• Tarskian
    You may want to avoid ending up in lengthy and costly court battles in a western country.

    That is why the "four nos" policy is so useful:

    • No civil marriage
    • No cohabitation
    • No children
    • Preferably, no sex (subject to self-discipline)

    You can still do all of that outside the West, though. If you are careful, you can reasonably avoid these costly personal legal issues outside the West.

    It is very similar to the popular Chinese "four nos" trend:

    • No marriage
    • No dating
    • No children
    • No to buying a house

    Chinese Youth: The Rise of the "Four No's" Phenomenon


    This policy does not mean that you cannot achieve such goals in your private life. It just means that you will have to achieve them elsewhere.

    Nowadays, jurisdiction shopping has become an essential instrument for managing otherwise potentially very costly legal risks.

    In terms of national politics, it mostly means that you cannot count on the individual to wait for the ruling class to make up their minds and finally fix the problem.

    As every business knows, competition is real. It is never the problem that will go away by itself. It is always the customer who will.
  • Lionino
    a western countryTarskian

    No such thing. A barbarian delusion at best.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    The capacity to uphold a "no" is the most significant moral challenge that there is. It is called "will power", and if we all had it we could make our vises disappear into thin air, and we'd float to heaven as angels. You are recommending four nos which means quadruple the effort of what most of us have difficulty doing once.

    But in the fine print, you are not really insisting on nos, you are suggesting that we go off somewhere else, and do it where no one is looking. What kind of life is that, a life of deception?
  • Tarskian
    But in the fine print, you are not really insisting on nos, you are suggesting that we go off somewhere else, and do it where no one is looking.Metaphysician Undercover

    It's all about avoiding court cases.

    I simply don't want them.

    It's the same in business. If I suspect that a business deal will lead to a court case, I won't do it or I will do it with someone else, or possibly in another jurisdiction.

    But then again, if it still leads to a court case, I want to stand a fair chance in trial. Even though the very fact that it has to come to a court case is already a failure in itself, there will still still be an expectation of fairness.

    In my opinion, conflict avoidance is an essential life strategy. Things tend to go wrong already without adding the avoidable ingredient of conflict.
  • Baden
    It's all about avoiding court cases.

    I simply don't want them.

    But who cares what you want?

    You haven't made any coherent argument that living in the "West" is a relative legal risk in general.
  • Tarskian
    You haven't made any coherent argument that living in the "West" is a relative legal risk in general.Baden

    Close to half of the population will live through a harrowing court case, called "divorce". It is a byproduct of civil marriage. No civil marriage means no divorce court case.

    Cohabitation is routinely reclassified as some alternative form of civil marriage in the West, i.e. common-law marriage. Therefore, even cohabitation must be avoided for legal reasons. This is not the case anywhere outside the West.

    Furthermore, you do not want to get involved in a child-support related legal case in a western country. You can avoid this problem by not having children in a western jurisdiction.

    But who cares what you want?Baden

    I obviously do. Lots of other people are actually saying the same things:


    Men Are Sharing The Specific Reasons They Don't Want To Get Married, And Several Are Eye-Opening

    4. "It creates a contractual agreement between two parties that either party can withdraw from the contract at any time. However, the less well-off party can have the state order the more well-off party to give a substantial amount of income to them just because they decided to void the contract. If you did not describe this as marriage, any lawyer would tell you to run. I have no desire to involve the state in my relationship just to hand someone a tool to ruin my life with."

    9. "Most of the women I know seem to view marriage as an opportunity for social media photos rather than a real commitment. Combine that with the family court's hostility toward men, and it's just a recipe for disaster. Plus, I've heard 'forever' from too many women to believe it anymore."

    But then again, I have also pointed out that you can avoid many of these problems by moving your private life outside the West.
  • frank
    In Ohio you can just go to the drugstore and buy the paperwork for a divorce. It's cheap. You fill it out with your spouse, appear before a judge, and you're divorced. It's easy
  • Baden

    Your concern is that some woman you committed yourself to will take your money or you will have to support any children you have rather than be able to shag some farmer's daughter in outer Mongolia and just move on to the next jurisdiction where you have more money than the locals when things get complicated, right?

