• TiredThinker
    I posted a question about super intelligence but it has either been removed or placed elsewhere. Does anyone know where or why of that situation? I really wanted to read the response to it today.
  • fdrake
    I removed it. The OP could have used more detail on what you thought superintelligence was, or what the stakes of your question were.
  • TiredThinker
    The stakes of the question? I just wanted to see if "super intelligence" is a fathomable thing. I have no idea what it is other than a term used by some in AI. Perhaps when referring to aliens the term could be used too. But I don't know what limitations to our human ability the term refers to besides processing power.
  • jgill
    Yesterday, I do swear
    I saw a post that wasn't there
    It wasn't there again today
    I wish I wish it'd stay away
  • TiredThinker

    So what do you think super intelligence could mean?
  • fdrake

    I don't know. If you make a thread saying what you think it is in detail, I could. If you're looking for a definition of a superintelligent AI, there's a Wikipedia article about it with citations.
  • punos

    If we take as our standard the average human intelligence measured by some sort of comprehensive IQ test, then one can define a super-intelligence as intelligence that surpasses human intelligence to a significantly high degree beyond human capacity. A thorough high quality intelligence that is not lazy, does not skip or overlook relevant data, has near unlimited memory, recall, and processing speed.

    I believe there is a difference between the quality of intelligence and the speed of intelligence, in that a regular human intelligence sped up by a factor of say 1000 would appear to us to be super-intelligent, but it would simply be accelerated human intelligence (still super but not qualitatively). A super high quality intelligence on the other hand would probably be able to match or even surpass accelerated human intelligence without the need for speed.

    I think that's what most people mean by super-intelligence; it's what i kind of mean when i use the term anyway, and it's probably less ambiguous to state it as "superhuman-intelligence" instead of just "super-intelligence".
  • fdrake

    I'm going to close this thread as it's in feedback. If you feel like making another thread to discuss the same topic, you may. Just make sure you've got an OP which makes a point or sets up a philosophical question.