makes it a good place for drones that still have a limited range.

    The war against the islamists came up in 2017 when a group of US special forces were ambushed in Niger close to the Malian border.
    It's funny how SSU is so concerned about the sovereign borders of Ukraine, but cares nothing for the sovereign borders and sovereignty of Niger...or any other countries sovereignty the US has violated

    Do only white European countries get to have sovereign borders and sovereignty? That would be pretty sad
  • Jack Rogozhin
    i have correctly shown where this has occurred.
    — Jack Rogozhin
    Just what have you correctly shown? What you have said is "Sorry, but the Niger coup against America, France, and their puppet government has the backing of the Niger people and is not evil". And then you have referred to Ukraine and Hungary.

    That's not much and not very informative.

    Yes, what i have shown there is correct. Feel free to show otherwise...you haven't yet
  • ssu
    It's funny how SSU is so concerned about the sovereign borders of Ukraine, but cares nothing for the sovereign borders and sovereignty of Niger...or any other countries sovereignty the US has violatedJack Rogozhin
    Because the US didn't attack Niger. Or it hasn't annexed parts of Niger.

    It asked and was given permission and then build the base starting in 2016 for Nigerien armed forces too. Niger then was feeling the pressure from islamists from Mali and Boko Haram from Nigeria.

    And then, after many years, things has gotten worse and not much had improved. As I stated with example of the Dogon and the herders or Azawad, not everything is about islamists in the Sahel. Which has been the basic problem. I'm not sure if you have much knowledge just how his war has evolved.

    Now perhaps it can ask for the US to leave, as it has asked the French to leave.

    US might have to leave the Sahel like it had to leave Central Asia and the stans (not only Afghanistan).
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