    Because that's a rather narrow view of "avoiding legal issues". You may find that an absence of strictly enforceable / codified law in farmers-daughter-rich hinterlands could lead to you getting arrested just for looking the wrong way at a bigwig or to having to fork out a massive bribe after being tempted into a compromising situation caused by your patronising complacency.

    You'd be better off talking directly about your problem with "the West", i.e. family law, than coming at it from this odd self-defeating angle.
  • Tarskian
    In Ohio you can just go to the drugstore and buy the paperwork for a divorce. It's cheap. You fill it out with your spouse, appear before a judge, and you're divorced. It's easyfrank


    Divorce in Ohio With Children
    Law Office of Dmitriy Borshchak

    Divorce is always difficult. That’s especially true if you’re considering divorce in Ohio with children. Divorces involving children are generally contentious, require more work, complicated, and much more consequential.

    At the Law Office of Dmitriy Borshchak, our Columbus family law lawyers understand the challenges of getting a divorce when you’re a parent.

    The difficulty that exists in Columbus, Ohio can however be avoided automatically by sticking to the 4 no's policy: No marriage, no cohabitation, no children, and preferably no sex, in any western country, including Ohio State.
  • Tarskian
    Because that's a rather narrow view of "avoiding legal issues".Baden

    There's the Passport Bro movement which advises pretty much the same policy but for other reasons.

    The Passport Bro Movement: Exploring Why Men Are Fed Up and Leaving Western Society

    Why becoming a passport bro is the best decision I've ever made

    The articles mentions all kinds of reasons why they prefer this lifestyle. I personally do it to avoid legal issues.
  • Baden

    Yes, that's where I thought you were coming from. But given just the silly name for a start, the "Passport Bro"s don't sound like a movement any intelligent person would want to be associated with. I don't like living in Western countries either but it's because I find them generally stifling and over-expensive. The idea that I'm somehow legally safer in less developed more corrupt jurisdictions makes no sense to me except from the very narrow angle of "family law" you seem concerned with. That's why I'm saying just come out and deal with that instead of mixing it up with other stuff.
  • Sir2u
    Close to half of the population will live through a harrowing court case, called "divorce". It is a byproduct of civil marriage. No civil marriage means no divorce court case.

    But then again, I have also pointed out that you can avoid many of these problems by moving your private life outside the West.

    It is just as you say here in the west, maybe we should all do as they do in the east. No divorce needed, just stone them to death.
  • Tarskian
    It is just as you say here in the west, maybe we should all do as they do in the east. No divorce needed, just stone them to death.Sir2u

    That is a false dichotomy.

    In fact, you can still physically live in the West. However, in order to avoid legal trouble, you'd better give up on your private life. A lot of people do that, actually. Especially young men are staying single nowadays:


    A recent Pew Research study has found that 63% of men under 30 describe themselves as single, compared with 34% of women in the same age bracket.

    They may not use a catchy slogan like in China ("4 no's") but they seem to be doing the same. Furthermore, it does not make sense to have children in the West. You will just end up paying child support for children that you will barely see. I do not understand why anybody still takes that risk.
  • Baden
    You will just end up paying child support for children that you will barely seeTarskian

    Not if you don't screw up your relationship.

    . I do not understand why anybody still takes that risk.Tarskian

    Maybe they have faith in their ability not to screw up their relationship.
  • Baden
    This all seems based on the idea that women are evil and aim to get pregnant so they can torture men emotionally and take their money. And men that don't leave their "Western" country are naive victims of a system rigged against them. And you're a hero because poor farmers want to give you their daughters. Or something. All very broish and immature so far.
  • Tarskian
    Maybe they have faith in their ability not to screw up their relationship.Baden

    They simply misunderstand the incentive structure created by the legal system. If someone gets paid cash and prizes for blowing up the relationship, that is exactly what they are going to be doing.

    Show me the incentive, I’ll show you the outcome.

