• wonderer1
    A hymn of the technoreligion?

  • praxis
    I've just had a mini breakthrough in my meditation practice. My stress level has diminished substantially. I've been waking up and wanting to do my work rather than avoiding it (like a good little robot).Nils Loc

    That's how I get when meditation practice is going well. No resistance to good robothood.


    Philosophers would tell us there is no free will either ( so who is responsible for making zombies or allowing us to see our zombie nature for what it is?)Nils Loc

    I just finished reading baboon guys new book Determined and he makes a strong argument for no free will. He would say that no one is responsible for making zombies, we arise from what came seconds before, minutes before that, and eons before that. There are no causes that are uncaused, he suggests in a very drawn-out manner.

    Zombie nature is Buddha nature: empty.
  • baker
    This is an ignorant take on the value of meditation.Nils Loc
    Serious Buddhist meditators meditate in order to realize nibbana, the end of suffering, through realizing paticcasamuppada. Statistically, this appears to be extremely rare.

    In contrast, what usually goes on under "meditation" in popular culture is an act of zoning out, distracting oneself. And of course, distracting oneself, mentally checking out for a while can have positive effects. It's just not conducive to liberation from suffering.

    If one can't escape being a robot, one might as well strive for robotic bliss (if it is real).
    That's a horrible way to underestimate life.
  • baker
    Most people truth it because they do not know what it is, once it's newness dies off people will quit caring.Isaiasb

    The question is whether the cognitive tendencies made worse by the use of technology will abate once they stop using the technology (so much).

    Here I mean that those cognitive tendencies made worse by the use of technology like increased distractability, poor focus, lesser working memory, a decrease of learning abilities. Someone who relies a lot on technology will at some point become unable to function without it.
  • baker
    Zombie nature is Buddha nature: empty.praxis

    And when the power runs out ... you won't even hum.
  • praxis
    Statistically, this appears to be extremely rare.baker

    A fairytale, in other words.
  • LuckyR

    Fantastic song but it's describing 1958's outlook.
  • Nils Loc
    That's a horrible way to underestimate life.baker

    Not sure what you mean by this. If the bliss ever arrives then life will be less underestimated. It's not an all or nothing proposition, either. The smallest increment of positive change by habitual meditation may help to rework bad attitudes, so we become more at ease in this world. This is the hope at least. The prison ought to become more of a playground.

    Zombie nature is Buddha nature: empty.praxis

    This makes it sound depressing and austere. Buddha nature must also be full of joy.
  • Dermot Griffin
    I think that making AI into a god is a horrible idea and creating a religion around it is an even more horrible idea. The centuries of religious culture and tradition that exist in both the western and eastern worlds have contributed much to man’s quest for meaning; AI can’t replace this. Consider some of the following anecdotes:

    “Ye have heard that it hath been said, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.’ But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” - Jesus, Matthew 5:43-45

    “A reflective, contented mind is the best possession.“ - Zoroaster, The Gathas

    “In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man.“ - Ethics of the Fathers 2:5

    “Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone.” - Buddha, Dhammpada verse 50

    “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.“ - Confucius, The Analects

    “The Way of Heaven is to benefit others and not to injure. The Way of the sage is to act but not to compete.” - Lao Tzu, Daodejing, Ch. 81

    “Blessed is the man who has suffered and found life.” - Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas verse 58

    Fr. Seraphim Rose said that Orthodox Christianity is “the religion of the future.” While I don’t necessarily know if this statement is correct, I think that it points to the fact that traditional organized religion provides an ethical outlet for man to combat existential angst. Creating an artificial god would just be a downright lie.
  • flannel jesus
    Creating an artificial god would just be a downright lie.Dermot Griffin

    That's not what Christianity already did?
  • Tom Storm
    Creating an artificial god would just be a downright lie.
    — Dermot Griffin

    That's not what Christianity already did?
    flannel jesus

    Indeed. Would not all gods be the 'artificial' creation of humans? Like polyester. Begs the question, what is a natural god and how would we demonstrate it?
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