• Baden

    They got RFK's endorsement though. According to polymarket, they are (very slight) favourites to win now.
  • frank
    They got RFK's endorsement though. According to polymarket, they are (very slight) favourites to win now.Baden

    I wonder if they're calculating that by the popular vote or by predicting how the swing states will go. Probably by swing states.
  • Baden

    It's a betting market, so it's sentiment based. I think Harris will still win but just barely.
  • Mr Bee
    So RFK will drop out on Friday, and will endorse Trump. Big surprise.

    Shows what a spineless weirdo he always has been, and now solidifies his place as having one of the worst judgments in history.

    Funny how he went from being a "useful chaos agent" according to Steve Bannon to ultimately being a drag on the Republicans so much that they had to hang him up. I'm guessing the right by propping him up so much in the media wanted to recreate the Bernie magic that divided the left and got us Trump in 2016. Fortunately they had no idea what actually made Sanders popular and ended up making someone who was more likely to peel votes away from the right instead. The anti-vax stuff wasn't gonna appeal to anyone except the far right who still obsesses over COVID to this day, and although Kennedy could've adopted a more pro-Palestinian stance to contrast with Biden, he ultimately ended up being more pro-Zionist than Genocide Joe.
  • Mikie

    Yeah. I at least applaud that he takes climate change as the existential threat that it is. Maybe that brings some sanity to the Republicans, if only at the margins. Otherwise he’s useless.
  • Mr Bee
    I was willing to give him some attention back when he ran because of his record as an environmental lawyer. Lost it when he said that his approach to climate change was to leave it to the free market. Like it sounds good for the right wing audience on Fox that propped him up, but god they have no idea what progressives care about.

    In all likelihood Trump probably promised him a position as the Secretary of Health and Human Services which is where he would likely have influence. So add anti-vaxxer leading the department of health to the growing list of dangers of a second Trump term.
  • Mikie
    Lost it when he said that his approach to climate change was to leave it to the free market.Mr Bee

    The free market. The deus ex machina of all crypto-plutocrats. That wonderful abstract bullshit reason given whenever you don’t want the government to regulate your pet industry.

    The free market. Doesn’t exist, but the closer we get to it, the worse things become. Probably the stupidest concept there is— but so many people believe in it as if it were God. Another one of those indicators you can use to determine just he how big of an idiot you interlocutor is — as soon as they bust that one out, you know. That and “the climate is always changing” :lol:
  • NOS4A2
    Imagine JD Vance doing this.

  • Tzeentch
    Kamala mentioned something about tyrants and dictators, mimicking Joe's terminology vis-á-vis Russia and China.

    Not only does this show a complete inability for diplomacy, but also a complete unwillingness - much like what we have seen during the Biden administration.

    This doesn't bode well for the rest of the world.

    I don't think the world is ready for Joe 2.0.
  • Benkei
    Do what exactly?
  • NOS4A2
    RFK rips into his own party, the deep state, and endorses Trump. An important speech.

  • praxis

    He’s dedicated to truth, democracy, and saving Americans from being poisoned by big agriculture/pharmaceuticals… so he endorses Trump. :chin:

    Just another slimy politician doing what’s best for himself.
  • Mikie

    Just to quell any speculation, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I join Donald Trump on an electoral ticket. Our positions on certain fundamental issues, our approaches to governance, and our philosophies of leadership
    could not be further apart.

    — The integrity and independence candidate.
  • Baden
    Just another slimy politician doing what’s best for himself.praxis

    Probably the worst thing about him is the fusion of antisemitism (e.g. his veiled suggestion that the Jews and Chinese got together to launch COVID), his staunch support for Israel's war on Gaza, and a central pillar of his platform being that he's anti-war. The hypocrisy / opportunism combo there is audacious even for an American politician.
  • Tzeentch
    [...] his staunch support for Israel's war on Gaza, and a central pillar of his platform being that he's anti-war. The hypocrisy / opportunism combo there is audacious even for an American politician.Baden

    That's quite literally what the Biden/Harris administration is doing right now, though.