    -- Charlie Munger
  • Baden
    If someone gets paid cash and prizes for blowing up the relationship, that is exactly what they are going to be doing.Tarskian

    Indeed, the thesis is:
    based on the idea that women are evil and aim ...to torture men emotionally and take their money.Baden

    Your view is stupid and superficial. And keep a lid on the misogyny.
  • Tarskian
    If someone gets paid cash and prizes for blowing up the relationship, that is exactly what they are going to be doing.Tarskian

    Your view is stupid and superficial. And keep a lid on the misogyny.Baden

    I did not mention the gender of the "someone" getting paid cash and prizes. That is not necessary because these laws do not mention that either. It could actually be either. In theory, these laws are equally dangerous to men as to women. You are the one trying to mention genders here. Furthermore, you incorrectly interpret these laws in one particular direction in order to shoehorn some imaginary "misogyny" into the conversation.

    The solution is: no civil marriage, no cohabitation, no children, and preferably no sex (both in China and) in the West. That avoids serious legal problems for both men and women. That is why this lifestyle policy is clearly in everybody's best interest.
  • frank

    Yes. You might like this video:

  • Baden
    I did not mention the gender of the "someone" getting paid cash and prizesTarskian

    I think I can guess the gender of the Passport Bros' nemeses.

    The solution is: no civil marriage, no cohabitation, no children, and preferably no sex (both in China and) in the West. That avoids serious legal problems for both men and women. That is why this lifestyle policy is clearly in everybody's best interest.Tarskian

    Until there are no people left in one generation.
  • Tarskian
    I think I can guess the gender of the Passport Bro's nemeses.Baden

    At travelgirls.com women are actually doing something similar.


    Why travel with us?

    Are you looking for someone to share your next trip with?
    With over 2 million members and countless matches, Travelgirls might be just the right place to start.

    The "travel girls" apparently want to travel with a man to another country.

    Of course, their motivations are again different.

    I would never do it, however, because the entire setup sounds too much like "human trafficking". So, they can count me out for that approach. If you ever send a message to someone on that kind of site, it could already be viewed as "attempted human trafficking".

    Until there are no people left in one generation.Baden

    Not globally.

    It is still perfectly possible to have children in a jurisdiction in which the laws are not so dangerous. In fact, you just do the same things as otherwise but not in a country where it could backfire.
  • Baden

    OK, well, I can't say I quite get what you're at but if it's not the usual "blame women for men's woes" schtick we periodically get here, it's not a problem.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    It's the same in business. If I suspect that a business deal will lead to a court case, I won't do it or I will do it with someone else, or possibly in another jurisdiction.Tarskian

    Why would you suspect that dating would lead to a court case, unless you were planning on doing something wrong on that date?
  • Tarskian
    Why would you suspect that dating would lead to a court case, unless you were planning on doing something wrong on that date?Metaphysician Undercover

    This subject is sheer impossible to discuss because it requires distinguishing between man and woman. They will no longer be simply interchangeable in the narrative. If you do that, you can easily find yourself on the receiving end of "misogyny" or "misandry" accusations.

    That is why it is preferable not to discuss the detailed specifics of inter-gender dynamics.

    You cannot just take the initiative to try something, no matter how minor or innocuous, and hope that things will go alright because even though your attempt was undoubtedly expected, it may not be well received, and any such failed attempt is already potentially a serious legal matter.

    In other words, don't ask anybody out unless you know that they will agree, but you cannot know that unless you try, and that is how you end up at the HR department.

    Furthermore, the entire process is like that from the beginning till the end. In every step of the way, it is generally not possible to ask. That would be too awkward. Instead, you are supposed to try. By trying, however, you are taking a massive legal risk. That is why you'd better don't try anything. It is simply not worth it. So, just don't do it.

