• Mikie
    The title is self-explanatory. I’m curious to see if what’s said aligns with my own perception — for anyone who’s brave enough to venture a guess, that is.

    I think I’m mostly perceived as an asshole and a punk, unfortunately — and that’s mostly accurate, based on how I communicate on here. That’s my fault. I think a few people would also say I’m very political, care about climate change, and am influenced a lot by Chomsky and Heidegger.

    Does that track?

    Interested in how others think they’re perceived…and as a bonus: how different would these perceptions be in real life? (For example, I’m actually a nice guy in the real world! If I had any friends you could ask them.)
  • Jamal
    Does that track?Mikie

    I think of you as the Adam Sandler of TPF.

    I don’t think you’re an asshole and I don’t think most people see you that way. Some do, but that’s what happens when you post in political discussions and get angry sometimes.

    I legitimately have no idea what people think of me. Members educated extensively in philosophy may recognize me as a dilettante, and these days I’m more visible in the Shoutbox than anywhere else so I’m probably thought of as a buffoon, and perhaps an arrogant one.

    I’ve had responses to my philosophical discussions revealing that there are members who’ve been around since the beginning who have no idea, and really no interest in, what I’m saying, despite knowing me for many years (and yet they go ahead and respond to my OPs).

    Another time, @Noble Dust expressed disbelief on finding out that I wrote a certain short story that he liked a few years ago. That was weird to me. I wondered, why is he so surprised? Never did find out. I didn’t hold it against him though, I should add.

    In a nutshell, I am none the wiser, and it’s probably not worth worrying about.
  • AmadeusD
    Very basically, a diletante.
    More complex-ly, a well-meaning moron with low filtering skills. Though, that last one is a virtue, in my mind.
  • Vera Mont
    I doubt most members think of me at all. The writers know I read and review everything; the deep philosophers probably see me as a simplistic naive realist; the scientists have never heard from me, since I stay away from topics on which I'm stone ignorant; the politcos know that I'm a raving socialist who wants to blow up the whole capitalist edifice - or else an idiot who just doesn't understand the Free Market Ideal.
  • Noble Dust

    I think it was because you had said it was your first time writing a short story. Considering it was really good and you won the contest, I thought that was impressive, and was therefore surprised. I was also sad to see you deleted it. Attempting publication perhaps?

    I think back when I actually contributed to philosophy threads I was probably perceived as a woo-woo diletante, which I'm fine with. These days I suppose I'm just the second-in-command shoutbox class clown, next to @Hanover.
  • Jamal
    I think it was because you had said it was your first time writing a short story. Considering it was really good and you won the contest, I thought that was impressive, and was therefore surprised.Noble Dust

    Ah, that’s not so bad then :smile:

    I thought that was impressive, and was therefore surprised. I was also sad to see you deleted it. Attempting publication perhaps?Noble Dust

    Yes, I regret doing that, since there was another way I could have hidden it from the internet. By the way, the Symposium is now private so stories no longer get indexed by search engines.
  • Baden
    I think people think of me as the Bob Hope of the forum. Which is great, as everyone loves Bob.

  • Hanover
    Why do you have five glasses of wine and three glasses of water? Slow it down there buddy.
  • Hanover
    I think I’m mostly perceived as an asshole and a punk,Mikie

    At least you're self-aware.

  • javi2541997
    If I die, nobody would truly care. This is even worse than if someone thinks negatively about you. When you pass unnoticed through life.
  • Jamal
    If I die, nobody would truly care. This is even worse than if someone thinks negatively about you. When you pass unnoticed through life.javi2541997

    Remind me who you are?

    I’m so droll. But seriously, you’re a likeable chap so don’t be so hard on yourself.

    Hey wait a minute. If you were fishing for compliments, I took the bait as fast as a hungry flounder.
  • javi2541997
    Thanks. I am not hard with myself. I just think I am not really relevant at all. I always had this sense of emptiness, which has been increasing with the pass of the years. I believe the people around me in my daily life do not think anything at all, neither positive nor negative. This can be more painful than an insult.

    I understand why Existentialism is by far my mood.

    This is why I wholeheartedly believe that I will have more footsteps here than in the tangible world.
  • Hanover
    You are one of a kind and God and the world need you.

    Fuck Bob Hope though.
  • Paine

    Interesting questions.

    Probably perceived as obsessed with certain texts and willing to discuss them way beyond general interest. That is true and can be explained to some degree. I have a chip on my shoulder like the Jude the Obscure character since I engage in scholarly debate but work as an artisan.

    I lose my composure on a perennial basis so that has to leave a mark.

    For the bonus points: I had friends who readily understood me but by they have died. I appreciate the surviving friends even though they admit they don't understand much of what I say. They don't ask me to stop. Good fortune,
  • L'éléphant
    I think the question should be -- how do you perceive a forum member. So, if I'm answering it this way, I'd say @Noble Dust will explain anything if you tag him and @Benkei can be a gasshole. lol.

    @baker -- well, Baker can a benevolent prick.
  • Noble Dust
    Noble Dust will explain anything if you tag himL'éléphant

    That's true; having the answers to all life's questions, I'm simply a tag away. Yet so few realize.
  • L'éléphant
    I'm simply a tag awayNoble Dust
    Someone with conviction!
  • Benkei
    Judgy much? :lol:
  • Baden
    Fuck Bob Hope though.Hanover

    I'm not letting you, or @Jamal, away with this.

    Why I like Bob Hope

    I like Bob Hope because he has a big chin. Who wouldn’t like that? I like Bob Hope because, well, look at that cheeky smile! After all, he entertained the troops. I like Bob Hope because his relation to vegetative matter was always pure and innocent.

    Bob Hope smells of trees and waterfalls.

