• Banno
    Lacan says language plays a role in individuation.Mongrel

    He got that right. As I suggested to Un, being an individual is something we inflict... using language.
  • Mongrel
    You're probably giving us too much of an active role. What are we?
  • Thanatos Sand
    He got that right. As I suggested to Un, being an individual is something we inflict... using language.

    And Banno reveals he's been a Post-structuralist all along.
  • Banno
    If the truth here is relative, why try to help him regain his memory? Why talk of a "fugue' state? Why point out the abnormality in his brain chemistry and physiology?
  • Rich
    If the truth here is relative, why try to help him regain his memory? Why talk of a "fugue' state? Why point out the abnormality in his brain chemistry and physiology?Banno

    Because doctors love to fool around and experiment with humans as if people are their little playthings. This is the roots of materialism and the dehumanization of humans making them into buggie machines that need to be constantly fixed. It's a great marketing angle.

    I don't know if he wants to be left alone, but if he does, just leave him alone. Things may revert or they may not.
  • La Cuentista
    Meta-cognition makes it feel like yourself is trying to get outside itself to think about itself. Its a dizzying loop.
  • Banno
    I don't know if he wants to be left alone...Rich


    But he should see a doctor - he's not himself.
  • Rich
    He's not who you want him to be.
  • Banno
    Its a dizzying loop.La Cuentista

    Which puts me in mind of Hofstadter's I am a Strange Loop.

    Chaos theory was once fashionable; and I am rather fond of the idea of a strange loop explaining the self as a self-referentail system.

    It strikes me as much clearer than quantum.
  • Banno
    Who is asking?
  • Banno

    Is it a rabbit or a duck?
  • Mongrel
    By any other name I'd still be me.
  • Thanatos Sand
    But neither you nor anyone else can conceive what you are and what "you are" means without language.
  • Banno
    And we would be us.
  • Banno
    Here's the contention again:

    An individual is not identified by a substance or a bundle of properties, but in most cases by our treating the individual in a certain way.

    If you like, an individual is an individual only because we place it in that role in our language games.

    "We" is used here, not "I", so as to show that this does not take place in a private language.
  • Banno
    Here's the corollary with regard to the self. A self is an individual. So a self is a self because we place it in that role in our language games.

    What's the corollary with regard to reincarnation?
  • Thanatos Sand
    An individual is not identified by a substance or a bundle of properties, but in most cases by our treating the individual in a certain way.

    If you like, an individual is an individual only because we place it in that role in our language games.

    In our language games and in our language. And as Lacan points out, the value of our words within our language vary, so our varied placements and movements within language also affect our value within our cultures/societies and our accesses to power.
  • Banno
    Hm. Relevance?
  • Thanatos Sand
    ↪Thanatos Sand Hm. Relevance?

    Direct response to your post.
  • Banno
    Yes, it was. What was its relevance?

    What point are you making?
  • Thanatos Sand
    A direct response to your post doesn't have to explain its relevance. If you can't see it's relevance, I can't help you.
  • Banno
    You wrote the bloody thing.
  • Thanatos Sand
    Here it is again, Banno. If you want to address it fine, If not, that's fine, too, but it certainly expands and expounds on what you wrote.

    "An individual is not identified by a substance or a bundle of properties, but in most cases by our treating the individual in a certain way.

    If you like, an individual is an individual only because we place it in that role in our language games"

    In our language games and in our language. And as Lacan points out, the value of our words within our language vary, so our varied placements and movements within language also affect our value within our cultures/societies and our accesses to power.
  • Mongrel
    If you reject reincarnation it's because that game isn't played in your community.
  • Banno
    If you accept reincarnation, then is reincarnation arbitrary?

    If there are memories to link one self to anther, then that's fine. But if there are no memories, then can i be the reincarnation of whomever I choose?
  • Mongrel
    Do you have eidetic memory?

  • Banno

    If there are memories, as in the cases described above, then the reincarnation can be discovered; evidence collated, explanations assessed and conclusions reached.

    If not, then reincarnation can be prescribed; "this child is the reincarnation of the Thirteenth Lama".

    The roll it plays in our language games would be quite different.
  • Agustino
    The skandhas don't reincarnate, as their nature is temporary.Wayfarer
    Are you sure? To my knowledge the skandhas are supposed to account for a person's material and mental existence. For example "rupa" which is the body's matter clearly does reincarnate, because when you die, your atoms go and become part of other bodies. Is this not "reincarnation"?

    It seems you also suggest that if something's nature is temporary, then it does not reincarnate, but how do we arrive at this link? Why do only permanent things reincarnate? Because to me, it seems that quite the contrary, permanent things do not reincarnate, for reincarnation implies birth, and as you yourself cited, unborn things don't get born.

    It's worth recalling the original statement as to what constitutes escape from the 'wheel of life and death'. As this was presented in the EBT's, beings were doomed to continuously suffer and die until such time as they escaped from the wheel of suffering, which was an exceedingly difficult thing to do, and the chances for which exceedingly rare.Wayfarer
    It may be exceedingly rare, but it seems to me that to "escape" from the cycle of birth & death is to escape from reincarnation.

    Religious studies scholars will note that the idea of 'the uncreated' or 'unborn' is also found in Patristic theology, whereby in the final stages of theosis, the disciple is said to reach union with 'the uncreated light of God'.Wayfarer
    Well we don't need the idea of the Taboric Light to have something "unborn" and "uncreated" for God is in any kind of Christian theology unborn and uncreated.

    You will find similar polemics in diverse religions, denouncing 'new age' religions and promising to represent the 'original and pure faith', straying from which will inevitably result in hell. Doubtlessly a Buddhist equivalent could also be cited.Wayfarer
    Well I think such denunciations are good, because the religions do, in the end analysis, make exclusivist claims to the truth. This doesn't mean they don't each contain some truth, but it does mean that only one has access to the fullness of Truth.

    I think New Age is a very unfortunate phenomenon. Spirituality was never meant to be an "individualistic" affair.
  • Wayfarer
    To my knowledge the skandhas are supposed to account for a person's material and mental existenceAgustino

    They're 'anatta' which means 'not self'.

    Buddhism doesn't accept reincarnation, strictly speaking, in the sense of there being a person or soul which transmigrates. Quite why is a deep question. But your characterization is basically correct, otherwise.

    only one has access to the fullness of Truth.Agustino

    Well, there's your authoritarian tendency again. Besides, history is replete with examples of unholy slaughters over just what Christ stands for. Look at the wars of religion. You would think if the revealed truth of Christ was obvious, how could that have happened?

    Spirituality was never meant to be an "individualistic" affair.Agustino

    How could it be otherwise in a pluralistic world? Of course there is new age rubbish, but it's also a fact that human culture and consciousness really has crossed a threshold into a completely new kind of culture - a new age, in fact.
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