• Mikie
    powerful and poignant speechWayfarer

    Sorry buddy— I just don’t see it. Most of these speeches are lame. But it doesn’t really matter.
  • unenlightened
    Where do the whites go?NOS4A2

    Everywhere else.
  • NOS4A2

    Everywhere and nowhere.
  • unenlightened
    No solidarity amongst whites, that's the problem. :wink:
  • NOS4A2

    You didn’t watch “White Dudes for Harris”? The only things missing are the white pillowcases.

  • Wayfarer
    Most of these speeches are lameMikie

    I was referring to Biden's farewell speech in particular. But then, I admit I'm emotionally attached to the outcome of the election in a way that, if it were any other time and any other pair of candidates, I woudn't be.
  • Mikie

    :up: I get it. Trump bring re-elected would be a disaster. I very much hope he loses and will be voting against him. But I still very much dislike these silly conventions. Compared to the RNC, it’s boring. But that’s a compliment.
  • Wayfarer
    One point I will call out - there are tons of stories about Republican operatives and politicians ‘pleading with Trump’ to stop campaigning on insults and to try to ‘concentrate on policy’. They say that if Trump campaigns on economic policy, taxation and immigration that he has a strong suit. The problem is, it just ain’t true. First, Trump can only campaign on lies, insults and exaggerations, because they are his only weapons. Second, Biden’s economic record is better than the previous administration. Trump himself tanked the most aggressive border control policy that had ever been agreed to by a Democratic President just to be able to brag about the issue. And his taxation policies favour the rich.

    He’s sporadically trying to be ‘teleprompter Trump’ on the podium from time to time, but ‘Truth Social Trump’ will always, well, trump the effort. I expect the more he lags in polls the more desperate, spiteful and vindictive he will become. A truly vicious circle.
  • unenlightened
    We are so polite and restrained on this site, as if we were all democrats or something. But have a proper gander at how the republicans take on The great golf cheat.

    But for a really lame speech, the NDC can't compete with the Orange Baby recently declaring himself the defender of law and order, (you have to smile, surely?) and giving a purported 'economic speech', both in a monotone of sleepy dreariness that even Fox gave up on following. I won't give links to spare the blushes of the apologists, but you can find them I guess if you want to.
  • NOS4A2
    Biden’s inner-circle worked to conceal his decline, according to the WaPo editorial board. But in their obsequious adulation for Biden’s wisdom in stepping down (a roundabout way of saying he was pressured to leave), they skirt past the fact that a man in decline is still the commander-in-chief of the country, in charge of the military and foreign policy, holds the nuclear codes, even while he can’t remember the name of his own Secretary of State (known to Biden as “Black man”). Who’s running the country? No one seems to care.


    In other news, “One of the biggest revisions by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the United States added 818,000 fewer jobs between April 2023 and March 2024.”

    This is all par for the course for the Potemkin administration, a blizzard of lies and deceit, with its vice president and second in command now taking up the mantle as its next virtual president.

  • frank

    The unemployment rate was still at historic lows during that time, which wasn't really a good thing from a neoliberal pov.
  • Mikie
    First, Trump can only campaign on lies, insults and exaggerations, because they are his only weapons. Second, Biden’s economic record is better than the previous administration.Wayfarer

  • praxis
    In other news, “One of the biggest revisions by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the United States added 818,000 fewer jobs between April 2023 and March 2024.”NOS4A2

    If Trump can be believed this is good news because he reported that those jobs were filled by illegal immigrants. Good news or part of a blizzard of lies and deceit?
  • Benkei
    I loved Michelle Obama's comment that was something like "who knows, [the Presidency] might just be one of those black jobs". :rofl:
  • unenlightened
    Hey guys, I'm struck by how many fairly prominent seeming republicans are speaking at the DNC. Is that a normal thing in your politics? In the UK, we occasionally get someone swapping sides, but they tend to be regarded with suspicion and sidelined. I don't think I have ever seen a UK Tory saying "I'm still a conservative, but please vote Labour this time, because our leader is a corrupt and destructive person." Nor vice versa. There were Labour politicians undermining Jeremy Corbyn when he was leader, but none that spoke at the Conservative Conference. It just seems an extraordinary event to me; is it normal in the US?
  • Mikie
    I don't think I have ever seen a UK Tory saying "I'm still a conservative, but please vote Labour this time, because our leader is a corrupt and destructive person."unenlightened

    It’s not typical to have your former press Secretary tell people to vote against you, no. Even in this country. Trump is just that awful.
  • Fooloso4
    Hey guys, I'm struck by how many fairly prominent seeming republicans are speaking at the DNC. Is that a normal thing in your politics?unenlightened

    What makes this so extraordinary is that Republicans under Trump regard Democrats as the enemy and do not dare cross party lines. If Trump loses we are much more likely to see Republicans return to the idea, if not the practice, up putting country before party.
  • Mikie
    So RFK will drop out on Friday, and will endorse Trump. Big surprise.

    Shows what a spineless weirdo he always has been, and now solidifies his place as having one of the worst judgments in history.
  • Baden

    Given Stephanie Grisham's record--including her previous defence for Trump calling Never-Trumpers "human scum"--it seems highly unlikely she is doing anything other than using the DNC as a free advertising platform for her book. Wealthy establishment conservatives, like those on the Lincoln project, I guess, realize Trump threatens instability and the Democratic same ol' works better for them. I doubt any of the objectors are concerned with actual corruption or lack of morality as there is no morality to be found anywhere in American politics and corruption is systematic and desirable for both parties.
  • NOS4A2

    It’s been that way for a while. It’s the establishment vs. the outsiders. Many warmongering neoconservatives like Bill Kristol, David Frum, Michael Steele, and other Bush/McCain worshippers have fled the GOP to find their rightful place among their DNC allies. Meanwhile establishment and deep state critics like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK have seemingly fled that backstabbing cabal for the Trump camp.
  • Baden
    It’s been that way for a while. It’s the establishment vs. the outsiders.NOS4A2

    There's some truth in that, but it doesn't make the outsiders the "good guys". Stephanie Grisham was right when she said Trump has no morals. She just left out the bit about her and the Democrats also having no morals.
  • NOS4A2

    True enough. But the fracturing of these parties and the subsequent realignment is very interesting to watch. Who knows what will become of them over the next few administrations?
  • Mikie
    highly unlikely she is doing anything other than using the DNC as a free advertising platform for her book.Baden

    True— but money-grubbing conservatives existed during Romney and McCain’s and Bush and Reagan’s time too. Didn’t see them at the DNC. Then again, those guys weren’t (rightfully) demonized like Trump is.

    I don’t pay much mind to the theatrics. The whole convention is ridiculous. And I have costal real estate to sell to anyone who gets teary-eyed over these speeches.
  • praxis
    I have costal real estate to sell to anyone who gets teary-eyed over these speeches.Mikie

    How much?
  • Baden

    I'm not too interested in the gory details but the political shifts that are being experienced are symptomatic of social fractures that may signal the inherent unsustainability of neoliberalism and the delusion of the "end of history" paradigm. I'm not sure that leads anywhere good in the short term.
  • NOS4A2

    I suspect Europe, as the crucible of the worst ideologies, will have more of an issue than over here and much quicker. Same with what’s left of the commonwealth. But I also suspect the US isn’t far behind.
  • unenlightened
    I have costal real estate to sellMikie

    Sell it now! Next year it might be territorial waters, or at least uninsurable.
  • frank
    Harris and Walz seem bullet proof while Trump and Vance can't catch a break. I wasn't expecting this.
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