• NOS4A2

    The media was kind enough to quote him out of context, frame it, and you were silly enough to fall for it and defend it. Shameful.
  • Paine

    I included a link to the entire interview. The section I pointed out gives the context for the ensuing remarks.
  • NOS4A2

    The quote I gave is in the ensuing remarks, but suspiciously missing from your context.
  • Paine

    Just play the video longer than where Trump says: "It could certainly happen in reverse" in response to the question from Acevedo. The quote you provide is not a qualification or reversal of that response.
  • Wayfarer
    Here is a recent summary by The Economist, a reputable source, of Trump's indictments and upcoming court cases.

    The video concludes with how successfully Trump is depicting these cases as political persecution, and the shocking thing is how many people are simply prepared to believe it.

    Trump's malfeasance ought to be obvious to anyone who reviewed the January 6th hearings, which as you will recall were produced by a seasoned TV executive so as to cut through all of the technicalities and get to the essence. And yet a large section of the electorate either hasn't seen it, or chooses to turn a blind eye.

    I don't think sufficient political or media attention is being paid to Trump's obvious threat to constitutional democracy. There's too much of an acceptance of the 'business as usual' nature of Trump's candidacy, a kind of resignation - 'oh well, look at the polls'. (That is why the various 14th Amendment cases against eligibility may prove crucial.) In any case, the media itself, with the exception of MSNBC and the like, is remiss in not drawing more attention to the obviousness of Trump's intention to disable American constitutional democracy.

    The January 6th coup attempt is ongoing.
  • NOS4A2

    I played it longer and it follows the one sentence you’ve quote.

    “ You can’t do that, you can’t go after people. You know, when you’re president, and you’ve done a good job and you’re popular, you don’t go after them so you can win an election.”

    That sounds pretty explicit to me.
  • Wayfarer
    Just play the video longer than where Trump says: "It could certainly happen in reverse" in response to the question from Acevedo.Paine

    It's beyond doubt what he says he intends to do:

    “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Trump said toward the end of his speech, repeating his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. “They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream.”

    Trump went on further to state: “the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within."
    Trump calls Political Enemies Vermin, echoing Dictators Hitler and Mussolini

    That "threat" is, of course, the duly elected Government of the United States and the officials of the various Departments which execute the law.
  • Paine

    These remarks dovetail with the interview's argument that legal means to correct the elections have been overpowered by a nefarious power. An extra-legal force may be necessary in order to remove an extra-legal regime.

    It is the logic of the Secessionists used by the Confederates in the Civil War but with the insistence that the whole Union comply with the new constitution.
  • flannel jesus

    Trump Was ‘Not Going To Leave’ The White House, Lawyer Testifies In Georgia Case

    Jenna Ellis told investigators a senior White House aide insisted to her that Trump was just going to “stay in power” despite losing the 2020 election.

    “‘We are just going to stay in power,’” she recounted him telling her. “And I said to him, ‘Well, it doesn’t quite work that way, you realize?’ and he said, ‘We don’t care.’”

    And Sidney Powell, who also has pleaded guilty, told prosecutors Trump relied on her counsel against the advice of those in the White House, saying he did so “because we were the only ones willing to support his effort to sustain the White House.”

    “I mean, everybody else was telling him to pack up and go,” Powell said in her testimony.
  • Michael


    Former President Donald Trump may already be on thin ice with the jurist presiding over his New York fraud trial, but that didn’t stop him from reposting a supporter’s creepy suggestion that Judge Arthur Engoron and New York Attorney General Leticia James should be placed under citizen’s arrest.


    Trump Told ABC Reporter He Hopes Fans Act On His Fiery Rhetoric

    Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?
  • flannel jesus
    he left, but not by choice. That's like saying a child wasn't misbehaving because his parents eventually dragged him out. In fact, it's exactly like that.

    As an aside, it truly is amazing the lengths you'll go to to lick this guy's boots. Literally nothing at all could make you think he did something wrong. He said he could kill a man in broad daylight and not lose any fans - you seem exactly the type that he's talking about.
  • Mikie
    Second amendment advocators mostly just function like religious evangelists, disregarding every sound argument and actual evidence in favor of made up scenarios for when to use the weapons as why they're needed, all while the actual use of these weapons are rather killing American citizens like a nationwide corpse factory.Christoffer

    :up: :up:
  • NOS4A2

    So another nothing burger. Look at the lengths you go to fabricate a reality you know is not true.
  • Mikie
    Trump was going to cry voter fraud if he lost. This was predictable to anyone with a brain, years before it happened. Then it happens, the cases get laughed out of court, there’s no evidence for any of the wild claims, and the Trump cult is … still convinced Trump won, three years later.

    Then they lecture people on how brainwashed they are. Without a shred of self-awareness.
  • flannel jesus
    which reality is that? What have I fabricated? Did this woman really not say these things?

    The lengths I go to are "reading the words of his employees and people who worked with him". Oh, and also listening to his own words - I go to that length too.
  • NOS4A2

    They said some things…the total extent of your complaints.
  • flannel jesus
    Yes, people gain power through words. Complaining about trump's words is a worthwhile complaint. Words are what allow Presidents to do things.
  • praxis
    Yes, people gain power through words. Complaining about trump's words is a worthwhile complaint. Words are what allow Presidents to do things.flannel jesus

    NOS doesn't believe that words have any power because like, they're not physical stuff. Nevertheless, he's used countless words over the years to defend his God-King in this thread.
  • flannel jesus
    yeah, seems weird that he'd "wow" at that. Presidents have power through words alone. They sign papers with things written on them. They sometimes write their own words. They say lots of words. Everything important a president does, he does with words.

    It stands to reason he could also pose the most danger through his words

    Charles Manson is in prison for words.
  • Mikie

    Trump seems to care about words too:

    I'm very highly educated. I know words, I know the best words.

    But remember: when it's against my ideology or team, it's only words. When it's the "other" guys, Clinton, Hunter Biden, etc. -- more than words.
  • NOS4A2
    Look how effectual everyone’s words are. They can convince no one but themselves.
  • praxis

    Au contraire, with mere words Trump managed to convince millions that the election was stolen, despite all evidence, or rather lack of evidence, to the contrary. In fact, some of them believed it so fervently they stormed the nations capitol and intentionally disrupted congress.

    As of September, around 380 people have been imprisoned because of January 6th. Imprisonment caused by mere words from your God-King.
  • NOS4A2

    No. They saw a virtual candidate in Joe Biden, someone who didn’t leave his bunker and had abysmal attendance at his rallies, but got the most votes of any president ever. That’s the problem: you pretend Trump convinced everyone, but really they’re just watching your malfeasance.
  • flannel jesus
    they've actually convinced everyone but you
  • flannel jesus
    this is such a silly myth. Guess what, Biden isn't popular, you're right! People didn't come out to vote Biden in, they came out to vote Trump out!

    It's surprising to you that Biden is popular, fair enough. Is it also surprising to you that people really, really dislike trump?
  • Michael
    The irony of someone trying to argue that words have no power to influence.
  • unenlightened
    Trump has the best words.
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