• Mikie
    Mistake to downplay it.Wayfarer

    Just a long time between now and November and America has an attention span of a gnat. So unless he finds a way to milk this for four months, I don’t see it changing much. If he had gotten hit in tje shoulder or something, that’d be different.

    In any case, I’m reading nothing but “speedy recoveries” and condemnations from Democrats, from Obama on down. I assume Biden will make an official statement.
  • RogueAI
    One bystander killed, another in critical. Sounds like shooter was on a rooftop with a rifle.
  • Wayfarer
    Yeah I'm watching CNN live coverage, there's a blurry photo of the shooter. It seems similar to the assassination attempt in Day of the Jackal - long-range shot with telescopic sight. CNN reports many in the audience began to turn on the media and boo them. I'm watching some of the remaining audience members shaking their fists at the camera.
  • NOS4A2

    Much of the details about Biden will be forgotten. But the image of Trump pumping his fist after an assassination attempt will reverberate through history. It’s quite profound to be privy to all this stuff.
  • Count Timothy von Icarus

    I imagine the long term effects are more likely to be in the form of Trump being more vindictive and focused on retribution against his political enemies after he wins again (quite possibly with the House, Senate, and Supreme Court all under GOP rule).

    By all accounts he is a heavy consumer of right wing propagandatainment, and about as credulous as your average heavy user of that stuff. They will almost certainly argue that "the Democrats," (Biden, Clinton, etc.) and maybe other parties accused of rigging the election and the 2020 Riots like the Chinese Communist Party, sanctioned and helped to organize the assassination attack. So he will go in with the "they tried to kill me mindset," even if he doesn't totally believe it. "This means war," and all. Likewise, even if your median voter doesn't care much, politicos and politicians on the right will long remember it.

    I would say I am 65/35 that Trump will win if Biden stays in at this point. Historically he always over preformed his polling by a lot and right now he is winning every swing state and even the popular vote.

    If he wins, it's quite likely he has the House and Senate. If that happens, I'm 90/10 sure they are going to abolish the filibuster to push through a lot of new legislation to ensure they are less likely to lose elections in the future. As is, the system already heavily favors them (they have won more votes in just one election in over a third of a century and that was with the benefit of an incumbency they got while earning less votes). However, it's very clear that demographics are not on their side, and so the only two options seem to be radically changing the party, which is not really an option with Trumpism, or finding out some sort of system of minority rule.

    This certainly strengthens the hand of the "Second American Revolution," camp in the GOP.
  • RogueAI
    I'm 90/10 sure they are going to abolish the filibuster to push through a lot of new legislation to ensure they are less likely to lose elections in the future.Count Timothy von Icarus

    They won't have the votes to do this. At best, they'll have a margin of 1 or 2. Susan Collins would never go through with it.
  • Count Timothy von Icarus

    Much of the details about Biden will be forgotten

    Sure but he is President and campaigning for a second term, so he can't avoid going on TV, which means similar things will keep happening.
  • frank
    If that shot had been just a few inches to the right. :sad:
  • Mr Bee
    I would say I am 65/35 that Trump will win if Biden stays in at this point. Historically he always over preformed his polling by a lot and right now he is winning every swing state and even the popular vote.Count Timothy von Icarus

    LOL, I'd say it's 80/20. Trump is gonna get a bump from this whole assassination attempt and be seen as a martyr to his rabid cult. Meanwhile the Dems are running an unpopular uninspiring octogenarian in cognitive decline who's selfishly gambling away our futures for a second term in office.

    If that happens, I'm 90/10 sure they are going to abolish the filibuster to push through a lot of new legislation to ensure they are less likely to lose elections in the future.Count Timothy von Icarus

    This is less likely since the GOP don't really need the filibuster to do alot of what they want, which is cut taxes for the rich and defunding every government program out there. The Democrats would benefit way more from getting rid of it since their policies tend to be more popular.
  • Mikie
    Trump pumping his fist after an assassination attempt will reverberate through historyNOS4A2


    It’ll reverberate on Twitter for a week.