    They threaten Israel with menacing finger-wagging and taps on the wrist, while literally supplying the bombs they are throwing on schools in Gaza.
  • Baden

    Absolutely. I think I've made clear before there are no morals to be found on any side. I can understand Americans having practical reasons to prefer one over the other though.
  • Mr Bee
    It's just unfortunate that it's coming from this third side that claims to be above the two party system. As someone who's supportive of more party representation in US politics I think RFK did a disservice to the whole movement by selling out the way he did as apparently some smaller third parties are gonna go under because of his decision. Personally I don't think he ever meant to serve as anything other than a spoiler candidate for the Dems (and I am absolutely not shocked at how this ended up), but based on the reaction from some of his supporters, they seem pretty upset at this. At least the Libertarian and Green parties are still there despite this being their 15th cycle of being irrelevant. Bobby couldn't even last one.
  • Baden

    Looks like the libertarians won't be flocking to Trump considering how RFK shat on them for some as yet unrevealed promise from the Orangeutan. I doubt they'll go Dem either though.
  • NOS4A2
    Just another supercut of the media coalescing around DNC rumors and reporting it.

  • Mikie
    “This will go down in history as #Beyoncegate


    24 hours later: totally forgotten.
  • fishfry
    sure buddy. Keep telling yourself that. I suppose a high level of delusion is necessary to be a Trump supporter.Benkei

    You know as I remember it -- I didn't go back to check -- you and I were going back and forth about whether it was a "coup." And you were claiming Biden stepped down willingly. At some point I didn't feel like arguing about it any more. Especially since neither of us are privy to what actually happened. Nancy and Barack and George Clooney didn't share their innermost thoughts with me; and I assume not with you either. So we're both guessing. The evidence support the proposition that Biden was forced out is pretty strong. The other day Pelosi said, "I did what I had to do." Another data point for my opinion.

    I don't think you have much in the way of a supportable point based on the widely-reported pressure that was brought to bear on Biden. And I don't think it's that important a hill to die on. So I withdrew from the conversation. This seems to make you unhappy. I regret that.

    Keep telling yourself that. I suppose a high level of delusion is necessary to be a Trump supporter.Benkei

    No doubt. But I came by it honestly, as a lifelong liberal Democrat and currently a disillusioned one. One of the seven to ten million Americans who voted for Obama and then Trump. You don't want to engage with us and that's sad.

    The Biden-Harris admin was a disaster and now Kamala is actually running against her own administration. A Martian watching the Dem convention would have had no idea that Kamala has been running the country (in the stead of the non compos demented Biden the past three and a half years. She actually said she's going to fix the border. She's been in charge of the border all this time. I just read that 70% of the voters don't know any of her past policy positions. She may yet get away with it.
  • fishfry
    Politically it will probably work out for herMr Bee

    Oh yes I quite agree. Price controls are popular. It's not till a ways down the road that the shortages and lines (queues for my British cousins) begin.

    An old article has been making the rounds. (pdf link)

    Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls

    Price controls have been failing for 4000 years. But yes you are absolutely right. They are very popular. Nixon's wage and price controls were popular till they failed.
  • fishfry
    ... and a central pillar of his platform being that he's anti-war.Baden

    I'm old enough to remember when liberals considered that a virtue.

    And there weren't any new wars while Trump was president. The world didn't blow up till Iran and Russia saw Biden's weakness. Some of us out here credit Trump and blame Biden for that. But don't worry about the defense contractors. Kam shouted out her strong support for the continuation of the wars. Yippee.
  • 180 Proof

    Orangeutan-see, Orangeutan-do: batshit RFK, Jr replaces fake-redneck JD Vance as VP canditate in MAGA-GOP bait-n-switch (instigated by Kelly Ann Conway) in the days or weeks to come. Will this trumpster fire blow up into a flaming hellscape by Kamala's September 10th debate beatdown? TBD.

    Roevember is coming! :victory: :cool:
  • Baden
    Monkey-see, Orangeutan-do: batshit RFK, Jr replaces fake-redneck JD Vance as VP canditate in MAGA-GOP bait-n-switch (instigated by Kelly Ann Conway) in the days or weeks to come.180 Proof

  • Benkei
    And you were claiming Biden stepped down willinglyfishfry

    Not what I said. So either you can't read or your memory is a sieve.
  • 180 Proof
    Just a speculation, more hope than worry.
  • Baden

    Got it. Well, polymarket has flipped Dem again, so I guess the RFK bump has been fleeting.
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