    Did you know that Bob Hope retained the majority of his hair follicles until middle age? That’s hard to criticize. I like Bob Hope’s taste. Nothing tastes like Bob Hope. Don’t knock it until you try it! I mean, have you ever sat through a full Bob Hope movie? Ha! I knew it!

    Many people confuse Bob Hope with Jack Melon and even Gary Lewis. This is possibly the reason for irrational animosity towards Bob Hope. After all, he entertained the troops! Did Mr. Melon step up to such plates? Walter Mathews? Ha!

    Bob Hope’s chin is two standard deviations larger than the average man’s chin. What’s not to like? Bob Hope never had sex with anything apart from a human being. Bob Hope was almost certainly a human being. I was once within touching distance of Bob Hope’s shoe. I was too young to appreciate it. I have many faults.

    Some people dislike Bob Hope for purely subjective reasons. A division of Bob Hope into his respective elements could eliminate such problems. There is no logical reason not to like Bob Hope. Did you know he entertained the troops?!

    I hope you will change your mind about Bob Hope. I once met someone who touched Bob Hope’s hat. He told me it was a religious experience. That man is now a priest. Bob Hope’s chin is just… I never said Bob Hope was God. Or Jesus. Or the Buddha. Or the best combination of all of the above! …The man ENTERTAINED THE TROOPS! ...SING IT!

    There are many people who are incapable of appreciation. Such people should not be entertained. A chin that big is a sight to behold. I don’t know anything about Bob Hope. But really… Are you saying you don’t like Bob Hope??? :brow:


    I like @javi2541997 too.
  • Hanover
    But really… Are you saying you don’t like Bob Hope??? :brow:Baden

    I largely blame him for our loss in Vietnam. If he's going to take credit for World War 2, he's going to have to admit to his strategic mistakes in Vietnam. I question the entirety of his strategy. His handling of the draft was a debacle, only exasperating issues of domestic inequality.

    You've bought into the narrative that he's a grandfatherly Uncle Sam offering comfort and safety in a dangerous world. I know him for what he is: a gin infused hollowed out shell of a man who directs bombs into foreign lands like he's playing a video game.

    Fuck Bob Hope.

    Hang on a sec... Maybe I got the wrong guy. I need to do some Googling, but for now, the condemnation stands. Fuck Bob Hope.
  • javi2541997
    I like javi2541997 tooBaden

    You are one of a kind and God and the world need you.Hanover

    Muchísimas gracias chicos. :flower:
  • Baden

    You've convinced me. It's Jack Melon I really like. Always have. Never even heard of Bob Dope.

    Muchísimas gracias chicos.javi2541997

  • Lionino
    I will say you are perhaps the sweetest person I have interacted in this forum so far. Of course, the bar is not high — okay the bar is low —, but you do come across as kind.
  • Vera Mont

    Thanks. I figure there's nothing to be gained by meanness; it could give one dyspepsia.
  • Lionino
    it could give one dyspepsia.Vera Mont

    Fair. I also dislike pepsi.
  • Jamal
    I will say you are perhaps the sweetest person I have interacted in this forum so far. Of course, the bar is not high — okay the bar is low —, but you do come across as kind.Lionino

    You reap what you sow. Since I invited you a couple of months ago you've been arrogant, snarky and insulting to people. And you like to throw around these blanket insults too: sometimes it's that most people on TPF are idiots, now it's that they're not nice.

    Fix yourself first. You can't even give a compliment without insulting somebody else.

    [And I haven't even mentioned your bizarre fixation on Latin vs French, and the strong possibility that you're a returning banned member who hated the place so much he couldn't get enough of it]
  • Vera Mont
    Sometimes it's an advantage not knowing too much about other posters.
  • Lionino
    And you like to throw around these blanket insults too: sometimes it's that most people on TPF are idiots, now it's that they're not nice.Jamal

    You simply misinterpret what I say — a joke — because you have a personal dislike towards me. I think I have learned my lesson of not interacting socially here. But I will say that your view of me does not say anything about my character more than it does about yours.

    and the strong possibility that you're a returning banned member who hated the place so much he couldn't get enough of itJamal

    I am not.

    And I haven't even mentioned your bizarre fixation on Latin vs FrenchJamal

    Oh, so that is where the personal dislike comes from. Well, I already knew, it is always the same with you folks. If someone comes here to claim Berkeley was a dualist, multiple times, would you not correct them each time? You would.
    You are British or Unitedstatian, right? The fixation is not mine, the fixation is from others to state something that is patently incorrect despite being thoroughly debunked each time. Your innate Francophobia comes out each time I correctly point out that French is English's mom.

    Sometimes it's an advantage not knowing too much about other posters.Vera Mont

    No skeletons in my closet, only clothes.
  • L'éléphant
    And you like to throw around these blanket insults too: sometimes it's that most people on TPF are idiots, .... — Jamal

    You simply misinterpret what I say — a joke —
    This here is something you don't get to say and be awarded the interpretation that it is joke. I avoid using this word when I'm joking. I only ever say this word if I mean it because it would always be received as meant, not banter.

    That said, I actually find this place to be populated by above average intelligence. I do not always 'speak' softly and sweetly here, but imagine being out there in the general population and trying to talk about philosophy and other things not pop culture. This is a refuge, to me.
  • jgill
    That said, I actually find this place to be populated by above average intelligence.L'éléphant

    It seems that way to me, also. But I suspect AI is crawling along the alleyway waiting to slip through a cracked door. This could be a plus . . . or not? :chin:
  • Vera Mont

    So long as it doesn't go around accusing people of stupidity (even if it's literally true from its perspective) or self-deception (which is always more or less true, whether we're aware of our bias or not). I hope it takes its diplomatic cue from Data, rather than any imperfect human model.
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