    I imagine the long term effects are more likely to be in the form of Trump being more vindictive and focused on retribution against his political enemiesCount Timothy von Icarus

    So no real change.

    Anyway— remember when his mug shot was supposed to be the biggest thing of all time? Now it’s barely mentioned or remembered.
  • NOS4A2

    Sure but he is President and campaigning for a second term, so he can't avoid going on TV, which means similar things will keep happening.

    Yeah, I’m curious to see what his statement about the attempt will be, especially since he’s been saying we need to stop Trump for his whole presidency.

    Never mind. His social media handlers have already pushed it.

  • NOS4A2
    Crazy photo.

  • Mikie
    Already bored. NOS has turned it into Trump propaganda, as usual. :yawn: I wonder if he’ll change his profile picture again? Fingers crossed!
  • NOS4A2
    Xtrix already in defense mode. Didn’t take long.
  • Mikie
    At least they know what schoolchildren face every day thanks to their sick policies. Thoughts and prayers.
  • NOS4A2
    It was policy, not soy-boy psychopathy.
  • Mikie
    Trump has the equivalent of being cut shaving, and look at the tears and outrage from the cult. :lol:

  • tim wood
    The Secret Service needs something - maybe a lot of people to be fired. Never mind that some fool with a rifle (apparently), conspicuous enough so that (apparently, again) some people saw him minutes before the shooting and tried to alert police, got close enough - never mind that. What the videos show is that once shot, it took them too many seconds to get to him, and when they got to him and finally got him up, his head is presented for long seconds as a perfect target. Some held up their hands to block any view, but unless those hands are made of solid steel.... In sum it is clear that once shot, the Secret Service did not really know what it was doing or how to do it. Maybe they need to practice, like any football team needs to practice.

    The reports on this event are going to be interesting.
  • praxis
    But the image of Trump pumping his fist after an assassination attempt will reverberate through history. It’s quite profound to be privy to all this stuff.NOS4A2

    If he would have refused to leave or at least resisted fleeing, that would have been remarkable. But he acted exactly like someone in his entitled position acts. Run away, stay safe and protected.
  • NOS4A2

    Yeah, I can’t believe he left after being shot. Crazy.
  • Wayfarer
    Yeah only an assassination attempt on the leading Republican Presidential contender, missed by about a centimetre.

  • Mikie

    He’ll be whining for years about this, of course. Someone else actually died— but he’ll milk his papercut for all it’s worth.

    If he actually got shot and jumped up to fist pump— that would be something. As soon as everything was safe and he was surrounded by secret service— that’s when he immediately started the theater.

    Eh, whatever. Let the tough guy have his few days in the news.
  • Tzeentch
    It's pretty much unthinkable that security was alerted of a gunman and did nothing.

    Very... erm... "strange."
  • praxis
    Yeah, I can’t believe he left after being shot. Crazy.NOS4A2

    It doesn’t live up to the cult fantasy, but that won’t stop them from fantasizing that he was forced to run away.
  • Wayfarer
    ‘The FBI has identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa., as the suspected shooter at former president Donald Trump’s rally, in what the agency is calling an assassination attempt. The shooter was killed. Crooks is a registered Republican, according to the state’s voter status records.‘
  • Benkei
    Americans love fighters so Trump surviving this and his impeccable instincts with his fist pumping will win him the presidency.
  • Wayfarer
    Right! For anyone else, it might be a ‘sad commentary on the state of politics’. Or an ‘outrageous attack on democracy’. But for the campaign, it’s an opportunity!
  • substantivalism
    Yeah, I can’t believe he left after being shot. Crazy.NOS4A2
    Teddy didn't leave immediately and apparently he continued doing a speech for 50min WITH it having not grazed him but gone into his chest. Then accepted medical attention only after.

    Trump. . . the TRUE American. . . pumped his fist and then shuffled off into safety shortly after.
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