    In other places on the globe, it is less dangerous to do that, because the potential legal consequences won't escalate through the roof that easily.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    You cannot just take the initiative to try something, no matter how minor or innocuous, and hope that things will go alright because even though your attempt was undoubtedly expected, it may not be well received, and any such failed attempt is already potentially a serious legal matter.Tarskian

    So a person should avoid ever trying anything new in one's life if one doesn't want the potential for a serious legal matter? Don't even go out the door, it's simply not worth the risk. How could you ever find that land of milk and honey, where you can do whatever you want and not worry about legal consequences, if you're so afraid to do anything that you can't even leave your house?
  • Benkei
    Laws in place to protect weaker party from stronger party. Poster believes he's stronger party and unwilling to carry responsibility for consequences of choices and then continues to blame laws, thereby demonstrating his own weakness for being unwilling to bear consequences of his choices like an actual man.

    Morally speaking, you should take care of your children and in some cases your former partner, because people tend to give up things for the other, often entire careers, to stay in lasting relationships. Maybe you should get pregnant some time, see how it agrees with you.

    @Baden correctly identified this as dumb immature shit.
  • Tarskian
    So a person should avoid ever trying anything new in one's life if one doesn't want the potential for a serious legal matter?Metaphysician Undercover

    That entirely depends on the legal system. The same decision that may be a non-issue in one jurisdiction will result in a lengthy prison sentence in another jurisdiction. That is why jurisdiction shopping is such an important tool.
  • Tarskian
    Morally speaking, you should take care of your children and in some cases your former partner,Benkei

    All morality emanates from the laws of the Almighty. In Islamic law, you never take care of a former partner. Furthermore, after the age of reason, custody of children reverts to the father of the children.

    "Morally speaking" is always according to a particular moral theory. What a particular parliament has invented, does not bind anyone in terms of morality, and it certainly does not apply outside national borders.

    There simply is no established moral theory in the West. That is the number one reason why Islam is now gradually but surely taking over Europe.

    What you advocate, on the other hand, creates a perverse incentive structure that will rather sooner than later destroy western society. It is exactly the most vulnerable people who will suffer the most from such societal collapse.
  • fishfry
    Preferably, no sex (subject to self-discipline)Tarskian

    Self-discipline ... I don't even wanna ask.
  • Baden
    What you advocate, on the other hand, creates a perverse incentive structure that will rather sooner than later destroy western society. It is exactly the most vulnerable people who will suffer the most from such societal collapse.Tarskian

    Generalising from @Benkei's earlier point: If social collapse happens, it will be due to laws not adequately protecting the economically weak but allowing for their exploitation by the rich. At a macro scale, this can relate to tax policy, or at a more micro scale, family law, where partners who sacrifice more in a relationship are never compensated or if parents are not legally obliged to financially support their children.

    So, the situation is the opposite to how you present it. You appear to be financially self-sufficient but seem to feel that, to maintain social stability, people like you are the ones who should be protected more than the vulnerable, such as children who aren't being supported by their fathers, or mothers who can't afford child care so they can go out and work. You are not presenting any kind of a moral theory but a purely self-interested strategy.

    The same decision that may be a non-issue in one jurisdiction will result in a lengthy prison sentence in another jurisdiction. That is why jurisdiction shopping is such an important tool.Tarskian

    What exactly are you afraid you will be imprisoned for? I've lived in Western countries and not only never heard of anyone going to prison for a dating misunderstanding, I've never heard anyone even talk about anyone they know having that issue. Maybe you should look at the statistics. Or just consider using common sense. Your "fears" seem overblown.

    That is the number one reason why Islam is now gradually but surely taking over Europe.Tarskian

    Is all of this just a roundabout way of saying Islamic countries are better than Western countries?
  • Tarskian
    family law, where partners who sacrifice more in a relationship are never compensated or if parents are not legally obliged to financially support their children.Baden

    If you need your spouse to provide for you, it is your job to make sure that he voluntarily wants to keep doing that.

    You cannot outsource this to other men to somehow force him. That will only lead to conflict and even war, which the men on your side will simply lose.

    In fact, the men on your side generally do not even want to fight anymore. You live in a society that the men generally no longer want to defend. Why would they? What's in it for them?

    Is all of this just a roundabout way of saying Islamic countries are better than Western countries?Baden

    Muslim men are willing to risk their lives and die for what they believe in. Western men are not.
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